Protect Your Joints as You Age 🦵
Strong joints are crucial for mobility and independence as we age.
Stay active with low-impact exercises like swimming or cycling, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid activities that put too much strain on your joints.
Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like fish and nuts, to reduce inflammation. 🐟
🗂Source: @dxn_sheger
DXN Ganozhi PLUS Toothpaste
#የእርስዎ ፍሎራይድ እና ሳካሪን የያዙ የጥርስ ሳሙናዎች ከባድ የጤና ችግሮች እንደሚያስከትሉ ያውቃሉ?
#ምናልባት የካርሲኖጂክ ውጤቶች አሉት, ይህም ማለት የካንሰር መንስኤ እና ሌሎች ውስብስብ ችግሮች ማለት ነው።
አብዛኛዎቹ የተፈጥሮ የጥርስ ሳሙናዎች ለመጠቀም ደህንነታቸው የተጠበቀ ነው።
#DXN Ganozhi Ganoderma የጥርስ ሳሙና (ጋኖዝሂ ተብሎ የሚጠራው) ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የቀይ እንጉዳይ ፣ የምግብ ጄል (ከባህር አረም የተገኘ ሶዲየም አልጊኔት) እና menthol (ለጣዕም) ይይዛል።
#Ganozhi የጥርስ ሳሙና 100% ከፍሎራይድ ነፃ ነው፣ ምንም saccharin እና አርቲፊሻል ቀለም የለውም።
#ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው ጋኖደርማ, የምግብ ጄል እና ሜንቶል ይዟል።
✨የጥርስ ሳሙናዎን ዛሬ ለመቀየር! DXN Ganozhi ኦርጋኒክ የጥርስ ሳሙና ይምረጡ።
INBOX TELEGRAM👉👉👉 @abrillo12
CALL 📞+251919400228
Supplements that are high ROI, well tolerated, and can drastically improve your quality of life:
- Taurine
- Glycine
- Creatine
- Magnesium (taurate)
- Thiamine (B1)
- Methylated B complex
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C (via acerola cherry)
- L-tyrosine
Poor gut health is ruining your life.
• Low energy
• Brain fog
• Digestive issues
It all starts in the gut.
Tomorrow is the last day for PRE-ORDER
👉 Avail your order now
DXN MycoVita Powder
Boosts the Immune System:

Because Reishi is a highly nutritious food it is a powerful immune system boosters that can protect yourself against a vast range of potential diseases and reduce the signs of aging. Some experts believe that it is this high glucan content that linked it historically with immortality and vitality.
Neurological diseases:
Reishi mushrooms can stimulate stimulation of nerve growth factor, which is a key part of a healthy cognitive nerve function.
🍄 Anti-inflammatory Properties:
By increasing the amount of blood flow to the brain; Reishsi can give reliefe to those suffering
🍄 arthritis,gout, headaches and injury healing too.
🍄 Reduces Allergies & Respiration conditions.
🍄 Corrects Blood Pressure
🍄 Boosts the Immune System
Because Reishi is a highly nutritious food it is a powerful
🍄 immune system boosters;
🍄 protecting you against a vast range of potential diseases.
🍄 Boosted Energy
👉Packaging 24g×30 Sachet
What is Ganocelium Mushroom (GL)
DXN GL is derived from 18 day old mycelium of ganoderma
👉the main nutrients in GL are
♻organic germanium
♻Enzyme beneficial for the stomach
♻A whole spectrum of Vitamins
♻A whole spectrum of minerals
Health benefit of Ganocelium Supplement
👉content of polysaccharide & organic germanium in Ganocelium is 4x more than of Ganoderma
👉GL is oxygen supplier
👉enhances immune system
👉it's brain tonic
👉eliminates water soluble toxins
👉regenerate cell functions
👉it has anti-cancer activities
👉the polysaccharides glucagon-D6 rebuilds bone-marrow
👉reduces sugar level & revives pancreatic functions
👉the wide spectrum of enzymes in GL enhances gastrointestinal functions
👉normalize body functions
👉It balances blood Sugar
▶️PACKAGE 360/90 Tab/bottle
The Top 10 Gut Repair Tools
1. BPC-157 (superhuman repair)
2. Larazotide (leaky gut inhibitor)
3. L-Glutamine (key gut fuel source)
4. Zinc L-Carnosine (heat shock proteins)
5. Butyrate (activates GPR109A)
6. Niacin (activates GPR109A)
7. Colostrum (reduces endotoxin/zonulin)
8. Probiotic (balances microbiome)
9. KPV (anti-microbial/inflammatory)
10. Glycine (VIP + reduces ER stress)
Full description dropping soon!
