Shailesh Ramanuj 99789 99990 ●○●○●○●○●○ @svr2020
20. There was a farewell day in your school. Prepare a report about it.
Ans. There was a farewell day in my school for students of class - X and XII. At about 8:00 a.m. the function started. Mr. Niketu Maniyar, our secretary was the chief guest of the function. First of all a small prayer was said. The students of class VIII, IX and XI expressed their feelings. The staff members showered blessings on the parting students. They wished them 'Best of Luck'. A small inspiring and thoughtful speech was made by the principal. Some necessary instructions and tips were given to the students by the chief guest. The 'wish-takers' promised to do their best in the board-exam. In the end a group photography was taken. All dispersed after light meal.
std. 12 Report
18. You watched a rescue operation of a burning house. Prepare a report on it.
Ans. Fire accidents are not very common. But when they take place they cause great alarm and destruction and sometimes loss of life. After taking our food in the night, we went away into our room. The beds were ready and we slept. It was 9 o'clock in the night. My father was reading a newspaper. Suddenly, we saw smoke entering our room. We wondered from where it was coming. We went out in the courtyard. The smoke was coming out of the nearby house. The house had caught fire. The neighbour was crying loudly for help. He began to take out costly things. The people came quickly for help. Some helped him in bringing out the things from the house, while others ran to a nearby well for water. There were only three buckets in the house. They cried for more buckets. Some brought four more. Others only kept weeping in pain. The neighbours were nervous and they lost presence of mind. They did not know what to save and what to leave behind. There was more noise and less work. People were running over the roof and pouring water with buckets. Neighbour's young boy Raju was also pouring water to extinguish fire. He worked very hard to put out fire. He ran with the buckets over the roof of the kitchen. Suddenly the roof fell down and he fell over the head of burning wood. We saw him in the flames. We acted quickly and took him out of the burning home. Pappu was lucky because the intensity of fire was rising. In the meanwhile somebody had the good sense of inform the fire-station. The fire-engines soon arrived at the site of the fire. The firemen immediately set to the work of fire-fighting. They did their best to control and extinguish the fire. They pumped fast the water in the flames, with their hoses. It took almost two and a half hours to control and then finally to extinguish the fire. They struggled hard and heroically. One of the firemen was seriously injured in the efforts, and a few of them had received burns and bruises. Most of the fire accidents occur because of our carelessness. Every year there are many fire accidents, resulting in a great loss of property and life. Many of these can be easily avoided if we are more careful, and observe certain rules and regulations regarding fire-protection, etc.
std. 12 Report
25. Examinations
The word 'examination' frightens most of the students. Even though students have worked all through the year, they become nervous and feel helpless when examinations are near. This proves that system itself is defective.
The real purpose of examination is to test a student's knowledge and intelligence and not his capacity to memorize the facts packed in the textbooks. The test of their cramming forces them to have recourse to set-questions and ready-made answers. It makes them crippled. They lose their capacity to think for themselves and their originality comes to a dead-stop. Their paramount anxiety is not how to study but how to prepare and pass the examinations. Passing being the only aim, students often resort to dubious and disgusting practices in examination. Passing or failing has become a matter of luck or chance. Intelligent students may suffer and the dull often come out with flying colours. Thousands of such graduates and post-graduates finally drift into the ocean of unemployment. The degree-job link has given rise to malpractices like mass-copying, advance leakage of question papers, bribing the examiner and so on. Private tuitions - a blot on this noble profession - is the outcome of this inevitable system only.
Examinations should be considered as a part of the process of education and not their end. The degree-job link must be broken and the whole system of examination should be changed.
std. 12 Essays
32. Environmental Problems in Big Cities
Big cities in any part of India are always very fast developing. Many new industries have come up in and around these cities over years. But this development is not without its ill effects.
Many cities in India are polluted to varying degrees. Many old trees are felled (cut) thoughtlessly in the cities to make place for high-rise buildings. Trees help to purify the air and also attract rain clouds. They provide shade and add to the beauty of the city.
