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What a Month : December 2023 : The most relevant, comprehensive, and compact Monthly Current Affairs Compilation.
Читать полностью…Handout 4 : Magna Carta Foundation 2024 : Module 1 : Polity & Governance : Theme 2 : Territory & Citizenship : Topic 1: Territory
Читать полностью…Good Morning,
Magna Carta Foundation : Module 1 : Polity & Governance : Theme 2 : Territory & Citizenship notes shall be released on Telegram by 7 January. Physical copies would also available from same day.
Thank you.
What a Month : The Monthly Current Affairs Compilation for October & November 2023.
Читать полностью…Interview Assistance 2023
This year onwards, I would be restructuring the interview assistance in a more incremental manner.
1. Pre DAF II Submission :
a. Cadre/Service Preference Check
b. Zones/States Preference Check
c. Hobbies and Extra-Curricular Review
d. Supporting Documents (if any) Review
2. Post DAF II Submission :
a. DAF II based Question Matrix
b. One on One Informal Mock Interview
c. One on One Formal Mock Interview
d. Reviewing other formal Mock Interviews and Way Forward
Opinion Summaries, Topic Briefs, and Reference readings as well as viewings shall also be shared via email as well as here.
Both Stages would be offline and online.
Please fill the form below.
In case, of a specific urgent doubt : please send an email to contact@atishmathur.com with the Subject Line : Interview UPSC CSE 2023, will get back you within the same working day.
As always, under no circumstances would your credentials be advertised in any manner.
Thank you,
Atish Mathur
Students who have received cancellation communication from UPSC may fill the form linked with the message.
Thank you.
EWS Cancellation Update :
Upon reviewing and speaking with several students, the following issues have come to the fore :
1. Some students have received emails from UPSC cancelling their candidature.
2. Some students have received emails from UPSC converting their EWS status to General.
3. Most of the reasons are with regards to issuing authority, especially with the state of Haryana.
4. Some of the reasons are with respect to clerical errors such as overwriting, incorrect financial year etc.
Despite representations to the UPSC and DoPT, there is a limited possibility of any recall of such decisions. In all likelihood, we would be approaching the judiciary for the matter.
I would be releasing a google form on 5th December 2023 by noon. (Our email and drive storage was facing some issues which are being resolved. Post the responses, we would be able to determine the following -
a. Single petition or Multiple Petitions
b. Lead Petitions and attached parties
c. Broad legal strategy and engagement options.
A few important points -
i. If you have not received any communication from UPSC, please do not submit any clarification suo-moto.
ii. Irrespective of the Mains Results, in principle, the court may direct the commission to consider candidates for the interview as the process of the recruitment for 2023 is ongoing.
Thank you,
Handout 3 : Magna Carta Foundation 2024 : Module 1 : Polity & Governance : Theme 1 : Introduction to Law & Policy : Topic - 7 - 14
Thank you
Wishing you and your loved ones a beautiful Diwali :)
Thank you for being you, always :)
What a Month : September 2023
The 28th Edition of What a Month (WAM). WAM is the only teacher drafted and edited current affairs compilation on a monthly basis strictly on the priniciples of relevance, comprehrensiveness, and closure for the UPSC.
Читать полностью…Urgent : Mains 2023 Admit Cards
I have recieved a lot of emails stating that students are not able to download their admit cards for the Mains 2023.
Please read this carefully.
1. You may be seeing an error that asks you to fill your details correctly.
2. You may just just be seeing an error without any justification.
There could be the following reasons for the above :
A. There might be a technical back end issue.
B. There might be an issue with your DAF I, wherein the UPSC might ask for a clarification.
This is what we are going to do :
1. You will write an email to UPSC marking the subject as urgent and ask for a formal status. You will keep writing one email every 2 days as a follow up to the prevoius email.
2. You will try and call them whenever you take a break from your preparation, and though it does have much legal significance, please try and record that conversation you have the helpline number.
3. If you are unable to view or download your admit card, please immediately let me know at contact@atishmathur.com with the subject line : Mains 2023 Admit Card. This would help immensely immediately and later as well.
4. For those of you who are in Delhi, you or your guardians can try and speak to the UPSC Counter situated in the building campus. Please try to take every information in writing if you do so.
5. For those of you who are not in Delhi, please let me know, I would go and enquire on your behalf personally.
If you do not get your admit cards within a week or so, we will move alternate recourse inlcuding but not limiting to approaching the apex court and ensure that you are able to write the Mains.
Most importantly, please do not panic or worry. We have faced similar situations over the last 3 years, and have been able to ensure students have been able to write the Mains every year.
