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Does anyone have Namaste React ? by akshai saini
Читать полностью…Does anyone has openshift, AWS, devops and kubernates latest videos?
Читать полностью…Hello, I’m looking for a complete DevOps course that covers AWS, Azure, and GCP. If anyone has recommendations, please ping me.
Thank you!
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anyone have aws cloud solutions architect by mithun technologies
Читать полностью…If anyone have sigma batch I need it I don't have that much money..
Please answer if have
1 - @studentswhocode
2 - @burnercontents
Bots convert pdf to images:
1 - @Pdf2imgbot
2 - @pdfbot
3 - @Gpdfbot
4 - @aio_pdfbot
5 - @FileConvertBot
Bots extract text from the image:
01 - @Image2Text_OCR_bot
02 - @SmartFileUtilsBot
03 - @Copyimages_bot
04 - @the_ocr_bot
05 - @hackertypo
06 - @Photo2text_bot
07 - @Copytextfrompicsbot
08 - @tesseract_ocr_bot
09 - @trans4mer_bot
10 - @MR_OCR_Bot
11 - @ce_ocr_bot
12 - @bacakubot
Youtube download bots:
01 - @utubebot
02 - @MWYouTubeDL_Bot
03 - @TG_Y2bot
04 - @Download4u_bot
05 - @UploadsRobot
06 - @CrazyYoutubeBot
07 - @YtbDownBot
08 - @AnySaveBot
09 - @allsaverbot
10 - @invidious2_bot
11 - @Gozilla_bot
12 - @BetaYTDLBot
13 - @youtubednbot
14 - @YouTubeV2DXBot
Playlist download bot:
1 - @playlistHEXbot
2 - @YtbDownBot [Paid]
3 - @Playlist_dl_Robot
4 - @CrazyPlaylistBot
5 - @YouTube_Nsbot
Video Subtitle Downloader Bot:
1 - @utubesubtitlebot
Video Thumbnail Downloader Bot:
1 - @ThumbnailerBot
Bots for downloading applications and games for Android:
1 - @apkdl_bot
2 - @uploadbot
4 - @AppFollowBot
5 - @ApkManagerBot
6 - @PremiumAppBot
7 - @ApkfiledownloaderBot
8 - @DownloadApp_Apk_bot
Temporary / fake mail bots:
1 - @TempMail_org_bot
2 - @etlgr_bot
3 - @fakemailbot
4 - @tmpmailbot
5 - @Tmailsbot
6 - @WWPagerBot
7 - @DropmailBot
8 - @TrafficRobot
9 - @TempMailBot
Interpretation bots:
01 - @TranslateBot
02 - @YTranslateBot
03 - @g_translate_bot
04 - @TranslateRuBot
05 - @the_translatorBot
06 - @lang_translate_bot
07 - @BabelgramBot
08 - @Translate4you_bot
09 - @easoadbot
10 - @langtransbot
Translate the content of the image:
1 - @bacakubot
2 - @Translate4you_bot
File renaming bots:
1 - @SmartRenamerBot
2 - @RenameTGBot
3 - @HK_rename_BOT
4 - @RenamerZBoT
5 - @RenameHeXBot
6 - @BG_Rename_Bot
7 - @rocktheparty_bot
8 - @renamee_bot
9 - @AnyRenamer_bot
Link shortening bots:
1 - @chotaurlbot
2 - @BitlyBot
3 - @SmallURLbot
4 - @newurlshortenerbot
5 - @link_expertBot
6 - @TGShortyBot
7 - @BitIyRoBot
Decode the shortcut:
1 - @link_expertBot
2 - @Unshortbot
3 - @UnshortURLbot
1 - @studentswhocode
2 - @burnercontents
Bots take a screenshot of the video:
1 - @scsht_bot
2 - @screenshotit_bot
3 - @ScreenCaptureBot
4 - @TG_ScreenShotBot
5 - @Vidrox_Bot
Phonetics recognition bots:
1 - @iSoundBot
2 - @acknobot
3 - @auddbot
4 - @SongIDbot
5 - @FlacStoreBot
6 - @YaMelodyBot
7 - @JazamBot
8 - @MusicReco_bot
9 - @VoiceShazamBot
Strong password generator bots:
1 - @KeyGeneratorBot
2 - @strongpasswordgenerator_bot
3 - @generate_password_bot
4 - @EasyStrongPasswordBot
5 - @passgenbot
6 - @TheHasherBot
7 - @FunctionsRobot
8 - @SimpleStrongPasswordGeneratorBot
Background bots:
1 - @wallpaperscraftBot
2 - @awesomewallsbot
3 - @Amazing_WallpaperBot
4 - @WallpaperDL_bot
5 - @WallpaperLandBot
6 - @Channel3auto_bot
7 - @PixabayBot
Language dictionaries bots:
01 - @UrbanDictionaryBot
02 - @WorkingDictBot
03 - @dictionary_arBot
04 - @oxforddictionary_bot
05 - @JapanDictBot
06 - @WikimologyBot
07 - @WordSenBot
08 - @DictionBot
09 - @LexicoBot
10 - @multitran_bot
Weather bots:
1 - @fcstbot
2 - @TheLairBot
3 - @Weathery_robot
4 - @the_weather_info_bot
Text-to-voice bots:
1 - @TextTSBot
2 - @TTSBot
3 - @textspeechybot
4 - @lingvanexbot
Voice-to-text bots:
1 - @voicybot
2 - @transcriber_bot
3 - @ToBot
Website screenshot bots:
1 - @siteshot_bot
2 - @screenshot_url_bot
3 - @html_to_pdf_bot
4 - @sitehunterbot
5 - @FunctionsRobot
Image search bots:
1 - @Pic
2 - @Bing
3 - @goglimgbot
4 - @filmresoucrebot
5 - @PixabayBot
6 - @saints_bot
7 - @ispicbot
Search bots for the source of the image:
1 - @IMGSauceBot
2 - @SauceNAObot
3 - @GoogleLens_Bot
4 - @GoogleSearchRobot
5 - @reverseSearchBot
Note:- Some Bots may be dead. So, don't complain, just Ignore the dead ones.
Any one have DurgaSoft Java, springboot, microservices videos
Читать полностью…Does Anyone have Adv-java notes of Venkatesh maipathaii sir ?
Читать полностью…Any One Interested in " Multi-Cloud " (AWS & AZURE ) from Naresh IT 2024
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