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You've set a goal and are working hours to get what you want.
Why is everything moving so slowly?
Larry was a mentor of mine when I was in my twenties. He owned a business, made an exceptional living, and, after hiring me to work for him, took me under his wing. It was a relationship that lasted for years - although I'm sure I didn't make it easy.
That's the thing about being a young, bright-eyed dreamer with lots of talent and little patience. It's easy to see what others have, set an arbitrary date on a calendar, and expect everything to go your way.
One day, I pinned Larry in his office and was making my best case for a raise. I was sure he had gobs of cash, and I deserved my share.
After all, I was 26 years old, so it was time that I had a big house and a fancy car like him.
That's when Larry said something that changed everything -
"Scott, sometimes you must keep showing up long enough for the right people to notice. Keep doing a good job, and they'll step up."
Of course, Larry was already stepping up and was being very generous. I'm not sure I knew that, and I wouldn't say I liked his answer. I'm also sure I stomped out of his office and gossiped about him in the kitchen.
Over the years, though, I noticed there seems to be a hidden layer of successful people all around me. They were keeping an eye out for somebody like me. Larry was right.
The person who can help make your life better is not always the person standing in front of you. It might be the person off to the side that is watching your actions.
If you give it enough time, no matter what you do, when you least expect it, somebody will say, "We need to talk. It's time we do something together."
I was rushing through Atlanta Airport after an entire day of negotiating with a client. My flight was in 30 minutes, so I was beginning to think the deal would not happen.
That's when things got interesting.
I've spent many days negotiating over the years and have grown confident in closing deals. I always think I'm going to win. Still, today's game wasn't over.
As we approached the Gate area, my client guided me into the Food Court. He pulled out the contract and replaced my fee with a smaller number. Then, he handed me the pen and said, "If you can do it for that, I'll sign right now."
Checking my watch and not wanting to miss my flight, I almost took the deal. After all, winners get deals done. But, experience has taught me something else. Business deals that start poorly rarely get better. I decided to turn his less-than-classy negotiating gambit on its head.
As humans, we are hard-wired to survive and thrive. As much as I wanted to take the deal to feed my family, I knew I wouldn't be thriving. I also knew my client needed what I would do for him; my price was fair, and more importantly, he feared I wouldn't do it.
We all feel like the underdog when negotiating. It goes both ways.
With that I said,
"If you can sign the original deal before I get on the plane, I'll do it. Otherwise, I'll have to pass. I've enjoyed spending the day with you."
He who speaks first loses. I kept my mouth shut.
Thirty seconds later, he signed the original deal, gave me a deposit, and asked, "When can we get started?"
The relationship lasted for years, and we never had that experience again. It turned out to be an excellent deal for both of us.
Always keep in mind that we all feel like the underdog when negotiating. It will serve you well.
I know that you want to be a better leader. I also know that you hate and don't want anything to do with conflict - especially since I can hear you saying —
"Why can't we all get along?"
I get it. Saying the word "No" is hard enough. Sometimes, saying "Yes" when others agree or disagree with your choice can be even more difficult.
"Why can't we all get along?"
The answer is that we can. However, the truth is that conflict will always happen whenever more than two people get together. Even if there is a common goal and everyone is on the same page. Conflict will always play a role in your success.
We're on the same page, agree with each other, want the same result, and there's still conflict?
"Why can't we all get along?"
Yes. No matter how positive your project is, everybody has a different idea of how to reach the outcome. Everybody has an individual right way and wrong way of doing things.
As a leader, when you approach conflict as a simple "Y" on the road of progress, things change. It becomes a decision that is part of the process and leads to the outcome everybody desires.
Leaders, Managers, heck, Mom's and Dad's - anybody responsible for moving forward eventually learns to navigate through conflict. It’s just a part of life.
Leaders don't get emotionally fired up, yell and scream, or freak out in some other creative way. Conflict is just an indication that you are progressing closer to your goal.
The faster you accept conflict, the sooner you can resolve the obstacle and reach your goal. Everybody will respect and appreciate you. They will also remember you for helping all involved achieve success.
Happiness Is Learning Something New
In my work, it's not unusual for somebody to seek guidance. Most are contemplating a change or frustrated with the status quo.
Every conversation begins with me asking —
"What are you trying to figure out?"
To which people say, "I don't know, that's why I'm talking to you! I want to start over."
Now, there’s a funny thing about living inside of your own head for your entire life. You probably already know what you want and just won’t admit it.
Usually a combination of fear of change and FOMO, fear of missing out is driving your forward while locked in the same place.
If you find yourself stuck, you may find yourself thinking that you just want to toss everything out and start over.
