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Question 9
Answer – D
If sponsored by a Private Member, the Constitution Amendment Bill has to be examined in the first instance and recommended for introduction by the Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions before it is included for introduction in the List of Business. Motions for the introduction of the Bills are decided by a simple majority. The 26th Constitution Amendment and 61st Constitution Amendment were catalyzed by Private Members Bill. Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions shall examine every bill seeking to amend the Constitution notice of which has been given by a private member before a motion for leave to introduce the Bill is included in the list of business.
Each clause or schedule is put to the vote of the House separately and carried by the special majority. But, amendments to clauses or schedules are decided by a simple majority as in the case of any other Bill.
There cannot be joint sitting over any disagreement regarding Constitution Amendment Bill and the Bills passed by Parliament by the prescribed special majority and, where necessary, ratified by the requisite number of State Legislatures are presented to the President under article 368 of the Constitution under which the President is bound to give assent to such Bills.
Question 7
Answer – C
Stratification is the vertical distribution of different species occupying different levels. For example, trees occupy the top vertical strata or layer of a forest, shrubs the second and herbs and grasses occupy the bottom layers.
Question 5
Answer – A
The Derozians attacked old and decadent customs, rites, and traditions. They were passionate advocates of women’s rights and demanded education for them. They did not, however, succeed in creating a movement because social conditions were not yet ripe for their ideas to flourish.
Moreover, they forgot to maintain their links with the people. In fact, their radicalism was bookish; they failed to come to grips with the Indian reality.
Derozio’s idea was more modern than even Rammohun Roy’s. He was a brilliant teacher who, in spite of his youth, attached to himself a host of bright and adoring students. He inspired these students to think rationally and freely, to question all authority, to love liberty, equality and freedom, and to worship truth. However, there was no other class or group in Indian society at the time which could support their advanced ideas.
Question 3
Answer – B
The black soils are generally clayey, deep and impermeable. They swell and become sticky when wet and shrink when dried. So, during the dry season, these soils develop wide cracks. Thus, there occurs a kind of ‘self ploughing‘. Because of this character of slow absorption and loss of moisture, the black soil retains the moisture for a very long time, which helps the crops, especially, the rain-fed ones, to sustain even during the dry season.
Question 1
Answer – D
Impact of this revolt was higher in North India but in the south impact was negligible, even the Madras army remained totally loyal and Punjab and Bengal were marginally affected.
As rebels lacked the forward-looking program, coherent ideology, a political perspective or future vision of society. This all became weaknesses of the revolt.
Modern nationalism was unknown at that time. Patriotism meant love of one’s small locality or at most one’s state.
Q. 8 Consider the following statements:
1. Cessation of territory by Union to a foreign state can be done by executive action.
2. The settlement of boundary disputes between India and a foreign state requires the Constitution Amendment Act.
3. The acquisition and admission of foreign territory under the International Convention can be done by the ordinary legislative process.
Q. 4 Consider the following statements:
1. The failure of the Moderates to win any notable success by the Indian Councils Act (1892).
2. Ideas of social reformers and the revival of Indian Culture.
3. Severe famine in 1896-97 and the plague in Bombay Presidency.
Question 10
Answer – A
The Didactic works of Sangam literature are called Kilkannakku or eighteen Minor Works. Didactic texts were works of the brahmana Prakrit-Sanskrit scholars. These texts prescribe a code of conduct not only for the king and his court but also for various social groups and occupations.
Question 8
Answer – D
The cryosphere is the component of the Earth that composed of all solid, frozen water found on Earth. Ice and snow are the main part of any component of the cryosphere, but there is an extensive list of formations that make up the cryosphere which include -:
o Land-based Ice: Land-based ice makes up the largest parts of the cryosphere. This includes Continental Ice Sheets, Ice Caps, Glaciers, Permafrost etc.
o Land-based Snow: Snow is a form of precipitation that falls in solid crystals.
o Water-based Ice: This is frozen parts of otherwise liquid components of the hydrosphere. This includes Icebergs, Ice shelves, Sea ice, Frozen rivers and lakes etc.
