What do I want to be when I grow up?
The first time you ask yourself that question is when you are very young - if you ever asked it. Frankly, somebody else usually asks you, and you probably didn't have an answer and just took off running with this thing called life.
And then it happens —
Forty or fifty years later, people start asking themselves that question again after a family and career. The lucky ones don't confine it until they retire; they question who they are. It can be a scary time.
If you are looking for a change in your life, here are a few things to understand—
You can't move forward by hanging on to what you have.
Remember, you get more of what you focus on in your life. If you focus on what you give up, you'll get more. Instead, you must focus on the unknown future and look for clues about what you will do.
I call the process "Exploring Your Possibilities.
Imagine if anything is possible and there is no limitation or consequence. There is no commitment required, and money doesn't matter. Time has no impact. None of that matters because once you stumble upon what you want, you will have arrived, and everything will be forever different.
How do you make this happen?
The secret is to put the brakes on what you are doing while you seek new adventures. It will take time to find a good fit, so you'll have to ensure you don't slide back into your old ways. Don't do it, no matter how comfortable it may feel to get back in your comfort zone.
Pump the brakes. Hold on to the space you've created. Explore your possibilities, and let life unfold in front of you. It may not happen overnight. Then again, maybe it will.
When I began training and competing with my dog in agility, I made a rookie dog trainer mistake. I wasn't consistent, and my dog was getting confused. One day, my trainer said,
"For a dog, one time means all the time. They will keep doing something new every time you let them do something new."
As silly as it sounds, that came to mind a couple of weeks ago when my wife, a creature of routine and habit, did the same thing.
We held Thanksgiving for our family at our home, and Joi's training kicked in instantly—
"I like everybody coming, but what about leftovers? They need leftovers?"
As a guy who has experienced Joi's "No eating out at the restaurant until all the leftovers are gone" rule, I knew this was a big issue. But, like a good husband, I got out of the way and let her figure it out.
A day before the big day, I watched her bring two turkeys into our home and start cooking one of them — something I'd never seen before.
After cooking the bird, Joi sliced it up, divided it into individual containers, and popped it in the refrigerator. I had to ask—
"So what's the deal with all the turkey?
Aren't we cooking one tomorrow?"
Her answer was as Joi-like as I could expect.
"I just want to make sure everybody has leftovers. That's all."
Well, I can't argue with that, except that she was giving it all to everybody else.
I sure hope I get my own. 🙂
With the holiday season on its way, wouldn't it be great if you received the gift of the wonderful life of your dreams?
What if you could have lots of free time, less stress, more money, and great relationships?
In my years of coaching folks all over the world, I've learned a few things about lifestyle design:
1) Everything begins when you become aware of what you want and accept that it's up to you.
2) If you believe your dream can be real as soon as you start living it - it will be.
3) You are the Boss of you, so there's no reason for a delay. Stop planning and start doing. Forget wishing, hoping, and dreaming. Start with little bits of happiness and work toward living your dream daily.
Most people are drifting in the winds of life. True happiness arrives when you start driving through life.
Living your wonderful life is entirely up to you. Be aware of the desired change; believe it can be yours, and start living it now.
I woke up this morning with a zest to expand my feeling of gratefulness. Well, is not so much to grow as to recognize all the things I am grateful for but haven’t thought about lately.
That’s the thing about living in a fast-paced world where our daily activities, big and small, fly by and are quickly forgotten. It’s always been that way. There is nothing new in the world. That got me thinking about some of my favorite quotes —
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” —Robert Brault
As a no-regrets guy, I admit to sometimes not living in gratitude. Thankfully, the wisdom of others is always making sure I remember what is essential—
“If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.”—Frank A. Clark
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” —Eckhart Tolle
“Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.” —Estonian Proverb
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up to exist at all.”—William Faulkner
“Enough is a feast.”—Buddhist Proverb
“When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.”—Anthony Robbins
“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.”—Vietnamese Proverb
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”—William Arthur Ward
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.”—Cicero
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”—Robert Brault
Happy Thanksgiving.
Where the heck did my week go?
With a long weekend in sight, I’m a bit worn our from projects I’ve been working on, but my mind I moving to eating turkey and riding the motorcycle mode.
Monday is coming - right? We can get going again.
How will we stay focused, progress toward our goals, and get important stuff done if we run out of juice before the week is over?
Why does that early week motivation that has our hair on fire run out before I finish everything?
Okay, let’s cover two things.
The first is a myth but I’ll correct it for you.
1) Motivation is a finite resource that will fade. On average, your brain runs out of motivational calories after about 48 hours of focused work - a belief that has been held for years. It’s not true. Motivation doesn’t fade, as a human, you just get tired.
2) God willing, no matter how much you don’t get done this week, there is always the next week in your future. Yes, another Monday is coming. What doesn’t get done this week will get done next week.
A long time ago, Tony Robbins said, ‘Most people overestimate what they can do in a week and underestimate what they can do in a year.’
