Send your memes in the discussion group to get them featured. @basedschizophrenia
You waited too long and now your son is a beta
Читать полностью…We wish happy new year to all of our followers!
Wir wünschen allen unseren Followern ein frohes neues Jahr!
Nous souhaitons une bonne année à tous nos abonnés !
¡Deseamos un feliz año nuevo a todos nuestros seguidores!
Auguriamo un felice anno nuovo a tutti i nostri follower!
Desejamos um feliz ano novo a todos os nossos seguidores!
Wij wensen al onze volgers een gelukkig nieuwjaar!
Boldog új évet kívánunk minden követőnknek!
Желаем всем нашим подписчикам счастливого нового года!
Бажаємо всім нашим підписникам щасливого Нового року!
Życzymy wszystkim naszym obserwującym szczęśliwego nowego roku!
Přejeme všem našim sledujícím šťastný nový rok!
Prajeme všetkým našim sledovateľom šťastný nový rok!
Vi önskar alla våra följare ett gott nytt år!
Vi ønsker alle vores følgere et godt nytår!
Vi ønsker alle våre følgere et godt nytt år!
Toivotamme kaikille seuraajillemme hyvää uutta vuotta!
Ευχόμαστε καλή χρονιά σε όλους τους ακολούθους μας!
Tüm takipçilerimize mutlu bir yeni yıl dileriz!
Желимо свим нашим пратиоцима срећну нову годину!
Želimo svim našim pratiteljima sretnu novu godinu!
Želimo svim našim pratiocima sretnu novu godinu!
Vsem našim sledilcem želimo srečno novo leto!
Urojmë vitin e ri të lumtur për të gjithë ndjekësit tanë!
Им посакуваме среќна нова година на сите наши следбеници!
Пожелаваме щастлива Нова година на всичките ни последователи!
Novēlam laimīgu jauno gadu visiem mūsu sekotājiem!
Linkime laimingų Naujųjų metų visiems mūsų sekėjams!
Soovime kõigile oma jälgijatele head uut aastat!
Við óskum öllum fylgjendum okkar farsæls nýs árs!
Nawġuraw sena t-tajba lil kull min isegwina!
Guímid bliain nua shona ar gach duine dár leantóirí!
Rydym yn dymuno blwyddyn newydd hapus i'n holl ddilynwyr!
Tha sinn a’ guidhe bliadhna mhath ùr dha na leantainn againn uile!
I post coal anonymously and people are so hateful in the comments 😭
Читать полностью…I havent posted coal in the whole year
Читать полностью…Why did they make a spin-off movie about the Spongebob character?
Читать полностью…This is the future the liberals want! Catboys in psych wards!
Читать полностью…i bet leevi works for santa, how else would he be able to post this much of coal??
Читать полностью…what my wife’s boyfriend got me for christmas ☹️
Читать полностью…Having Christmas dinner with the wife 😊
- Admin
going into 2025 with no more fucks to give
Читать полностью…Post your New Year resolutions under this post
Читать полностью…Me neither, I would never post coal for my beloved followers 🥰
George Floyd Negroid Propylon Cyborg Technology™️. New Microsoft™️ Project: George Floyd Negroid Propylon Cyborg Technology Negroid Freud Microsoft™️. New Microsoft™️ Project: George Negroid Propylon Cyborg Technology Negroid Freud Microsoft™️ Bill Gates Nigger Afro Micro. Drone Glacial Swarthoid Hood Negroid HoloGram Surveillance Project. For New Microsoft™️ Cybertronic Nigger Fart Brain-Matter. Codex Manipulation for Reptoid Negroid Neocortex. Symboitic Nigger Afro Nano Bug Infestation CGI Negroid Israelite C.I.A. New Microsoft™️ Project: George Negroid Propylon Cyborg Technology. Negroid Monkey Data Chip DNA Blood Analysis.
fun fact: did you know that 70 of all public defecations take place in India? did you know that everyday 500 million people in India choose not shit in a toilet?
Читать полностью…Me when I'm in the death squad and realize I executed a family of five just because I was hangry (they were white afterall)
Читать полностью…Holy shit. What are they chanting?! 🤯🤯
Читать полностью…Total Christmas Spirit. Give gifts. Spread cheer. Roundhouse kick a gift into your neighbor's chimney. Slam dunk a toy into your kid's stocking. Celebrate Christ. Prepare a Christmas dinner with your family. Launch Santa's sleigh through the night sky. Bake a Christmas ham in the oven. Toss celebratory messages into your friends' inboxes. Set up a Christmas tree. Judo throw gift cards into your coworker's hands. Drink some eggnog. Receive your Christmas bonus. Chop firewood in half. Wrap colorful presents for your loved ones. Play Christmas carols on your commute. Put a Christmas hat on. Enjoy a steamy cup of hot cocoa. Eat candy canes. Watch a holiday movie. Be holly and jolly wherever you go. Make sure you dress warm. Sit by the fireplace. Think about the people who make you happy. Mandatory wishes of happy holidays. Grind cinnamon to add to your drinks. Play in the snow. Help your neighbor shovel their driveway. Run down the stairs when you hear Santa coming down the chimney. Feed cookies to Santa. Merry Christmas.
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My man Kevin on the ledge and shit
Читать полностью…❕LAST REMINDER❕
Me avoiding my silly little nigger responsibilities
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