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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

💵 🇺🇸 🏫 Wealthy white Louisiana residents win right to form their own city ⚪️ 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

🔶️ Wealthy white Baton Rouge residents have won a decade-long court battle to split from poorer neighborhoods and form their own city with plans for better schools and less crime. 

🔶️ The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the new City of St George could move forward with incorporation, splitting off from the rest of Baton Rouge. 

🔶️ Supporters of the new city say that the existing city-parish government is poorly run, with high crime rates and bad schools. 

🔶️ Opponents say the movement is 'racist' and will create a 'white enclave' as it separates a wealthy area of the city from the majority Black city and school district. 

🔶️ A 2014 study by the Baton Rouge Area Chamber found that the effects of the partition would be economically devastating for the remainder of Baton Rouge, immediately creating a $53 million budget shortfall.

🔶️ According to figures compiled by the Baton Rouge Area Chamber, the new town would have a majority white population, as opposed to Baton Rouge which has a black majority and the number of people receiving food stamps would also be more than halved.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Infirmus sum.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

What's your favorite "literally me" song?

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Statistics on women:

- Among 18-29 year olds, 27 to 56% are mentally ill, varying by political alignment.

- Over 70% are overweight or obese.

- Their self-confessed bodycounts double when they are hooked up to lie detectors.

- 60% of women (non-lie detected) claimed to have between 2 and 9 sexual partners by age 40.

- Risk of divorce increases to 56% after two sexual partners.

- 61% are feminists.

- In spite of this, they have insanely unrealistic dating standards, aiming for rich, tall, handsome, and well-educated men.

I don't agree with MGTOW but I understand why some men do. It's a minefield out there.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Shit I'm thinking of Rome again

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Abaddon comes.
Don't follow the horns.
The lion is silent.
You cannot hide any longer.
Pray for forgiveness.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Don't forget your hate.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

An Arcadian Landscape, by Hermann Julius Schlössner (German, 1832–1894), 1866

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Horses in the Mountains, by Peter Nicolai Arbo (Norwegian, 1831–1892), 1889

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Gold clip from Garand Thumb's review of the M240B

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Puny king of Jordan stands meekly in the shadow of local tribal leader

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Update: When the Muslim attacker tried to stab Bishop Mari Emmanuel, he held up a small cross to protect himself. The attacker's switch blade then failed to open—so he was beaten repeatedly with only a closed, blunt knife. He's injured, but not seriously. 🔗

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

My mexican gangstalkers have been replaced with a fat White woman and a skinny trailer trash guy. Still sitting there all day every day with the same vehicle.

The FBI has had some really bad budget cuts.
(I'm confused)

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

— About "nothing ever happens" anons around here 🌚🌝

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

🇺🇳 🇮🇷 🇮🇱 UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting Sunday on Iran attack: presidency

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Local news and social media in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina, reports an active sniper, posted up "at the 5000 Block of Galway Drive" that is shooting at police officers. At least 1 death and 5 injuries have been reported.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Es tu lucerna mea, Domine; illuminabis, Deus, tenebras meas, et de plenitudine tuae nos omnes accepimus. Es tu lux vera, quae illuminat omnem hominem, veniens in mundum, quia in te nulla est transmutatio et vicissitudinis obumbratio.

You, Lord, are my lamp; You will illuminate, God, my darkness and from your fullness we all receive. You are the true light, which illuminates all men, who come into this world, for in you there is no change or momentary shadow.

Sanctus Augustinus

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

We do things differently here in the Legion of White

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

That "charging handle" is going to get mighty hot.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Last night in Berlin, Germany a member of our favorite German group Der III Weg (@DerDritteWeg) was ambushed and stabbed by a group of antifa. During the fight he did enough damage to the 6 attackers that two of them had to betaken to the hospital with him. He is doing well according to his people.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

DD Missionary at it again

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

🇺🇸 🇺🇦 💵 Congress members wave Ukraine flags in the United States House after they approve another $61 *billion* in military aid for Ukraine.

🔶️ The bill also gave $26 *billion* to Israel and another $8 *billion* for allies in the Indo-Pacific region bringing the grand total to $95 billion in foreign funding.

🔶️ Nearly $100 billion in funding for foreign countries and not a dollar for a U.S. border wall.

🔶️ Congratulations to the American taxpayer. Your hard-earned money is getting fast-tracked overseas.

📎 Collin Rugg

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Today is Hitler's birthday.

Happy birthday to the greatest man to ever live.

Our Führer Adolf Hitler, 20th April 1889 - ∞

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Since chat is talking about Bible versions

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Air marshal is forced to pull his gun after african passengers demand to enter the cockpit to argue with the pilots

Diversity in the skies.

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

The GeorgeAbyss is expanding

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

Jesus Christ King of Kings Lord of Adamites grant us the strength to overcome all evil, peacefully or otherwise. Guide our aim and keep our swords sharp, blessed are the Martyrs, blessed are the peacemakers.
Let no evil overcome the pure of heart, protect your flock as the New Dawn rises. Lord God Almighty above in Heaven be by our sides as the hordes of hell descend upon us.
No man who dies for Him will be forsaken.
Hail Christ, Hail our Adamite victory, long live Heaven's Fighters, heavy is the boot of the Legion of White.

In these words to God I pray, Amen.


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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

We are the Winged Samurai

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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

— 🇮🇱/🇺🇸 NEW: Biden told Netanyahu that he should consider tonight's events a 'win' for Israel – CNN


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🫴🏻Devil's Downfall🫳🏻

— 🇮🇱/🇺🇳 NEW: Israel has called for an emergency meeting of the UN


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