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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 6
Answer - D
Farrukhsiyar granted a Farman to EIC which is regarded as Magna Carta for the company.
Under this, Company's imports and exports were exempted from additional custom duties in Bengal, Bombay, and Madras.
In their attempt to establish factories at any place, they should be provided with every assistance.
The coining of the company's gold and silver in the Murshidabad mint may be allowed for three days a week if it is not against the interest of the nawab.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 4
Answer – B
The major peninsular rivers from north to south direction:
Narmada, Tapi, Godavari, Krishna, Penneru, Palar, Kaveri and Periyar.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 2
Answer – A
The term 'hasil' was used to denote the revenue actually collected or realized from the land.
Those who joined Mughal service were enrolled as mansabdars. They were paid in the form of a jagir as well as in the form of cash.
The mansab rank was not hereditary and jagir was not always transferable. No mansabdar, whether he was a high-ranking general or a prince, could join a jagir indefinitely.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 7 Consider the following statements with reference to Harshavardhana:
1. Harsha patronised both Shaivism and Buddhism.
2. He prohibited the use of animal food in his kingdom and punished those who kill any living being.
3. He convened the Kanauj assembly to honor the Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 5 Consider the following pairs with reference to the temperature inversion:
Type of inversion: Cause
1. Radiation inversion : cooling of earth surface at night
2. Subsidence inversion : sinking air on the windward side of mountain
3. Frontal inversion : warm front blowing under a cold front

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 1 Consider the following statements:
1. India lies entirely in the Northern hemisphere.
2. India’s east to west extent is longer than that of the north to south.
3. India is bounded by young fold mountains in the northwest, north and north east.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 5 As per the Constitutional provisions, Parliament can make laws on the matters of state list in which of the following circumstances?
1. during a national emergency.
2. to implement international agreements.
3. during president’s rule.
4. during a financial emergency.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 2 Consider the following statements with reference to Bengal British India Society:
1. It was the second political public association to be formed in British India.
2. It sent petitions urging upon the government for increasing employment of Indians in public offices and for judicial reforms.
3. Ramgopal Ghosh was elected as the first president of the society.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Monthly Current Affairs Compilation June 2022

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 9
Answer – C
The directive principles are meant for promoting the ideal of social and economic democracy. However, unlike the Fundamental Rights, the directives are non-justiciable in nature, that is, they are not enforceable (Article 37 of the Constitution) by the courts for their violation.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 7
Answer – B
Bioremediation is the process of using organisms to neutralize or remove contamination from waste.
In-situ conservation, the conservation of species in their natural habitats, is considered the most appropriate way of conserving biodiversity.
• Bioventing is an in-situ process of stimulating the natural in situ biodegradation of contaminants in soil by providing air or oxygen to existing soil microorganisms.
• Biosparging is an in-situ remediation technology that uses indigenous microorganisms to biodegrade organic constituents in the saturated zone.
• In biosparging, air (or oxygen) and nutrients (if needed) are injected into the saturated zone to increase the biological activity of the indigenous microorganisms.
• Microorganisms are imported to a contaminated site to enhance degradation process.
• Biopiles are an ex-situ, solid-phase biological process for converting contaminants to low-toxicity byproducts.
• Biopiles are aerated with the use of perforated pipes and blowers in order to control the progression of biodegradation more efficiently by controlling the supply of oxygen.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 5
Answer – C
Besant herself inaugurated the Home Rule League at Madras in September 1916. Her league was known as All India Home Rule League. It had 200 branches and was loosely organised. It had George Arundale as the organising secretary.
Theosophical Movement was started by Westerners who were inspired by Indian Philosophy. It was started in USA by Madame Helena Blavatsky who was later joined by Col. Henry Steel Olcott of the US Army. Annie Besant joined Theosophical society in 1889.
Besant was President of INC for 1917 Calcutta session.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 3
Answer – A
The Ain is made up of five books (daftars), of which the first three books describe the administration.
○ The first book, called manzil-abadi, concerns the imperial household and its maintenance.
○ The second book, sipah-abadi, covers the military and civil administration and the establishment of servants. This book includes notices and short biographical sketches of imperial officials (mansabdars), learned men, poets and artists.
○ The third book, mulk-abadi, is the one which deals with the fiscal side of the empire and provides rich quantitative information on revenue rates, followed by the “Account of the Twelve Provinces”.
○ Fourth and fifth book - religious, literary and cultural traditions of people of India.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 1
Answer – C
It was formed in September 23, 2019.
CDRI is a multi-stakeholder global partnership of national governments, UN agencies and programmes, multilateral development banks, the private sector, academic and knowledge institutions.
CDRI is led and managed by national governments, where knowledge is generated and exchanged on different aspects of disaster resilience of infrastructure.
Secretariat is located in New Delhi, India.
Since its inception, 31 countries, 6 international organisations and 2 private sector organisations have joined CDRI as members.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 5
Answer – A
Radiation inversion
It is the most common type of inversion. In some places, they occur almost nightly.
It generally occurs in places where it cools off a lot at night. During the night, the ground cools off, radiating the heat to the sky.
Subsidence inversion
Subsidence is the sinking of air.
A subsidence inversion is sinking air that produces an inversion.
When air sinks then it warms adiabatically at the dry adiabatic lapse rate. A situation in which this can occur is within a warm core high pressure system. It can also occur on the leeward side of a mountain range.
Frontal inversion
It is caused by a shallow "cold front" blowing in under warmer air.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 3
Answer – D
Murals are large works executed on the walls of solid structure. In India evidence of mural work existed from ancient times from 2nd century BC to 8th-10th century AD. Places known to be associated with mural paintings are the caves of Ajanta, Bagh, Sittanavasal, Armamalai, Ravan chhaya rock shelter and kailashnath temple in ellora caves.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 1
Answer – C
The actual distance measured from north to south extremity is 3,214 km, and that from east to west is only 2,933 km. Thus, India’s east to west extent is shorter than that of the north to south.
India is bounded by the Himalayas in the north, Hindukush and Sulaiman ranges in the northwest and Purvanchal hills in the north-east. All these mountain ranges are known as young fold mountains as these have been formed relatively recently in the Earth’s history, compared to older mountain ranges like the Aravallis.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 8 Consider the following statements about Karachi Resolution, 1931:
1. It withdrew the Congress Party’s commitment to ‘Purna Swaraj’.
2. The socio-economic provision in the Karachi Resolution went on to influence the Constituent Assembly in drawing up the Directive Principles of State Policy.
3. Resolution on Fundamental Rights was also passed in this Session.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 6 Which of the following privileges was/were granted to the British East India Company (EIC) under the Farrukhsiyar's Farman?
1. Under this, Company's imports and exports were exempted from additional custom duties in Bengal, Bombay, and Madras.
2. The Company was permitted to mint its own coins.
3. Rulers will assist the company in their attempt to establish factories at any place.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 2 With reference to Mughal period, consider the following statements:
1. The term ‘hasil’ was used to denote total revenue assessed on the basis of crop cultivation.
2. All the mansabdars throughout the Mughal rule were paid in the form of a jagir only.
3. The rank of mansab was hereditary.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