The rapid industrialization and modernization have contributed to air and water pollution. The gases and smoke from the industries have polluted the environment. Many industries dump their chemical waste into the nearby water source. This polluted water has adverse effects on people.
The number of vehicles in the developing cities is always on the rise. The smoke and gas emitted (છોડવું) by vehicles, constant noise of engines and horns create air and noise pollution. The noise pollution due to loud speakers used during public festivals and crackers add to the misery.
The collection and piling of garbage on roads, hawkers selling uncovered and unhygienic food, etc. breed (પેદા થવું) germs of diseases. The growth of slums has added to the environmental problems. We can safely conclude that every big city of India has pollution problems.
std. 12 Essays
30. Earthquakes
An earthquake is caused by a violent shaking of the earth's surface. There are tremors lasting for a few seconds or a few minutes, depending on the intensity of the earthquake.
At first, an earthquake makes things like utensils, beds and other household articles rattle (ખખડવું). People start running out of their houses to save their lives. If the earthquake is of a severe intensity, houses, and buildings come down like houses made of cards and even dams are breached (તૂટવું). Many people and animals are buried alive under the debris. A severe earthquake also causes roads, railway lines and bridges to cave in or they are cratered. Water pipes, gas lines and electricity lines are also damaged. High tidal waves sweep over the coastal areas and besides causing problems of silting કાંપ they cause death and destruction.
A very severe earthquake changes the features of the earth. Islands submerge under water. New islands also come up where there were none before. In spite of all scientific progress man is helpless against earthquake. But it can be predicted and the damage can be controlled and reduced.
The memories of the recent earthquake of Gujarat still make people shudder (ધ્રૂજવું) and remind them of man's helplessness against fury of nature.
std. 12 Essays
28. Floods
Floods are unfortunately a regular feature (ઘટના) in India. Many people lose their lives and property during floods. In spite of progress in science we have not yet been able to prevent or reduce the loss caused by floods.
Heavy rain cause the rivers to overflow. Dams burst due to heavy rains and the waters flood the surrounding areas. Floods bring in their wake lot of damage. House collapse, crops are destroyed; people, birds and animals are mercilessly swept away. Roads, bridges and railway lines are either totally washed away or badly damaged. Electricity and means of communication are disrupted. The affected areas are cut off from the rest of the country.
People of the flood-affected areas are many a time marooned (વિખૂટા પડી જવું) and face a shortage of food. Floods cause a spread of epidemics like cholera and jaundice કમળો. The Government and voluntary agencies take steps to provide relief to the victims. Food packets, medicines and other essential things are airdropped by helicopters. Relief camps are opened for the victims of floods.
However, the Government should try to take long term steps to prevent floods. These include, among other things, building dams and planting trees.
std. 12 Essays
Strike Against War
1. Helen Keller's Motivation and Message for the Workers :
Ans. In her speech at Carnegie Hall, New York city, Helen Keller expresses her righteous indignation against statesmen and governments, sympathizing with pitiable conditions of the workers. She says that she has entered the fight against preparedness and against the economic system under which they live. Statesmen keep on misleading them, in the name of their country and consequently their liberties being in danger. They trap the workers emotionally and provoke them to join the army. She brings to the notice of the workers that toil and live and die for other people's country and for other people's happiness.They do not have liberties of their own.They have to work for about twelve hours a day and still they are ill-paid.Their children have to labour in mills and factories or they will starve. Their women driven by poverty have to live the lives of shame. Still their demand of raising wages is always curtailed with the growth of more and more civilization, the workers are more and more enslaved. In such condition she asks them to strike against all ordinances and laws and peace slaying institutions. She aggressively asks them to strike against preparedness that earns death and misery to millions of human beings. She asks them not to be dumb, obedient slaves in army or destruction but be heroes in the army of construction.
