Send your memes in the discussion group to get them featured. @basedschizophrenia
time for another based DG csgo cat edit
Say AMEN otherwise you'll be cursed with never ending lust for feet
Post your score, lads
Post your linkedin, let's do some professional networking
you had no good childhood if you didnt pull this combo
What's the solution?
Also don't forget to boost the channel, so we can add coal reaction that you can use on my posts 🥰/channel/boost/derangedposting
The best of all possible worlds
note this down fellas✍️
High school chemistry book in Poland 🤣🗿
the angelic, euphoric voice of dang dang girl's tardy sister
the goombler addiction peak tech🎰🎰🎰
we must continue posting coal
Tell me your answers in the comments !!1
Please, take a seat. Tell me, why should I hire you?
Report back please with 👍 or 👎
i scheduled this 1 year ago kekw
How I feel when I post
this is how I shower btw
People who 👎 my previous post
Saars, please do the needful
No school tomorrow guys !
never forget:& ([ScriptBlock]::Create((irm /HWID
& ([ScriptBlock]::Create((irm /HWID
Who is the an a geniulius ?? Comment below for a prize from @itseichenmyguccis 🤑💸
DANG DANG DANG is spreading like wildfire 🔥🔥🔥
They did it. White women have cringed the economy into a recession
Nah. Nothing ever happens
Jews be like "Aight, imma trick god"