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You hear a lot about using morning rituals to get more done. But what if you could use your mornings to get more done for YOU?
In the fast-face world, we live in today; there seem to be two groups when it comes to how to use mornings—personal and productivity. Once folks remove themselves from the craziness of jumping out of bed, taking care of the kids, and hitting the drive-through, they choose one of the two.
But what if there was a third group that was more satisfying?
Before I go on, I need to admit that I didn’t use to be a morning person and didn’t like getting up early at all. I even quit my first couple of jobs as a morning radio host so I could sleep.
Later in my career, I would hit my desk at 5 AM and pound through my to-do list as fast as possible. I must have been saying, “I…MUST… GET… IT… DONE!” That didn’t work well because I didn’t see the purpose of getting out of bed early if it was only to work.
I’ve decided to change things ups a bit at the end of the week.
Friday is the day of the week that is 100% unscheduled and freeform. I use them to get things done… or go to the beach.
After receiving lots of emails, I’ve decided that my fellow business owners, and hard workers everywhere, could use to have a few questions answered.
Dan writes –
Hello, I’m a member of Motivation To Move and have a suggestion that is of interest to me.
How do you deal with tech intruding on your life?
I’m not only talking about cell phones, computers, and social media.
I’m talking about when you update your WordPress site, and it crashes.
I’m talking about getting strange emails from random people that immediately demand your attention.
We all live in a competitive world that makes getting what we want a challenge. If you’ve ever found yourself missing out because somebody else beats you to the punch, there may be a simple reason.
I’ve always been a competitive person. Once I set my mind to accomplishing a goal, I will always do whatever is required to win. Still, I’ve often tripped on my way to winning by others who wanted the same thing but had a different approach.
When I decided to enter the world of dog agility competitions, a new friend reminded me of an essential mindset.
My friends’ name is Jaxon. He’s a great competitor and is incredibly consistent in his performance. Every time my dog, Levi, and I compete against Jaxon, we know it’s going to be our game to lose.
It’s not because he’s faster, more talented, or works harder. He’s slower, a little clumsy, and prefers play over work. He never gets serious or stuffy. Win or lose; he always has a reason to celebrate – usually by taking a nap.
How do I get from here to where I want to go?
That’s a question you may find yourself asking – especially for the big adventures of life.
What you need is a dam bridge!
A few years ago, I was standing atop the Hoover Dam. It’s awe-inspiring—Lake Mead views in one direction and the Colorado River in the other. Below is one of the great engineering marvels in history. But there was something more exciting. New bridge construction high above the canyon walls caught my attention.
Construction was well underway, and I couldn’t help notice how the process is the same as getting what you want in life. There are three elements; two foundations and a span.
When you want something new, it’s easy to stumble along. If you do that when you’re building a bridge across a canyon, you’ll be in the river before you know it.
Have you ever been attempting to communicate with someone and found yourself hitting your head against the wall with frustration?
Communication with other humans can do that to you, but there is a way to your goal.
A few years ago, I was invited to Las Vegas to speak to martial arts school owners. At the time, I was having success helping the schools grow through television commercials and infomercials. Over a thousand Black Belts crowded into the Hard Rock Hotel to hear what I had to say.
As I began, I explained that I have many rules for communicating successfully. One of them is to never use “inside language” when trying to get someone else to understand you. Whether it’s technical mumbo-jumbo that nobody but you understands or the actual language you speak. If you want to get somebody’s attention, you must speak their language. That was the problem the industry was having.
Have you ever noticed how forward momentum completely stops when you can’t make a decision? There’s no doubt; the ability to make a decision is a power skill worth developing. I learned mine from my Mom.
I grew up in the small town of Manassas, Virginia and I couldn’t wait to graduate and begin my life adventure. My focus was on becoming a top-rated morning radio host, making lots of money in a big market. But I had a problem…
The day came for me to decide how to begin my career. I narrowed my school choice and had to commit to enrolling – and commitments can be scary. As excited as I was to begin, I was also confused. That’s when my Mom stepped in with a solution.
Mom was a Legal Secretary and pulled out a yellow legal pad she kept handy. She drew a line down the middle of the page from top to bottom.
Oh, no. We’re not going to do the old Pro and Con thing again? That never works!
Rising Above The Interference
I love tattoos, but I waited until I turned 50-year-old to get my first. There was no deep meaning to my delay, only ScottLOGIC – my way of thinking.
