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◇ Found in regions North of Arctic circle and south of Antarctic circle.

◇ Ice - caps are confined to highlands and high latitudes regions of Greenland and Antarctica.


◇ Temperature.

• Climate characterized by very low mean annual temperature.

• In mid - winter temperature are as low as 40 - 50° below freezing.

• Normally not more than four months have temperature above freezing point

◇ Precipitation.

• Precipitation is mainly in the form of snow and sleet.

• Conventional rainfall is generally absent.


◇ No trees in Tundra.

◇ Lowest form of vegetation like mosses, lichens are found here and there.

◇ Climatic conditions along coastal lowlands are little favourable.

◇ In the breif summer, berry - bearing bushes and Arctic flowers bloom.


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❇️ 4 May

⛏ Coal Miners Day
कोयला खदान दिवस

🍁The annual celebration of Coal Miners Day began in 1975

🍁In 1880s New coal cutting machines were introduced.

🍁 In 1912, Steam Shovels were used in surface coal mining.

🍁 In India, coal-rich regions areJharkhand, Orissa,  Chhattisgarh, West Bengal and some central and southern parts of the country.

❇️ 4 May

🔥 International Firefighters’ Day
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय अग्निशमन दिवस

💧The symbol for International Firefighters Day is a red and blue ribbon. The color red signifies fire and the blue denotes water

🔥International Association of Fire Fighters:
♦ Founded: 1918
♦ Office location: Washington, D.C., United States

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✅ Traditional water conservation methods in India:

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Types of Protected Areas in India-

1) Wildlife Sanctuary-
A wildlife sanctuary is an area where animal habitats and their surroundings are protected from any sort of disturbance.
• Any area other than area comprised with any reserve forest or the territorial waters can be notified by the State Government, under Wildlife (Protection) Act (WPA) of 1972.
• Some restricted human activities are allowed inside the Sanctuary area details of which are given in WPA, 1972.
• There are more than 500 wildlife sanctuaries in India

2) National Park-
• A national park is a park in use for conservation purposes. It is more protected vis-a-vis protection in wildlife sanctuaries.
• Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 gives both Central and State Government power to declare certain areas as national parks.
• No human activity is permitted inside the national park except for the ones permitted by the Chief Wildlife Warden of the state under the conditions given in WPA 1972.
• There are more than 100 national parks in India.

3) Biosphere Reserve-
• Biosphere Reserve is an international designation by UNESCO comprising terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems.
• A biosphere reserve is divided into core, buffer and transition zone in decreasing order of protection.
• There are 18 biosphere reserves in India, of which 13 are part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, based on the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.

4) Community Reserve or Conservation Reserves-
• It is a category of protected areas defined under the ‘Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972’ (introduced in the Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act of 2002).
• It is an inhabited area which typically act as buffer zone to or connectors and migration corridors between established national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and reserved and protected forests of India. Parts of the land in this area are privately owned.
• Such areas are designated as conservation areas if they are uninhabited and completely owned by the Government of India but used for subsistence by communities.
• State Government after consulting with the central government and the local communities, declares any area as community or conservation reserve.
• Currently there are 127 community reserves in India and maximum in the state of Meghalaya.

5) Tiger Reserve-
• A National Park or Wildlife Sanctuary that is considered significant for protecting tigers can be additionally designated as a Tiger Reserve.
• They are governed by Project Tiger which is administrated by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA).
• A Tiger Reserve consists of a ‘Core’ or ‘Critical Tiger Habitat’, which is to be managed as an inviolate area and a ‘Buffer’ or Peripheral area is immediately abutting a Core area, which may be accorded a lesser degree of habitat protection.
• There are currently 50 tiger reserves in the country.

6) Marine Protected Areas-
• A marine protected area (MPA) is essentially a space in the ocean where human activities are more strictly regulated than the surrounding waters - similar to parks on land.
• These places are given special protections for natural or historic marine resources by local, state, territorial, native, regional, or national authorities

7) Bird Sanctuary-
• Bird sanctuaries are nature facilities that ensure conservation of various species of birds and their natural habitats.
• There are more than 70 Bird Sanctuaries in India.

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◇ Europe

• Most pronounced in and around Britain.

• Climatic belt stretches far inland into the lowlands of N-W europe.

◇ N.America.

• Confined mainly to the coastlands of British Columbia.

◇ Southern Hemisphere

• Climate is experienced in S.Chile, S.Australia, Tasmania, and most part of Newzealand.


◇ Temperature.

• Mean annual temperature - b/w 5° and 15°C.

• Winters abnormally mild because of warming effect of North atlantic drift.

