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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Calculating Your Success

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Identify Opportunities From Obstacles

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Life Changes When You Are Most Tired

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Recovering When You Feel Lost

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

A Different Way of Planning

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Setting Your Rules of Success

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Who is Your Future Self?

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

How to be Effortlessly Creative

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Mindset For Happiness

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Strangest Secret For Success

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

Earl Nightingale produced “The Strangest Secret” to motivate his insurance company sales force. It is now a motivational standard.

The secret is simple:

1) You become what you think.

2) You must pay the prices.

3) You must control your thoughts.

4) Cut away the limitations of your mind.

5) Set a clearly defined goal.  

6) Act promptly when your path is clear.

7) Save at least 10% of every dollar.

What do you want more than anything else?  

Do more than you must. Do more than anybody else. Do it better than anybody else.

Are you ready to make it so nobody can ignore you?

Commit today to do more than you must to get what you want.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

How To Figure Out Your Purpose

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

How Do You Feel Sessions

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Seize Control With No More Waiting

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Decisions Made Easy

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

10 Daily Rules for a Happier You

Every day, we all jump into the craziness of life with little thought to the basic rules we use to run our day. 

Here are a few of mine. You can borrow them if you would like:

1) Do what makes your heart sing. You'll always feel better when you are dancing down your path.

2) Believe anything is possible. As soon as you believe - everything IS possible.

3) Be nice to others. Expect them to do the same. No further explanation is required.

4) Believe in people and encourage their dreams. When you do, they'll return the favor.

5) Do the right thing. If you mess up, say you're sorry, try again. 

6) Meet people where they are in their lives and walk with them to where you both want to go.

7) Do what you say you will do. It's always better to under-promise and over-deliver. 

😍 Make lemonade out of lemons. Everything is fixable if you have the right mindset.

9) Keep things simple. Yup.

10) Relax. Life is short. Double yup.

Focusing on life's big picture makes it easier to enjoy your daily experiences.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Identify Opportunities From Obstacles

When you boil it down, all the activities that keep you busy every day lead to one destination — happiness. 
It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that none of us are chasing misery.

But what happens when you have too many options and keep choosing those that throw you off course?

My dog, Levi, and I have had a standing appointment with Mindy for years. She's a dog agility world champion and knows a thing or two about training champions. She's also very good at teaching us to negotiate a field of obstacles successfully while running as fast as we can.

When we begin to run a course, we aim to complete it as fast as possible with no mistakes. Follow the numbers from lowest to highest correctly, and everything will end well.

But life gets in the way, even in dog agility.

Mindy is an expert at setting traps designed to distract and pull us off course. Since a dog can't read numbers, I must discriminate between the correct and the false path. The wrong choice will cause us to go off course and not reach our goal.

If you live an active, growth-oriented life, you will encounter distractions. Many are placed in front of you by well-meaning people. They look like opportunities. In reality, they are obstacles that will cause you to veer off course — potentially for years.

You will go off course if you take a job that is not aligned with your goals.

If you negotiate a deal on a new home that leaves you underwater, you are off course from the start.

If you enter into a relationship that doesn't match your values, you will have no numbers to follow. 

Setting well-defined goals is the first step in knowing the difference between opportunities and obstacles. It is a skill that will serve you well.

Everybody heads down the wrong path from time to time. It takes time to recover. The fewer times you do that, the faster you reach your goals.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Life Changes When You Are Most Tired

Many have said, "Life is a marathon, not a sprint." 

But what happens when you find yourself doing both at the same time? 

If you've been living on this planet for any length of time, you've figured out life is a long game made of day-to-day sprints. 

If you want a big bank balance, you make small deposits over time.

If you want to lose weight, you make small reductions over time.

If you want to get a promotion at your job, you do well every day. 

The challenge happens when you have yet to define the marathon you are running. A lack of a specific goal can only lead to daily activity that may or may not get you to your destination. If that happens to you, you may feel worn out, frustrated, and wondering when things will turn around. 

There's good news. That kind of thinking means that you are on the right track to success.

Certain stamina is required to reach any goal, and society today celebrates one's ability to put in the hard work no matter what. 

There's only one problem. 

If it's not working for you, it's not sustainable behavior. Sooner or later, you will decide to make a change - usually abruptly.