Keep your eyes on the prize that is driving you. Your goal should be to reach your stated outcome, no matter what gets in the way or how long it takes.
A few days ago, I stumbled into a conversation with a young man working behind the counter at a store I visited. It didn't take long before we knew a lot about each other.
He was a student at Emory Riddle Aeronautics University here in Daytona Beach. I run into a lot of those kids. Being a pilot myself, we instantly bonded. Then he asked a question that caused me to pause…
The Daytona area population is very diverse - with more than a few retired. Since I'm a guy with a bit of gray hair, a couple of wrinkles, and seemingly lots of free time on my hands, he asked…
"Are you retired?"
I shot back, "Not yet - in a couple of years!"
What he said next stopped me in my tracks.
"Does that scare you or excite you?"
I have to say. I don't get stuck with words very often. But after a few seconds, I said -
"Neither! I love what I do and how my life is going, and I am excited about tomorrow more than today!"
That's when he said, "I hope I'm that way when I get older - not to say you're old.
Always remember -
When you do what makes your heart sing, life gets better.
Boost Coaching - November 16, 2023
Our monthly coaching call for Premium Members - and this was a good one.
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
I have a saying -
“Next year begins THIS year, next month begins THIS month, next week begins THIS week, and that happens on a Thursday.”
If you want to stay on track, accomplish your goals, and enjoy life - you MUST take control of your calendar.
It’s easier than you think:
1) Life will come at you FAST! Schedule any significant and can’t - miss life event at least one year in advance. Put it on the calendar and block it out. You can always change your mind. And do it on a Thursday.
2) Hold your space. Decide in advance what you will be doing next week. When will you work on projects? When will you see clients? When will you have fun? And do it on a Thursday.
3) Never end one week without locking in your schedule for the next - and stick to it. And do it on a Thursday?
Why Thursday?
Because it allows you to completely relax for the weekend by already knowing what the next week will bring.
The future is always brighter when your day-to-day focus fulfills your goals this week. Focus, my friend. Focus.
Does this happen to you?
A great idea pops into your head. Your heart fills with excitement. Nothing can stop you - except that you feel like you are stuck in quicksand. The more you fight, the deeper you sink. The only way out seems to be to give up on your dream - again.
Let’s not do that this time.
Feeling inspired to make a change in your life is terrific. It can also be scary. The result is nearly always feeling a sense of resistance as you move forward.
This happens because your mind is wired to survive. That means avoiding anything bad and seeking everything good. Until you know it’s good for sure, everything is bad.
Resistance is the automatic result.
When you are ready to act on your inspiration, focus on the good coming and do your best to resist your natural inclination to fall to the evil power of resistance.
You could say, “It’s about resisting your resistance.”
Inspiration Without Resistance. That’s how you live the life you’ve always wanted.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could create more time in your day?
One way to think about it is to prioritize the projects already on your plate.
That requires a simple understanding:
1) Working on multiple products simultaneously only delays completing all the projects. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time.
2) What makes this such a great practice is that when you complete a project, not only is it off your plate, but it begins producing your expected results and also frees up time to move on to your next project.
The next time that you are trying to find more time, ask -
“What can I finish right now that will give me more time tomorrow - and every day after that?”
Psychologically speaking, when practicing a focus-finish-focus model; your mind also experiences time differently. In the moment, time seems to be faster. After your projects are completed, your memories expand, and it seems like time has slowed down.
That’s what they call a Mind Warp - and it happens daily.
Do you have too many options and are having difficulty choosing?
You may have heard of a concept called "Opportunity Cost." Some consider it a fancy term for "trade-off." In other words, every time you choose, there is a trade-off to consider.
I find it easier to use extreme discrimination to weed out less-than-ideal opportunities. And you can do that with one question -
"Does this opportunity provide the fastest and most direct path to reach my goals?"
Before we go on, it's easy to look at almost any opportunity and justify a path, especially if you are being persuaded by someone else.
And Opportunity Cost is not some personal development success hack. It's actually in your mind as a survival tool. It's your mind deciding how to expend energy most efficiently.
What was that question again?
"Does this opportunity provide the fastest and most direct path to reach my goals?"
If you want to break free from a stalled life, you must eliminate less efficient opportunities.
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
In my entire life, I've always found it interesting that there never seems to be enough time in the day. Still, most days, everything seems to get done. If it doesn't, the world didn't end, and I survived to check off another item from my to-do list tomorrow.
I know I'm not the first human on the planet to face the problem of time, but I think I'm one of those smartypants who have figured out how our time works in real life. And it was 180 degrees from what I felt that time was all about.
How you look at time is about to change.
First, when you run as fast as possible to get things done, time moves quicker, and things get done. But with every minute filled, there is never enough time to do the things that make your heart sing. If you're like me, that will eventually lead you to sabotage your list so you can do something fun for yourself. It's a never-ending cycle.