2. Helen Keller's Message for the Editors
Ans. Helen Keller wanted to say about the editors that they were an overworked and misunderstood class. Helen Keller clearly tells the editors and others that they should not feel grieved thinking that she is in the hands of unprincipled persons who persuade her to adopt unpopular causes and make her the mouthpiece of their propaganda. She doesn't want their pity and she would never like to change places with one of those editors. She explains that her sources of information are good and reliable. She has papers and magazines from England, France, Germany and Austria. She reads those papers and forms and has her own opinion. She said that all the editors whom she had met could not do that.
3. Helen Keller's Speech and its Meaning
Ans. Here are some statements of Helen Keller's speech:
🔹1. All I ask, gentlemen, is a fair field and no favour.
Addressing the Editors Helen tells them that she is unable to understand if they would achieve success at the end of their hard work. On the other hand she feels that they are unable to comprehend their efforts to give justice to the workers. She demands fair fight without any favour.
🔹2. The clever ones, up in the high places know how childish and silly the workers are.
The people at the helm (સુકાન) of affairs know that the workers are not very clever. They are innocent and will do everything in the name of their country. The clever take advantage of their blind faith in those clever ones.
🔹3. Be not dumb, obedient slaves in an army of destruction. Be heroes in an army of construction.
She advises the workers to avoid being foolish and refrain from being slaves following the dictates of the clever ones. She encourages the workers to be heroes and fight bravely for the reconstruction (પુનઃરચના) of the values of the workers.
std. 12 Short Notes
4. Nana's Bonding with Nani
Ans. Nana had lived with Nani for over 50 years. Nana was about eighty-five, yet he would find something to grumble at everything Nani did. He would keep quibbling with her. At times they had petty quarrels and they stopped talking with each other. After Nani's death, Nana became more irritable. For a few days he took out his anger on his food. He imprisoned himself in the bedroom. He started behaving like Nani. Dr Kamble said that Nana did not perceive Nani as dead. He was suffering from a sort of dissociative personality disorder and there was no sure cure for it.
5. Nana's behaviour after Nani passed away
Ans. When Nani's dead body was being taken away for cremation. Nana did not join. He asked his grand children to take her away. He whispered in the ears of Nani's dead body that he too was on the way, not far behind. He also said that he would see her in the beyond. When her bier was being carried away, he stepped away from the balcony into the room. He pulled the door shut after him.Nana saw himself as Nani. On the day of immersion Nana stayed locked in the room. When the writer went in, he was sitting on her bed. He just touched the urn and said, "Take him away......all my life he just kept fighting with me." He imprisoned himself in the bedroom. The family members removed a few of Nani's belongings, but Nana did not let them cart away Nani's bed. He did not want to get his haircut short. He had made his adjustments with Nani. When he was found dead, he was sleeping in Nani's bed wearing Nani's dhoti and blouse.
6. Trifle Clashes between Nana and Nani
Ans. Nana used to grumble at everything Nani did. He would keep quibbling with her. At times a petty quarrel would push them into a long silence.They would stop talking to each other for days together. Nani, sometimes, being irritated told him. "Be grateful that I gave you two grandsons." When it comes to leaving the house when their daughter's husband got remarried, Nana was not ready to leave. At that time Nani was not ready to leave. At that time Nani used very harsh words which might compel him to live. Sometimes, they also had a hot discussion, 'who would die first'.
std. 12 Short Notes
4. How do you release stress?
Ans. The main cause of stress is mental disturbance. The mind is unable to think in a normal way. So to bring about normalcy it is very necessary that stress is released. In the initial stage, we have to make ourselves comfortable. This is possible through short meditation. Choose a word that symbolise 'calmness'. Meditate on the chosen word. Visualise scenes that tie up with the word. Secondly take some material. Close your eyes and explore its texture. Doing this, some stress will be released. Stress is also caused when the brain does not receive sufficient oxygen. This can be done when we rub our hands together and create energy. Place palms on the area below the naval and breathe into your belly. These are some ways how stress will be released.