Here's the truth: you will change when you wear yourself out. 

Reluctant, fearful, or hard-headed, you will put up with a less-than-satisfying life path for so long.

When you've had enough, even if the timing is not perfect, you will change when you wear yourself out. 

You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. 

So, what's the fix?

The marathon we call life will continue until it doesn't, and there are three things you can do to make it better.

The first is to define your destination with clarity. 

Next, match your daily activity with your goals.

Finally, accept that if things don't go your way, you're going to change directions anyway.
You will change when you wear yourself out.

Just skip the bad stuff, adjust, and get to the good stuff right now. There's no need to wait.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Recovering When You Feel Lost

When life gets in the way, it can be challenging to know what to do next. No matter how motivated you are to achieve your goal. 

Thinking like a Pilot can save the day when that happens.

A few years ago, I was a 150-hour pilot. I was flying a Cessna 172 to pick up my daughter for a weekend visit from the University of Florida — a trip I've made a dozen times. It had been an uneventful flight, then, about 15 minutes from landing, it happened…

Maybe it was the heat of the day or the drone of the engine. In any case, I had the sensation that I had no idea where I was. I could see the airport in front of me, so I was aware of the situation. But I had no idea how to get to where I wanted to go. It was a terrifying feeling. 

Knowing I had to call the Tower in minutes, I turned to my training and followed three rules that any pilot knows will get them back on track.

The first is to continue to fly the airplane and stay safe. That may sound simple, but how many times have you wanted to cover your eyes and hide when things got challenging? 

The second is to break through your confusion and figure out where you are on your journey. If you can keep yourself stable, you'll have time to snap out of any momentary rough spot and get focused.

The third rule is to communicate with people who can help. With only a few minutes before entering the airspace illegally, I called Tower and said, 

"I'm a low-hour pilot, a little South of the field, and I am confused. There's no emergency, but I could use some guidance."

That simple commutation gave Air Traffic Control everything they needed. In minutes, they lined me up on the runway, and I impressed them with a perfect landing.

"Not a bad landing for a lost pilot," they said.

All I could do was laugh and be grateful.

Sure, my ego took a hit. But I learned a lesson, picked up my daughter, and had a great flight home.

Aviate. Navigate. Communicate. It'll get you there every time.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

A Different Way of Planning

I was on the phone with a client this morning when he said, ”I don’t know why I have such a hard time planning my day-to-day stuff. I want my day to be easier!”

I get it. Everybody does. And to make that happen, you need a mindset shift.

First to consider is that non-stop and continuous planning of every task every day is exhausting. It only adds another level of stress to your day.

Instead, planning should be done occasionally with a broader focus on the short, medium, and long term. The goal is NOT to spend your life planning. It is creating containers where you plan to do your work or play.

Once you have your containers, you load them with goals and tasks and get them done. When things require adjustments, make another plan.

Make your plan and work your plan. Don’t keep changing things. That’s how you get what you want.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Setting Your Rules of Success

If you study people who have succeeded in any area of their lives, you will find they have much in common. 

Not only do they follow a set of rules, they follow those rules no matter how much life gets in the way.

What are those rules?

— The person who has the strongest "Why" wins.
— The person who shows up wins.
— The person who shows up on time wins.
— The person who is most persistent wins.
— The person show never assumes wins.
— The person who is the best at what they do wins.
— The person who plans and documents their journey and interactions wins.
— The person who never gives up total control to others wins.
— The person who accepts responsibility for themselves wins.
— The person who serves the most wins.
— The person who is grateful for everything wins.

The actions you take automatically become the life you experience. It's essential to be mindful of where you are heading.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Who is Your Future Self?

I’ll never forget the day a mentor of mine said to me —
“You have to become the person you want to be before becoming the person you want to be.”


So, do I have to fake it until I make it?

Heck no! I’m not going to change who I am - no way!

“No. You’re not changing who you are. It’s just that you have to understand that in the future, you will have a different set of beliefs than you hold right now. That’s called growth. Whatever you believe, you will become.”

At first, I thought he meant I would have to sell my soul to the devil and take on beliefs, not mine, to get what I wanted. But one day, I realized that day-to-day living is changing me anyway. I may as well make a choice myself.