DXN MycoVeggie
👉high fiber dietary supplement
👉Nourishing meal replacement that promotes healthy weight loss
👉100% natural & organic
1.Shitake mushrooms (have been used > 6000 years)
2.Lyophilllum mushroom
3.St.George mushroom
4.Lion'smane mushroom
5.Split gill mushroom
6.Elm Oyster
7.Grey Oyster
9.psyllium grain(Highest fiber food)
10.Leaves(mulberry,Noni,Ginko Leaf)
11.Healthy foods(Ginger,orange,lime,lemon grass,corn)
12.Green Tea
13.Dried tangerine peel
14.Cinnamon & Bark
15.Star Anise & Clove
👉 Weight loss
👉can loose 2-6 pounds in two weeks
👉Mix one scoop of MycoVeggie in a cold glass of water,stir & drink immediately
👉Drink 2 glass of water right after
👉Consume this in the morning & Evening before meal
👉Exercise or walk for at least 30 minutes
☕️DXN Brook coffee☕️
ድንቅ የኢትዮጵያን ቡና
በአገራችን ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ አለም አቀፍ የጥራት ደረጃን አሟልቶ የኢትዮጵያ አንደኛ ደረጃ ጅማ ቡና ከቀይ እንጉዳይ (Ganoderma) ጋር በ DXN አለም አቀፍ Malaysia company እና በኢትዮጵያዊ አምባነሽ ፋርማኪዩቲካል የግል ድርጅት አማካኝነት ተመርቶ ለገበያ በቅቶአል።
✍የብሩክ ቡና አዘገጃጀት:
- አንደኛ ደረጃ የኢትዮጵያ ጅማ ቡና
- ቀይ እጉዳይ ( Red Ganoderma Mushroom)
✍ቀይ እንጉዳይ
📌በውስጡ በያዛቸው ከ 400 በላይ ንጥረ ነገሮች ይዘዋል።
📌packaging 250g/500g
ብሩክ ቡና ከኢትዮጵያ!
📌ለሱፐር ማርኬት፤ለ ካፌ፤ ለሆቴልና ለሬስቶራንት በካምፖኒ ዋጋ እንከፍላለን!
👉Price 250g-330 birr
500g-615 birr
Click the link below and Avail your order!
✔️Brazilian coffee bean(0.06%)
✔️Ganoderma extract
👉Lower blood cholesterol
👉Balancing sugar level
👉Strengthens immune system
🤔0.06% CAFFEINE (the most decaffeinated & organic coffee brand in the world)
Call +251919400228
የስኳር በሽታ | Diabetes mellitus
🥦የስኳር በሽታ የደም የስኳር ወይም ግሉኮስ መጠን ረዘም ላለ ጊዜ ከሚፈለገው በላይ ጨምሮ ሲቆይ የሚፈጠር የጤና ችግር ነዉ
🍛ቆሽት በውስጧ ኢንሱሊንን የሚያመነጩ ቤታሴል |beta cells የሚባሉ ህዋሳት ያሏት ሲሆን ኢንሱሊን የተለያዩ ተግባራትን በማከናወን የደም ስኳር መጠን ከልክ በላይ እንዳይጨምር የሚያደርግ ብቸኛው ሆርሞን ነው
🍓ቆሽት ኢንሱሊንን በበቂ ሁኔታ ማመንጨት ሲያቅታት የሚከሰተውን አይነት 1 የስኳር በሽታ| type 1 diabetes በመባል የሚታወቅ ሲሆን ኢንሱሊን ተግባሩን ማከናወን ባለመቻሉ ምክንያት የሚከሰተው ደግሞ አይነት 2| type 2 diabetes ይባላል
የስኳር በሽታ መንስኤዎች
🥕አይነት 1 የስኳር በሽታ በዋነኝነት የሚከሰተው የሰውነታችን በሽታ መከላከያ ህወሳት |Antibodies የቆሽት ቤታ ሴልን በሚያጠቁበት ጊዜ ነው ይህም Autoimmune disease በመባል ይታወቃል
