79) A 19-year-old woman with asthma has a chronic rash with distribution on her hands, neck, and elbow creases. It is very itchy, and the skin appears thickened with increased skin markings. There are some areas of fissures in the skin at the elbow creases and hands. Which of the following is the most appropriate advice? (See Fig. )
Читать полностью…78) A 74-year-old man develops a new single 1.5 cm lesion on his face. It is firm and nodular with a dome shape and central keratotic plug. Excisional biopsy confirms keratoacanthoma. Which of the following best characterizes this lesion?
Читать полностью…77) A 25-year-old female presents with history of fever and oral ulcers and has developed erythematous lesions on her face. Comment on the diagnosis.
Читать полностью…76) A 28-year-old lady has asymptomatic dome shaped small lesions on a forehead for last 2 months. She has a 2-year-old daughter with similar lesions. What is the causative agent?
Читать полностью…73) Explanation
• The shown image is a case of male pattern baldness. • Male pattern hair loss is an androgen dependent process. • In majority of cases, this balding is patterned. The two major components being frontotemporal recession and loss of hair over the vertex.
71) Explanation
• Tinea capitis is most commonly caused by Microsporum canis. • Second MCC of tenia capitis is trichophyton tonsurans. • It is never caused by epidermophyton as it does not involve hair. • It presents with localized non-cicatricial alopecia, itching, scaling with or without boggy swelling of scalp & easily pluckable hair. • Tenia capitis is diagnosed by potassium hydroxide (KOH) wet mounts of hair & scale. • Treatment: Griseofulvin is DOC
The Characteristic Features of Lichen Planus are: • Hyperkeratosis with absence of parakeratosis(which is a mode of keratinization characterized by the retention of nuclei in the stratum corneum) • Hypergranulosis (which is thickening of the granular layer) with Basal cell degeneration • Presence of irregular acanthosis with saw-tooth appearance of the rete-ridges. • Presence of upper dermal band-like lympho-histiocytic infiltrate that impinges on the epidermis, leading to obliteration of the dermo-epidermal interface • Presence of Civatte bodies (also known as colloid bodies and hyaline bodies), representing degenerated, apoptotic keratinocytes.
Читать полностью…Types of Sweating •Gustatory sweating: Sweating on scalp, forehead and nose in response to hot and spicy meals. •Mental sweating: Occurs in response to emotional stimuli like. For example, mental stress, emotional stress. Sweating usually noticed on palms, soles and axilla. •Thermogenic sweating: Sweating in response to preoptic stimulation of hypothalamus in order to maintain the body temperature.
Читать полностью…63) A young girl having low intelligence presented as shown below. There is history of epilepsy. Diagnosis:
Читать полностью…62) A 20-year-old man with history of melena and abdominal pain has pigmentation of lips. Probable diagnosis is?
Читать полностью…61) A 13-year-old boy presents with patchy depigmented skin on the right flank and upper thigh in segmental distribution. The depigmentation started 1 year back but has been static for last 4 months. Mother reports use of topical steroids which was ineffective. Diagnosis is?
Читать полностью…60) A 28-year-old lady has asymptomatic dome shaped small lesions on a forehead for last 2 months. She has a 2-year-old daughter with similar lesions. What is the causative agent?
59) A 25-year-old woman presents with skin lesion on left supra-orbital margin. Eye examination is within normal limits. CXR done was normal. Diascopy shows apple jelly nodules. The image shows presence of?
Читать полностью…• LGV is a STD, caused by chlamydia presents classically with painless lymphadenopathy. • Mnemonic to remember LGV: ABCDEFG: Asymptomatic, Bubo, Chlamydia, Doxy, Esthiomine, Fries test, Groove sign • Syphilis: Genital ulcer (Hard Chancre: Single, clean based, indurated, non tender, does not bleed on touch)
Читать полностью…78) Explanation
This tumor as a rule occurs on exposed, hairy skin. It grows rapidly but involutes slowly, occasionally up to 1 year. It is more common in white-skinned males. The lesion starts as a small, rounded, flesh-colored or red dish papule. It grows rapidly and may reach 10–20 mm in a few weeks. There are telangiectasias just below the surface and the center contains a horny plug or is covered by a crust concealing a keratin-filled crater. Histology can be difficult to differentiate from squamous cell cancer.
77) Explanation
• The image shows an erythematous rash sparing the nasolabial folds which coupled with clinical history points to diagnosis of SLE.
• Choice B leads to heliotrope rash involving the upper eye lid and proximal muscle weakness.
• Choice C presents as grey-brown patches, usually on the face on the cheeks, bridge of the nose, forehead, chin, and above the upper lip. It can also appear on sunexposed parts of body, such as the forearms and neck.
• Choice D presents as redness, and can slowly spread beyond the nose and cheeks to the forehead and chin. There will be flushing, visible blood vessels and acne like breakouts
76) Explanation
• The image shows multiple, rounded, dome-shaped, pink, waxy papules that are umbilicated and contain a caseous plug. The diagnosis is Molluscum contagiosum and is caused by pox virus. • Molluscum contagiosum is most common in children who become infected through direct skin-to-skin contact or indirect skin contact with fomites.
75) Explanation
Chancroid is a bacterial sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by infection with Haemophilus ducreyi. It is characterized by painful necrotizing genital ulcers that may be accompanied by inguinal lymphadenopathy. It is a highly contagious but curable disease. Hducreyi, a small, gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacillus that is highly infective. It is pathogenic only in humans, with no intermediary environmental or animal host. Hducreyi enters the skin through disrupted mucosa and causes a local inflammatory reaction Hducreyi is transmitted sexually by direct contact with purulent lesions and by autoinoculation to nonsexual sites, such as the eye and skin. The organism has an incubation period of 1 day to 2 weeks, with a median time of 5-7 days.