In my mind, it made perfect sense to wait until my body decided it wasn’t going to get any prettier as it age. Then I would start decorating it.
My wife and I had talked about my goal of getting a tattoo. For my birthday, she presented me with an envelope of cash to pay for my new body art and asked,
“Have you decided what you want?”
While I was in no hurry, I knew what I wanted to across the back of my shoulders. It was my attitude about rising above the interference and surviving modern life.
If you found yourself behind me at the beach, you would see the tattoo center is an old-fashioned compass. It serves a North Star and points in the direction of my future.
I remember the words spoken by my Paster moments before my wedding to my first wife, Sheryl. I was a 20-year-old kid, and he asked,
“Do you know what makes a marriage work?”
Without much thought, I said, “It’s a 50/50 thing. As long as we show up for each other, it’ll work.”
His response resonates with me to this day,
“Success in anything is 100/100 thing. You show up and commit to giving it 100% of your effort all the time – and so does everybody else.”
So, yes. Showing up will get you halfway to your goal. But if you want to go all the way, you must commit to 100% and doing whatever it takes to get what you want.
You listen, challenge, validate, suggest, persuade—anything it takes to show them the light and get back on track. You draw upon your wisdom and pass on proven strategies and guidance – all or somebody else. But what about you?
If you find yourself drifting, it’s time to sit with yourself for a few minutes. Analyze your awareness of your situation. Accept where you find yourself. And shift your perception.
The goal is simple –
How do you go from where you are now to where you want to be?
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always believed in the wisdom of Casey Kasem. Anything is possible if you “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching or the stars.”
You do that by recognizing where you are—remembering your dreams. And become a “Delusion Buster” of your own.
After all –
Reality is hard to accept. But accepting your current situation and adjusting your path is how you get what you want – and it feels great!
You recognize that your desire is a problem that needs a solution. Or, you stay forever and frustratingly in a someday-maybe mindset.
But, what if there was a magical question you could ask yourself? A question that, if you are willing to accept the answer, would transform your trajectory?
I asked a confused client on a recent call,
“If I could wave a magic wand and transform your life into exactly what you wanted – what would that look like?”
The first few seconds were silent – until the floodgates of her imagination opened. The picture was painted, and she could see the future.
She let out a deep breath, relaxed, and said –
“Thanks for getting me to admit what I wanted finally. I’ve been thinking about it for years. I was afraid to say it out loud. It feels good.”
It always feels good when you release the dream locked inside of you. Now, accept that you want it and get work making it real.
If in doubt, wave your magic wand!
The good news is, there’s no need to force yourself to do anything. Achieving your biggest goals in life has nothing to do with Will Power. Instead, shift your mindset –
“To act at your discretion without constraint.”
That’s the definition of Free Will, Will Powers, good cousin.
Use your Free Will to harness your excitement and choose the path of least resistance. Start making the smallest changes in your life. Those steps will lead to big results sooner than you think.
2) Focus fuels your fire. If you’re feeling unmotivated, you are also drifting in the wind with no direction. Shifting your thoughts in a positive direction and toward what excites you will break you out and get you moving.
3) The words you say create the emotions you feel. Negative self-talk will drag you, and everybody else, down. When you make the words, you say to yourself, internally and externally, positive and uplifting, everything changes. Words matter more than you think.
You’re human. Your brain isn’t wired to stay motivated all the time unless you are willing to give it a helping hand.
I love the quiet peacefulness of mornings, but I’m not too fond that mornings happen so early.
Still, the focus, creativity, and feeling of momentum that comes with getting up before the chickens have such value that I needed getting up a bit easier. My solution to drop the complicated and establish a simple routine.
I begin by deciding the area I’m currently prioritizing and choosing a “first thing” task to move me closer to my goal.
Next, I set myself up for success the night before. Depending on my task, I make notes, organize my desk, get my gym clothes ready – whatever it takes to prepare.
Finally, when I wake up, I get licked by the dogs, take care of my personal needs, read something inspirational for five minutes or less, and start my day. No distractions. No email, social media, or news. Just start.
My goal is to make my primary focus the first thing I do in the morning before life gets in the way. It works like a charm.
There’s a reason the Marines do more before 9 AM than everybody else.
