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Venice is built on wooden piles instead of directly on the surface of the islands.
There are over 100.000 wooden stilts beneath the islands, which originally served as the foundations for the fishermen's houses who founded Venice.
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The Dutch fire brigade watering the trees due to a heat wave.
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This Gas station in Germany is next level cool. 🫡
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George, the brave Jack Russell Terrier who saved five children from a vicious attack by two pit bulls in Manaia, New Zealand.
Despite being much smaller than the attacking dogs, George courageously defended the children, barking and rushing at the pit bulls to protect them. He was so severely mauled in the fight that a veterinarian had to put him down due to the extent of his injuries.
George's bravery didn't go unnoticed. The New Zealand Society for the Protection of Animals awarded him a bravery medal, and he was also awarded the PDSA Gold Medal by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals.
This medal is considered the animal equivalent of the George Cross, a testament to George's extraordinary act of bravery.
They also erected this monument.
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The surprising effect of a surprise box full of wind up rubber band powered butterflies
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Fun fact.
In 393 CE, Emperor Theodosius I banned the Greek Olympics due to the religious element of the celebration. He considered the Olympics to be a pagan festival, which had no place in his Christian empire.
As a consequence, the games were cancelled and didn’t start up again for over 1,400 years, until 1896.
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How to stop a hemorrhage on someone's neck
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When you crack an egg underwater, the water pressure assumes the role of the eggshell, exerting an inward force that keeps the egg yolk and whites
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The Glass Gem Corn is a mix of ancient Pawnee, Osage and Cherokee varieties and it's indigenous to North America.
It was regrown by the late Cherokee farmer Carl "White Eagle" Barnes in Oklahoma.
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70 years ago Today, The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of J. R. R. Tolkien's iconic masterpiece The Lord of The Rings, was published.
Considered one of the greatest fantasy books ever written, it deeply influenced popular culture.
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Why do planes avoid this area of the planet?
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Police Spike strip with switchable spikes allows others to travel safely over.
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The story of the miracle pine: the only tree out of 70,000 to survive the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
The 88ft pine was the only surviving tree in a forest of 70,000 which was wiped out when the tsunami hit Rikuzentakata, Iwate prefecture.
The same pine tree, also survived major tsunamis in 1896 and 1933, but it died in September 2012 as a result of the environmental changes in the area.
As a consequence, the ‘miracle pine’ was felled but in 2013 and it was 'immortalized' as a monument to the victims of the disaster.
Giant molds were made in order to re-create the tree and raise the monument on the spot where it stood for 173 years.
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The spherical fountain design by Keven`s Landscape Company
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The three ancestral species in the genus Citrus associated with modern Citrus cultivars are the mandarin orange, pomelo, and citron.
Almost all of the common commercially important citrus fruits are hybrids involving these three species with each other.
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When bananas ripen, their stems release ethylene gas, and when it spreads to the rest of the fruit, it will quickly cause the fruit to rot.
That's why the plastic wrap around the stem keeps the ethylene gas contained so the bananas stay safe.
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Scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid in the world.
Each scorpion produces about 2 milligrams of venom daily, which is milked using a pair of tweezers and tongs.
A liter is worth $10 million, used for cosmetics and medicines.
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The Lily 'Black Jewel' is one of the darkest lilies currently available, and is a luxurious and expensive favorite of florists.
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A pocket-sized Rome travel guide from the year 1658.
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Mars!!! 128 million miles away. Listen to the sounds.
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The Mayan city of Chichen Itza is full of architectural and engineering marvels. But El Castillo does even more: clap your hands at the base of the stairs and the song of a sacred Mayan bird will echo through the air.
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Bulgaria's Babugeri are men who dress in full-body animal costumes and perform rituals intended to banish evil spirits. Babugeri can be seen at the Surova folk feast that takes place in the Pernik region.
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The house from Hone Alone listed for sale at $5.25 million
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