My thinking went like this —
If I hold a self-image because of what I believe, all I have to do is create a future self-image, decide what that person would believe, and design a set of rules and actions that make those beliefs happen.

What’s the best part?

There’s no waiting. The very minute you decide what you believe, everything begins to change.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

How to be Effortlessly Creative

Over the years, I have produced over 12,000 podcasts; everyone begins with the written word. Even though that makes my mouth and fingers my most exercised body parts, it has also given me many opportunities to learn to keep my words flowing.

If you're like most people, you have found yourself sitting in front of a blank screen, praying for inspiration. It could be writer's block, procrastination, or maybe you watched Netflix late. In any case, a simple solution can alleviate this feeling of being stuck, always providing a starting point.

Any project I need to wrap my head around begins by capturing the ideas that flow into my mind throughout the day. Even turning the radio off on a 20-minute drive can provide a treasure-trove of useable nuggets. 

Next, I tuck those ideas away in a safe place without organizing, editing, or rewriting. I grab the thoughts, jot a note or record a memo, put them away, and let them simmer.

When I'm ready to get to work, I take 15 minutes the day before to review my creative genius list, toss out what is not relevant, create a simple outline, and walk away with a sense of readiness, knowing I am fully prepared to begin.

The next day, I can't wait to sit in front of a blank screen and let the magic start flowing effortlessly from my fingertips.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Mindset For Happiness

I spend most of my days finding ways to keep tens of thousands of people worldwide motivated and moving - and that always comes down to a strategy for mindset.

Here are a few things you can do - today!

1) Remind Yourself of Your Gratefulness

Who or what are you most grateful to have in your life?
Sometime today, pause, close your eyes, and fill your mind with the people and things that make your life good.
Remember, reminding yourself of why you are grateful makes you unstoppable.

2) Your Actions Reveal Your Purpose

What will make you feel like you are living your true self?
The items that move you closer to who you are are hidden in your to-do list. What are they?
Focusing on fulfilling actions means that you are living your purpose.

3) Strategize THEIR Feelings in Advance

You can make someone feel great today. Who will that be?
Take a moment and review the people you will interact with today. How do you want to make them feel?
When you make others feel good, you feel good too.

4) What CAN You Do?

Choose a challenge that has stuck and ask, what can I do?
List three challenges that have you stuck and ask what can I do? Then, do it.
Nothing can stop you when you ask what can I do?

5) Hold Space For Your Dreams

Since today may get busy, what space are you holding for yourself?
The space between your appointments today belongs to you. How will you use it to make your dreams come true?

When you hold space for your dreams, your dreams always come true.
If you feel like a challenge, turn these into rules and affirmations to live your life.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Motivational Laws You Should Respect

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

Specific actions, thoughts, and feelings have revealed themselves to be the truth. 
If you want to better yourself, here are my Top 10:

10) Purpose And Passion Come From Clarity of Thought.

9) Purpose And Passion Begin With Acceptance.

8) Faith and Courage Power Transformation.

7) The Secret Lies Within You.

6) Some Doors Must Close Before Others Open.

5) Strong Values Create Strong Passions.

4) Goals Are The Heartbeat of Your Life.

3) Emotions + Logic = Change.

2) Momentum Is The Result of Planning.

1) Everything Happens When
Something Happens.

The path to all success is well-worn. Follow the path that others have blazed. Your dreams are waiting.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

How To Figure Out Your Purpose

Over the years, the most popular question I get from the MOVERS around here is -
“How do I find my purpose and face my passion?”

If I were to expand on that question, it would be -

“What can I do today to find my purpose and overcome the fear of living my passion?”

In other words, it’s one thing to find it; it’s another thing to get yourself to do it.

Today, we’ll focus on finding it.

In my quest to live passionately, I always follow a 5-step process for discovering and facing your passion. It has never failed me.

1) Explore the possibilities that are available to you. The more, the better. Many things will interest you, and you should be willing to allow them into your life. 

2) Pay attention to what grabs and keeps your attention. Don’t fight the feeling; just follow the urge to explore.

3) Deep dive into the things showing themselves into your life and immersing yourself.

4) When you find yourself fascinated and nearly obsessed, you are heading a new path, even if it makes no sense. Don’t be surprised if it is nothing you’ve ever considered before.

