Send your memes in the discussion group to get them featured. @basedschizophrenia
Reminder if we don't hit 9k subs by midnight (CET) we will stop posting the fan favourite dang dang videos.
Читать полностью…Red neck tries cheap dog food vs expensive dog food!!!
Читать полностью…Здравствуйте, мои маленькие любители экстремизма
Читать полностью…Damn, didn't know Netflix started making games too
Читать полностью…continuation...
pumpkin, titanic and the biggest man on earth are my favorite ones
Last DANG DANG unless we reach 9k subs by the end of the weekend
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don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened
=1 night = $5.99
=3 nights = $15.99
=7 nights = $35.99
10 nights $50.99
14 nights = $70.99
good morning/night text = $2.99
per day "i love you" = $4.99
(video is about a guy mocking climate change activists)
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