5. Stress and its Effects on you
Ans. Mind, emotions and body work together. Our mental capacities help us to concentrate, to gather information and think logically to make rational decisions. Stress is created if the mind is unable to think logically. Emotions bar the way to clear thinking. You take longer to do a task. This is where we come to know that stress has gained control over us. We also realize that memory fails us. We are unable to finish the task on hand. Eventually we realize that stress has been created in us.
Stress is a situation where mind, body and emotions do not work together. The result is that our mental capacities fail to work. We are unable to concentrate, remember old and new information and think logically. A constructive and workable order cannot be imposed. Rational day-to-day decisions cannot be taken.
6. How would life be without stress?
Ans. Many times stress acts a source to success. We develop anxiety when we are unable to solve a problem which comes in the way of our success. Our mind is not at peace till some solution to the problem is found. On one hand, solution is found, which on the other, stress is removed. Thus stress is a stepping stone to success. Deep breathing has always proved more effective. It is easy to practise and does not need particular kind of knowledge in physiology. It also gives instant relief. If we don't breathe deeply, our brain does not get enough supply of Oxygen. Therefore, when we get stressed, we tend to hold our breath or only breathe in a swallowed way, using only the top part of our lungs, and for the lack of sufficient Oxygen, we feel stressed and unable to concentrate properly. The crown pull allows the cerebrospinal fluid to move freely, through the spinal column and the skull. It influences the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in a positive way. It helps calm our nervous system. It can also take away a headache or stress-induced stomach ache, as well as helps us think clearly.
std. 12 Short Notes
3. The Techniques to Reduce Stress
Ans. In this present day hectic world, stress has been common. People would like to do away with it at any cost. For this purpose, the following techniques could be useful:
We should stop being emotional. We should stop over-thinking. One should repeatedly say to himself 'I have no expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when it happens.' We should learn 'self-hypnosis' to relieve mental stress. Sitting in a quiet place, concentrating on something, discarding all the annoying thoughts can help a lot to remove stress. The screen exercise is also a useful technique. It helps us to step back and emotionally detach ourselves from our current situation. We can also anticipate success to win over stress. Besides, all these, there are certain stress control exercises, too. They can help us to remove stress. They could be Short Meditation, The Crown Pull and Mental Quick Fixes.
4. Exercises to Deal with Mental Stress
Ans. The following are the exercise to help build better stress resilience and rebalance oneself if one's mental capacity has already started to suffer due to stress :
🔹1. Stop over thinking : One has to say oneself repeatedly , "I have no expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when it happens" and constantly anticipates stressful tasks to be done. If one works with these thoughts or not with relaxed mind, he simply wastes away his energy. Over thinking does not keep one calmer mentally and emotionally as a consequence.
🔹2. Self-hypnosis : The exercise - sitting comfortably in a chair counting 1 to 100 and vice-versa, and imagining some beautiful picture will help one come out of stress.
🔹3. The Screen Exercise : One has to think about the situation that is currently causing stress. Then he has to project it onto a screen of mind, observe it as a third person replacing oneself with the one on the screen and advise him to come out of that difficult situation.
🔹4. Anticipating Success : One has to open a source of optimism against pessimism one has occurred. One has to sit calmly and experience one's own imaginary achievements. It will lead one to optimism.
std. 12 Short Notes
Unforgettable Walt Disney
1. Walt's Mickey Mouse and Disneyland
Ans. Walt made a cartoon film Mickey Mouse in 1928.On reaching its 40th year, the cartoon made a history. 100 million watched a Disney TV show, nearly a billion read a Disney book or magazine and almost ten million visited Disneyland. Mickey was the first successful product of Walt's matchless imagination and ability to make his dreams become reality. The story of Disneyland illustrates Walt's vision and his stubborn determination to realise an idea he believed in. For years Walt had quietly nursed the dream of a new kind of amusement park. In July, 1955 Disneyland opened. Since that first day, millions of people have flocked to see the unique creation of Walt's imagination. As Walt had dreamt Disneyland proved to be "like nothing else on the earth".
