Welcome to the group, Плита Могильная!
Please read and respect the rules since there are only a few of them. You can read them by clicking here /rules
Furthermore, always check the pinned posts if you can.
Besides that, have fun~
Welcome to the group, Ioanna!
Please read and respect the rules since there are only a few of them. You can read them by clicking here /rules
Furthermore, always check the pinned posts if you can.
Besides that, have fun~
Group rules
1. Please, only speak in English. I can understand just a pair of messages in other languages, but not entire conversation, it's not respectful towards the other members. (And it's completely fine if your English is bad, English isn't our first language either).
2. DON'T spoiler other TV series or movies.
3. Don't post explicit fanarts (there are young people in here and non-shippers, let's not scare them away).
4. No spam.
If you have any problems or you notice someone not respecting the rules, please use the admin tag.
That's it, enjoy the group~
Welcome to the group, Fns!
Please read and respect the rules since there are only a few of them. You can read them by clicking here /rules
Furthermore, always check the pinned posts if you can.
Besides that, have fun~
Welcome to the group, y like yellow snow!
Please read and respect the rules since there are only a few of them. You can read them by clicking here /rules
Furthermore, always check the pinned posts if you can.
Besides that, have fun~
I started watching the winchesters and currently at episode 4.
I'll keep you updated but so far I don't find it so bad
Welcome to the group, 최!
Please read and respect the rules since there are only a few of them. You can read them by clicking here /rules
Furthermore, always check the pinned posts if you can.
Besides that, have fun~
friends from Poland sent me a package with sweets and chocolate and wine
It weighs 11 kg☠
Welcome to the group, 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔫!
Please read and respect the rules since there are only a few of them. You can read them by clicking here /rules
Furthermore, always check the pinned posts if you can.
Besides that, have fun~
Welcome to the group, Моргарт!
Please read and respect the rules since there are only a few of them. You can read them by clicking here /rules
Furthermore, always check the pinned posts if you can.
Besides that, have fun~
Very cool Cas fanart
I just tought for a second about sastiel
And it was attractive too🥲✨
Why everyyy ship in this movie is how much sweet🥲✨🤌🏻