Forget the fact that it’s not possible anyway. There is good reason not to start from scratch.
Remember all those years living inside your mind?
Somewhere inside of you, there is lots of experience and wisdom. Over the years, you paid a hefty price for that knowledge. Although it may sound like a good idea, not only should you never give up what you've learned. It's not like we have a Men In Black "Flashy Thing" to reformat the hard drive you call your mind.
A better way is to become an absolute beginner and learn a new skill, preferably with a mentor's help to show you the way while your previous experience guides you.
Sometimes, as you grow older, getting wiser requires going back to 1st Grade.
When you do, your brain uses its incredible plasticity and gets excited by learning something new. Then, it integrates it with what you already know. You are, in fact, a beginner and a Master at the same time. That creates excitement, motivation, and happiness, and we all can use more of that.
Motivation is always lurking in our minds. Even if we're not thinking about it.
My wife, Joi, is a good example.
Take one look at her, and it's easy to see Joi takes care of herself. She gets up every day and eats a healthy breakfast. Then, she dresses in her workout clothes and, without exception, exercises. No matter how late she went to bed or how late I slept in, Joi gets out of bed and heads to the gym.
Since it's evident that Joi walks her walk, it's not uncommon for people to ask, "How do you do it?" — as if she is a member of "The Secret Society of Highly Motivated People Club."
It's not that complicated.
I joke with Joi that she is my sexy, predictable, exciting, and somewhat dull wife. While that may sound terrible, and I wouldn't say it around Valentine's Day, I probably should. Joi takes it as a compliment —
"I know. It's who I am and what I do. I don't think about it. I want to feel and look a certain way, so I do what it takes."
Don't let her fool you. She thinks about it a lot, or at least she does until the magic of motivation arrives in full force.
Her vision of herself becomes her passion. That leads to massive motivation, discipline, and action. As good results arrive, the repetition action transforms into life-long habits and delivers life-long results.
That's how you get what you want.
The pain of exercising your motivational muscle always feels better than the frustration of thinking about what you want for too long.
We're going about our day, hot on the trail of checking off items on our never-ending To-Do list. Then, we discovered that we didn't get everything done before time ran out.
When my Son was entering the workforce, we would often find time to catch up on weekends. He was trying to navigate the business world while balancing his life. He had a fast-paced job and had become a productivity ninja. He was proud of his color-coded To-Do list and calendar, but he had a problem -
"Dad, no matter how organized I am, I still can't get everything done. I'm writing everything down, and I'm working through it, and I still run out of time. What am I not doing right?"
My first thought was how happy I was that he had the clarity of mind to look beyond the obvious solution. Then, I had a few questions -
You say you have accounted for everything. How much time did you allocate for eating lunch or running down to the coffee shop today?
How many times did you visit the restroom, and how long did it take?
On your commute, how much time did you spend at the traffic lights?
I stopped.
"What does that have to do with my getting my work done?" he asked.
Nothing, but you still have to get that stuff done. And thanks for making my point.
What my Son had discovered is what I call "Non-Ops" — the non-optional things of life.
Non-Ops are a never-ending string of activities that require our attention. They never go away and sneak up without you knowing. If you don't account for the Non-Ops of life, you'll never get to the optionals of life.
Have you ever found yourself in a motivated state of mind and pushing through the day?
Do you feel like everybody is hitting you with everything they have?
Blocked. Stalled. Frustrated. It is easy to want to push harder.
When I was a teenager, I liked to play football, not with the school team. Uniforms and protective equipment made that too easy. It was more fun to get together after school for a rough and tumble. A game of shirts and skins with the same guys who typically wear protective gear was much more fun.
One afternoon, in a particularly spirited game, though, I wasn't having as much fun as I usually did.
My attitude that day was one of total domination. I arrived at the field of battle with the absolute intent of pushing as hard as possible and winning the day. The only problem was another player had the same intention. And he was knocking the crap out of me with every hike of the ball.
Play after play, we would crash into each other as much force as we could muster. Neither would back off. We kept hitting as hard as we could and inflicting more pain in a so-called fun game. Finally, in tears from my last pummeling, I said,
"Why are you hitting me so hard? Stop hurting me. We're supposed to be having fun. Stop it!"
I'll let you fill in the more colorful words, emphasis, and emotional craziness.
I was in pain, frustrated, cold, and mad as hell. But that's when my opponent made me realize something I had been missing. He said,
"Me hitting you? You've been bashing me all day. What did I do to you? Why are you hitting me so hard?"
The emotions of that moment and the lessons learned are still with me all these years later.