🥕አይነት 2 የስኳር በሽታ የሚከሰተው በዚህ ምክንያት ነው ብሎ ማረጋገጥ ባይቻልም ተጋላጭነትን የሚጨምሩ ብዙ
ምክንያቶችን መጥቀስ ይቻላል።
ከነዚህም መካከል
🥚ከልክ ያለፈ የሰውነት ክብደት መጨመር
🥚የስኳር በሽታ ታሪክ ካላቸው ቤተሰቦች መወለድ
🥚በቂ የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴ አለማድረግ 🥚እድሜ እየገፋ ሲሄድ
🥚የተቀነባበሩ ወይም የተጣሩ ምግቦችን አዘውትሮ መመገብ
🥚የተቀነባበሩ የአትክልት ቅቤወችንና ዘይቶችን መጠቀም
የስኳር በሽታ ምልክቶች
🧄ከፍተኛ የውሀ ጥም
🧄ቶሎ ቶሎ መሽናት
🧄የረሀብ ስሜት
🧄የድካም ስሜትና እና ሌሎችም ይገኙበታል
የስኳር በሽታ ምርመራ
ከሚታዩት ምልክቶች በተጨማሪ በደምና ሽንት ውስጥ የሚገኝን የግሉኮስ መጠንን በመለካት የሚረጋገጥ ይሆናል
💊 ለአይነት 2 የስኳርን በሽታ የተለያዩ የመድኀኒት ህክምና አማራጮች ቢኖሩም በመድኀኒት ብቻ የስኳር በሽታን መቆጣጠርና ማከም እንዳልተቻለ ብዙ ሳይንሳዊ ጥናቶች ያሳያሉ በአንጻሩ ጤነኛ የአኗኗር ዘየን በመከተል በተለይም የአመጋገብ ስርአት ላይ ማሻሻያ ማድረግና መደበኛ አካላዊ እንቅስቃሴን በመተግበር የአይነት ሁለት የስኳር በሽታን የመድኀኒት ህክምና ውጤታማ እንዲሆን ከማሰቻሉም በላይ ችግሩን ከስር መሰረቱ ለማሰወገድ ይረዳል
የስኳር በሽታን ለመከላከልና ለመቀልበስ ከሚረዱን ምግቦች መካከል
🌿ዝቅተኛ ግላይኬሚክ ኢንዴክስ |low glycemic index እና ከፍተኛ የአሰር|fiber ይዘት ያላቸውን ምግቦችን አዘውትሮ መመገብ
🥑በፕሮቲን የበለፀጉ ምግቦችን መመገብ
🛢ጤናማና ተፈጥሯዊ የቅባት ምንጮችን መጠቀም
🍌እንደ ለውዝ፣ የዱባ ፍሬ፣ ስፒናችና የመሳሰሉትን በ Mg2+ የበለፀጉ ምግቦችን አዘውትሮ መጠቀም
🧆እንደ እርድና ቀረፋ ያሉ ብግነትን ለመቀነስ የሚረዱ ምግቦችን| anti-inflammatory foods አዘዉትሮ መጠቀም
🥙ጤናማ የምግብ አዘገጃጀት ዘዴዎችን መከተልና የመሳሰሉትን ተግባራት በማከናወን የስኳርን በሽታን መቆጣጠርና ማከም ይቻላል
📌የስኳር በሽታ በጊዜው ካልታከመና እየተባባሰ ከሄደ የተወሳሰቡ የጤና ችግሮችን ሊያስከትል ይችላል
ከነዚህም መካከል
⚡️የእይታ መቀነስ
⚡️ የኩላሊት ስንፈት
⚡️የእጅና እግር መቁስል
⚡️የደም ግፊት መጨመር
⚡️ከዛም ሲያለልፍ ሞትን ሊያስከትል ይችላል
የdxn_sheger መልእክት
👉Reishi mushroom & Spirulina ይጠቀሙ
- 10 times stronger than testosterone
- Superior mental benefits (a lot of testosterone's mental benefits are due to DHT)
- Shortens refractory period
- Hardens the physique
- Blocks the effect of excess cortisol and stress
- Promotes calmness
- Increases nitric oxide better than testosterone
- Enhances sexual function (erections, orgasms and semen quality)
Hemagglutination Assay (HA) :-
Through the HA-HAI test, a known serum can be used to identify unknown viruses, and known viruses can also be applied to detect the contents of corresponding antibodies and titrate antibodies in the unknown serum. Hemagglutination assay is used in combination with interactions to create visible networks that indicate relative viral and antiviral antibody concentrations.
