#discussion #tech
today you can read a few links I've found during so-called setup changes, but actually they serve better as a descent into the world of note-taking taxonomy rants
[0] : Org Roam. Nodes vs Tags.
[1] : Zettelkasten/Org-roam/Org-brain Is Crap
[2] : Org-roam tags - included because I rarely see small web with Ukrainian owner, skill issue?
#discussion #article
[0] : On Saying the Obvious
links related to posts 2817 & 2790
[1] : Boring Advice Repository
[2] : Spend Money on Ergonomics
"Short answer, there isn’t a lot of good research on the topic."
[3] : How Long Can People Usefully Work?
room-temperature IQ club with mandatory turing test
for the sake of small channel elitism this post might be deleted/archived after some time
On Nakayama / EYEZMAZE
[0] : eyezmaze website
[1] yt : Tip of the iceberg
[2] wiki : GROW
"Distill is dedicated to clear explanations of machine learning"
Quanta Magazine : Behold Modular Forms, the ‘Fifth Fundamental Operation’ of Math
my guess is that making the worst possible update every fucking time is some kind of inside joke in tg team
Читать полностью…сьогодні в секретну спілку надійшли фотоматеріали того що ми всі так довго чекали
дякуємо автору за автентичність фону і відповідальність під час приготування деруна
if you see one of this symptoms - contact your local meme page admin. picking your meme page admin is harder than picking therapist, but at least it's free
Читать полностью…це знак. настав час вести переговори з королями плетених парканів, присмеркового сяйва, тріщин в черепицях, бірюзових світанків та цупких подмухів нічного повітря -- можливо вони впрягуться за нас
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