Will provide Dual status Bar for all roms.. (all devices, just request in group for same) 😁 Support Group- @dualstatusbar Admins : @Xervis_Cr @Jai_08 @Anderson_Tye @Ashit10 @namaskaragusthi Credits of source codes to Rafael tosta,Google & many more😁
Hello Everyone, (not the announcement you were hoping for)
Just informing you guys that A14 will be EOL for Dsb.
Already all the admins have already left custom roms since A11/12 and are using devices with locked bootloader since then.
Also I have seen a decline of custom rom users from past few years for obvious reasons.
Due to the stupid things done by Google and my busy schedule, even I have decided to move on.
It was fun while it lasted 🥹
A10-14 Dsb modules will still be uploaded for some time.. until A15 stable roms are released.
Dsb website & download links will be working atleast till October 2025.
Even post that the support group will be active for any kind of discussion or if anyone wants to stay in touch.
Informing you guys in advance so that you don't get disappointed later on. 🥲
There have been some issues with creating Dsb modules for A14 QPR2 Builds as there are lot of changes by Google.
For now, consider it as not supported.
Will request you guys to wait some days for an update on this.
Happy Diwali Everyone 🎇
On this occasion, here are some updates for you:
-All existing plus members will get X2 extensions on their membership for free
-From now only A13 & A14 modules will be uploaded to website.
-Though can request anything from A10-A14 on Support group, older android modules will be uploaded on seperate links (Yes basically A10 & 11 support is back)
And finally -
To reduce the waiting time, Module creation/uploads will be automated to save your time, so basically all requests will be completed in a minute or two.
I won't be giving this right to every user (to avoid potential misuse), but all old/active users will be given these rights and they can help others as well (just need to click on yes button and module is generated 🔥)
Dsb module updated to v7.6
Guess what's new?
Android 14 support is added 🔥
You can request it from now, on the support group @dualstatusbar
Note - Dsb will work fine, but the colors from Addons will not work on A14 until Addons gets an update too
Happy third year anniversary to Dsb ❤️
Though I am not sure if I'll continue with Dsb mods once Android 14 releases.
A13 could be EOL.
Newer DSB modules uploaded from now on will support kernel SU.
Читать полностью…Our server is renewed for another year 🔥
Donors can create modules for themselves using @The_Thanos_8bot , just PM the SystemUI to the bot.
Click here to read more
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Ancient 7.0
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Spark OS 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : BananaDroid Tanduk
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Awaken 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Cherish 4.1 & 4.2
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : EvoX 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Project Elixir 3.1 & 3.2
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Hello Everyone,
Dsb is supported for A14 Qpr2 now! 🔥
Due to my busy schedule I didn't get enough time to understand or fix the issue till today, thanks to @DrDisagree for his suggestions which helped me to fix the issue a lot quicker.
I have tested it on few roms and it's working flawlessly along with the Addons.
You can go ahead and make your requests on the support group @dualstatusbar
Also requesting you guys to keep helping each other on support group as I don't get enough time to read each and every message
Dsb module updated to v7.7
-Complete addon support added for Android 14 including colors
-Fixed padding issues with right dsb (this was an issue on A14 roms with Dec 2023 patch)
-All A14 roms are completely supported
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Evolution X 8.0
Android : 14
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Still not sure about public support for Dsb on A14
But atleast for my device I have made it work 😄
DSB Addons v10.0 😎
New Additions-
- Fixed SystemUI compression
- Added Support to all known roms (all roms that support Dsb)
- Updated advanced style menu for Miui roms
- Added inbuilt blackscreen protection (you can enable/disable it, default is enable, disabling will make Addons faster as it won't validate every change)
- Added KernelSU support
- Added Support to more Dsb styles
To view complete list of features check old posts of addons.
How to use? Click Here
Previews? Click Here
📲 Click here to Download Addons 📲
If you face any issues or find any bugs then report in support group @dualstatusbar
• Follow @dsbaddons to stay updated with latest Addons and for different guides and setups.
• Follow @dualstatusbarDSB & @dualstatusbarMiui for dsb on your rom
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Rising OS
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Android 10 & 11 is no longer supported ‼️
Everyone is requested to use newer roms based on A12/13 if you want to request Dsb module
Note - Older android versions will be only supported for devices who don't have newer android version like A12/13, others please stop requesting it
Old modules won't be deleted, you can find them on website
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Project Elixir 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Derpfest
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Crdroid 9.0
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dual Status Bar
ROM : RiceDroid (All 69 versions)
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB
Dsb Module updated to v7.3
-Install script cleanup
-Based on the latest SystemUI Patcher (public version can be found here)
-It will show a warning when you flash a Dsb module which isn't meant for your build (Some modules work for multiple builds, but warning will be shown just incase)
In the video preview , first I have flashed correct module and then a module from different rom !!
So users with encrypted recovery and other complications use modules meant for your device/rom only
Dual Status Bar
ROM : Nusantara 5.0
Android : 13
Screenshots : Click Here
Downloads : Click Here
- by @Dsb_Team
For customizing your Dsb use @dsbaddons
Support group - @dualstatusbar
(check notes if instructions needed or request if dsb needed for your device)
Follow our Channel for more - @DualstatusbarDSB