Дехто вже знає що мого батька мобілізовано, протягом літа він був на навчаннях. Віднедавна він на Сході, тож відтепер цей канал виконуватиме ще одну функцію - проситиме гроші. Поки що, маю для вас загальний збір на потреби його роти, без чіткої суми за мету. "Потреби стандартні: засоби спостереження, звязку, ремонт і т.ін. Щось ламається, щось губиться, щось потоебує покращення або необхідне більш функціональне."
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"you're gonna learn about true uses of circuits - making things that have absolutely nothing to do with beating factorio"
Building Circuit Abominations in Factorio
>Drake, whose popularity as an artist has meant he is often the victim of deepfake songs
#discussion #article (?)
[0] : Try more things.
[1] : ctrl+f("Related posts") in [0]
#tech #discussion #article
Small Android-related infodump.
Reminder : This post works for problems/scenarios that I've faced or wanted to work with and obviosly is not universal.
[0] : Shelter/Island/Insular comparison table
[1] : Multiple Work Profile
> Is it possible to enable multiple work profiles
> It is indeed an Android limitation
> Shelter cannot create more than 1 work profile on one Android device, and cannot co-exist with any other apps that manages a Work Profile
[2] : Best way to isolate an android app - Island, Insular or Shelter
> Shelter is recommended over Insular and Island as it supports contact search blocking.
[3] : F-Droid
[4] : Why to use Aurora store or F-Droid instead of Google play store?
> Aurora store gives you access to all apps from the playstore. Without google account.
[5] : How to uninstall carrier/OEM bloatware without root access
[6] : ( Shorter version of [5] ) : How do I delete preinstalled apps on an android?
As most basic option - lists of software for removal can be found by "$companyName bloatware list
Besides listed methods consider replacing proprietary apps by FOSS of your choice, possible alternatives lists as always can be found on reddit/xda/etc.
#discussion #article
[0] r/fitness : LSD microdose as preworkout
[1] gwern : LSD microdosing RCT
#discussion #article #survey
What Universal Human Experiences Are You Missing Without Realizing It?