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"Rain Woman"
Svetlana Taurus, 1996.
Since its creation, the canvas has changed about 10 owners, who unanimously complained about the fact that the woman from the painting follows them. Also all of them had an acute sense of anxiety, longing, depression, everything fell out of hand and problems piled up.
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"I'm just going to wash this day away"
Anastasia Solovieva, 2022
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"I've been in the kitchen too long. I'm having prophetic dreams"
Boris Groh, 2020
"You have to hit her right in the heart!"
Floro Ivan, 2020
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Unknown artist "Gabrielle d'Estre and her sister", 16th century
This painting by an unknown artist depicts Henry IV's mistress Gabrielle d'Estre and her sister Julienne. The ring Gabrielle d'Estre is holding is not on her finger as a married woman. She never got to be the king's consort because she died just a few days before her wedding. The bathtub symbolizes death, as in the last minutes of the king's favorite's life, the doctor placed her in a tub of water to ease her pain. It was there that she died. The seamstress in the background is sewing the funeral dress. The woman holding Gabrielle by the breast nipple is Marguerite de Valois (Henry IV's first wife). This gesture symbolizes the fact that Gabrielle d'Estre bore the king children, while Marguerite de Valois did not.
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"Mother of Freaks"
Otto Dix, 1921.
After World War I, Dix returns to Dresden where he observes the moral decay of society. People are starving, wearing rags, unable to find work. The painting depicts a mother and her child in such a way as to show the author's disgust for war and violence.
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Hans Giger, 1968.
Giger became famous with the publication of the book "Necronomicon", which has nothing to do with Lovecraft's works. As early as 1968, he drew illustrations for the Biomechanoids series, special creatures that are a combination of biological life forms and technology.
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"Metamorphosis of Narcissus"
Salvador Dalí, 1937.
In this work one can see the result of the painter's interpretation of the Greek myth of Narcissus. The boy is depicted on the left side of the canvas, his head resting on his knee. The reflection on the right shows a cracked hen's egg from which a daffodil flower emerges.
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"Two Masks"
Giorgio de Chirico, 1926.
Giorgio de Chirico, the founder and theorist of metaphysical painting, unlike his fellow artists never changed the principles formulated in 1917 in a hospital in Ferrara. Metaphysical painting is characterized by a special combination of elements of reality and fantasy, the author's deliberate distortion of space in his paintings and the absence of living human characters.
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"Self-portrait with eye torn out"
Victor Brauner, 1931.
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Zdzislaw Beksinski, 1970.
After the 1960s, Beksinski entered what he himself called "the fantastic period", which lasted until the mid-1980s. He produced some very disturbing images, surreal images of death and decomposition, landscapes with skeletons and deformed figures. These paintings were detailed and painted with his trademark precision.
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"Alien Players"
Conroy Maddox, 1942
Conroy Maddox used an unusual technique for his surrealist works - collage, more usual for works, for example, in the style of pop art. At the same time, initially Conroy independently discovered surrealism, a direction not very popular in England.
The greatest influence on the development of his own artistic style, according to the artist, influenced the works of Salvador Dali, René Magritte
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Edvard Munch, 1894.
Like many other paintings by Edvard Munch, this creation is also not at all pleasing to the eye. It is believed that in this work the artist tried to express his feelings of despair and grief, which is a constant theme in the work of the painter, who for a long period of his life was on the verge of a mental breakdown.
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"Removing the stone of stupidity"
Vervilt François
Edgy Art