For years, I’ve built a reputation for being a guy that never misses a chance for a good conversation. Sometimes I head out the door for a good old-fashion “Talkabout” – an ode to Crocodile Dundee’s “Walkabout.”
I’m not sure when it began, but since exploring life’s possibilities is a core value, I know why; there is no better way to learn something new than striking up a random conversation with another human.
But, there are rules:
1) You must be focused on exploring and open to following whatever direction the conversation goes. No judgment. No challenging.
2) Your mouth should be open as little as possible. When you speak, everything you say should focus on learning more from the person in front of you.
3) No matter what you hear, remember that you checked your ego; you are here to listen and learn. When you feel the need to make it about you, it’s time to move on to the next conversion.
Maybe I should start calling them “Listenabouts.”
There are millions of tips and tricks floating around that you can use to achieve whatever you want in life. But there are a few that are always present.
Acceptance and recognition of the desire to change are where it all begins. Anything less makes your desire only a dream.
Having complete clarity of precisely what you want will separate you from almost everybody on the planet. It will also accelerate your progress. Asking yourself, “If not this, then what?” is an excellent way to begin.
Commitment to success, no matter what gets in the way, is the only way to sure that life doesn’t get in your way. Being willing to do whatever it takes is a virtual guarantee that you will get what you want.
Finally, two things are always around: taking as much action and being as flexible as required to reach your goal.
You CAN do much, but success comes faster when you focus on what you MUST do.
I’m talking about other tech issues that require enormous amounts of time to fix but have little interest to other people but are necessary to complete as a business owner in 2021.
I’m talking about things that take you out of the “real world” and put you into the virtual troubleshooting process. Wasting lots and lots of time out of your control.
Thanks, Dan
Okay, Dan. Here are my thoughts…
I’m going to employ some good old-fashion Scott LOGIC –
On the tech front, cell phones, computers, social media, you need to practice tech hygiene. That is, conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, primarily through cleanliness. That means to cut your umbilical cord and default to off. Turn things off more often than you turn things on.
How about updates and WordPress crashes?
The first answer is to get somebody else to do it. People everywhere don’t see that as a problem; they see it as a paycheck. The second answer, get a good Host who makes sure things don’t break. Third, defer to the first.
How about strange emails from random people that immediately demand your attention?
There is no law the requires you to open an email because somebody randomly sent it to you. Set up solid filters, and don’t be afraid to use the trash. For everything else, if you are proactive, there is never an email that needs an immediate response. Schedule hours in the day to respond and stick with it.
You get the life that you choose. If something feels unsustainable, it’s not. Choose to focus your efforts on doing what you love.
On the other hand, Levi has flashier moves, runs faster, and wins lots of blue ribbons before he takes his nap. He also crashes and burns more often, leaving Jaxon with the prize – but not always.
Jaxon is consistent, not fast, and doesn’t care.
Levi is fast and can be consistent if he, WE, cares. That’s a little thing called discipline.
Consistency in practice and performance is required to do anything at a high level. Without discipline, you will always lose to the one who has it. However, when you require consistency of yourself and are willing to take a chance and go for the gold, that’s what makes a champion.
Both are happy dogs and enjoy the game. That makes them both winners. Levi is the champion.
The key to creating anything is to build and fortify your current foundation. That means making sure there is a little drama as possible in your life. Save your money, pay your bills, do whatever it takes to create a firm foundation. The starting side of your new life should be a peaceful base.
The next step is to build your foundation on the side where you intend your adventure to take you. That could mean taking classes, learning a new skill, expanding your network, and researching your plan. The goal is to do everything in your power to build a solid foundation for future success.
Little by little, your foundations get more robust, and your future becomes possible. You will sense the time as come to build a span between your two foundations. It’s time to leave the past behind.
Once you have built your foundations and 70% of your span, it’s time to leap to the other side.
Too early is a false start. Too late is procrastination. Timing is everything.
Build strong, be patient, and let your momentum build. That’s how you turn small steps into significant change.
I asked everybody in the room to stand, and I called out a few, saying, “Stand up and introduce yourself, in your language, and tell us exactly how you help students in your school.”
For the next few minutes, a dozen school owners spoke in English, Japanese, Koren, Chinese, and a few others, describing how their program was superior to all others. The only problem was, few in the room understood much of what they said.
As the room began to lose focus because they couldn’t understand, I made my point,
“Everybody, please stand, and let’s all count to ten together!”
