''I prayed for you'' is a love language.
It's like saying, I talk to the Almighty about you. I thank Him I got the chance to meet you. I am humbly asking him to keep you safe and take care of you.
Cinta itu bukan sebuah nafsu
melainkan sebuah ikatan jiwa.
Sesungguhnya cinta itu adalah
rezeki dan kau tidak tahu
rezekimu itu dihati siapa.
I am so sorry Ya Rabb,
for rushing through my
prayers just to fulfil
my temporary needs.
It doesn't really hurt considering
I have high pain tolerance but it
doesn't mean I didn't feel anything.
Watch your words!
Tidak ada sapaan yang lebih
romantik daripada doa, maka
berdoalah walaupun 'aamiin' ku
dan 'aamiin' mu tidak serentak.
I stopped venting and started
PRAYING because I don't need
sympathy, I need STRENGTH.
Was it hard ? " I ask.
" Letting go? " I nodded.
" Not as hard as holding on to something that wasn't real. "
We’ve all been hurt by
words before. So before
you speak, think about
how your words may
affect someone else.