Old Name of Channel : CSE Paper 2 Atish www.atishmathur.com
Important :
Education must be treated like a public good.
I have made everything I have ever taught till now completely free.
The notes have also been uploaded in a streamlined manner.
Happy studying :)
Thank you :)
Extremely Urgent : CSE Mains 2024 Candidate Cancellations
Like every year, the UPSC days before the Mains Exam has cancelled/withheld admit cards of students appearing for the Mains 2024.
Aggrieved students to please fill this form urgently, I will reach out, and we shall chart out further course of action.
Please don't worry, we've got this.
Thank you.
Technical Update :
AM Courses is migrating to a new learning management software provider that would enable live interactive classes as well as capabilities to host a lot of the academic work that I’ve worked on for the past year which I am sure would solve some very simple yet important problems.
Please bear with me for a day or so and you’d be able to access everything without any disruption.
Thank you and terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Theme 17 : Poverty & Hunger
High Priority for Mains 2024 since not asked since 2020 and other factors.
Topics Covered :
1. Comprehensive Note on all dimensions on Poverty
2. Focussed Note on Issue of Poverty Estimations
3. Critical Analysis of MGNREGA (Nearing 20 Years)
4. Note on Food Security (10 years of NFSA, 2013)
5. Summary of Niti Aayog Report (Released 2023) on Review of MPI
6. Analysis of Role, Outcomes, and Impact of NFHS (30 Years)
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Theme 16 : L16 : Vulnerable Sections
Topics Covered :
1. NHRC (30 Years)
2. ST/NCST (VI Schedule Issue)
3. SC/NCSC (Sub Categorisation Issue)
4. Women in Public Life (Women Reservation)
5. Transgender Rights (10 Years of NALSA Judgement)
6. Decentralisation of Exams (NTA Issue - Children)
Magna Carta Foundation
Theme 3 : Topic 3 : Sub Topic 8 and 9 : Writs, Basic Structure, Amenability of Rights, Relationship between Rights and Directive Principles, Right to Property, Misc Provisions.
This finished MCF notes for Theme 3 :).
Magna Carta Foundation
Theme 3 : Topic 3 : Sub Topic 7 : Secularism, Religous Freedoms, Miniorty Rights
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Theme 14 : Good Governance : Regulatory & Sectoral Governance
Topics Covered :
1. India's Regulatory Policy
2. Independent Regulators in India : Issues & Reforms
3. Rail & Coal Sector : Way Forward
4. Corporate Governance
5. CSR Review
Mutli subject linkage to GS 1 and GS 3 as well.
Contextual Contemporary Developemnts : Rail Accidents, Private participation in coal mines exploration, 10 years of the new Companies Act and CSR.
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Theme 13 : Non State Actors
High frequency with syllabus interlinkages in recent times.
Topics Covered :
1. Voluntary Sector Overview
2. Pressure Groups
3. Non Government Organisations : Role, Issues, Compliance, and Impact
4. Self Help Groups : Gender & Microfinance
Specially drafted in a model answer format including all contemporary examples, data sets, and case studies as value additions.
Hope this helps 🙂
Thank you.
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Handout 10 : Theme 10 : Bodies
Socio Economic Datasets for Mains 2024. Based on Niti Aayog SDG Index released in July 2024.
Читать полностью…Magna Carta Foundation (Prelims & Mains) Notes : Theme 3 Topic 3 Sub Topic 5 :
Art 20 and 22: Criminal Justice
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Handout 8 : Theme 8 : Local Self Government
Magna Carta Foundation
Theme 4 : Union and State Executive
This solves your current affairs shortlisting and management problem.
Presenting the CA Tracker listing all important articles from the Hindu and Indian Express arranged date and subject wise since August 2023 🙂
Have been working on this for 3 years as a pilot idea, and consistently for the last year before making it public for all of you 🙂
Magna Carta Mains 2024
International Relations
Theme 18 : Neighbourhood, Extended Neighbourhood, Major Powers
Theme 19 : Organisations & Agreements
Theme 20 : Regional & Global Issues
Topics Covered for Mains 2024
1. Impact of developments in Maldvies on India and South Asia
2. Indo-Bangladesh Relations
3. BRICS Expansion and India's Role and Impact
4. The West Asia Crisis and India Connundrum
5. Global South and India as the Voice of Global South
6. G20 : India's Leadership and Outcomes
Please note all notes for Mains Magna Carta 2024 including a separate files on Datasets, Schemes, and Judgements are all uploaded hereitself.
Thank you.
Important :
For reasons unfathomable, older PPT pointers of my old Mains Magna Carta of 2021 pertaining to Art 19 have been circulated as 2024 Notes. You can find Art 19, 21, notes uploaded here itself on 12 August 2024 titled Theme 9 : Closure.
Please note all Magna Carta Mains 2024 for Mains 2024 are available right here on the Telegram Channel.
Thank you.
Good Evening my dearest bachchas,
You’ve been there for me far more than I have ever for you.
You’ve taught so much more than I could ever teach you.
You’ve been my strength far more than I could ever be yours.
