Old Name of Channel : CSE Paper 2 Atish www.atishmathur.com
Good Morning,
The IR final open lecture for Mains 2023 shall be conducted on 9th August 2023 at 11 a.m. This will be followed by the final lecture lecture on Social Issues covering Vulnerable Sections, Poverty & Hunger at 2 p.m with a lunch break at 1:30 p.m.
This is due to a change in venue. The lecture shall be held at the new Unacademy Classroom at Tiwai House, Pusa, Road, Old Rajinder Nagar. It is on the main road itself and the location for the same is https://maps.app.goo.gl/NGTHfAgwoNCSzg2J9?g_st=iw. The nearest metro station is Rajinder Place.
Registered students on the form link shared previously are welcome, students who wish to attend and were not able to register previously may send an email and confirmation shall be communicated.
Thank you.
1. All Offline Magna Carta (Mains 2023) Students can collect their sectional test’s corrected answer scripts from the Office Reception from 9 a.m. onwards on 5 August 2023.
2. Offline Magna Carta (Mains 2023) students who have submitted answers other than the sectional tests can also collect them at the Office Reception from 9 a.m. onwards on 5 August 2023.
3. Students who have submitted their answer scripts online may check their Inbox/Spam from 9 a.m. onwards on 7th August 2023.
4. Several students have requested for an open lecture to cover International Relations for the Mains. Consequently, as a part of the ongoing Magna Carta (Mains 2023), the lectures on International Relations shall be covered on 6th August 2023 in one day. You are recommended to attend these open lectures even if you are writing the Mains next year as it would help you prepare relevantly. Link to register for the same is https://forms.gle/m5XBiVxL2nfWp2GT6
5. Therefore, the remainder Social Justice Lecture on Poverty, Hunger, and Vulnerable sections shall be conducted at the usual time of 2 p.m. on 7th August 2023 instead. This would be last lecture for Magna Carta (Mains) 2023 only to supplemented with another lecture covering developments occurred in the recent weeks for Mains 2023.
6. You may email at contact@atishmathur.com in case of any follow up.
Thank you
Lec 9A : Social Justice : Social Sectors : Education, Health, Human Resources
Читать полностью…Lec 8E : Ethics in Public Life, Corporate Governance.
Читать полностью…https://www.atishmathur.com/post/what-a-month-june-2023-monthly-current-affairs-magazine
Читать полностью…Urgent: A lot of students writing the Mains 2023 have requested for the following topics to be covered openly :
1. Elections, Election Commission of India, Representation of People's Act, Electoral Reforms
2. Role of Civil Services, Civil Service Reforms
3. Anti Corruption Policy (Laws, Institutions, Reforms)
Consequently, I am conducting an open lecture covering the above topics for all students appearing for the Mains 2023 on 20th July 2023 from 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. This lecture shall also be covered parallel topics relating to the above in Paper IV as well. Handouts for the same shall also be provided. The lecture is free to attend but prior confirmation is mandatory as the seating capacity is limited. The same lecture would also be available online for free after a few days.
This open lecture is part of the ongoing Magna Carta (Mains) 2023 and priority seating is catered for the enrolled students.
Students willing to attend the open lecture must fill the form below :
A confirmation email from my end shall be sent out to the students as well.
Thank you.
Good Afternoon,
I have responded to most queries with respect to filling up of DAF I for Mains 2023.
If your question has not been responded to or if you have a question, please email at contact@atishmathur.com with the subject line : DAF I Mains 2023; and will respond within the day as tomorrow is the last day to submit your DAF I.
Good Morning,
The offline and online students who have not written the sectional test can write the test today anytime between 11 am and 5 pm at the Classroom, 3rd Floor Croma Building.
Online students can also submit the test over email at contact@atishmathur.com with subject line : Magna Carta (Mains) 2033 Polity Sectional Test
The class would be held at 2 pm tomorrow.