73) A middle age patient presented to you with the shown type of baldness. Diagnosis:
Читать полностью…Lupus Vulgaris: Can be endogenous & exogenous. Presents with non itchy annular plaque or long standing duration with atrophy. Apple jelly nodules are present in 10% of cases Scrofuloderma: Contagious spread of TB may be from underlying lymphnodes, fascia or bone. Most common site is cervical lymph nodes. Ulcer with bluish edges with undermined edges. After healing puckered scarring marks will develop. Lichen Scrufulosorum: Seen in children. Multiple grouped white papules all over the body, most commonly trunk. It is a source of TB lymphadenitis. Erythema nodosum: It is a panniculitis that presents as a painful red nodule on lower limbs. It is due to C1 deposition in vessels of subcutis. Causes: Idiopathic, Bacterial, fungal , viral infection, drugs (sulphonamides, contraceptives), IBD, Sarcoidosis, Behcet’s disease.
Читать полностью…• Apthous ulcers are also called as canker sores/apthous stomatitis and present as round ulcer with yellowish base and surrounded by a red halo. The usual sites are oral mucosa on the insides of lips , cheeks or below the tongue. Most of apthous ulcers are <5mm in size and heal within 1-2 weeks. Painless recurrent apthous ulcers are seen in SLE Painful recurrent apthous ulcers in oral cavity and genitilia is seen are in Behcet disease
Читать полностью…• Triad of tuberous sclerosis is remembered with simple mnemonic EpiLoA: Epilepsy, Low IQ, and adenoma sebaceum. • The patient in image presented with adenoma sebaceum and other triad of tuberous sclerosis. • The earliest cutaneous sign tuberous sclerosis, is macular hypomelanosis, referred to as an ash leaf spot.• Examination of the patient for additional cutaneous signs such as multiple angiofibromas of the face (adenoma sebaceum), ungual and gingival fibromas, fibrous plaques of the forehead, and connective tissue nevi (shagreen patches) is recommended. • Internal manifestations include seizures, mental retardation, central nervous system (CNS) and retinal hamartomas, pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (women), renal angiomyolipomas, and cardiac rhabdomyomas.
Читать полностью…The image shows presence of lentiginosis around lips and fingers. The history of melena points to concomitant GIT lesion. This is seen in Peutz Jehgers syndrome characterized by hamartomatous polyps mostly located in jejunum.
Читать полностью…• Vitiligo is an acquired autoimmune condition targeting melanocytes and presents with localized or widespread white depigmented patches. Thyroid dysfunction is the most common association. • Piebaldism is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by white forelock and circumscribed depigmented patches affecting the body. It is caused by a defect in proliferation and migration of melanocytes during embryogenesis. Unlike vitiligo, it is congenital and nonprogressive. In the question the depigmentation started at age the of 12 years and the patient presented at 13 years.
• Nevoid hypomelanosis is characterized by hypopigmented patches or streaks which follow the lines of Blaschko. They are present at birth and may develop in the first 2 years of life.
• The image shows multiple, rounded, dome-shaped, pink, waxy papules that are umbilicated and contain a caseous plug. The diagnosis is Molluscum contagiosum and is caused by pox virus. • Molluscum contagiosum is most common in children who become infected through direct skin-to-skin contact or indirect skin contact with fomites.
Читать полностью…•The image shows presence of erythematous brown macule on left supraorbital margin. Since CXR is normal, sarcoidosis is less likely. •Diascopy should nail the diagnosis in favour of lupus vulgaris with apple jelly appearance. •Lupus vulgaris is seen in patients with good immunity.
Читать полностью…ACNE VULGARIS • It is a self-limited disorder primarily of teenagers and young adults. • Increase in sebum production by sebaceous glands after puberty is a the permissive factor for the disease expression. • Clinical hallmark of acne vulgaris: Comedone, which may be closed (whitehead) or open (blackhead). • The earliest lesions seen in adolescence are generally mildly inflamed or noninflammatory comedones on the forehead. • Most common location for acne is the face, but involvement of the chest and back is common. Treatment of Acne • Minimal to moderate pauci-inflammatory disease respond adequately to local therapy alone: Topical agents such as retinoic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid. • Given the image, it is obvious that the case is not a minimal to moderate case of acne vulgaris. It is more likely moderate to acne vulgaris with inflammatory papules, pustules and comedones. • Harrisons states: “Patients with moderate to severe acne with a prominent inflammatory component will benefit from the addition of systemic therapy, such as tetracycline in doses of 250–500 mg BD or doxycycline in doses of 100 mg BD”
•If patients with severe nodulocystic acne are unresponsive to the therapies discussed above: Treatment with the synthetic retinoid isotretinoin is the choice. Its dose is based on the patient’s weight, and it is given once daily for 5 months. •Isotretinoin gives excellent result, but its teratogenic side effects limits its use in reproductive age group females.
The Characteristic Features of Lichen Planus are: • Hyperkeratosis with absence of parakeratosis(which is a mode of keratinization characterized by the retention of nuclei in the stratum corneum) • Hypergranulosis (which is thickening of the granular layer) with Basal cell degeneration • Presence of irregular acanthosis with saw-tooth appearance of the rete-ridges. • Presence of upper dermal band-like lympho-histiocytic infiltrate that impinges on the epidermis, leading to obliteration of the dermo-epidermal interface • Presence of Civatte bodies (also known as colloid bodies and hyaline bodies), representing degenerated, apoptotic keratinocytes.
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