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The Daily C++

Tags: #list #mentor
"Don't be shy, don't be afraid to reach out to these engineers to ask for help any time. Make sure to introduce yourself a bit and explain what you'd like guidance on. They can help with tutoring, "


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The Daily C++

Tags: #fromusers #repo


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The Daily C++

Tags: #function #to #function
"Since the advent of C++11 writing more functional code has become easier. Functional programming patterns and ideas are powerful additions to the C++ developer's huge toolbox..."


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The Daily C++

Tags: #tutorial #libclang
"Clang, if you haven’t heard of yet, is a wonderful C++ (and other C language family) compiler. Well, not exactly a compiler, but a frontend to the LLVM compiler..."


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The Daily C++

Tags: #video #implentation #multithread #compiletime #cpp14


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The Daily C++

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The Daily C++

Tags: #permutation #vector

Part1: https://goo.gl/jBrRBp
Part2: https://goo.gl/cQC87L
Part3: https://goo.gl/gnDmID
Part4: https://goo.gl/ltiHqi

From: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/

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The Daily C++

Tags: #memory #management #allocator


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The Daily C++

Tags: #string #view #cpp17
"Technically, basic_string_view is an object that can refer to a constant contiguous sequence of char-like objects with the first element of the sequence at position zero."


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The Daily C++

Tags: #array vs #vector
" I’m going to start off by building a matrix library and see where it goes."


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The Daily C++

Tags: #folding #function


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The Daily C++

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The Daily C++

Tags: #cpp17 #variant #keyword


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The Daily C++

Tags: #RAII #memory #destructor
We have RAII in C++ and therefore the totally deterministic destruction of objects. But, what is RAII? That's the topic of this post.


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The Daily C++

if the authors of computer programming books wrote arithmetic textbooks

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The Daily C++

Tags: #gcc #optimization
"talks about evaluating and eliminating code at compile time, and the example is fun as it triggers..."


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The Daily C++

Tags: #cpp #note #graphics #engine #other


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The Daily C++

Tags: #optimize #code
"In this post I would like to propose a technique based on levels of abstraction to transform an obscure piece of code into expressive and elegant one..."


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The Daily C++

Tags: #cross #platform #guide #salami #method
"C++ libraries that needed to be integrated into multiple platforms..."


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The Daily C++

Tags: #sorting #indices

Part1: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20170105-00/?p=95125
Part2: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20170106-00/?p=95135

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The Daily C++

Tags: #jobs #search


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The Daily C++

Tags: #Bjarne #Stroustrup
Interview to Bjarne Stroustrup


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The Daily C++

Tags: #squares #surfaces #volume #math
"This post generalizes that process to equations of any dimension such as z=f(x,y), w=f(x,y,z) or greater."


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The Daily C++

Are you finding a job? Try to Qt
Tags: #job

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The Daily C++

Tags: #micro #benchmark


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The Daily C++

Tags: #interpreter #cpp in #javascript


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The Daily C++

Thanks all members. We finally reach 1000 members!! Help us again

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The Daily C++

Tags: #BartlomiejFilipek #Bartek #report2016 #cppStatus
Another year and another C++ Status! It’s hard to believe, but it’s my fifth time I am writing this summary. And, as usually, C++ language is very alive. The biggest news for the year?


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The Daily C++

Tags: #reversing #function
I wanted to take some time to write about dealing with virtual functions in large, ‘enterprisy’ code-bases.


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