El diario más odiado del mundo. https://t.me/joinchat/EckTBE2JyBwmbSiF3QCFRA 🗞🌩🔘👉🏻 @dailystormerinfinity 😃👉🏻 @putosjudios
Cruise Line Says All Passengers Must Have Proof of Coronavirus Vaccination
America has freedom so private companies will force you to be vaccinated instead of the government.
Myanmar: Junta Cucks, Turns the Internet Back On
Oh come on!
The Gateway Pundit the Latest to Get Twitter Banned as the Total Cleansing Continues
Everyone gets banned.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is the Leader of an Underground White Supremacist Movement
We've seen the face of true evil.
Mike Lindell’s Documentary ABSOLUTE PROOF Proves ABSOLUTELY That the Election Was a Fraud!
Mike Lindell is the last American.
Media Highlights Couple in Their 80s Pushed Into Poverty by “Pandemic”
How exactly did we get to this point?
Oakland: Chinatown Under Sustained Assault by Blacks Now That Police are Gone
The BLM movement was about unleash black violence on the population.
Oakland: Chinatown Under Sustained Assault by Blacks Now That Police are Gone
The BLM movement was about unleash black violence on the population.
¿Hasta ahora se han dado cuenta que eso es estados judios de america y que estos mismos degenerados son los que han hecho mierda cada país al que han entrado y que hacen drama con 6 trillones de fantasmas horneados en su imaginación?
Читать полностью…los mamotretos del judio han sido siempre de la torah a la que dicen respetar pero a los de magia (kabalah) a los que suelen practicar, que el talmud te cuente el resto junto a los hadicez ocultos del islam
Читать полностью…God Save Our Podiums: Over 100 Already Arrested, All Die-Hard Trump Supporters
Outgoing Capitol Police Chiefs Says Requests for Backup Repeatedly Denied
What matters now is how we move forward.
Nancy Pelosi Whines About Minor Vandalism in Her Decadent Office
Nancy. Sympathetic character.
Disgraced Doom Prophet Neil Ferguson Says Mass Vaccination Could Get UK Back to Normal
The only way to get back to normal is to physically remove the current rulers from our countries.
Chicago: Good Boy Goes on Hilarious Murder Rampage, 4 Dead
We may never know the motive, but we do know it is the fault of the cops and white people.
If Iran Would Have Read the Daily Stormer, They Would Have Known Neocon Biden Wasn’t Doing Any Deals
Iran, like China, had a better chance of avoiding war under Trump.
If Iran Would Have Read the Daily Stormer, They Would Have Known Neocon Biden Wasn’t Doing Any Deals
Iran, like China, had a better chance of avoiding war under Trump.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is the Leader of an Underground White Supremacist Movement
We've seen the face of true evil.
Mike Lindell’s Documentary ABSOLUTE PROOF Proves ABSOLUTELY That the Election was a Fraud!
Mike Lindell is the last American.
Media Highlights Couple in Their 80s Pushed Into Poverty by “Pandemic”
How exactly did we get to this point?
Two More Men Involved with Netflix “Cheer” Show Arrested for Pederasty Related Crimes
The fact is that homosexuals are not normal people, they are a predatory cult.
Two More Men Involved with Netflix “Cheer” Show Arrested for Pederasty Related Crimes
The fact is that homosexuals are not normal people, they are a predatory cult.
Si querían un adelanto del fabuloso juego GTA VI, gracias a @observadordeaves1 por este adelanto
Читать полностью…Estamos de acuerdo que hay que matar a cada policia, enfermero... santiario... que venga a intentar vacunarnos... y el que se quiera vacunar, adelante pero nosotros usaremos certificados falsos, haremos lo que sea necesario porque esta judería no nos va a frenar y a pesar de morir pronto, tendremos que pelear porque es la vida y la guerra un mismo hecho transcendental para el alma.
Читать полностью…Maybe Parler Should Move Their Headquarters to Taiwan?
Now that's an idea that could sprout legs.
Merkel Says That Twitter Shouldn’t Have the Ability to Ban Trump
Actually, she is not "defending free speech."
Alex Jones Snaps on QAnon Supporter: “All of It’s Lies”
I think a lot of us share this sentiment.
BREAKING: Paul Gosar’s Family Says He Sucks!
This all only ends one way.
Another Brave Defender of Criminal, Usurper Regime Dies [UPDATE: Suicide!]
I guess he couldn't live with being a TRAITOR!
Germany Says It Wants a “Democracy Marshall Plan” to Permanently Silence the Peasants
Wait, what?