◇ Rainfall

• Adequate rainfall throughout the year with a tendency towards a slight winter maximum.

◇ Seasons

• There are four distinct season :-

1. Winter is the season of cloudy skies, foggy and misty mornings.

2. Spring is the driest and most refreshing season.

3. Spring followed by Long, sunny summer.

4. Next is Autumn with the roar of Gusty winds, and the cycle repeats itself.

▪︎SOURCE - G.C. Leong.📕

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Blue Holes

The blue hole is the second deepest marine sinkhole or cavern discovered in Chetumal Bay, off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico


🧤Dark blue, caused by the high transparency of water and bright white carbonate sand

Water Circulation

🧤Poor, commonly anoxic below a certain depth

Sea Life

🧤An unfavourable environment for most sea life can support large numbers of bacteria that live off sulfur compounds

What are Blue Hole

🧤They are large, undersea vertical caves or sinkholes found in coastal regions.

Karst formation

🧤Blue Holes are found on coastal karst platforms around the world. They are formed by the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone, dolomite, or gypsum

Deepest Blue Hole

🧤Dragon Hole (Longdong) in the South China Sea

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◇ On eastern margin of continents in warm temperate latitudes.

◇ It is climate of most part of china so called China type climate.

◇ In S.E. USA bordering Gulf of mexico, continental heating in summer induces an inflow of air from cooler atlantic ocean. Thus climate resembles china type.

◇ In southern hemisphere this type of climate experienced in eastern continents of all three continents.


◇ Temperature.

• Typified by a warm moist summer and Cool, dry winters.

• Mean monthly temperature - 40°F and 78°F.

◇ Rainfall.

• Rainfall is more than moderate, anything from 25 inches to 60 inches.

• Uniform distribution of rainfall throughout the year.


◇ South - east china - Rice, tea, mulberries, sericulture.

◇ South - eastern USA - widespread cultivation of maize and cotton in the corn and cotton belts of U.S.A.

◇ South - America - Coffe, maize and dairying.


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◇ Pulses are legume crops which increase the natural fertility of soils through nitrogen fixation.

◇ Further, they are also rich sources of protein. Gram and tur are the main pulses cultivated in India.

◇ India is the leading producer of pulses and accounts for about one-fifth of total production of pulses in the world.

◇ Madhya Pradesh is the leading producer of pulses followed by Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka.

• Gram: Gram is a rainfed crop cultivated during rabi season in central, western, and northwestern parts of the country. At present, gram covers only about 2.8% of the total cropped area in the country.

• Black Gram (Urad): Urad can be cultivated as both kharif and rabi crops.

• Green Gram (Moong): Moong can be cultivated as both kharif and rabi crops.

• Tur: Tur is the second most important pulse crop in the country. It is also known as red gram or pigeon pea.

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Gum arabic

✅It is a natural gum derived from the hardened sap of two species of the Acacia tree – Senegalia Senegal and Vachellia seyal.

✅The gum is harvested commercially from wild trees, mostly in Sudan (80%) and throughout the Sahel (from Senegal to Somalia).

✅Gum Arabic first found its way to Europe via Arabic ports, hence the name.

✅It is soluble in water, edible and used primarily in the food industry and soft-drink industry as a stabiliser.

✅It is also used in printing, paints, glues, cosmetics, and viscosity control in inks and textile industries.

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🔆 Puri Heritage Corridor Project

✅ The Odisha government’s ambitious temple corridor project in Puri has become a subject of political controversy.
✅It is a redevelopment project of the Odisha government in Puri to create an international heritage site, including the Jagannath temple.
✅ Though conceived in 2016, it was unveiled in December 2019.
✅ Under the umbrella project falls the Shree Jagannatha Heritage Corridor (SJHC) or the Shree Mandira Parikrama Project, for the revamp of the area around the temple.

▪️Why has the Project become a Subject of Controversy?
✅ Experts and members of civil society objected to the use of heavy machinery for digging, citing the possibility of an adverse impact on the 12th Century temple.
✅ Questions started being raised about whether the construction around the temple had the due permissions and clearances.
✅ The Jagannath temple has been designated a monument of national importance by the Archaeological Survey of India and is a centrally protected monument.
✅Massive demolition and construction works are taking place within a 100 and 200-meter area of the temple which is prohibited by the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act (AMSAR) 2010.

