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Our 2022 FIFA World Cup dataset is trending on Kaggle ⚽
Hi Guys 👋
The FIFA World Cup, a global football sporting event that takes place every four years, is in Qatar this year. The decision to hold the World Cup in Qatar has sparked several controversies, including allegations of corruption and human rights violations.
We wondered what football fans thought of this tournament. To find out this, we collected tweets from the first day of FIFA World Cup 2022 with the hashtag #WorldCup2022 using the Sncrape library. While scraping the tweets, we performed a sentiment analysis using the cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest model in Hugging Face Hub.
Our dataset FIFA World Cup 2022 Tweets is trending and Kaggle has featured it on their official Trending Datasets page. With this dataset, you can perform data science projects and NLP analysis. You can find this dataset here.
📌 Thanks for reading
A shaded relief map of Africa rendered from 3d data and satellite imagery [OC]
NEW survey on LGBTQIA+ experiences for high school stats project (LGBTQIA+ community only)
Hi! I posted a survey similar to this one, but something went wrong with the data collection. If you could please take some time to answer this quick survey, it would be appreciated greatly! This survey is aimed towards people of the LGBTQIA+ community. Thank you!
Edit: My survey is no longer taking any more respondants, thank you for all you help!\_E53uFXrxpShFmUcs3A7laha-Q0t\_QyYpmVQ/viewform?usp=sf\_link
Results Analysis of Spotify 2022 Wrapped Survey
See all the results here \^
This was my third year doing this survey and I received the most responses so far this year. Thank you to everyone doing the survey! There are lots of interesting pie charts, lists and graphs in the imgur link, so go check that out for all the results. Here are some quick results from the survey.
501 respondents
46 countries
173 different top genres
Pop, Rock, Indie Rock, Modern Rock, Rap, EDM, and Pop Punk topped the genre charts
Average genres explored - 47
Word maps of the morning, afternoon and evening moods. 3 adjectives were assigned for the morning, afternoon and evening. The order of the adjectives are based on the popularity of your music’s mood. Angst was the most popular in the morning and afternoon. Chill was the most popular in the evening.
Average total playtime - 39282. Median - 27863
And more! Go click on the imgur link.
If you still want to do the survey, click here:
You can also see Google results live here:
Map of countries where VPNs are illegal
[OC] Radial bracket - Semifinals | World Cup 2022
The most visited website in every country
What’s the best way to create this type of chart layout (with the colored dots next to each topic) using info from Google Sheets/Excel?
[OC] 2022 Top Trending Searches by State
Napoleonic Wars Casuality - Post-War
Q Does anyone know of an IRT model that will accommodate both binary and ordinal data simultaneously?
I am interested in using an IRT model to develop a measure of a latent concept. I have fourteen indicators. Most of them are dichotomous, but there are a few ordinal ones as well. Does anyone know of an IRT model that will accommodate both dichotomous and ordinal responses? One option would be to collapse the ordinal indicators into binary ones, but that would mean losing out on a lot of information. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
[OC] Portion of players not born in the country of their team. World Cup 2022
[OC] "Also" Is The Most Common Word With No Rhymes
D Dr. Petar Veličković (Deepmind) - Categories, Graphs, Reasoning and Graph Expander Propagation
Hey folks,
We interviewed Petar Veličković at NeurIPS last week here --
Categories (Cats for AI) [00:00:00\]
Algorithmic Reasoning [00:14:44\]
Extrapolation [00:19:09\]
Ishan Misra Skit [00:27:50\]
Graphs (Expander Graph Propagation) [00:29:18\]
MLST#60 Geometric Deep Learning Blueprint (Special Edition)
Categories for AI
Organised by:
Andrew Dudzik - DeepMind
Bruno Gavranović - University of Strathclyde
João Guilherme Araújo - Cohere / Universidade de São Paulo
Petar Veličković - DeepMind / University of Cambridge
Pim de Haan - University of Amsterdam / Qualcomm AI Research
[Petar Veličković\] Graph Attention Networks
Learning to Configure Computer Networks with Neural Algorithmic Reasoning [NeurIPS 2022\] [Luca Beurer-Kellner, Martin Vechev, Laurent Vanbever, Petar Veličković\]
Graph Neural Networks are Dynamic Programmers [Andrew Joseph Dudzik, Petar Veličković\]
Expander Graph Propagation [Andreea Deac, Marc Lackenby, Petar Veličković\]
[Pim de Haan, Taco Cohen, Max Welling\] Natural Graph Networks
[Uri Alon, Eran Yahav\] On the Bottleneck of Graph Neural Networks and its Practical Implications (they discovered oversquashing)
[Topping,...,Bronstein\] Understanding over-squashing and bottlenecks on graphs via curvature
[Andreea Deac, Petar Velickovic, Ognjen Milinkovic et al\] XLVIN: eXecuted Latent Value Iteration Nets
[Petar Veličković et al\] Reasoning-Modulated Representations (RMR)
Dual Algorithmic Reasoning [PetarV, under review ICLR\]
[Petar Veličković, Charles Blundell\] Neural Algorithmic Reasoning
[Andreea Deac, Petar Veličković, ...\] Neural Algorithmic Reasoners are Implicit Planners (which got a NeurIPS spotlight in 2021!)
