1945 - November 21, 2019
Japanese illustrator and artist known for his erotic works far beyond Japan.
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Walter Richard Sickert's "Jack the Ripper's Bedroom"
British artist Walter Sickert is known for his macabre paintings. Some have speculated that his controversial works "Jack the Ripper's Bedroom" and "Camden Town Murder" may reflect some sort of connection between the artist and the real-life Camden Town killer, who committed a number of murders during the years the paintings were painted. Some have attributed Sickert's role as an accomplice, others as the killer himself, who memorialized his crimes with paintings.
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I'd rather be hated for what I am than loved for what I'm not.
- Kurt Cobain
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Salvador Dalí's "Fallen Angel."
At Dalí every little thing has a certain meaning. Sometimes this meaning is clear to the artist, but eludes the viewer.
From the body of the fallen angel in the painting open several drawers. The result is a kind of prototype of a jewelry box. According to the artist's idea, such drawers should symbolize memory. In addition, they symbolize and thoughts that need to be hidden from outsiders, a kind of "secret thoughts", hidden desires.
Angel has its own secret desires, invisible to anyone else, and does not see anything but them. Even when he himself is slowly turning into decay.
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Adam Hillman
Mona Lisa out of chocolate
"The Scream" from paper clips.
Van Gogh's self-portrait made of cereal.
"The Creation of Adam" from paper clips.
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Anubis is the god and patron of the dead in Egyptian mythology
Joanna Karpowicz
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They spend time and energy on being like everyone else, and I spend time and energy on being me. The cost is the same. The result is different.
- Matsuo Monroe
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Aron Buch
His brushstrokes - paste-like, textured and very voluminous - were applied mainly by hand and with a trowel.
The surface of the paintings was molded with the master's fingers, and the brush was used only to create at most the final touch.
"Real painting comes alive at a distance. You have to be able to extract the sound of color in space from the paints."
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War is a way for rich people to protect their interests by sending the children of the middle and poor classes to their deaths.
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"Stress comes from the fact that you, knowing the right thing to do, do the opposite."
- Larry Winget
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"It seems to me that only unsuccessful, unhappy people like to argue. The happy ones live in silence."
- Maxim Gorky
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