All 32 editions (including the latest Dec 2023) of What a Month : Monthly CA since May 2021 are systematically arranged for you. You can freely view and download them here - https://courses.atishmathur.com/learn/What-A-Month
Читать полностью…Free Lectures for Unacademy Offline Students have been arranged.
Interested and Elligible students may please fill the form below urgently -
Thank you
Good Morning,
Wishing all of you an incredible new year 2024; may 2024 bring in all the happiness you wish for.
Thank you being there and making my 2023 better :)
Important :
The UPSC had (yet again) withheld the Mains 2023 results of several candidates. The primary reason was that the EWS certificates of the candidates were signed by Naib Tehsildar while it was contended that the Tehsildar was to be one signing it. In most states, the power to do the same was with Naib Tehsildar with the state governments authorising the same.
We approached the SC, HC, and finally CAT.
Happy to state, that the CAT has issued order that these students will be able to appear for the Interview.
The matter was taken up pro bono like always.
Thank you for your never ending trust :)
Urgent :
I have sent an email to the students facing EWS related issues post Mains 2023 with a link for a video conference scheduled for today.
Please attend the same without fail. Further details to be discussed at the meeting.
Thank you.
Update : The contact number of the book store has been updated. Sorry for the trouble.
Читать полностью…Printed copy of the notes have been made available at the book shop mentioned below. They can also be courier them to you if you need them to.
Tirupathi Book Centre
Near Karol Bagh Metro Station
New Delhi 110060
Contact No - 9711107020
P.S. - I have no financial gain with the above book shop and they have been kind to stock the notes with them.
Also, Students at the previous offline organisation can show their ID Cards and get a printed copy free. I will reimburse the book store for the same as the previous organisation does not give printed handouts to the offline students.
Urgent : Candidature Cancellation
The UPSC has again started sending out notices cancelling candidatures of several students based on EWS related document issues.
I have received several emails, calls, and messages regarding the same.
Would be studying the matter for a day, and calling for a video conference for the affected candidates.
In a previous instance, we were able to get a SC order before the Mains 2023 to allow a set of other candidates to appear in the Mains this year. These students are different from the ones who are getting the cancellation notices now and the issues with respect to EWS documents are also different.
Prior to that, we also engaged in an earlier issue of several students whose candidatures were cancelled post them appearing for the interview in 2023.
However, this points to a larger issue of lack of cohesiveness with respect to implementation of EWS policy.
I will seek details of students tomorrow by circulating a form, and then set up a conference call this weekend itself.
Prima facie, we would have to undertake legal recourse; and as always, we would be taking this up pro bono.
Thank you,
Atish Mathur
Handout 2 : Magna Carta Foundation 2024 : Module 1 : Polity & Governance : Theme 1 : Introduction to Law & Policy : Topic - 6
Important : Given the high utility of this topic for both the Prelims and the Mains as well as the non availability of any source that deals with this topic effectively, I have deliberately written this handout in a descriptive manner.
These personally written handwritten notes, serve as a single source for the respective topics along with PYQ Analysis & PYQs.
Thank you.
Magna Carta Foundation 2024 : Module 1 : Polity & Governance : Theme 1 : Introduction to Law & Policy : Topics 1 - 5
These personally written handwritten notes, serve as a single source for the respective topics along with PYQ Analysis & PYQs.
Good Evening,
Unfortunately, was hospitalised due to a low platelet count on account of dengue.
With your blessings and good wishes, I have just been discharged from the hospital and am recovering well.
The classes are resuming this week itself.
Thank you.
A lot of you requested for a strategy session on effectively preparing GS-2.
Sharing the same below:
Magna Carta - Foundation 2024 - Most Effective Way to Cover GS 2 | UPSC IAS 2024/2025 | By Atish Mathur: https://youtu.be/t7c8AWlHc1c
Update : Mains 2023 Admit Cards
The UPSC has started sending out communication to candidates whose admit cards have been withheld.
Some of you may be able to download admit cards now while some of you would have got communication stating your candidature has been cancelled. It also means that the process is in process. Some of you may have also not recieved any communication and also might not be able to download admit cards.
In any case, we have to start getting prepped. In response to a lot of emails, please fill the form below if the issue affects you directly, so that we can start getting organised with our efforts given the limited amount of time left for the Mains 2023.
Again, please do not panic, do not let these difficult times affect the last few days to core Mains Prep.
Whatever needs to be done, shall be done.
L10B : International Relations : Extended Neighbourhood, Powers, Major Issues, Institutions
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