"Electric Chair"
Andy Warhol, 1964
With this masterpiece Warhol opened his famous very scary cycle of "death and disasters". As the author recalls, the plot was inspired by thoughts of death.
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Dazed Korea special edition, April 2022
Hair creative director Erol Karadag
Photography Jeiroh Yanga
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"Drowning Dog"
Francisco Goya
The dog sticks its head out of the water to save itself. But there is no hope of salvation; this is indicated by the bleak empty space at the top of the canvas.
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"A puppet for my niece"
Santiago Caruso
"Marionette" by Caruso is unique in that the master depicts the puppet as a lord of people, and people are in its subordination. In his subsequent works, the master develops this theme.
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Works inspired by Gustav Klimt by artists Siana Park, Petter Faustino, Azamat Khairov, ooneithoo, Elia Pellegrini
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"A dream induced by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate, a second before waking up."
Salvador Dali
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"A figure with meat"
Francis Bacon, 1954
The meat carcasses hanging from the ceiling are shown from an angle as if the pope were an angel and the two pieces of meat were wings behind his back. Bacon wanted to show that there is only one step from a holy man to a bloodsucker and cruel monster.
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"A negro suspended alive by his ribs from the gallows"
William Blake, 1796
The gruesome painting draws attention to the problems of racism, and the skull painted at the bottom makes us think about the frailty of all things and the fact that it is impossible to avoid death.
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Recycling Art sculptures created from car parts and scrap metal
By Rustam Akhmetsafin
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"Heads of Torture Victims"
Theodore Géricault, 1814
Géricault set himself the task of reflecting the agony of people undergoing torture as plausibly as possible. To do so, he used an expressive painting technique. Before creating his creation, the French artist spent a lot of time in hospitals and morgues, studying nature.
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"A new you could have been born today"
Santiago Caruso
Strange mystical creatures in tense poses, ominous color and gloomy atmosphere - all this speaks of a peculiar interpretation of the Argentine artist of the basic principles of the art direction of surrealism.
Caruso is a worthy successor of Salvador Dali's ideas, but in his experiments with form and composition he went much further.
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"The Death of Marat"
Edvard Munch, 1907
In his inimitable manner, the author depicts a nude Charlotte Corday moments after she has brutally stabbed Marat to death. The imposing brushstrokes and abundance of blood add to the frightening effect of the painting.
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