Send your memes in the discussion group to get them featured. @basedschizophrenia
I Feel Like Saying N.. Tonight (1983) shortened
Читать полностью…> be me
> deutsch as fuck
> wake up at 6 a.m., but snooze alarm because scheiß drauf
> breakfast? kaltes Bier und eine Wurst
> check Kontoauszug: -€69, overdraft life baby
> "Läuft bei mir."
> get in my 20-year-old Golf
> exhaust louder than my neighbor’s brat screaming
> first stop? Lidl
> buy Bier, Brötchen, and a generic Currywurst
> old lady takes forever at the Kasse
> she glares at me
> leave without paying for the Pfandflasche, living on the edge
> stop at the Autobahn
> floor it to 200 km/h because rules don’t apply to me here
> some Dutch dude in a caravan tries to merge
> laugh in German and cut him off
> arrive at home
> drink Bier while watching RTL2, reality TV trash for the win
> neighbor complains I parked on the Gehweg again
> "Das ist mein Deutschland, nicht deins, Klaus."
> finish day with Döner and another Bier
> best fucking day ever
When people send a puke reaction, I wonder if they puke IRL as well 🤔
Когда люди кидают реакцию “🤮”, я думаю, они реально блевать начинают в жизни или как? 🤔
/comfy doomsdaycomments thread only/
You know what? Fuck you!
*unmozzarellas your mozzarella stick*
What if Mississippi was called Mississilli instead?
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Me about to go take a shit: "Man, I hope the toilet isn't goofy"
the toilet:
[Woman alone] If you camp after a night shift, you will make a big mistake [Rice 5kg]
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