Principal:- HA and HAI apply the process of hemagglutination, in which sialic acid receptors on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs) bind to the hemagglutinin glycoprotein found on the surface of influenza virus (and several other viruses) and create a network, or lattice structure, of interconnected RBCs and virus particles.
Butea Superba + Shilajit + Pine Pollen = The holy trinity of vitality enhancers
• Increases total testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH).
• Boosts mitochondrial ATP production for sustained energy.
• Protects neurons with antioxidants, reducing brain fog and improving memory.
Butea Superba:
• Enhances free testosterone and sexual function by inhibiting PDE-5.
• Improves blood circulation, increasing stamina and endurance.
• Supports neurovascular health, enhancing mental clarity.
Pine Pollen:
• Provides bioavailable testosterone, DHEA, and androsterone for hormone replenishment.
• Rich in amino acids and micronutrients, combating cellular fatigue.
• Contains phenylalanine, enhancing neurotransmitter production and cognitive sharpness.
Highly effective. Highly Synergistic
LOWERING CORTISOL 101 (& stress in general):
➞ Salting foods to taste
➞ Eating enough food
➞ Vitamin C
➞ Zinc
➞ Vitamin D
➞ Calcium
➞ Vitamin E
➞ Magnesium
➞ Sufficient carbohydrate
➞ Bright, full spectrum light for the eyes (preferably sunlight)
➞ Artificial light avoidance at night
➞ Sunlight on the skin
➞ Maintaining regular wake / sleep times
➞ Grounding
➞ Diaphragmatic / bag breathing
➞ Walks in nature
➞ Friendships / relationships
➞ A stimulating environment + hobbies
➞ Negative air ions
➞ Optimizing digestion
➞ Lowering histamine / mast cell activation
➞ Avoiding excess PUFA (seed oils)
➞ Identifying other environmental toxins (metals, mold, endocrine disruptors)
➞ Keeping estrogen in check (vitamin E is key)
➞ Lowering lactic acid (vitamin B1 is key)
➞ L-Theanine
➞ Progesterone
➞ Pregnenolone
➞ Aspirin
- Why do men have a harder time with colds?
- One explanation sounds like this: women, when they get sick, produce more lymphocytes - immune system cells that fight against pathogenic microbes.
This is due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background, namely the female sex hormone estrogen, which affects the synthesis of lymphocytes.
That's why women carry infectious diseases, including colds, easier and recover faster.
If you want to boost testosterone levels with herbal supplements, focus on
- proven herbs
- potent extracts
All brands are not created equal...
My recs:
- Tongkat (Potenzhi)
- Cistanche
- Fadogia
- Akarkara
- Cordyceps
- Shilajit -> Based
Pearl powder has been used by ancient Chinese and Indians for various purposes.
Traditionally used to relieve body heat.
Can be consumed orally or applied topically on skin.
⚪Softens and Firms Radiant, Youthful Skin
⚪Accelerates New Skin Growth
⚪Regenerates Collagen
⚪Heals Acne & Blemishes
⚪Prevents Skin Aging & Deterioration
⚪Reduces Fine Lines, Wrinkles & Sagging
⚪ Repairs Sun Damaged Skin and Scars
⚪Reduces Freckles, Dark Patches & Discolored Skin
⚪Minimizes Large Pores
⚪Increases Elasticity, thus tightening sagging skin
⚪Pearl powder contains an antioxidant that boosts the efficacy of superoxide dismutase, one of the strongest antioxidant enzymes in the body.
