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Welcome to the group, 빛의 광선!
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Apparently Misha was being Misha, I'm guessing at a Con, and now he's trending on Tumblr 😂
Читать полностью…Guys shipping real people is fine only if you can understand the line...
As in, you only enjoy the ship knowing it'll never happen IRL, especially since Jensen has a wife and he's happy with her. Please respect that boundary...
its just something danneel haters and cockles shippers or j2 shippers have been "predicting" for ages now
Читать полностью…Do you know what book Vicki wrote? She convinced him to participate in orgies and slept with other people while they were married. They ended up having an open relationship. When she was pregnant with her second child, she had a mistress who was an artist.
Читать полностью…Jensen is married for now, but he's in the process of re-mortgaging his property, rumor has it he'll be getting a divorce soon too.
Читать полностью…Why crap? They've been having problems since 2012 and he hasn't been happy with her in recent years.
Читать полностью…Welcome to the group, Таня!
Please read and respect the rules since there are only a few of them. You can read them by clicking here /rules
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Besides that, have fun~
I think Jensen is a happy married man. Personaly I don't like the ship out of character because it's crossing boundaries. I like the funny moments and all but as long as the line is not crossed
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