▪️What is the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act (AMSAR) 2010?
✅ As per the AMSAR (Amendment and Validation) Act, construction is prohibited within a 100-meter periphery of a protected area.
✅ The area extending to 200 meters around the monument in all directions is called a regulated area.
✅ As per the provisions of the AMSAR Act, the National Monuments Authority (NMA), set up in 2011 under the Ministry of Culture, is charged with protecting and preserving ASI-protected sites by managing the prohibited and regulated area in the periphery of such a site.
✅If construction has to be undertaken in a regulated or prohibited area, permission from the NMA is required.
✅ The term “construction” as defined in the AMSAR Act does not include the construction of public toilets, urinals, and “similar conveniences”.
✅It also does not include works for the supply of water, electricity or “provision of similar facilities for publicity”.
✅ Besides, an impact assessment is also required to be done by the NMA before development around a monument if the built-up area of the monument is beyond 5,000 square meters.

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Securities & Exchange Board of India:

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💃Famous Folk Theatre 💃

🕺 Bhand Pather - J&K

💃 Swang- Rajasthan , Haryana, UP , Malwa (MP)

🕺 Nautanki - UP , Rajasthan, Punjab , Bihar

💃 Rasleela -UP

🕺 Maach - MP

💃 Ramman - Uttarakhand

🕺 Jatra - Bengal

💃 Bhaona - Assam

🕺 Bhavai - Gujrat

💃 Tamasha - Maharashtra

🕺 Theyyam - Kerala

💃 Koodiyaatam / Kuttiyattam- Kerala

🕺 Yakshagaana- Karnataka

💃 Therukoothu - Tamil nadu

🕺 Veedi Natakam - Andhra pradesh

💃 Burrakata Hari Katta - Andhra Pradesh , Karnataka , and Tamil Nadu

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◇ Desert are regions of scanty rainfall which may be hot like hot deserts of saharan type or temperate as are the mid-latitude deserts like Gobi.

◇ Aridity due to effects of off-shore Trade winds, hence called Trade wind deserts.

◇ Temperate deserts rainless because of their interior location in Temperate latitudes, well away from rain bearing winds.

◇ Hot deserts of world are located on western coasts of Continents between 15° and 30°N and S.

◇ Example - Sahara and Australian deserts.


◇ Rainfall

• Few deserts whether hot or mid - latitude have annual precipitation of more than 10 inches.

◇ Temperature

• Average summer temperature is around 86°F.

• No Cold season in Hot deserts.

◇ Vegetation

• Vegetation of both hot and mid-latitude deserts is Xerophytic or drought resistant scrub.

• Plants exist have highly specialized means of adapting themselves to arid environment.


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▪️ Kakati Devi temple has been converted into an abode of local Goddess ‘Balusulamma’ (Goddess Durga).

▪️ The temple was built by emperor Ganapati Deva, ruler of Kakatiya dynasty in 13th Century. Ganapati Deva is the first king who introduced the worship of Kakati Devi into the coastal region of Andhra and outside the dominions of his kingdom.

▪️ The temple is located in Dharanikota near present Andhra Pradesh capital Amaravathi.

▪️ Kakati Devi idol is Seated in Padmasanam with eight hands and possesses eight different special attributes never found in the contemporary shrines of the Kakatiya period.

▪️ Additional Information: Kakatiya dynasty: Kakatiya dynasty (1163–1323) was a South Indian dynasty whose capital was Orugallu (Warangal). The Kakatiya rulers traced their ancestry to a legendary chief named Durjaya.

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🔆Nagarjunsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve

✅Nagarjunasagar Tiger Reserve in Srisailam is the largest tiger reserve in India.
✅There are 50 tiger reserves in India, which are monitored by Project Tiger and managed by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA). India is home to 70% of the world's tigers.
✅For their value in science, business, art, culture, and ecology, tigers are protected. The purpose of the Tiger Reserve is to protect the tiger population.

🔆 Largest Tiger Reserve in India

✅Since tigers are an endangered species, they require protection from poaching and killing.
✅Andhra Pradesh, an Indian state, is home to the largest tiger reserve.
✅The largest tiger reserve in India is the Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve.
✅The reserve is located in five different districts: Kurnool, Prakasam, Guntur, Nalgonda, and Mehboob Nagar.
✅The Tiger Reserve covers a total area of ​​3,728 km (1,439 sq mi).
✅The core area of ​​this reserve covers 1,200 km (460 sq mi).
✅Many visitors and pilgrims come to Srisailam for its water bodies and temples, which are its main attractions.
✅It is located inside the Nallamala forest area and is the largest tiger reserve forest in India.
✅This reserve can be found between latitudes 15°53' and 16°43'N and longitudes 78°30' and 79°28'E.
✅The altitude varies, from 100 m (330 ft) to 3,009 m (917 m) above mean sea level.

