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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

Hope it will change soon. Communication with dm is so bad

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

Better still, go place 1btc worth of crt at 0.00000001 sat

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

Where are all those who claims crt will shoot to the moon!???
Where are all those who keep telling ppl to buy more & hodl crt???
Crt is now worth 0.02usd. Go buy all the crt else later price jump.

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

i know, the only thing they should boost support and put a live chat, this would be top

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

i didnt bring anyone in. as i said, i didnt do a single referral.

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

Not happy with dualmine for now but hope it will change soon

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

my miningpower is self sustainable

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

well i havnt put a single cent in for over a year. only reinvest and payout.

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

with the difference that i am 1000% in plus and never even did a referral to anyone.

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

yes thats how it usuall goes.

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

who cares about USD xD usd is dying

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

i withdrawed just 2 days ago

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

super legit website xDDD

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

No I didn't message you because like I said, I typed in your name and nothing came up

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

"يؤسفني أني أعرف بأن شعور الحرقة الذي أحمله الآن بسببكِ لن يفيه أي مِن اعتذاراتكِ، حتى وإن كانت بصوتكِ، ولا أعرف شيئًا كان يمكنه التأثير بي أكثر من صوتكِ."

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

Dualmine problem is support, it is very bad. They told us they will hire some support managers but still not happens

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

yes, i'm reinvesting, i sold something when the price was higher, but since i don't need them currently i prefer to bet on crt i'm doing this, others sell out of fear or because they need it

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

xrp is devaluing at fast pace, trying to challenge crt as worthless coin

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

now why do they say they do it in 24 hours .. and it takes 32 hours to say it's a scam? they are trying to get things done, but people are not helping as they are selling almost everyone, and dualmine you want to protect, or do you prefer to sell all until it reaches 1 satoshi? because if dualmine did not put a higher price in the platform this happened and not because of dualmine, your fault, but it must be said that it is dualmine's fault if it went to 1 satoshi.

as in football when a team no longer wants to play and loses games .. it's the coach's fault .. and the coach is sacked, but many times it's the players

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

they have always respected what they said, before the payouts never went beyond 48 hours .. never once in 1 year and a half! they said they flipped the coin and they did it, they said they improved the page and they did it, they said the coin will go to an exchange and they did it .. now you can change it to BTC and ETH, with next year also in USDT, I don't know how long you have been doing dualmine .. but is it possible that the human being is never satisfied?

when the coin is top 50 and will be on coinbase, binance, bittrex, OKEx, and many others and the price will be 4 dollars (example) there will always be someone crying ..

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

4 years that I make platforms and he has always taken it in the ass with and without vaseline, dualmine instead is the one that took away the most satisfaction from me and I hope that we will do the bang together, when the price of the high CRT goes

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

i am well in the plus. they cant scam me anymore even if they tried

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

Dualmine will change some things, they have to and after that we will trust them more again and invest more money

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

now you want to invest 100more because "it works" and then they dont pay you anymore

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

not investors. mindless monkeys.

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

and the week before ^^

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

you can, what do you mean?

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

How long does an average payout take?

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

"في حال كنتِ تقرأين هذا
أردت أن أخبركِ بأنّ لدي حمى،
حرارتي فوق الاربعين،
وكنت فاقدًا للوعي طوال اليوم تقريبًا
لهذا لم أتصل بكِ، 
هذا بالإضافة إلى أنّ
علاقتنا أنتهت منذ سنة تقريبًا
وليس لدي رقمكِ 
ثم أنّكِ ذهبتِ إلى الأبد."

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Dualmine.com - Cloud Mining

"‏لو أمتلك قلبان أحدهما يحبكِ والآخر يكرهكِ، أحدهما يُقبل عليك والآخر يعرض عنكِ، من يهتم بكِ ومن لا يبالي، مِن يسعى لأن يكسبكِ ومن لا تضيره خسارتكِ، مِن يشد على يديّكِ عند لقياكِ ومِن ليسَ ينتظر عودتكِ إليه، لو أمتلك قلبان أكنتُ قد عشتُ هكذا ناسيًا حياتي لأتذكركِ؟"

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