Good Morning,
Both offline and online students can come attempt the sectional test for Polity today between 2 pm and 5 pm at the Classroom Centre, 3rd Floor, Croma Building.
We would have our class on good governance tomorrow at 2 pm.
Thank you.
Polity Magna Carta (Mains) 2023 Sectional Test (except Bodies as bodies covered in conjuction with Governance)
Читать полностью…L7 : Non State Actors : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023
Читать полностью…Good Evening,
A lot of students while filing DAF I for Mains 2023 reached out with regards to non possession of final degree certificate.
If you do not have the final degree certificate from your institution and getting the same at the moment isn't feasible then you can attach the provisional certificate and/or final trascript issued by your institution.
The UPSC had restricted some candidates from appearing in the Mains and Interview over the last two years over the same issue and my legal team and I had sought SC's intervention in both these matters in 2021 and 2022. While the SC ruling in our favour, had directed the UPSC to allow candidates to appear in the Mains or the Interview even if they do not currently posses the final degree, the said judgement was a specific direction and not a precedent. This is indicative in the sense that non possesion of the final degree certificate currently shouldn't be an issue.
Thank you.
L5B(II): Local Self Government & L5C: Doctrines & Comparisons
Читать полностью…L5A : Separation of Powers : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023
Читать полностью…https://www.atishmathur.com/post/what-a-month-may-2023-monthly-current-affairs-magazine
Читать полностью…Lec 10 A : Neighbourhood : IR : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023
Читать полностью…Good Morning, the lecture today shall be conducted at the usual time of 2 p.m.
Читать полностью…Good Morning,
Please note that the class today will be conducted at the usual 2 p.m. itself at the usual venue. Some topics such as Generalists v. Specialists, Neutrality, E-Governance and Social Audit shall also be carried forwarded today, and our Governance portion shall come to a close.
Thank you.
Lec 8D : Civil Services : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023
Читать полностью…Lec 8C : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023 : Good Governance & Thematic Bodies
Читать полностью…Good Morning;
The evaluations for Magna Carta (Mains) 2023 Offline is complete.
You may come collect your answer script once you receive a message asking you to do so.
Online evaluations shall be completed within the week, and students are requested to check their spam folder once a day for receipt of scripts.
The class for today has been moved to tomorrow, 2 pm due to an uplink issue.
Lec 8B : Good Governance & Thematic Bodies : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023
Читать полностью…Lec 8A : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023 : Polity & Governance Good Governance & Thematic Bodies
Читать полностью…Assessment matrix for evaluation; every question must be checked with intricate precision, this would help you self evaluate as well.
Читать полностью…Notice : The Venue for the Offline Class scheduled at 11 a.m. today would be Venue address : 11/11 Pusa road, Infront of BLK hospital. Near Rajendra Palace metro station
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/NGTHfAgwoNCSzg2J9?g_st=iw
This is an organisational error, apologies for the incovinience.
Thank you.
Urgent : Due to a back end of non availability of slot today, the Magna Carta Mains 2023 class has been pushed to tomorrow. Please note the following :
1. Tomorrow's Class (12 July 2023) : Shall be conducted from 11 a.m. till 5 p.m. so that we can finish Governance tomorrow itself, and then begin as well finish Social Justice this week itself as per our schedule.
2. The Polity Sectional Test shall conducted on 13 July 2023 between 2 pm and 5 pm. Both Offline and Online students can come attempt the test. As discussed in class, the syllabus shall entail the entire syllabus of Polity except Bodies and RoPA (as they are to be covered collected in Governance). Will also release the test on Telegram itself, if you are attempting the test, do not open the file before you actually attempt the test.
Though this is an organisational error, apologies for the incovinience.
Thank you.
L6 : Development Policy : Magna Carta (Mains 2023)
Читать полностью…L5B(i) : Federalism : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023
Читать полностью…L4B : Judiciary II : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023
Читать полностью…Lec 4A : Judiciary I : Magna Carta (Mains) 2023
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