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The Sama Veda:

▪️ Sama means melody or songs.

▪️ This Veda consists of 16,000 Ragas and Raginis or musical notes. Out of total 1,875 verses, only 75 are original and others are from the Rig Veda.

▪️ The Sama Veda prescribes the tunes for the recitation of the hymns of the Rig Veda.

▪️ It may be called the book of Chants (Saman). This book is an evidence of the development of the Indian music during this period.

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■ Term Of Chief Minister (CM):

◇ The term of the Chief Minister is not fixed and he holds office during the pleasure of the governor.

◇ However, this does not mean that the governor can dismiss him at any time.

◇ He cannot be dismissed by the governor as long as he enjoys the majority support in the legislative assembly.

◇ But, if he loses the confidence of the assembly, he must resign or the governor can dismiss him.

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✅ Battles of Panipat:

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UNESCO's World Heritage Site:

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August Offer 1940

▪️ In March 1940, Congress met at Ramgarh in Bihar in its annual session and passed a resolution offering the British Government support in the war, if a provisional National Government is setup at Centre.

▪️ In response to it, Lord Linlithgow proposed the August Offer. The August Offer turned down the demand of the Congress to set up a national Government at the center but proposed the following:

▪️ After the war, a representative “Constitution Making Body” shall be appointed immediately after the war.

▪️ The number of Indians in the Viceroy’s Executive council will be increased.

▪️ A War Advisory Council would be set up.

▪️ The Congress did not approve the August Offer. Jawaharlal Nehru termed the whole idea was “dead and doornail”. The Muslim League said that it will not be satisfied with anything short of the partition of India.

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❇️ 2nd May

🐟World Tuna Day
विश्व टूना दिवस

Theme 2023 : ”The Global Tuna Industry: Trailblazing through Tough Times”

🟢 World Tuna Day is observed every year on 02 May all across the world since 2017.

🟢 United Nations established this day to raise awareness about the significance of tuna and tuna-like species.

💠 Fact :
▪️ Warm Blood
▪️ Group of fish : Shoal

🔹 A healthy freshwater fish is placed in salt water. The expected consequence of this would be that
➖ The fish becomes dehydrated and dies

🔹Fish : Gills : : Human : ? ( lungs )

🔹Which is true fish?
➖Dog fish

💠 Free Comic Book Day

▪️Founded - 24 OCT, 1945
▪️HQ - New York, US
▪️S.G - Antonio Guterres (Portugal)
▪️MC - 193

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• The National Emblem is the graphic representation of the Lion Capital that originally graced the top of the Ashok Stambh or Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath, along with the National Motto written below it.

• The Lion Capital crowning the Ashok Pillar is carved out of a single block of yellow sand stone and features four Asiatic Lions sitting back to back, but the two dimensional representation of National Emblem depicts only 3, the fourth lion is hidden from view.

• The four lions stand on a short cylindrical base that has four Ashok Chakras corresponding to each lion bust and reliefs of four more animals in between them – the lion, the bull, the elephant and the galloping horse.

• In the 2D form of the National Emblem, only one Ashok Chakra is visible in the front with the galloping horse on the left and the bull on the right of it. The Ashok Chakra is actually a form of the Buddhist Dharma Chakra.

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Godavari River:

▪️IN HEADLINES : Andhra Pradesh issues flood warning of Godavari river

▪️ The Godavari is the largest river system of the Peninsular India and is revered as Dakshina Ganga or Vridha Ganga

▪️It rises in the Nasik district of Maharashtra and discharges its water into the Bay of Bengal total length 1,465 km

▪️Among the on-going projects, the prominent ones are Prnahita-Chevala and Polavaram.

▪️The major urban Centers in the basin are Nagpur, Aurangabad, Nashik, Rajhmundry.

▪️Important dams : Gangapur dam, Jayakwadi dam,Sriram sagar and Sir Arthur cotton Barra.

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◇ Bordering deserts, away from mediterranean regions and in the interiors of continents are Temperate grasslands.

◇ In the northern hemisphere, grasslands are far more extensive and continental.

◇ In Eurasia they are called the steppes.

◇ In North america, the grasslands are quite extensive and called Prairies.

◇ In Southern hemisphere due to narrowness of temperate portions of continents, grasslands are less continental.


◇ Temperature.

• Located in heart of continents means that they have little maritime influence.

• Summers are very warm - 66° in winnipeg for july.

• winters cold due to distance from sea.

• In southern hemisphere the climate is never severe.

• Annual temperature is great because of Continentality.

◇ Precipitation.