Question 5
Answer – A
The guru–shishya tradition plays an important part in the Shruti tradition of Vedic dharma. The Vedas themselves prescribe for a young brahmachari to be sent to a Gurukul where the Guru teaches the pupil the Vedas and Vedangas. The term of stay varies (Manu Smriti says the term may be 12 years, 36 years or 48 years). After the stay at the Gurukul the brahmachari returns home after performing a ceremony called samavartana. The studentship was formally brought to a close by this ceremony of Samavartana, which literally means ‘the returning home of the student‘.
Question 3
Answer – C
Charvaka School: It was originally called as Lokayata (Prevalent in the world) or Brahaspatya.
o This school may be called one of the oldest school of Indian materialism. They are hence called materialists.
o It rejects Vedas, rejects ritualism of Vedas and does not believe in god or any other super natural power.
o Ajita Kesakambali is thought to be the first Charvaka while Brihaspati is called its founder.
o Most of its literature is now lost and it is not a living tradition today.
o They believe in: No soul, no consciousness, no god. Karma and Artha only, Dharma and Moksha concepts are beyond Charvaka philosophy.
Aajivika school:
o They have often been described as fatalists: those who believe that everything is predetermined.
o It is a religious order or sect founded by Gosala Mankhaliputta, a senior contemporary of Buddha and Mahavira.
o The basic theme of ajivikism is the doctrine of niyati or destiny or doctrine of immutability.
o The main source of information on ajivikism is Bhagwati Sutra
Question 1
Answer – B
Summer solstice is the longest day of the year for the hemisphere in which it occurs when the poles directly face the Sun. Across the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 21st. However, the length of daylight on this day varies with latitude. This day will be longer for higher latitudes, and shorter for lower latitudes. The longest daylight on the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is experienced above the Arctic Circle.
Equinox occurs when the center of the visible Sun is directly above the equator. This occurs twice each year, around 20 March and 23 September. On the day of an equinox, daytime and night time are of approximately equal duration all over the planet.
Q. 7 “It is a Ramsar Wetland Site. It harbours the single-largest stretch of the unique dry-evergreen forest in the country besides open grasslands and tidal mudflats. There is spot inside the sanctuary where the east coast takes a 90 degree turn from the Bay of Bengal towards Palk Strait. The sanctuary and the surrounding wetlands are important wintering grounds for water birds from the North.”
Читать полностью…Q. 4 Which of the following are the benefits of internationalization of rupee?
1. Reduction in dependence on foreign exchange reserves for a balance of payment stability.
2. Lowers the domestic cost of capital.
3. Indian borrowers can borrow from international markets without exchange rate risks.
Question 8
Answer – B
Power of Parliament to diminish the areas of a state doesn't include the power to cede Indian territory to a foreign country. In the Berubari Union Case, 1960, the Supreme Court held that the power of Parliament to diminish the area of the state does not cover the cession of the Indian territory. Hence, Indian territory can be ceded to a foreign state only by amending the Constitution. The 9th Constitution Amendment Act and the 100th Constitution Amendment Act were enacted for the same purpose.
Supreme Court in 1969, ruled that the settlement of a boundary dispute between India and a foreign country doesn't require a Constitution Amendment Act. It can be done by executive action as it doesn't involve cessation of the Indian territory to a foreign country.
Under Article 1, 2 and 3, Parliament has the power to admit new states and acquired foreign territory through ordinary legislative process or a law passed by simple majority. Such acquisition is governed by International Convention.
Question 6
Answer – B
Quilon or Kollam is situated in modern-day Kerela. It was attacked and destroyed by Chola king Rajaraja.
Vishakhapatnam’s (Vizag) history can be traced back to the 6th century BC. It was historically a part of the Kalinga region and then eventually ruled by the Vengi kingdom, Pallava and Ganga dynasty. It is the largest city of Andhra Pradesh both in terms of area and population. It went from being called Waltair during British rule to Vizagpatnam after independence and later became Vishakhapatnam in 1987.
Pragjyotishpur is the name for modern-day Assam. It was ruled by Pala king in medieval times.
