Wow...i have been on the phone for 20 minutes...and what an avalanche of reactions here....damn ...🤣
Just for clarification:...i am in the public system and not in the private one....so ..yes...i earn a good deal of money...but not 1000 $/h....
And i would not trade it...for the private system....thanks to all the other advantages related to holidays & job security ...
It's my peace of mind that matters....<:2clicks:424720280024514561>
but i guess on average more earning ppl arent as smart, they just bluff better
tho theyve studied that these same things cause lot of bad disease and shorten lifespan so faustian deal
(higher blood pressure, all those nice things.... need awesome genes or effort to keep them in check)
Funny thing is that I lose my cool in here way more often because I don't know nearly as much and feel like I'm not in control of outcome or success. Hard for me to accept
thye lied in school, learning by heart doesnt help, taking shit and being stressed is what pays
Yeah, I don't do that! I pay Peon's to do it, but they couldn't handle the stress of my job so they have to learn......takes time to learn to keep your cool while 30 different people yell at you and being able to laugh and tell them to F-off when they make $20M a year each
A firm will have 15-20 associates working on it and the bill goes up like the US national debt counter 🙂
Working on a publicaly traded company now and the waste is riDICKulous
Yeah, usually $2,500 per hour when they add in their concurrent associate time!
doesnt explain why those lawers earn more than you, is that job so soul crushing you gotta go clubbing and whatnot every night to stay sane
tho still gotta do dyor, coz if those 20M ppl learn you dont know your stuff, you'll be frauded
multi billion $ company there is lot to do though, lot of boring paperwork to process
ser, problem is where that company is located 😄 im sure if HQ was some tiny town < 100k ppl, much less bloat
makes sense, company cant stay afloat if customers learn they get nothing done/finished
But that's why I make almost as much an hour as them.......we get paid to get the damn deal done and limit the costs......set fee