2. Walt's Childhood and Beginning of his Career
Ans. Walt was a tall, country-boy figure. He could be found with head bowed in thought all the time. In his childhood Walt sketched animals at the apple orchard and weeping willows at their old farm. Walt was greatly fond of trains. The money Walt had made was a nickel for a sketch of a neighbour's house. He studied cartooning in Chicago, and then he started a little animated cartoon company in Kansas City. It flopped. Walt, just 21, decided to try his luck in Hollywood and came to Los Angeles. He was carrying a cheap suitcase that contained all his belongings. Walt and his brother Roy Disney borrowed $500 from an uncle, and Walt started a cartoon series called Alice in Wonderland. It did not click. Then he made a better one-Oswald the Rabbit. The distributor copy-righted Oswald and took over the series himself. This is how he began his career full of struggle.
3. Journey of Walt Disney's success
Ans. Walt was a common child like others but he was different from others too. Walt earned his first nickel by drawing a sketch of his neighbour's horse. He studied cartooning in Chicago. He started an animation company in Kansas City, which flopped. At the age of 21, he borrowed $ 500 from his uncle and started a cartoon series called Alice in Wonderland. It did not succeed. Then he made a better one - Oswald the Rabbit. The distributor copy-righted Oswald and took over the series himself. Walt ignored all the problems and continued his work. Walt made a cartoon film Mickey Mouse in 1928. In 1955 Disneyland opened. On reaching its 40th year, the cartoon made a history. 100 million watched a Disney TV show, nearly a billion read a Disney book or magazine and almost ten million visited Disneyland. Mickey was the first successful product of Walt's matchless imagination.
4. Walt's Nature and his other Ventures
Ans. Even the overwhelming success of Disneyland could not change Walt. He remained the simplest man. He hated parties, and his idea of a night-out was a burger and chilli at some little restaurant. His only luxurious thought was a miniature railroad that ran around the grounds of his home. Walt invested his money in his studio. He turned solvent at one time. He developed other ideas. He developed Mineral Kind (an alpine-like valley high in the Sierra Mountains), a California Institute of Art and most ambitious of all. A 100 million dollar Disney World and City of Tomorrow in Florida.
std. 12 Short Notes
5. Ants
🐜 (1)
1. Why did the ants seem to have been defeated?
Ans. The ants were trying to come up the pit with the burden of food. The way was completely smooth and steep. There were no footholds. The ants came up to those points and their progress stopped there. They seemed to have been defeated.
2. What did one of them do?
Ans. One of them who could somehow manage to reach the top, was immediately met by a number of ants from the anthill. She conveyed the message to them.
🐜 (2)
1. Which type of ants keep other ants as slaves?
Ans. Powerful red ants, found in Europe, keep other ants as slaves.
2. Why do the red ants ambush the nests of the black ants?
Ans. The red ants ambush the nests of black ants to get slaves for themselves.
🐜 (3)
1. What is the benefit of driver ants to the villagers?
Ans. Driver ants enter the villagers' houses. Then the villagers being afraid of them leave their houses and stay in the forest. They come back when the ants have passed. That time they find that every insect and spider in the house has been cleared away.
2. What happens with the arrival of driver ants?
Ans. With the arrival of driver ants, the people flee into the forest and stay there until the ants have passed.
🐜 (4)
1. Which are the most ferocious kind of ants?
Ans. The most ferocious kind of ants are the 'driver' ants of Africa.
2. Find out the meaning from the passage which means 'eat hungrily'.
Ans. 'Eat hungrily' = 'Devour'
🐜 (5)
1. What has science discovered about ant life?
Ans. Science has discovered about ant life that the intelligence of ants is very close to human intelligence.