Thank you for being your absolute incredible self,
Thank you for your continuity and acceptance,
Thank you for being so patient yet so forgiving,
Thank you for being my courage and my conviction :)
You are why I am able to do whatever little I do.
Happy Teachers Day, my students, my cause, my everything :)
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Theme 15 : L15 : Social Sectors
High chances of questions on Education and Health, Skill and Human Resources is a low priority for Mains 2024.
Topics Covered :
1. NEP 2020 Overview of School Education
2. Key Iniatives of School Education
3. Latest UDISE Data on School Education
4. Critical Analysis of New National Curriculum Framework
5. Early Education Review
6. NEP 2020 Overview of Higher Education
7. Latest AISHE Datasets
8. Internationalisation and Regulation of FHEI in Higher Education
9. Accreditation of HEIs
10. Higher Education Research
11. Key Developments in Health Care
12. Latest Health Data Sets
13. Primary Health Care & PPP
14. Ayushman Bharat Review
15. Universal Health Care & PPP
16. Mental Health Care
17. Key Developments in the Skill Sector
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Theme 14 : Good Governance : Transparency, Accountability, and Best Practices
1. Thematic Analysis of Corruption
2. Legal and Institutional Framework Anti Corruption Laws and Institutions along with International case studies
3. RTI : Comprehensive Analysis
4. Lokpal : Prospective Analysis
5. Whistleblowers Protection : Review
6. E Governance
7. Citizens Charter
8. Policy Implementation Challenges Framework
9. Participative Governance
10. Jan Dhan Yojana & Financial Inclusion : Review and Way Forward.
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Theme 14 : Good Governance : Electoral Governance
High priority area for Mains 2024 (General Elections, Women Reservation, Electoral Bonds, EC Composition Tussle between SC and Govt, Resignation of EC immediately prior elections etc.)
Topics covered :
1. Insights from 2024 LS General Elections
2. Electoral Systems : Analysis and Comparative Reference
3. Political Parties : Evolution, Role, Regional Aspirations, Analysis
4. ECI : 360 Comprehensive Evalution
5. Electoral Financing : Special Analysis of Electoral Bonds
6. Reprsentation of People's Act : Key Provions, Issues, Judgements
7. Overall electoral reform matrix : Issues, Solutions, Sources.
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Theme 12 : Development Policy
Recent high frequency topic though difficult to pattern per se.
Topics covered :
1. Key milestones of India's Development Story (Excellent for Value Addition across Essay, GS, and select Optionals)
2. Aadhar
3. JAM Trinity
4. Direct Benefit Trasfers
5. Aadhar 2.0
6. IndiaStack
7. New Approaches to Welfare (Mentioned in 2024 Eco Survery as well)
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Handout 11 : Theme 11 : Civil Services
Note : They have not asked a question on Civil Services since 2020 and given the recent develeopments around the same, if at all a question is to be asked, it would be an umbrella question.
p.s. You can supplement or compliment this with your GS IV material covering Civil Services as well.
Areas Covered :
1. Historical Context & Evolution
2. Role of Civil Services
3. Reasons for enhanced role of Civil Services in contemporary times
4. Civil Services Reforms
5. Generalists v. Specialists
6. Mission Karmayogi
Schemes arranged as per SDG Goals that may be used as Value Additions for Mains 2024
Читать полностью…Reg : Candidates who have not recieved a service despite securing a rank in CSE 2023
Follow Up
If you have not recieved any communication via email or any other written medium, please start with the following :
1. Call up UPSC or get to the UPSC Bhawan ask the reception desk to connect you with the concerned official.
2. Seek clarity on why you have not been given a service.
3. Submit a letter to UPSC and DoPT and take a formal reciept of the same. If you are not in Delhi, send a letter by registered Speed Post.
4. Send an email to UPSC and DoPT as well.
5. In your letter and email, please include the following information :
a. Your rank in the final merit list.
b. Mention the reason, the date, and how you were informed about the issue.
c. Categorically mention the reason you were informed of.
d. Clarification on why the reason given to you does not hold ground.
e. Enclose all possible documents such as your admit card, mark sheets, certificates, official memorandums, notifications etc (whatever is applicable)
f. Seek an early resolution so that a rank appropriate service be allocated to you and you can begin your forthcoming training.
6. In the event, the UPSC/DoPT cancels your candidature, this chain of communication forms an essential basis of proceeding legally at an appropriate forum.
Thank you.
Magna Carta Foundation (Prelims & Mains) Notes : Theme 3 Topic 3 Sub Topic 6 : Art 23 and 24 : Anti Exploitation Rights
Читать полностью…Magna Carta Mains 2024
Handout 9 : Closure : Art 19, Art 21, Parliamentary Democracy & Role of Opposition, Comparative State Systems
This finishes the Polity portion of Magna Carta Mains 2024, the toughest parts are done :)
Rest in a week.
Magna Carta Mains 2024
Handout 5 : All Theme 5 Lectures on Judiciary in a single handout
Handout 6 : Theme 6 : Separation of Powers
Handout 7 : Theme 7 : Federalism & Centre State Relations