The Hindu - Delhi - Undermining federalism, eroding States’ autonomy

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 3 Consider the following statements:
1. The President can transfer a judge from one high court to another after consulting the Chief Ministers of the respective states.
2. The transfer of judges from one high court to another is not subject to judicial review.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 1 With reference to the partition of Bengal, consider the following statements:
1. The official reason given for the decision to partition Bengal was to contain the extremist revolutionary terrorism in eastern India.
2. It was decided that Assam and Orissa would be clubbed with Western Bengal.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 10
Answer – C
As a federal court, the Supreme Court decides the disputes between different units of the Indian Federation. More elaborately, any dispute:
(a) Between the Centre and one or more states; or
(b) Between the Centre and any state or states on one side and one or more other states on the other side; or
(c) Between two or more states.
In the above federal disputes, the Supreme Court has exclusive original jurisdiction.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 8
Answer – A
Sundarban Biosphere Reserve was constituted by Government of India (GOI) in 1989 and it received the recognition of UNESCO under its Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme in November, 2001.
Sundarban National Park, forming the core area of Sundarban Tiger Reserve, received recognition as World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987.
It has been nominated by GOI for recognition as Ramsar Site (a wetland of international importance). Sundarban Tiger Reserve was constituted by GOI under Project Tiger scheme, in 1973.
Sundarban is the only mangrove forest in the world which is the home of Tiger.
It includes - Royal Bengal TR, Sundarban NP, Sajnekhali WLS, Lothian Island WLS, Holiday Island WLS
Coringa WLS is in Andhra Pradesh and not part of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 6
Answer – B
During the 1940s, several efforts were on to solve the ongoing constitutional crisis, basically due to Jinnah wanting the Congress to accept his idea of Two-nation theory. In the course of time, some individuals also tried to come up with constitutional proposals. C. Rajagopalachari, the veteran Congress leader, prepared a formula for Congress-League cooperation. It was a tacit acceptance of the League's demand for Pakistan. Gandhi supported the formula. The main points in CR Plan were:
• Muslim League to endorse Congress demand for independence.
• League to cooperate with Congress in forming a provisional government at centre.
• After the end of the war, the entire population of Muslim majority areas in the North-West and North-East India to decide by a plebiscite, whether or not to form a separate sovereign state.
• In case of acceptance of partition, agreement to be made jointly for safeguarding defence, commerce, communications, etc.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 4
Law member (fourth member to the Executive Council, but without right to vote) was added through Charter Act, 1833. T.B. Macaulay was the first Law Member of the Governor-General-in-Council.
Major provisions of Indian Councils Act, 1861
Principle of representatives of non-officials in legislative bodies (through nomination by Viceroy)
Legislative devolution through restoration of legislative powers of Government of Madras and Bombay.
It also provided for the establishment of new legislative councils for Bengal, North-Western Frontier Province (NWFP) and Punjab, which were established in 1862, 1866 and 1897 respectively.
It empowered the Viceroy to issue ordinances, without the concurrence of the legislative council, during an emergency. The life of such an ordinance was six months.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Question 2
Answer – C
The inscription was composed in the Sanskrit language by Ravikirti, the court poet of Pulakesin-II and is written in Kannada script.
There is a mention about the victory of Pulikeshi-II over Harshavardhana who had invaded the south.

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Edubridge IAS Discussion group

Q. 9 Consider the following statements regarding the Directive Principles of State Policy:
1. The Principles spell out of the socio-economic democracy in the country.
2. The provisions contained in these Principles are not enforceable by any court.

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