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Richard Prince
He has been called one of the richest and most brazen American artists.
He changed the history of modern fine art. His moral views on creativity have no property boundaries and deny all authorship in both photography and painting.
Most of the artist's works are borrowings of other people's works, slightly reworked by the master in the style of postmodernism.
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"Alone in the whole wide world"
Jozef Israëls (1824-1911)
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An oil painting by an unknown 16th century Parma artist.
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- American comic book artist, illustrator and filmmaker. He is best known for his comic strip Black Hole. The distinctive feature of the style is detailed, high-contrast drawing and scenarios in the style of horror, or with its elements.
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"Thirsty Death"
Armand Rassenfosse, early 20th century.
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They spend time and energy on being like everyone else, and I spend time and energy on being me. The cost is the same. The result is different.
- Matsuo Monroe
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Aron Buch
His brushstrokes - paste-like, textured and very voluminous - were applied mainly by hand and with a trowel.
The surface of the paintings was molded with the master's fingers, and the brush was used only to create at most the final touch.
"Real painting comes alive at a distance. You have to be able to extract the sound of color in space from the paints."
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"The doctor's office where all fantasies and follies are purified"
Matthaeus Greuter 1600s
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Pablo Picasso's "The Blue Room"
In 2008, infrared radiation revealed that another image was hidden beneath the "Blue Room" - a portrait of a man dressed in a suit with a bowtie and resting his head on his hand. "As soon as Picasso had a new idea, he would take up his brush and realize it. But he didn't have the opportunity to buy a new canvas every time his muse visited him," explains the possible reason for this, art historian Patricia Favero.
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"Death smiles at each of us. We can only smile back at it"
Marcus Aurelius
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- is a renowned Japanese mangaka and folklorist who popularized the genre of stories about traditional Japanese wickedness. He is best known for his work Kitaro of the Graveyard, as well as its anime adaptation and numerous sequels.
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Joan Miró
Hunger hallucinations, playing with fire, tons of clay and one single woman - Joan Miró found inspiration in everything.
"Where did I get the ideas for my drawings from? Well, I would come to my Paris studio on Rue Blome in the evening, go to bed, sometimes I didn't have dinner. I'd have visions that I'd sketch out in a notebook. I saw images on the ceiling."
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1945 - November 21, 2019
Japanese illustrator and artist known for his erotic works far beyond Japan.
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Walter Richard Sickert's "Jack the Ripper's Bedroom"
British artist Walter Sickert is known for his macabre paintings. Some have speculated that his controversial works "Jack the Ripper's Bedroom" and "Camden Town Murder" may reflect some sort of connection between the artist and the real-life Camden Town killer, who committed a number of murders during the years the paintings were painted. Some have attributed Sickert's role as an accomplice, others as the killer himself, who memorialized his crimes with paintings.
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