Sometimes, when we get pumped and on a mission to achieve our goal, we get lost in our emotions. Not everybody is getting in your way. They are playing the same game, have the same plans, and are fighting to get what they want - like you.
After we realized what was going on, the game continued. This time, it wasn't about hurting each other. We stopped pushing too hard and played the best game we could to see who would come out on top.
A couple of years ago, the world changed when we were all introduced to Coronavirus. It was as if we were racing down the Interstate at 75 miles per hour, slammed on our breaks, and directed off the nearest exit on an undefined detour. It all seemed to happen in an instant.
The pandemic caused real pain and loss for some. Fear and stress for others. Still, as surreal as it was, it wasn't long before most people began to notice the craziness of our previous lives replaced with a 'new normal' - one that felt more like a 'new nothing.'
Much to our surprise, life slowed to a crawl, schedules changed, and we found contentment by not chasing every shiny object that life presented. The pandemic pause caused people to reevaluate life from the inside out. While it happens all the time, this time, we noticed it.
How many times have you found yourself in an impossible situation that ended with one action?
You paid off debt, quit a job, you said goodbye to a bad relationship?
How many times have you decided to try something new, and the past instantly disappeared?
Did you decide to move into a new home, start your own business, or return to school?
How many times have the worst pains and your biggest joys been the catalyst of an exciting new beginning?
A death, wedding, or the birth of a new child?
While some situations in life are unpredictable, the lessons learned and wisdom gleamed remind us that anything can and will change in an instant.
Knowing that grants you immense power over your destiny - especially if it's self-inflicted and you are in control.
Powerful and Purposeful Goal Setting
I've always believed goal setting is the heartbeat of our lives.
Goal setting is one of the most powerful tools you have to create your best life. My question to you is… do you know what your best life is supposed to be?
I came upon my belief not from a book or a guru but from a realization I had many years ago. I found I was happy when I was chasing something bigger than myself that was also in alignment with how I felt on the inside. I was unhappy when I was checking items off my list and not honoring my true self.
After years of pondering, I concluded that a purposeful outcome would eliminate frustration and boredom and generate excitement and enthusiasm.
That leads me to the two definitions of goals:
1) The end toward which effort is directed.
2) An area or object toward which players in various games attempt to advance a ball or puck and usually through or into which it must go to score points.
Most people treat goals like the number two, a To-Do list, with a short-term outlook. People who focus on the first definition are long-term thinkers.
But what's the real difference?
What "end" do you place your focus on?
Heartbeat goal-setters know there are many "ends" before the ultimate termination point we call goal achievement. That's what excites and drives them. They purposely focus on that 'end.' Everything else is a step in the journey that is only needed to get to their pre-determined outcome.
Heartbeat goal setting. It's purposeful goal setting that ignites a fire in your belly, gives you a mission, and makes you happy. Everything else is an item on your To-Do list.
What? The Best Death Ever?
You are a goal-setting machine.
That’s not to say you are setting, working toward, and accomplishing more goals than anybody else. It’s the way your brain is wired. If that’s the case, why is it that reaching your goal can leave you feeling lost?
In 2006, I had a life-changing moment that happened in the middle of the night. My wife, Sheryl, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and my world crashed. Even worse, they told me there wasn’t anything I could do about it.
In my world, those are fighting words.
The following six weeks were a whirlwind of miracle-searching activity, including a trip to Costa Rica for alternative treatment. As the weeks passed, the reality of what was coming became real. Sheryl would not survive. We called Hospice.
In the coming days, we settled into a routine that no family ever wants to go through, and that gave me the idea to call a meeting.
I proposed a new goal with my kids around my wife’s bed.
“If this is going to happen, why don’t we make it the best death ever?”
The initial response was silence - until my wife said,
“Well, if I’m going through this, we should enjoy the experience - right?”
From that point forward, even in the most challenging moments, we all lived life to the fullest. Family, friends, and everybody in our circle knew the goal and did their part to help us reach it.
Exactly 100 days after diagnosis, Sheryl passed away.
It hurt like nothing any of us had ever experienced. Still, we found ourselves with a warm feeling about how we had handled things. In time, our conversations turned to our goal of making it the best death ever. We realized we had achieved it.
That's the thing about goals…
All the excitement of setting a goal happens while you’re in the middle of your journey - and you are always in the middle.
Easy or difficult. When you choose to pursue a plan, the destination doesn’t matter except that it serves as a starting point for your next journey.
Knowing Your Why AND Why Not
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Getting what you want in life will be two things…
It will be easier than you can imagine or harder than you ever thought possible.
The journey will be exciting and scary.
Looking back, you will be glad you did it, yet wonder if you will ever do it again.
That's why WHY is so important.
You must know WHY you are doing anything to sustain your efforts.