The formula is simple: Exploration + Fascination = Facing Your Passion.

While there can be several strategic steps within the steps above, the more significant challenge is to allow yourself to follow what you find. 

Once you find it, be sure you live it.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

How Do You Feel Sessions

How much better would your day be if you knew what surprises lurked around the corner?

While you can’t predict everything, you can prepare for most things using “How Do I Feel Strategy Sessions.”

Here’s how it works:

1) Once a month, take a few minutes and review what’s going on in your life. Your job. Your vacations. Your relationships. Your goal is to recognize what is likely to require your attention.

2) As you form your list, consider every possible scenario and expected outcome. Imagine what may happen and craft a plan for handling it in your favor.

3) When the situation arrives, remember how you decided to handle it and stay in control.

Using a pre-planned response is a great way never to be surprised again.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Seize Control With No More Waiting

When you feel in control, are you happier? 

I created 'Do What Makes Your Heart Sing a few years ago.' While it was about being happy, it's core teaching became my best practice.

1) Stop fixin' to get ready. If you want something, there is no reason to put it off. Could you go out and get it today?

2) Ask for help. We all need help. Millions of people are waiting for you to ask them.

3) Slow down when it gets bumpy. Going after big goals will lead you down rough roads. Those are when you slow down, stay focused, and keep moving - as fast as possible.

4) Fly it into the barn. Good pilots continue to fly their airplanes until they are safely tied down on the ground. Keep going until you get 100% of what you want.

5) Be smart—set goals. Don't argue. This one is simple. Trust and use your wisdom and instinct. Set goals to keep you reaching for what you want. Seek solutions that keep you moving.

6) Don't give monkeys piggyback rides. If you let them, other people will happily put THEIR monkey on YOUR back. Deal with your challenges. Let them do the same.

7) Practice daily P.Y.O.T.B. You are your own best cheerleader. Be sure to pat yourself on your back and say, "I done GOOD!"

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Decisions Made Easy

Have you ever noticed how forward momentum completely stops when you can't make a decision? There's no doubt; that the ability to make a decision is a power skill worth developing. I learned mine from my Mom.

I grew up in the small town of Manassas, Virginia and I couldn't wait to graduate and begin my life adventure. My focus was on becoming a top-rated morning radio host, making lots of money in a big market. But I had a problem...

The day came for me to decide how to begin my career. I narrowed my school choice and had to commit to enrolling - and commitments can be scary. As excited as I was to begin, I was also confused. That's when my Mom stepped in with a solution.

Mom was a Legal Secretary and pulled out a yellow legal pad she kept handy. She drew a line down the middle of the page from top to bottom.

Oh, no. We're not going to do the old Pro and Con thing again? That never works!

Have you ever tried to make a decision using a list of positives and negatives? It only causes more confusion.
But that wasn't going to happen this time because Mom had something else in mind. She drew another horizontal line, from left to right, across the middle of the page. Then she said,
"This is different. It's about what is going to happen when you make your decision. Try it."

With that, I made a list of everything that WOULD happen if I DID commit and get myself moving in the top left of the page.

On the top right, I made a list of what WOULD happen if I DIDN'T do anything.
Then, things got interesting…

On the bottom left of the page, I listed what WOULDN'T happen if I DID.

I filled the bottom right with what WOULDN'T happen if I DIDN'T.

Clarity emerged, the fear disappeared, and excitement took over. 

If you find yourself needing to make a decision, you can sort out anything, break free, and build fast and massive momentum with those four questions.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

Create Your Average Perfect Day

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

How would you feel if every day, on average, was as you wanted?  
It's time to make your dreams come true and create your "Average Perfect Day." 

Here's how it works:

1) Find a quiet spot and write a detailed description of your perfect day. Let your fantasies flow onto paper until you've mapped out morning until night.

2) Focus on your daily experiences, not material goods. In other words, if you want a sports car, focus on how you feel in the driver's seat.  

3) Fight the urge to judge. The goal is to slow down, tap into your core, and get excited about what's possible. 

There is one last rule that you must follow.

There are no limitations and no consequences. Let yourself be free to dream. You are going to be surprised how many start coming true.

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Daily Boost Podcast | Motivation To Move | Scott Smith

10 Daily Rules for a Happier You

Author: Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching

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