On the other hand, when you slow down, hold space for yourself, and focus on results relevant to your goals, time slows down, and you get good stuff done. You also magically find lots of free time you need to fill.
Of course, this sounds familiar if you've ever studied Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. As he determined—time is relative. In other words, the rate at which time passes depends on your frame of reference — or your FOCUS.
So, what is your frame of reference?
In our case, I'm not asking whether you are moving fast or slow; I want to know if you are focused on the essential things in life that matter to you. Everything else disappears when you do, times slow down, and you enjoy your day like you were born to do.
I must admit that I get in trouble because some of the ScottLOGIC that comes out of my mouth doesn’t sit well with many folks these days - and they let me know.
One of the biggest comments…
“You seem like such a positive guy, and then it’s like something clicks in your head and goes negative and ruins my day.”
While I don’t think I ever go negative, I’ve heard that many times.
Here’s the thing…
It would be easy for me to get caught in the feel-good trap of chasing positivity - if only for being positive. But I’m not interested in that. I am interested in the results.
That is a peaceful, content, joyful, and meaningful life.
If you’ve been alive for over a couple of decades, you know all of that is found lurking in the truth. That’s why I consider myself a practical, positive guy, and you should too.
I believe an optimistic attitude is power in life; I also think that you can never be truly happy until you are willing to dig deep into the not-so-positive challenges in life. Until you do that, you’ll be blocked.
That’s why you’ll always hear me cover both sides.
Frankly, I’m not interested in what we can and will do in our lives. I’m interested in the millions of interactions, decisions, and feelings we encounter daily that become the life we will have lived someday.
Stephen Fry said, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Almost everything that freaks folks out begins with words from others and yourself.
Keep that in mind because…
When you choose to be positive and practical and ground yourself in the truth, you will become at peace with everything around you - including yourself.
“Please! Can somebody stop the world? I want to get off!”
Okay. Just for you, I pressed the magic button, and the world stopped.
What are you going to do now?
If you don’t have an answer, there’s no need to freak out. It’s common for people to get slowed down and think about what their life could be like, and I have no idea.
But let’s say you are one of the few who decide the time to turn directly into the challenge.
Many years ago, I adopted a philosophy that became the driver that would change everything. I decided to always turn face-first into any challenge between me and my dreams. Yes, I would face my passion head-on and do whatever it takes to make it real.
Do you know what happened next?
I tripped, stumbled, and fell into a pile of my own crumbled dreams. That’s when I realized that deciding to face your passion was only the beginning. Before you can face your passion and live your dreams, a few more things must be faced first.
You must face your stress.
You must face your relationships.
You must face your health, finances, and spiritual beliefs.
You must face your friendships, clothing, what you eat, and what you dream.
Yes, living the “I know there must be more lifestyle” is freakishly simple and no big deal; you do whatever you want whenever you choose. But it doesn’t take long to realize that getting whenever you want requires that you face a few things first.
It’s simple. As scary as it may feel, no matter how much you don’t want to do it, everything becomes possible when you deal with everything in your life and take control.
So, the next time you find yourself trying to figure out what’s stopping you from living your dreams, there might be a few things that you want to handle first.
A friend and I were chewing the fat a while back about getting what we wanted out of life. It’s a common topic among my friends and should be among yours. It makes sense; what you focus on is what you get - right?
As we talked, I realized that as I’ve bumbled and stumbled through a very colorful life, I’ve also stumbled upon a simple idea.
Getting what you want in life requires that you know what you want. But what happens when you have no idea how the best things arrived in your life?
I get that kind of thinking blows away the theory of WHY most of us talk about. Yes, your WHY is how you get you through when things get tough. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that will.
But in my world, I’ve learned something else.
Sometimes, the most happiness we find comes when we’re entirely unaware of WHY we are doing whatever we are doing.
And I can’t tell you how often my wife has asked, “Why are you doing that?” My answer is usually, I’m not sure. I guess it needed to be done.
So, as I sit here listening to ‘Girl Named Toms’ Christmas album, I can’t help but wonder what magic you are missing out on because you are spending too much time seeking a mystical WHY instead of honoring the choices you have already made in your life.
My ScottLogic tells me that when you explore the possibilities when they arrive in your life, without thinking about it, and go with the flow, you will be happier - even though you might not admit it.
Reach Your Goal By Staying in The FLOW
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
I need to pass along a way to achieve your goals faster than you thought possible.
If you are ready for success to arrive, here are three simple rules to help you realize your dreams:
1) Play to your strength. Do what is comfortable for you. Stay in the FLOW.
2) Only commit to activities that will lead you to your goal. Stay in the FLOW.
3) Never let a day pass without reminding yourself of your strengths. Consciously direct your focus. Stay in the FLOW.
You can reach your goals faster when you avoid distractions stranding everybody else, work with your natural talents, and stay in the flow.
Why Thursday is The Best Planning Day
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Reach Your Dreams By Avoiding Resistance
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Practicing the Focus-Finish-Focus Model
Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching