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Dental Glossary:-

MI or myocardial infarction: a heart attack, in which the blood supply to the heart has been interupted


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Composite veneers step by step- part2


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Guide line for surgical endodontics

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The correct answer is:-
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis


Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis and periodontitis usually occur because of the predominance of the anaerobic fusobacteria and spirochetes within the oral cavity, specifically underneath the gingiva.

This is a case of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG), not necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis (NUP), because the patient is not experiencing bone loss.

Debridement of the affected gingiva with an adjunctive prescription of chlorhexidine 0.12% rinse will help stop the progression of necrotizing ulcerative disease.

Acute necrotizing gingivitis signs and symptoms include the following:

• Pain
• Interproximal necrosis of the papilla (blunting of the papilla)
• Bleeding gingiva
• Fetid odor
• Low-grade fever
• Pseudomembrane

Acute necrotizing gingivitis risk factors include the following:

•Poor oral hygiene
•Immunocompromised patients


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The correct answer is:-

Necrotizing ulcerative gingivo-periodontitis associated with HIV+ patients should be handled with most care especially because of the immunosuppressed condition of the patient.

Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis and periodontitis usually occurs because of the predominance of the anaerobic fusobacteria and spirochetes within the oral cavity, specifically underneath the gingiva.

Debridement of the affected gingiva with an adjuctive prescription of chlorhexidine 0.12% rinse will help stop the progression of necrotizing ulcerative disease.


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Diagnosis and Treatment of Furcation‐Involved Teeth

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ITI Treatment Guide, Vol 1 - Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone for Single-Tooth Replacements


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The correct answer 👇

Turner's tooth is an enamel hypoplasia of a permanent tooth resulting from an infection of a deciduous tooth. The periapical involvement can disturb the ameloblasts of the underlying permanent tooth, creating the anomaly.

❌Dens in dente (dens invaginatus) is a developmental anomaly that results when the enamel organ invaginates into the crown of a tooth before mineralization occurs.

❌Enamel pearl (enameloma) is a small spherical enamel projection located on a root surface. It is thought to occur as a result of the abnormal displacement of ameloblasts during tooth formation.

❌Hutchinson’s incisor is a result of congenital syphilis transmitted from an infected mother to her fetus. The affected incisors are shaped like screwdrivers with a notched incisal edge.

❌Ankylosis describes when the periodontal ligament is obliterated and replaced by bone, fusing the tooth root to the alveolar bone.

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If a primary tooth demonstrates a discoloration within the clinical crown and a fistula is evident in the gingiva above it, which of the following conditions may occur with the succadaneous tooth because of this infection?

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4⃣Stafne cyst or bone cavity

This is a lingual, mandibular, focal, bone concavity, classically in
the submandibular fossa, below the inferior alveolar canal and
close to the mandible inferior margin. Although this radiolucency
may appear to be cystic, it is a congenital defect typically measuring less than 2 cm, usually filled with fat but may also contain salivary tissue.

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2⃣Fissured tongue

No treatment is indicated or available.

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1⃣Cardiovascular disease

هذه ألامراض لا تؤثر بشكل مباشر على oral cavity ، إلا أنه وبسبب الادوية
المستخدمة لعالجها قد يحدث هذا التأثير، ومن أهم cardiovascular disease :-

🅰الذبحة الصدرية Angina pectoris

⚠️Pain referred to lower jaw

ألم يشار إليه في منطقة الفك

🅱ارتفاع الضعط الشرياني hypertension

problems caused by some antihypertensive agents:

تنشأ المشاكل بسبب تناول بعض الادوية الخافظه للضغط، والتي تسبب:

• Dry mouth.
• Gingival swelling (nifedipine)
• Lichenoid lesions
• Burning mouth, taste sense
• Paresthesia.

⚠️تزول الاعراض مع تخفيف الجرعة.

شااااااهد الصور👇👇👇

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Oral manifestations may be:

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Geographic tongue (benign migratory glossitis) typically involves the dorsal and lateral borders of the tongue. The loss of filiform papillae creates erythematous patches surrounded by a white or yellow perimeter. As the name suggests, the condition is benign and requires no treatment.