Pearl powder contains signal proteins that stimulate the regeneration of collagen⚪
ለሰውነቶ👉 For your Body
#Spirulina አረንጓዴው ምግብ
🍀 DXN Spirulina Food Supplement (የአለማችን ድንቁ ምግብ)
👉በአለም የጤና ድርጅት በተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት ከፍተኛ የምግብነትና የህክምና ጠቀሜታ እንዳለው የተረጋገጠ። በእኛም ሀገር በኢትዮጵያ ምግብና መድሃኒት ቁጥጥር ባለ-ስልጣን ፈቃድ የተሰጠው።
🌿የሚመረተው Blue green alge ነው።
🌿በውስጡ ከ170 በላይ ንጥረ ነገሮችን ይዟል።
🌿 ሙሉ በሙሉ ተፈጥሮአዊ
🍀የምግብነት ጠቀሜታው
🌳ከፍተኛ የአትክልት ፕሮቲን ያለው
🌳ለደም መመረት የሚያገለግሉ ክሎሮፊል በውስጡ የያዘ ነው
🌳 አንቲ ኦክሲዳንት ባህሪን የያዘ ነው
🌳 አስደናቂ ጉልበት ይሰጣል
🌳 በሽታ የመከላከል አቅምን ይገነባል።
🌳አጥንትን ያጠነክራል።
🌳አላስፈላጊ የሆነ የሰውነት ክብደትን ያስወግዳል።
🌳 ለነፍሰጡር እናቶችና ለፅንሱ ከፍተኛ የምግብነት ጠቀሜታ አለው።
🌳 በማዕድናትና በቫይታሚን(ቢ12,ቢ1,ቢ2,ቢ6) የበለፀገ ነው።
🌳 በኦሜጋ-3 እና በኦሜጋ-6 የበለፀገ ነው።
🩺 የህክምና ጠቀሜታው
🩸 ካንሰርን ይከላከላል።
🩸 ለልብ በሽታ ዋና መንስኤ የሆነውን በደማችን ውስጥ የሚገኘውን የኮሎስትሮል መጠንን ይቆጣጠራል ።
🩸 በሰውነታችን አዲስ የደም ሴሎች የመመረት ስርአትን ያግዛል።
🩸 ሰውነታችንን ከአላስፈላጊ ጎጂ አሰሮች በየጊዜው ያፀዳል።
🩸በደም ውስጥ ያለን የስኳር መጠንን ይቆጣጠራል።
🩸የሰውነት ነርቭ ስርአትን ያጠናክራል።
Contact: +251919400228
Inbox: @abrillo12
Follow us more: @dxn_sheger
Vitamin K2: the most underappreciated nutrient
One of my absolute favorite supplements. Why?
Vitamin K2 is actually used as a part of mitochondrial metabolism, in a similar manner to that of Coenzyme Q 10.
Due to this it has an INCREDIBLE range of beneficial properties:
Vitamin K2 can treat depression.
MK-7 improves depression at just 90 ug/day, a pretty puny dose, through its:
◦ Energy producing, pro mitochondria
◦ Hormone mediating
◦ Anxiolytic
In fact, low levels of Vitamin K nearly DOUBLES the risk of suicide attempt.
K2 reverses anxiety & depression.
These effects are very evident in animals, where the pro-energy effects of K2 bulletproof mental health.
Vitamin K2 reverses aging in the brain.
Giving K2 (MK-7) to old animals (5 mg / kg human equivalent) improved:
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Memory
• Improving dopamine output
• Reducing inflammation
• Reducing oxidative stress
In animals subject to stress, it:
‣ Decreased signs of anxiety
‣ Decreased signs of depression
Vitamin K2 exerts neuroprotective effects, as it:
‣ Enhances neuron mitochondrial function
‣ Prevents death of dopamine producing neurons
Vitamin K2 boosts testosterone production.
By enhancing key steroidogenic enzymes in the testes, MK-4 enhances the gonadal response to stimulation.
Due to its pro mitochondrial properties, K2 was able to restore blood sugar in response to a bad diet in animals.
Vitamin K2 megadosing improves insulin sensitivity in humans.
One study showed that 90 mg of K2 daily (MK-4) reduced insulin secretion to maintain blood sugar.
Another study confirmed Vitamin K2 megadosing markedly improves insulin resistance.
30 mg/day of MK-4 for 4 weeks enhanced glucose metabolism.
K2 evokes biochemical modifications to proteins that improve hormonal functioning & metabolism.
Low dose vitamin K2 reverses fatty liver disease in animals.
Less than 1 mg human equivalent dose MK-7 daily completely protects and regenerates the liver.
High liver enzymes (ALT, AST, GGT, ALP) are the red flag - would consider supplementation.
One of my personal favorites for the gut, working on fundamental pathways to enhance digestion.
K2 is
⬨ Antibacterial
⬨ Anti-inflammatory
⬨ Key for intestinal cell function
I use anywhere from 20-40 mg of MK-4 situationally and have had success with clients in this range.
Animals given Crohn's disease, when also given Vitamin K2 (MK-4) (2.5 mg/kg human equivalent):
• Repaired gut damage and barrier
• Lowered inflammation
• Increased mucus production
comparable to the leading drug for IBD (ASA).
K2 status is inversely related to:
⬩Severity of gum inflammation
⬩Plaque index
⬩Depth of tooth pocket
Literally every dental clinical parameter.
K2 is a cornerstone of calcium metabolism, allowing for minerals to accumulate in bones and teeth properly and regenerate.
This is a huge reason why Weston Price never saw tooth decay in societies focusing on fat soluble vitamins!
K2 as MK-4 is found mainly in hard cheeses, egg yolks and beef liver.
As MK-7 it is found in the fermented Natto.
However, these therapeutic applications require higher amounts than you would otherwise get in food.
Both can be massively beneficial to supplement in doses higher than what you can get from food.
🧬 Scientists glue two proteins together, driving cancer cells to self-destruct 🧬
🫥 Stanford researchers hope new technique will flip lymphoma protein’s normal action — from preventing cell death to triggering it.
📚 Our bodies divest themselves of 60 billion cells every day through a natural process of cell culling and turnover called apoptosis.
These cells — mainly blood and gut cells — are all replaced with new ones, but the way our bodies rid themselves of material could have profound implications for cancer therapies in a new approach developed by Stanford Medicine researchers.
They aim to use this natural method of cell death to trick cancer cells into disposing of themselves. Their method accomplishes this by artificially bringing together two proteins in such a way that the new compound switches on a set of cell death genes, ultimately driving tumor cells to turn on themselves. The researchers describe their latest such compound in a paper published Oct. 4 in Science.
The idea came to Gerald Crabtree, MD, a professor of development biology, during a pandemic stroll through the forests of Kings Mountain, west of Palo Alto, California. As he walked, Crabtree, a longtime cancer biologist, was thinking about major milestones in biology.
WHY do hands get numb at night?
Such a phenomenon can occur since a person lays down with his entire weight on his arm while sleeping and impedes blood flow. Thus, the limbs are not fully saturated with oxygen, which leads to numbness.
In addition, diseases such as hypovitaminosis B, osteochondrosis or circulatory disorders can also affect hand numbness at night. In such cases, it is definitely the right thing to do is to see a doctor.
♦♦#ጨጓራ #ህመምን #እንዴት# እንከላከል# (how to prevent gastritis) ♦♦#
ወድ ተከታታዮች ዛሬ የብዙ ሰው ችግር የሆነውን የጨጓራ ህመም በተደጋጋሚ እየታከምን የማይሻለን የሚል ጥያቄን እናነሳለን ነገር ግን አኗኗራችን ማስተካከል ዋነኛው ነው ፤ መድሀኒትንም ያግዛል ፡፡
የጨጓራ ህመም በሆድ እቃ ክፍል አካባቢ ደጋግሞ የሚከሰት የማያቋርጥ ቋርጥ ህመም ሲሆን ፤ህመሙ የተለያዩ የሰውነት ክፍሎች ላይ ጨምሮ ህመም ያስከትላል
በላይኛው የሆድ ክፍል ላይ የሆድ ቁርጠት
ማቅለሽለሽና ማስመለስ
የደረት አካባቢ ማቃጠል
ምግብ በሚወሰድበት ጊዜ ቶሎ መጥገብ
የሆድ መንፋት
እምብርት አካባቢ የሚሰማ ህመም
እንዴት እንከላከል ???
ቶሎ ቶሎ ቀላል ምግቦችን መመገብ
ሲጋራን ማጨስ ካለ ማቆም
አልኮል መጠጦችን መቀነስ
ጥዋት ጥዋት በባዶ ሆድ ውሀን መጠጣት ልምድ ማረግ
በጨጓራ ባክቴሪያ ላለመጠቃት ንጽህነናው የተጠበቀ ምግብ መመገብ
ቅመማ ቅመም የበዛባቸውን ምግቦች አለመመገብ
ቅባታማ ምግቦችን መቀነስ
ከምኝታ ከ ሁለት ስአት ቀደም በሎ እራትን መመገብ
አትክልትና ፍራፍሬን ማዘውተር
ተልባን በተለያየ መልኩ መውሰድ ፡፡
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