A Generalist Neural Algorithmic Learner
ETA Prediction with Graph Neural Networks in Google Maps
[Randall Balestriero\] A Spline Theory of Deep Networks
[Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun \] Exact Visualization of Deep Neural Network Geometry and Decision
[SURVEY] Your coffee and energy drinks consumption's effects (EVERYONE)
P AI project using reinforcement learning to 3D sculpt sculptures
Hey Reddit,
I just wanted to share an art & research project we've been working on that uses AI and reinforcement learning to teach an AI how to sculpt 3D sculptures. It's been really cool to see the AI learn new strategies and adapt to create unique pieces of art and how we as designers start to take on the role of curators.
The project started earlier last year after thinking about the future of art and the role of humans in the creative process. Something that seems to be more relevant than ever these days. With AI becoming more advanced, what does that mean for us as creatives? We also wrote about this on the project page. It's an interesting thought and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Check out the project here: and let's discuss in the comments.
Differences between Jaguars and Leopards
[OC] In honor of the World Cup, FIFA Rankings of World Cup 2022 Quarterfinalists from 1993 to 2018
[P] I made a command-line tool that explains your errors using ChatGPT (link in comments)
[OC] 2022 Top Trending Searches by State
The most beautiful building in each country according to TripAdvisor reviews
Why do Nebraskans own relatively few firearms compared to others in the region? What are the cultural, economic, or geographical drivers for this?
Should I feel bad for using YouTube?
I'm a data analyst. Not scientist. However I do have interest in building basic models for certain ideas that I have. For example, recently I wanted to build a model that predicts if a customer will make a purchase.
In model building, I usually start googling, reading up tutorials, going to YouTube etc. When I find something that works, for example a logistic regression model, I use the code, execute and then try to understand the workings of the code and math (on a high level that is).
I don't know the code or math natively. But I can Google and then reverse engineering the understanding. At the end I feel proud of my work but then start to realize that it's just all YouTube and google that I used. Is this common?
Number of guns per 100 inhabitants in Europe
Academic How perceptions of the metaverse vary across cultures (All welcome)
I'm conducting a survey to see how perceptions of the metaverse vary across different cultures and demographics.
Everyone is welcome to take the survey!
Compensation: Giving away two $50 gift card of your choice to 2 winners.
Survey Link:
Thanks so much!
Bermuda is nearly 7% golf course. Golfing covers roughly 1.4 sq miles of the 20.5 sq mile island.
[Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun \] MaGNET: Uniform Sampling from Deep Generative Network Manifolds Without Retraining | ICLR 2022
[Randall Balestriero, Jerome Pesenti, Yann LeCun\] Learning in High Dimension Always Amounts to Extrapolation
[Hattie Zhou\] Teaching Algorithmic Reasoning via In-context Learning
[Ahmed Imtiaz\] Exact Visualization of Deep Neural Network Geometry and Decision Boundary
[Beatrice Bevilacqua\] Size-Invariant Graph Representations for Graph Classification Extrapolations
[Brendan Fong David I. Spivak\] Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory\~dspivak/teaching/sp18/7Sketches.pdf
Tim’s examples of applied Category theory cited:
[Lennox\] Robert Rosen and Relational System Theory: An Overview\_etds
[Bob Coecke\] Introducing categories to the practicing physicist
[Bob Coecke\] Categorical Quantum Mechanics I: Causal Quantum Processes\_Categorical\_Quantum\_Mechanics\_I\_Causal\_Quantum\_Processes
[Bob Coecke\] Quantum Natural Language Processing
The US has never recorded this many positive flu tests in one week: And health care systems are getting absolutely crushed ... again.
[R] General-Purpose In-Context Learning by Meta-Learning Transformers