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Deranged Posting

Reddit hates this absolute chad

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Deranged Posting

do NOT smoke dat higgin boppom

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Deranged Posting

I fEel LiKe tHaTs iLlegal

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Deranged Posting

Admin on the weekends

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Deranged Posting

What if Mississippi was called Mississilli instead?

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Deranged Posting

How we feelin' today?

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Deranged Posting

Chigga brings a particle accelerator to the function

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Deranged Posting

Me about to go take a shit: "Man, I hope the toilet isn't goofy"

the toilet:

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Deranged Posting

What kind of GOONER are you?

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Deranged Posting

Car takes down a drone

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Deranged Posting

Soyjak - chad energy

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Deranged Posting

Happy new year to our beloved KINO fans! We have heard your requests and have decided to start this new year by creating Africa KINO!

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Deranged Posting

going into 2025 with no more fucks to give

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Deranged Posting

Post your New Year resolutions under this post

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Deranged Posting

Me neither, I would never post coal for my beloved followers 🥰

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Deranged Posting

It's Christmas! Do the unaccompanied babies want to have dinner with me?

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Deranged Posting

Forgive me Lois... I'm going all out, just this once...nyeheheheheee....

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Deranged Posting

Bro turned into a soyjak

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Deranged Posting

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Deranged Posting

Everybody gangsta until you pull up with the McKnuckles

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Deranged Posting

🙏 react if you agree these types of pictures don't get shared often enough 😇😇

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Deranged Posting


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Deranged Posting

dead internet theory speedrun any %

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Deranged Posting

>be American
>get shot by a terrorist but survive
>employer denies you sick leave

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Deranged Posting

"Just a little bit off the top"
The barber:

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Deranged Posting

Wake up babe, new KINO channel just dropped

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Deranged Posting

You waited too long and now your son is a beta

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Deranged Posting

We wish happy new year to all of our followers!
Wir wünschen allen unseren Followern ein frohes neues Jahr!
Nous souhaitons une bonne année à tous nos abonnés !
¡Deseamos un feliz año nuevo a todos nuestros seguidores!
Auguriamo un felice anno nuovo a tutti i nostri follower!
Desejamos um feliz ano novo a todos os nossos seguidores!
Wij wensen al onze volgers een gelukkig nieuwjaar!
Boldog új évet kívánunk minden követőnknek!
Желаем всем нашим подписчикам счастливого нового года!
Бажаємо всім нашим підписникам щасливого Нового року!
Życzymy wszystkim naszym obserwującym szczęśliwego nowego roku!
Přejeme všem našim sledujícím šťastný nový rok!
Prajeme všetkým našim sledovateľom šťastný nový rok!
Vi önskar alla våra följare ett gott nytt år!
Vi ønsker alle vores følgere et godt nytår!
Vi ønsker alle våre følgere et godt nytt år!
Toivotamme kaikille seuraajillemme hyvää uutta vuotta!
Ευχόμαστε καλή χρονιά σε όλους τους ακολούθους μας!
Tüm takipçilerimize mutlu bir yeni yıl dileriz!
Желимо свим нашим пратиоцима срећну нову годину!
Želimo svim našim pratiteljima sretnu novu godinu!
Želimo svim našim pratiocima sretnu novu godinu!
Vsem našim sledilcem želimo srečno novo leto!
Urojmë vitin e ri të lumtur për të gjithë ndjekësit tanë!
Им посакуваме среќна нова година на сите наши следбеници!
Пожелаваме щастлива Нова година на всичките ни последователи!
Novēlam laimīgu jauno gadu visiem mūsu sekotājiem!
Linkime laimingų Naujųjų metų visiems mūsų sekėjams!
Soovime kõigile oma jälgijatele head uut aastat!
Við óskum öllum fylgjendum okkar farsæls nýs árs!
Nawġuraw sena t-tajba lil kull min isegwina!
Guímid bliain nua shona ar gach duine dár leantóirí!
Rydym yn dymuno blwyddyn newydd hapus i'n holl ddilynwyr!
Tha sinn a’ guidhe bliadhna mhath ùr dha na leantainn againn uile!

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Deranged Posting

I post coal anonymously and people are so hateful in the comments 😭

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Deranged Posting

I havent posted coal in the whole year

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