Median rhomboid glossitis appears as an erythematous area at the midline of the dorsal surface of the tongue, which is devoid of filiform papillae. This condition is often seen in immunocompromised patients and is associated with chronic Candida albicans infection.

Fissured (scrotal) tongue is manifested as fissures or grooves on the dorsal surface of the tongue, which can become irritated if food collects in them. The treatment involves brushing the tongue with a soft-bristled toothbrush or tongue scraper.

Candida albicans (thrush) is the most common oral fungal infection and appears as white plaques that wipe off to reveal underlying red mucosa. The treatment is to apply topical solutions of antifungal medications nystatin

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How to use Rubber Dam Puncher holes

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Atrophic glossitis

in a patient with pernicious anemia. Mucosal atrophy appears as smooth, bald areas devoid of lingual papillae on the dorsal tongue.


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Composite veneers step by step- part1


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Tne correct answer is:-👇👇

Hypoglycemia may lead to insulin shock. It is the most common adverse reaction for type 1 diabetics. Symptoms occur suddenly and include confusion, anxiety, headache, increased heart rate, sweating, shakiness, blurred vision, and moist and clammy skin.

Hyperglycemia can lead to a diabetic coma. Symptoms occur more slowly and include drowsiness, confusion, deep rapid breathing, polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, dehydration, fever, dry flushed skin, and sweet or fruity breath odor.


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Mouth Breathing & gingival inflammation

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Q: What laboratory tests should be ordered if a bleeding problem is suspected?

• Platelet count: normal values = 150,000-400,000/μL

• Prothrombin time (PT): normal value = 10-13.5 seconds

• International normalized ratio (INR): normal value = 1-2 (only useful for those patients on known anticoagulant medications)

• Partial thromboplastin time (PTT): normal value = 25-36 seconds

• Thrombin time (TT): normal value = 9-13 seconds

• Bleeding time: normal value ≤ 9 minutes (bleeding time is a nonspecific predictor of platelet function)Normal values may vary from one laboratory to another. It is important to check the normalvalues for the laboratory that you use. If any of the tests are abnormal, the patient should be referred to a hematologist for evaluation before treatment is performed.


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Dear doctors,
I would like to share this case with you and the importance of extracting temporary teeth when needed. Patient, 8y old, came to our clinic in april 2017. After seeing the X-ray, I suggested the exo of 85 as soon as possible. Patient made a couple of appointments after, but either cancelled them or did not show up. She came last month (april 2019) because 85 was very mobile and bothered her while eating. No anesthesia was required, just a little lidocaine spray. The tooth was extremely mobile. I sent her to do another X-ray. After 1week she took the X-ray. This is what it looked like. I sent her urgently to the dental hospital. Hopefully they can save 46,44,43 because they asked about the vitality of these three teeth, which was positive. L.E. i forgot to mention that in 2017, after seeing the xray, I explained to the patient the importance of FULL treatment.

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1. What is the difference between natal and neonatal teeth?

🇾🇪Natal teeth are present at birth

🇾🇪Neonatal teeth emerge through the gingiva during the first month of life.


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If a primary tooth demonstrates a discoloration within the clinical crown and a fistula is evident in the gingiva above it, which of the following conditions may occur with the succadaneous tooth because of this infection?

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5⃣Torus mandibularis


Tori should usually be left alone. Surgery (excision or reduction) is
indicated only if causing severe difficulties with dentures.

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3⃣Torus palatinus


Tori should usually be left alone. Surgery (excision or reduction) is
indicated only if causing severe difficulties with dentures.

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1⃣Fordyce spots (“Fordyce granules”)


The spots may become less prominent if isotretinoin is given. CO2
laser and photodynamic therapy are reportedly effective therapies
but no treatment is indicated, only reassurance.

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All the following diseases (discorders) have orofacial manifestations:

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🇾🇪Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases🇾🇪

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‏دليل مبسط وشامل لأغلب الحالات التي قد يصاحبها صعوبات clinical في Endodontic Treatment مع طريقة العلاج الأمثل لها والنتيجة المحتملة بعد العلاج ،، نشرته الجمعية الأمريكية بعنوان

Treatment Options for the Compromised Tooth: A Decision Guide



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صورة توضح أشهر أنواع البكتيريا التي تصيب الإنسان موزعة حسب مكان الإصابة

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