And it must be YOUR why, not somebody else's.
You must own your WHY, understand your WHY, and live your WHY.
Many folks are not clear on WHY, or they do it for others or other reasons.
Sometimes, you might put up with one thing, hoping you'll get something else. I’m sure that you’ve found that's not the way it works.
Remember, what you focus on expands. That means you’ll get more of putting up with stuff if that's what you focus on.
It's true. Knowing WHY you don't want to do something is as essential as knowing WHY you want something.
Life-Changing Success Habits
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Whatever results you want in your life will be produced by your thoughts, actions, and daily habits.
Most people work hard every day to make their world better. But, no matter how hard you work, life will get in the way. That’s life. That’s life’s job. That will always be life’s job.
No matter how much you try, life will get in the way - and you may have noticed - you can’t think your way out of it.
But what if you didn’t have to?
What if you could stop life from getting in the way of what you want?
In a survey of 233 self-made millionaires, there was a huge difference in what they do daily vs lower-income earners - and they do it automatically.
They use the power of habit—figure out what they want and how to get it, and keep repeating until they get what you want. Set it and forget it.
Right now, you might be sleeping in, reading occasionally, and going with the flow instead of focusing on your flow.
Successful folks get up early, read a lot, and spend 15-30 minutes daily on focused thinking.
Today, you may let yourself get out of shape, spend too much time in your head, and never seem to reach your goals.
Successful people prioritize exercise, spend time with people who inspire them, and pursue their goals.
Do you struggle to get enough sleep, don’t have enough money, and hang out with folks who are doing the same?
Successful people get enough sleep, have multiple incomes, and avoid time-wasters.
The success you want is is hiding in the distractions of your life. To get it, you only need to create your thoughts, design your actions, and establish a habit.
9 Success Principles You Need
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
You may have heard that you will elevate your station in life to the degree that you elevate yourself.
Since you are reading this today, consider yourself elevated.
Even more so if you do these:
1) Acknowledge that all emotions come from within you.
2) Seek out someone you respect. Let them keep you honest.
3) Recognize there is life after failure.
4) Read purposefully. Apply your knowledge.
5) Challenge yourself to be brutally honest in everything you do.
6) Reflect on what you spend the most time on.
7) Remind yourself that you weren’t meant to procrastinate.
8) Put the phone away. Be present.
9) Time is your most precious resource. Fact.
Can you imagine how much you can change in your life when you live by those principles?
You Will Change When You Wear Yourself Out
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Many have said, "Life is a marathon, not a sprint."
But what happens when you find yourself doing both at the same time?
If you've been living on this planet for any time, you've figured out life is a long game made of day-to-day sprints.
You make small deposits over time if you want a big bank balance.
If you want to lose weight, you make small reductions over time.
If you want to get a promotion at your job, you do well every day.
The challenge happens when you have not defined the marathon you are running. A lack of a specific goal can only lead to daily activity that may or may not get you to your destination. If that happens to you, you may feel worn out, frustrated, and wondering when things will turn around.
There's good news. That kind of thinking means you are on the right track to success.
Certain stamina is required to reach any goal. And society today celebrates your ability to put in the hard work no matter what.
There's only one problem.
If it's not working for you, it's not sustainable behavior. Sooner or later, you will decide to make a change - usually abruptly.
Here's the truth: you will change when you wear yourself out.
Reluctant, fearful, or hard-headed, you will only put up with a less-than-satisfying path in life for so long. Eventually, you will wear yourself out.
When you've had enough, even if the timing is not perfect, you will change when you wear yourself out.
Everybody knows it.
The marathon we call life will continue until it doesn’t.
Why wear yourself out?
You may as well skip the bad stuff and get to the good stuff right now.
How Purpose and Passion Make a Better Life
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
From the time I was very young, I've been drawn to living a passionate life - no matter what gets in the way.
I've also had a solid purpose to impact people's lives while living a passionate life positively. Something can be challenging to archive 100% of the time. But isn't that the point of Passion and Purpose? Isn't it something that you just DO?
Amazingly, for all the focus on living a purposeful and passion-filled life, there has been very little research. A solid definition has only been agreed upon in the last few years - and it says a lot. I'll let it speak for itself.
Passion is defined as a strong inclination toward an activity that people like, find important, and in which they invest time and energy.
Purpose is defined as a stable and generalized intention to accomplish something personally meaningful and, at the same time, leads to productive engagement with some aspect of the world beyond the self.
As I've always said, "If you don't know your purpose, your purpose is to find your purpose."
And the best way to do that is to follow your passion. (Read the above description again for more impact)
Purpose and Passion. It's like Chocolate and Peanut Butter.
Letting Mentors Find YOU
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Don't Become a Negotiating Underdog
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Leadership in Times of Conflict
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Happiness Is Learning Something New
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
How Passion Creates Motivation
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Some Things Are Not Optional
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Are You Pushing Too Hard?
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Self-Inflicted Changes ROCK
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Powerful and Purposeful Goal Setting
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
What? The Best Death Ever?
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Leveraging Life Cycles
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
My friend Louis Gates introduced me to his Life Cycle theory years ago. I’m in an inspiring year.
Where are you?
Cycles begin at birth and advances every nine years like this:
Year 1: You decide what you want and start asking for it.
Year 2: As the pieces come together, you narrow your focus.
Year 3: The resources you need begin to arrive.
Year 4: You find yourself moving toward your purpose in life.
Year 5: Re-evaluation begins. Toss out what you don’t need and keep what works.
Year 6: Your focus intensifies, and you work with the resources you’ve decided will benefit you.
Year 7: You take stock of things that no longer serve you.
Year 8: Clearing the clutter begins. It’s almost time to start the next cycle.
Year 9: You explore and decide what you want to do in the next cycle.
Look back on your life and notice how your Life Lifecycle is always in play.
Focusing ON Focus
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Here we are, entering the most distraction-filled time of the year.
How can you keep moving toward your goals when everything else is in the way?
With Singular Focus.
Singular means extraordinary, remarkable, and exceptional.
Focus is a central point of attraction, attention, or activity.
It’s time to focus on one activity that will move you forward. You simply won’t have time for everything else.
How do you get Singular Focus?
1) Reduce your things-to-do Universe. Choose an essential item and get it done during the upcoming busy season.
2) Remember. You can have everything, but not at the same time.
3) Reduce as much interference as possible. With all the buzz coming, plan small amounts of time to work on your goal.
It’s a simple truth -
When you are busy with life, too many extras will bog you down. Apply Singular Focus to your most important goal. Save the others until next year.
Waking Up With Gratitude
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
I woke up this morning with an incredible zest to expand my feeling of gratefulness. Well, there is not so much to expand as to recognize all the things I am grateful for but haven’t thought about lately.
That’s the thing about living in a fast-paced world where our daily activities, big and small, fly by and are quickly forgotten. It’s always been that way. There is nothing new in the world. That got me thinking about one of my favorite quotes —
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” —Robert Brault
As a no-regrets guy, I admit to sometimes not living in gratitude. Thankfully, the wisdom of others is always making sure I remember what is important—
Here are a few of my favorites.
“If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.”—Frank A. Clark
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” —Eckhart Tolle
“Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.” —Estonian Proverb
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”—William Faulkner
“Enough is a feast.”—Buddhist Proverb
“When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.”—Anthony Robbins
“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.”—Vietnamese Proverb
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”—William Arthur Ward
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.”—Cicero
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”—Robert Brault
I’m grateful for YOU!
Why You Should Set Impossible Goals
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
I recently attended a conference where I enjoyed a presentation by Psychologist Dr. Benjamin Hardy. Honestly, I’ve been a fan of his work for a couple of years and am familiar with most of his working concepts.
This time… one stood out.
In my day-to-day work, it’s not uncommon for clients to struggle with narrowing a goal to one with enough meaning to propel them into action.
In most cases, it’s a struggle between the important and the impossible.
A goal must be important enough to excite you, but that can also make it seem impossible and scare you. But that’s what you want and need.
According to Dr. Hardy, when you limit your goals to only the most important and almost impossible from where you are today, you are forced to use a very tight filter to figure out how to make it happen.
In other words, taking random action will not help you reach an impossible goal.
Only a highly filtered, very disciplined, and nearly surgical approach will make it happen. If you are doing anything else, your goal isn’t big enough.
Instead of go big or go home, go big and figure it out is the way to success.
Start With Definiteness of Purpose
Author: Scott Smith
The more days that I leave footsteps on this planet, the more I realize that everything we need to know to become a better version of ourselves has already been invented.
Not only that, but everything that you could use to improve yourself has been tested by millions over thousands of years. It has either proven to be effective… or not.
Napoleon Hill’s The Law of Success is one of those that works. While it is filled with action steps to achieve whatever success you desire, my personal experience, and that from working with others, has convinced me that if you get the first one right, everything else falls into place.
Definiteness of Purpose.
Specify EXACTLY what you want.
Specify EXACTLY when you want it.
Specify EXACTLY what you are willing to do.
Specify EXACTLY why you want it.
Yes. It can be confusing and frustrating to figure out your Definiteness of Purpose. But when you do, your life changes.