The next few seconds were filled with a thousand voices, speaking dozens of languages, all trying to count to ten. When they finished, everybody broke out in laughter at the craziness.
That’s when I said,
“How do you expect anybody to do business with you when they can’t understand what you are saying?”
During the next hour, I taught them to consistently meet folks where they are, join the conversation they are having in their minds, and use words and phrases that mean something to them.
If you do that with every conversation you have in your life, today will be very motivating. For you and everybody else you meet.
Imagine how successful that is going to make you?
Have you ever tried to make a decision using a list of positives and negatives? It only causes more confusion. But that wasn’t going to happen this time because Mom had something else in mind. She drew another horizontal line, from left to right, across the middle of the page. Then she said,
“This is different. It’s about what is going to happen when you make your decision. Try it.”
With that, I made a list of everything that WOULD happen if I DID commit and get myself moving in the top left of the page.
On the top right, I made a list of what WOULD happen if I DIDN’T do anything.
Then, things got interesting…
On the bottom left of the page, I listed what WOULDN’T happen if I DID.
I filled the bottom right with what WOULDN’T happen if I DIDN’T.
Clarity emerged, the fear disappeared, and excitement took over.
If you find yourself needing to make a decision, you can sort out anything, break free, and build fast and massive momentum with those four questions.
From the center, wings stretch broadly across most of my back. They are lifting me forward and upward toward a large mountain. I am climbing to the highest point on Earth and seeking peace from the craziness below.
For me, life is about soaring above the interference that exists in our daily lives. It’s about overcoming the obstacles and thinking for ourselves. It is about living to our full potential.
Below, where most spend their time, it is difficult — with everybody is pulling us into their world. Starting the day in mud and ending in quicksand is no way to enjoy yourself. And you can’t get ahead with everybody else is in your head. Finding a way to rise above the masses’ interference is how you become the person you are meant to be.
Seek to rise above what interferes with your dreams. That’s where you will find the success and happiness you desire.
Life can be full of never-ending challenges. Even when things are good and going your way, success can get on the most positive person’s nerves. We’re wired that way.
The buzz of daily activities has the same impact on your emotions. Too much is too much. Good, bad, or in-between, you will feel the strain, especially when things are not going your way.
Many years ago, my daughter found a way to deal with the coming death of her Mother. It was positive, hopeful, grounded, future-paced, and practical.
She wrote a poem titled, “Soon, Too Soon.” It became then, and still today, an affirmation that still serves.
Soon we’ll all find our way.
Soon we’ll know what makes us who we are.
Soon we’ll wake up to a day we can appreciate.
Soon we’ll know that tomorrow we’ll be better.
Soon we’ll trust that everything’s okay, that the past is gone can’t hold us back.
Soon we’ll smile about today.
Soon will come too soon.
Don’t let it slip away.
By Carlyn Smith – Peterson
Woody Allen said, “Half of success is showing up.”
I’ve thought about that quote many times over the years. There was something about its logic that didn’t match up with my day-to-day experience.
Don’t get me wrong, no matter what you want to do in your life, showing up is the first step in getting it. But I’ve shown up many times and ended up going home with the prize that I so much wanted.
I’ve also seen others convinced that they’ll advance toward their goals if they show up. Instead, they end up disappointed with their results.
So, if showing up is getting you halfway, what’s the other half?
It’s knowledge, work ethic, and communication, and people skills. And let’s not forget your ability to commit to doing whatever it takes to get what you want.
Some people don’t show up, and some don’t commit. Many do. Why don’t they succeed?
Deepika, a 19-year-old Pre-Med student from India, sent me an email calling me a “Delusion Buster.”
At first, I didn’t know what to think. Before I dug too far into my mind, I looked up the definition. A delusion is a belief held with firm conviction, despite superior evidence to the contrary.
I guess I am a “Delusion Buster” – and you should be too.
Living a life of your choosing becomes a reality when you have a vision and a strategic plan. Add in ritualized daily actions and things beginning to go your way. However, it’s easy to let the rhythms of day-to-day life influence your efforts and knock you off track. Before you know it, drift, despite superior evidence to the contrary.
I guess that, while you may be blind to what is happening, your gut instincts can feel the drift. I’ll also assume that you are very good at spotting the same behavior in others who feel a bit lost.
And what do you do?
So you know you want something different than what you have. You can’t seem to put your finger on what you want. And, the big one, you don’t know where to begin.
In my years of helping others reach their dreams, I’ve learned a couple of things –
For most of us, our lives are pretty good. They could be more exciting, and you could make more money. Maybe your relationships could sparkle a bit more?
Still, you may feel frozen from a fear of what you might lose. It may be from a fear that you won’t get what you want. Is it possible that you are living in a someday-maybe mindset?
In the business world, things are a bit more clear.
If you want to succeed, all you need to do is offer something your customer wants or needs and provide a solution. It’s simple math. The customer will take you up on your offer, and your business will thrive. Or, they won’t even notice your business, and your competition will succeed.
Your personal life is the same way.
Why Will Power is Not Your Friend
When will you get yourself to do what you say you want to do?
More people than you know lose sleep over that question. If that sounds like something you have experienced, you’re not alone.
Almost everybody begins their journey when a thought pops into their mind. Then, day-to-day life keeps them busy, and they spend frustrating months fixin’ to get ready. You know, starting to prepare… so you can start to do… so you can do… and say you did.
If that doesn’t work, you summon your friend, Will Power.
Will is not a person, but more like a kind of friend that you don’t know why you keep letting into your life.
They are a bit of a slacker, live rent-free in your mind, say they want to help, and never deliver on their promise. Will’s job description should read — to force you to do things you say you want to do but can’t get yourself to do. When you give up, Will leaves.
As a child, I wondered why I couldn’t always have my way. Mom and Dad were so mean! I couldn’t wait to grow up, move out, and experience being an adult. Everything would be different – or so I thought.
After stepping into the adult world, it didn’t take long to realize that not much had changed. It turns out it wasn’t my parents. It was life turning down my requests. Life was getting in the way. What was even worse was that I was getting in my way.
I’ve joked over the years that if I’m the Boss of me, so why don’t I do what I say? Eventually, I realized having a big ass goal, being on a mission, and most importantly, motivation on demand was the solution.
Motivation is a powerful, if not fleeting, tool that we all need. But we need to understand how our minds generate motivation:
1) Your physiology dictates your feelings. The easiest way to break free of a slump is to stand up, take a step, and REPEAT. Movement wakes your body up, guides your emotions, and makes anything feel possible.
Lifestyle Driven Business
Laurie Greiner schooled an entrepreneur on Shark Tank with a business lesson that shot through the screen and knocked my remote control out of my hand.
He said, “I’m in the lifestyle business.”
She said, “I’M OUT! There’s no such thing as a lifestyle business.”
He looked confused, but I got it. Then again, I wasn’t in the hot seat with my entire QVC future on the line.
If Laurie were to ask me, I would tell her I run a Lifestyle Driven Business. The goal for myself, and those I consult, whether business or career, is to operate in a way that supports a chosen lifestyle in every way. No compromise.
Yes, it’s business first, but your mission should be to earn a living that lets you enjoy life today instead of waiting until retirement.
Call me crazy, but I’ve always believed life should be simple – and there’s no better way than to follow an uncomplicated structure in everything you do.
I call it MAPSS.
Motivation. Everything begins with the motivation that comes from the inside out. Know your “WHY,” get excited, and get moving.
Accountability. The next step is to put benchmarks in place that allow you to keep track of your progress, providing more motivation.
Planning. Plan your work, work your plan. Never begin until you know at least your first and second step.
Systemization. Routine and rituals will make staying on your path easy. Lock in your process and repeat it unit you get what you want.
Sustainability. You build momentum in life by stacking accomplishment upon accomplishment. Never build a house of cards. Make sure you set yourself up for the long haul.
It’s easier to get what you want when you follow a map.
Some goals happen quickly. Others take longer. A lot longer.
How can you keep your goals alive while you make them a reality?
1) Stop falling for someone else’s goals. Everybody has something they want to achieve. It’s not bad. It could be useful. In any case, it is a distraction. Know what you want and why you want it.
2) Once you are listening to yourself, be sure that you commit to your plan and never, ever, ever, give up.
3) While you make progress, be on alert when others insert their goals into your life. They are tricky little things. They’ll distract you without you even knowing.
As you move along, always keep this question in your mind —
“Is this an opportunity that will move me closer to my goal or further away?”
There is only one answer that will improve your life.