welcome to my degen diary where i share all my trades. NO PAID CALLS
$SHIBALLER trending #5 on dextools 👀
Читать полностью…team locked liq for 1 year and just took buy limit off. whales aping hard sheeeeesh. also nearly 5x since the call
Читать полностью…bought some $SHIBALLER. unverified CA still but lots of whales aping. no tax high liq play. buy with USDC. $360k mcap
9999 token buy limit
$SHIT popped off so why not $TURD. low mcap play. renounced and 3/3 tax
$EchoNetwork low mcap play at $160k mcap. seems to be a linkedin competitor. working website. dev/team very active in chat.
website: https://echonetwork.social/
chart: https://www.defined.fi/eth/0x3416fff3e4014bdda2e30d14484c6d4fe963b92a?cache=23d6d
telegram: @TheEchoNetwork
doxed dev. holding since day 1. next $1b mcap play
twitter spaces happening rn
upcoming public presale - Viral Crypto. public presale capped at 3% of supply. to enter just mint a Sentinel NFT (0.08 eth) and create a profile on their website. presale will be vested.
mint sentinel NFT: https://vcmint.netlify.app/
website: https://www.viralcrypto.app/
telegram: /channel/ViralCryptoApp
upcoming launch - PRONITZ. launching tomorrow at 5pm EST. pronitz is a tokenized asset marketplace. holders will be able to buy all kinds of asset on their platform either full ownership or in fractional basis. read over their whitepaper v1 to get a full understanding of the project.
first time working with this team so i cant vouch for the safety but going over the website, whitepaper, and telegram it seems like a decent project. if the team can keep bots out during launch i can see this running.
Telegram Link: /channel/pronitz
Website Link: https://pronitz.com/
potential entry on $BEAST. launched 3 days ago. a few top wallets exited on this dump. ATH was $1.3m mcap and its currently $290k mcap, liq is locked, but contract is not renounced. 0% buy tax atm.
4x from the call now. $280k mcap. $THEOTHER
Читать полностью…aped into $THEOTHER. liq locked, contract renounced. $69k mcap.
$SAITANOBI dev dox op. new ATH everyday - currently $8.8m mcap. now 14x from the call.
donezo. 150 bnb hardcap sold out within minutes.
$CHINU launching in 1 hour. now over 5k people in their tg. getting a lot of dms asking me if this one will pump and i think it will due to the insane amount of people they've packed into their tg. its my first time dealing with this dev team so i cant speak on how safe it is - definitely an ape at your own risk. but the team have promised a dox post launch and it looks like theyve put a lot of work in so far with billboards and an active team in their tg.
Telegram: @ChinuCoin
Website: www.chinucoin.io
just got off shiballers 2 hour VC and im bullish af. its not often a proper team puts together a utility token with no presale, no private sale, really good distribution, liq locked for 1 year, and no tax.
even in this shitty bear market i have no doubt this project will hit $10m mcap minimum. comfy hold for me
website looks damn nice
website: http://www.shiballer.io/
tg: t.me/ShiballerOfficial
ah man this is as degen as it gets
tg: @TurdCoin
loading up at this price range on $GIZA. interesting tokenomics and trusted dev. already $1.2m in liq and $8.4m mcap so higher mcap play where whales could ape more.
chart: https://www.defined.fi/eth/0xc4c336c9da49dd5c9fd00e5de91a0bf8608c363d?cache=08510
website: https://gizaswap.com
tg: /channel/thegreatpyramid
comeback imminent.. ive had enough time off.
NO PAID CALLS - dont hit me up to promo your shitty pump and dump. do hit me up to share your next 1000x gem.
its time 😈
Telegram: /channel/MungerEntryPortal
$CREDIT website is very cool sers. invested some on this dip
$PCH update. unsure on the sell off on this project. team is as proper as they come and its currently BELOW presale price. holding this one long myself as its only $200k mcap currently.
Website: https://www.plutuscaph.com/
Telegram: /channel/plutuscapitalh
nice buy wall on $BEAST since the call 🤝
Читать полностью…$DOGEMINEM - maas token (meme as a service) launched yesterday and ran up to $600k mcap. currently on a nice dip at $220k mcap. first of a kind development bootcamp created to help emerging musicians and songwriters to reach their full artistic potential.
$MKONG new ATH. currently $6.8m mcap and 3.5x from the call. this team just keeps delivering. fully doxed dev, long term hold for me.
$PCH off to a great start. 2.5x presale price already and only $540k mcap. lots to come with this project.
Website: https://www.plutuscaph.com/
Telegram: /channel/plutuscapitalh
only ~25 bnb left in the presale. going quick. $PCH
$BAPEC doing some interesting stuff. launched 4 days ago its a token project focusing on a 1,000 3D NFT drop which will be released once telegram reaches 500 members. buy taxes lowered to 5% and sell taxes to 12%. team plans to burn 500 billion coins today and come out with live staking contract right after the NFT collection sells out. cost will be 0.1 ETH to mint.
liq is locked but contract is not renounced yet. the last project i worked on with this team the project hit a peak of around $3.5m mcap so i believe it should be safe even without contract renounce. current mcap of $BAPEC is only $175k mcap.
Telegram: /channel/boredapescousinerc20
Website Link: https://boredapescousin.app/