Question 4
Answer – D
Important factors for the emergence of extremism:
o The failure of the Indian Council Act of 1892 in satisfying the aspirations of the Indians is another important cause.
o The callous attitude exhibited by the British towards the sufferings of the people due to the famine of 1897 was also one of the causes.
o The outbreak of the Bubonic plague in Bombay presidency and the means followed by the government created strong resentment in the minds of the people which led to the murder of Rand, the Plague Commissioner of Poona by the Chapekar brothers.
o Exclusion of educated Indians from the public services also which led to the dissatisfaction for the moderate methods.
o Lord Curzon’s high-handed mission, commission and omissions – the Calcutta Corporation Act of 1899, and Calcutta University Act of 1904, along with the partition of Bengal in 1905 accelerated the extremist movement.
Question 2
Answer – D
The flow of water through well-defined channels is known as 'drainage' and the network of such channels is called a 'drainage system'.
The drainage pattern of an area is the outcome of the geological time period, nature and structure of rocks, topography, slope, amount of water flowing and the periodicity of the flow.
Q. 9 Consider the following statements about Constitution Amendment Bill:
1. They cannot be introduced as Private Members' Bill.
2. Any amendment to the clause or schedule of such Bill has also to be decided by a special majority.
3. In case of any disagreement between the two Houses, there cannot be a joint sitting of the Houses of Parliament on the Bill.
Q. 5 Which of the following was/were the factor(s) responsible for the failure of the Young Bengal movement?
1. It failed to come to grips with the Indian reality.
2. Social conditions were not ripe for their ideas to flourish.
3. The ideas were conservative and could not attract the youth.
Q. 1 Consider the following statements with regard to the revolt of 1857:
1. The sepoys from all over India participated in the revolt.
2. The rebels had a coherent ideology and future vision of society.
3. A feeling of nationalism was the driving force of the sepoys in this revolt.
Question 9
Answer – B
The Land Reforms in India-aimed at the redistribution of ownership holdings and reorganising operational holdings from the view point of optimum utilisation of land. It has also aimed at providing security of tenure, fixation of rents and conferment of ownership.
Question 6
Answer – B
The Indian Sociologist was started in London (Great Britain) by Shyamji Krishnavarma in January, 1905.
The Islamic Fraternity was an Urdu monthly published from Tokyo (Japan) edited by Maulvi Barktullah of Bhopal. It was an anti-imperialist and anti-British paper.
Tarak Nath Das started publishing from April 1908, an eight-page periodical, ‘Free Hindustan’ in English language first from Vancouver (Canada) later from Seattle and New York (U.S.). This paper aimed at political education for a revolution among Indians.
In 1909, from France, Madame Bhikaji Cama and SR Rana's publication, the Bande Mataram, revived the title of the Calcutta broadsheet that had been founded in 1905 by Bipin Chandra Pal and later edited by Aurobindo Ghosh. Lala Hardayal was appointed as the first editor of Bande Mataram.
Question 4
Answer – D
Currency internationalization is the widespread use of a currency outside the borders of its country of issue.
It provides more certainty to residents, who can denominate foreign transactions in their home currency. They can also borrow in foreign markets without incurring exchange rate risk, potentially enabling them to find cheaper funding.
Other key benefits of internationalization of rupee include savings on foreign exchange transactions for Indian residents, reduced foreign exchange exposure for Indian corporate, reduction in dependence on foreign exchange reserves for the balance of payment stability.
In general, the internationalization of rupee creates an underpinned demand for the currency which should dampen interest rates and thus help lower the domestic cost of capital.
Question 2
Answer – C
Collision-coalescence model of precipitation formation:
It applies to warm clouds that form in the tropics.
Warm clouds are those that form at altitudes where the air temperature is above freezing.
For precipitation to form under this model, there needs to be a variety of different size condensation nuclei.
Q. 6 With reference to the Indian freedom movement, consider the following pairs:
Publication : Founder/Editor
1. Indian Sociologist : Annie Besant
2. Bande Mataram : Shyamji Krishnavarma
3. Free Hindustan : Tarak Nath Das
4. Islamic Fraternity : Maulvi Barktullah
Q. 1 Consider the following statements:
1. During the summer solstice, all latitudes in Northern Hemisphere experience nearly the same length of the day.
2. During the equinox, all latitudes experience nearly the same length of day and night.
Question 10
Answer – A
Tanjore paintings date back to the 17th century, when Tanjore was under the Nayaka dynasty. They represent a form of classical South Indian painting that was practised from several centuries in the town of Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu.