" kenal akan keindahan dan sanggup menyatakan keindahan itu kepada orang lain adalah bahagia . "
~ Buya Hamka ~
@diary_hati 💕
" I think the perfection of love is that it's not perfect . "
~ Taylor Swift ~
@diary_hati 💕
" you know you are in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams . "
~ Dr. Seuss ~
@diary_hati 💕
“ start each day with a positive thought
and a grateful heart . ” 😊
~ Roy T. Bennett ~
@diary_hati 💕
•●❤️●•dari mana datang kecewa ? 💔
dari orang yang kau anggap istimewa 🥀
@diary_hati 💕
setiap percintaan ada masalah tersendiri termasuk mencintai seseorang yang tidak pernah menghargai 💔
@diary_hati 💕
seegois apa pun diri aku , percaya lah bahawa aku masih takut kehilangan kamu .
@diary_hati 💕
diam adalah cara yang terbaik bagi aku untuk pendam segala masalah .
@diary_hati 💕
don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind . be lead by the dreams in your heart ❤️
@diary_hati 💕
you are allowed to scream , you are allowed to cry , but don't give up 😊
@diary_hati 💕
“ believe in yourself . you are braver than you think , more talented than you know and capable of more than you imagine . ” 😊
~ Roy T. Bennett ~
@diary_hati 💕
" the best and most beautiful things in this world can't be seen or even heard but must be felt with
the heart . "
~ Helen Keller ~
@diary_hati 💕
•●❤️●•kenapa hati saya sentiasa terluka dan kecewa apabila jatuh cinta ? 💔
kerana hati awak lebih banyak berharap kepada manusia daripada Allah S.W.T 😌
@diary_hati 💕
Q : Kenapa couple itu haram?
Kenapa Allah melarang?
A : Kerana Allah tahu kalau kita terjebak dengan couple, hati kita akan lebih terluka kerana dikhianati dan dipermainkan, kehidupan kita akan lebih musnah serta hilanglah maruah dan martabat kita sebagai bidadari dunia.
@katamanfaatcom 💫
in our mood for love , forging a self sharpening is the best in the world .
@diary_hati 💕
this morning I awoke and was reminded of the preciousness of life . I realized that I should express my gratitude to those who are so very important to me . thank you for all you have done and have a great day ! 😊
@diary_hati 💕
jangan mudah berputus asa disebabkan seseorang yang membuat kamu kecewa .
@diary_hati 💕
“ many boys will bring you flowers but someday you will meet a boy who will learn your favorite flower , your favorite song , your favorite sweet . even if he is too poor to give you any of them , it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does . only that boy earns your heart . ”
~ Leigh Bardugo ~
@diary_hati 💕
“ pursue what catches your heart ♥ ,
not what catches your eyes 👀 . ”
~ Roy T. Bennett ~
@diary_hati 💕