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We have created seperate Topics for all the different courses. Here you'll get Letest 💻 IT courses for needy peoples, Our Course only for learning purpose 📚 Dont sell our courses 🙏🏼 NOTE: Seller is Sported then its permently Banned 🚫 form group.

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DevOps and other courses

Does anyone have Namaste React ? by akshai saini

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DevOps and other courses

Does anyone has openshift, AWS, devops and kubernates latest videos?

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DevOps and other courses

Hello, I’m looking for a complete DevOps course that covers AWS, Azure, and GCP. If anyone has recommendations, please ping me.

Thank you!

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DevOps and other courses

*Govt Pg College For Women Rohtak* folks! Internshala Trainings is here with an amazing opportunity for students like you to learn a new skill from *70+* online courses like _Web Development, Digital Marketing, Programming with Python_, and many more that come with *free placement assistance* and a prestigious training certificate recognized by *1,00,000+ companies*!
*The best part?* You will get upto *FLAT 80% discount* on all courses through my link along with 1:1 doubt solving and hands-on practice! So hurry up, upskill yourself now -

*P.S*:- You will get an *EXTRA* discount if you enrol for the course via *MY LINK ONLY*!

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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses

anyone have aws cloud solutions architect by mithun technologies

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DevOps and other courses

Who's the faculty for Adv-java ?

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DevOps and other courses

If anyone have sigma batch I need it I don't have that much money..
Please answer if have

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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses



- @studentswhocode
- @burnercontents

Bots convert pdf to images:
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -

Bots extract text from the image:
01 -
02 -
03 -
04 -
05 -
06 -
07 -
08 -
09 -
10 -
11 -
12 -

Youtube download bots:
01 -
02 -
03 -
04 -
05 -
06 -
07 -
08 -
09 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 -

Playlist download bot:
1 -
2 -
@YtbDownBot [Paid]
3 -
4 -
5 -

Video Subtitle Downloader Bot:
1 -

Video Thumbnail Downloader Bot:
1 -

Bots for downloading applications and games for Android:
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -

Temporary / fake mail bots:
1 -
2 -
3 - @fakemailbot
4 - @tmpmailbot
5 - @Tmailsbot
6 - @WWPagerBot
7 - @DropmailBot
8 - @TrafficRobot
9 - @TempMailBot

Interpretation bots:
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02 - @YTranslateBot
03 - @g_translate_bot
04 - @TranslateRuBot
05 - @the_translatorBot
06 - @lang_translate_bot
07 - @BabelgramBot
08 - @Translate4you_bot
09 - @easoadbot
10 - @langtransbot

Translate the content of the image:
1 - @bacakubot
2 - @Translate4you_bot

File renaming bots:
1 - @SmartRenamerBot
2 - @RenameTGBot
3 - @HK_rename_BOT
4 - @RenamerZBoT
5 - @RenameHeXBot
6 - @BG_Rename_Bot
7 - @rocktheparty_bot
8 - @renamee_bot
9 - @AnyRenamer_bot

Link shortening bots:
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2 - @BitlyBot
3 - @SmallURLbot
4 - @newurlshortenerbot
5 - @link_expertBot
6 - @TGShortyBot
7 - @BitIyRoBot

Decode the shortcut:
1 - @link_expertBot
2 - @Unshortbot
3 - @UnshortURLbot

1 - @studentswhocode
2 - @burnercontents

Bots take a screenshot of the video:
1 - @scsht_bot
2 - @screenshotit_bot
3 - @ScreenCaptureBot
4 - @TG_ScreenShotBot
5 - @Vidrox_Bot

Phonetics recognition bots:
1 - @iSoundBot
2 - @acknobot
3 - @auddbot
4 - @SongIDbot
5 - @FlacStoreBot
6 - @YaMelodyBot
7 - @JazamBot
8 - @MusicReco_bot
9 - @VoiceShazamBot

Strong password generator bots:
1 - @KeyGeneratorBot
2 - @strongpasswordgenerator_bot
3 - @generate_password_bot
4 - @EasyStrongPasswordBot
5 - @passgenbot
6 - @TheHasherBot
7 - @FunctionsRobot
8 - @SimpleStrongPasswordGeneratorBot

Background bots:
1 - @wallpaperscraftBot
2 - @awesomewallsbot
3 - @Amazing_WallpaperBot
4 - @WallpaperDL_bot
5 - @WallpaperLandBot
6 - @Channel3auto_bot
7 - @PixabayBot

Language dictionaries bots:
01 - @UrbanDictionaryBot
02 - @WorkingDictBot
03 - @dictionary_arBot
04 - @oxforddictionary_bot
05 - @JapanDictBot
06 - @WikimologyBot
07 - @WordSenBot
08 - @DictionBot
09 - @LexicoBot
10 - @multitran_bot

Weather bots:
1 - @fcstbot
2 - @TheLairBot
3 - @Weathery_robot
4 - @the_weather_info_bot

Text-to-voice bots:
1 - @TextTSBot
2 - @TTSBot
3 - @textspeechybot
4 - @lingvanexbot

Voice-to-text bots:
1 - @voicybot
2 - @transcriber_bot
3 - @ToBot

Website screenshot bots:
1 - @siteshot_bot
2 - @screenshot_url_bot
3 - @html_to_pdf_bot
4 - @sitehunterbot
5 - @FunctionsRobot

Image search bots:
1 - @Pic
2 - @Bing
3 - @goglimgbot
4 - @filmresoucrebot
5 - @PixabayBot
6 - @saints_bot
7 - @ispicbot

Search bots for the source of the image:
1 - @IMGSauceBot
2 - @SauceNAObot
3 - @GoogleLens_Bot
4 - @GoogleSearchRobot
5 - @reverseSearchBot

Note:- Some Bots may be dead. So, don't complain, just Ignore the dead ones.

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DevOps and other courses

For azure, react ,deveops dm me

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DevOps and other courses

anyone have flutter by any chance?

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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses

Does Anyone Mr RAham Devops Material ?

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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses

Does anyone have Devops shack course?

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DevOps and other courses

anyone ve Mr Raham Devops material?

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DevOps and other courses

Anyone I need Networking in AI course

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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses

Any one have DurgaSoft Java, springboot, microservices videos

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DevOps and other courses

And if anyone has .net mvc core dm me

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DevOps and other courses


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DevOps and other courses

Does Anyone have Adv-java notes of Venkatesh maipathaii sir ?

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DevOps and other courses

React native video's

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DevOps and other courses

is devops is good for internship

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DevOps and other courses

Any One Interested in " Multi-Cloud " (AWS & AZURE ) from Naresh IT 2024

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