• In the continental position the annual rain of steppe climate can be expected to be light.

• Average rainfall may be taken as about 20 inches.


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Triple Tests for Altruistic Surrogacy:

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▪️ Length - 420Km.

▪️ Formed with the Confluence of Koel and Sindh rivers.

▪️ They join near Rourkela.

▪️ Basin is bounded by :-

• Chotanagpur Plateau in North,
• Mahanadi basin in West and South,
• In East by Bay of Bengal.

▪️ Flows in States of Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, and Odisha.

▪️ Drains into Bay of Bengal.

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❇️ 29th April 2023 (41st Edition )

अंतरराष्ट्रीय नृत्य दिवस

Theme23 : Not Decided Yet
Theme22 : “Dance for Life"

💃 Celebrated first time in the year 1982.

🕺 The day celebrates the value and importance of the dance & encourages participation & education in this art form through events and festivals. The day 29 April has been chosen as it marks the birth anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727–1810), who is known as the creator of modern ballet.

🔶 Classical Dance Form of India
Bharatnatyam - TN
Kuchipudi - AP
Kathak - UP
Bihu - Assam
Odissi - Odisa
Manipuri - Manipur
Mohiniyattam & Kathakali - Kerala

🔶 Madhya Pradesh: 49th Khajuraho Dance Festival 2022

🔶Classical Dance Legend Kanak Rele Passes Away

🔶Legendary Kathak Dancer Pandit Birju Maharaj Passes Away

🔶Govt Organizes “Dance To Decarbonize”


📌International Theatre Institute (ITI)
▪️Founded -1948
▪️Hq - Paris, France

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☑️ Hemis & Thiksey Monasteries:

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🔰 Important Battles in Indian History 🔰

🔹Battle of Haldighati - 1576 A.D.➨ Akbar's forces headed by Raja Man Singh and Asaf Khan defeated Rana Pratap. Rana Pratap refused to surrender to the Mughal Power.

🔹Battle of Karnal - 1739 A.D.➨ Nadir Shah defeated Mohd. Shah.

🔹Battle of Plassey - 1757 A.D.➨ Lord Clive defeated Siraj-ud-Daula.

🔹Battle of Wandiwash - 1760 A.D.➨ The English forces defeated the French forces.

🔹Third Battle of Panipat - 1761 A.D.➨ Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas.

🔹Battle of Buxar - 1764 A.D.➨ The English forces defeated the alliance of Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal, Nawab Shuja-ud-daula of Awadh and Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.

🔹First Anglo Mysore War - (1767-69 A.D.)➨ Hyder Ali defeated the English forces.

🔹Second Anglo Mysore War - (1780-84 A.D.)➨ Hyder Ali died in the battle (1782) and subsequently led by his son Tipu Sultan. The war concluded with the Treaty of Mangalore (1784).

🔹Third Anglo Mysore War - (1789-92 A.D.)➨ The English forces defeated Tipu Sultan. Treaty of Srirangapatnam was signed.

🔹Fourth Anglo Mysore War - 1799 A.D.➨ Tipu Sultan was defeated and killed by the English forces.

🔹Battle of Hydaspeas - 326 B.C.➨ Alexander defeated Porus.

🔹Kalinga War - 261 B.C.➨ Ashoka defeated Kalinga.

🔹First Battle of Tarain - 1191 A.D.➨ Prithvi Raj Chauhan defeated Mohammed Ghori.

🔹Second Battle of Tarain - 1192 A.D.➨ Mohammad Ghori defeated Prithvi Raj Chauhan.

🔹Battle of Chandawar - 1193 or 1194➨ Muhammad Ghori defeated Jaichandra Gaharwar.

🔹First Battle of Panipat - 1526 A.D.➨ Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodi.

🔹Battle of Khanwa - 1527 A.D.➨ Babar defeated Rana Sanga.

🔹Battle of Ghaghra - 1529 A.D.➨ Babar defeated Mahmud Lodhi and Sultan Nusrat Shah.

🔹Battle of Chausa - 1539 A.D.➨ Sher Shah Suri (Sher Khan) defeated Humayun.

🔹Battle of Kannauj (or Bilgram) - 1540 A.D.➨ Sher Shah Suri (Sher Khan) defeated Humayun.

🔹Second Battle of Panipat - 1556 A.D.➨ Bairam Khan (representing Mughal Emperor Akbar) defeated Hemu.

🔹Battle of Talikota - 1565 A.D.➨ Ahmednagar, Bijapur, Golkonda and Bidar formed alliance and defeated the Vijaynagar empire.

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Biodiversity Heritage Sites:

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