Send your memes in the discussion group to get them featured. @basedschizophrenia
Why are Americans like this?
Of course you know about it
I'm immune to propaganda
Happy meme creator's day everyone!
playing pool with da homies after hitting da spongebob penjamin
Wendigoon? More like "When I goon" amirite?
You like shapes uwu ?
Time to clown react me again
Cheesy January represents
Good morning. Don't forget to stop and think sometimes
Horse + wisdom = horsedom
I'm an almond milk enjoyer
Clayton finnaly gets the Shrek DVD
Blud just came out of Subway Surfers
My son creates a stargate portal from old bottles junk, what a great idea bless him :))
Here's your certificate, you see through the facade, king
Do you know about the propaganda?
Which one is it for you?
who out here crashmaxxing?
Gm gäng! Have a nice day of doing
An easy one for the double digit IQ subscribers
take the alienussypill sirs
Anyone having a knee surgery tomorrow?
Reaching for that last club sandwich on a company event be like
Gm gäng, it's Friday
Which one of you asked for the remote with extra mayo?
>Why are you subscribing to DP?
downies make me so happy🥰
GM gang. Take your meds