2. Pick out the correct synonym for 'adeptness' from the following :
(a) intelligence (b) attachment (c) expertise
Ans. The synonym for 'adeptness' is 'expertise'.
🐜 (6)
1. How do some ants domesticate cows?
Ans. Greenflies are milk-giving cows for some ants. They take these greenflies to their nests and keep them there. They feed them, protect them from their enemies and milk them.
2. How do the ants 'milk' greenflies?
Ans. Greenflies give out a sweet, honey-like liquid which the ants relish a lot. The ants press their sides gently and make them give out their honey. Thus, they milk greenflies, i.e. , cows for them.
std. 12 Short Questions
3. Manage Your Stress (Read:1)
🌻 (1)
1. What happens when life becomes too hectic?
Ans. When life becomes too hectic, we feel mentally tied in knots.
2. Which thing shows us the way out of our current problems?
Ans. Only optimism shows us the way out of our current problems.
🌻 (2)
1. How does our mental power make us powerful?
Ans. Our mental capacities help us to concentrate, to take in new information and to be in a position to think logically.
2. Why do we need our mental capacity?
Ans. We need our mental capacity to study, to work and to impose a constructive and workable order on our life. It also helps us to make rational day to day decisions.
🌻 (3)
1. What is our mind, according to the writer?
Ans. According to the writer, our mind is our rational, logical part that helps us to make unemotional choices, to store and retrieve information and to order to calculate.
2. How do emotions sometimes fail our mental capacity?
Ans. At the time of exam, our mental capacity has retained what we have revised, but when we enter the exam room, we start anticipating difficulties and that fear of imaginary failure makes us forget all the carefully stored information.
🌻 (4)
1. What happens when emotions take us over?
Ans. When emotions take us over, it becomes nearly impossible to think clearly and we start taking unwise decisions or to agree to something which is not advantageous to us.
2. What does Screen Exercise show?
Ans. The Screen Exercise shows us how to step back and emotionally detach ourselves from our current situation to see the happenings more clearly.
🌻 (5)
1. When will the situation resolve itself?
Ans. If one keep one's aim firmly in mind, the situation will look after itself and one has not to worry about it.
2. What will lead to the desired results?
Ans. If one stays focused on a positive outcome, one can think more clearly and make better decisions, which will eventually lead to the desired results.
🌻 (6)
1. In what ways does the mind help us?
Ans. Mind helps us to make unemotional choices, to store and to retrieve information and to order and calculate.
2. How is the mind?
Ans. Our mind is the rational, logical part of human being.
3. Stress Control Exercises (Read:2)
🌺 (1)
1. What could be one of the factors for being stressed and not being able to concentrate properly?
Ans. One of the factors for being stressed is not breathing deeply enough to supply our brain with sufficient Oxygen.
2. What kind of breathing do we have when we are stressed?
Ans. When we are stressed, using only the top part of our lungs.
3. What is the reason of being stressed, according to the writer?
Ans. According to the writer, the reason of being stressed is that we don't breathe deeply enough to supply our brain with sufficient oxygen.
4. What should we do to get oxygen into the brain?
Ans. To get oxygen into the brain, we should deepen our breathing.
🌺 (2)
1. What kind of exercise is suggested in the passage?
Ans. The exercise suggested in the passage is pressing our head step by step from the front hairline of our head to its back.
2. What does the word 'crown' in this passage suggest?
Ans. The word 'crown' in this passage suggests the middle-top part of our head.
std. 12 Short Questions
19. Sarvajanik Vidhyalay took out a rally for environment awareness. Prepare a report.
Ans. The students of Shri Sarvajanik Vidhyalay, Mehsana took out a rally for environment awareness. About 1200 students and 60 teachers along with the principal Mr. Atul Raval joined the rally. They had banners and signboards with slogans and sketches to appeal the people on their route to aware the citizens for environment awareness. It was a five kilometre-route and the students approached some shopping complexes and well-off people requesting them to know about environment. Yesterday the Environmental Awareness Quiz Contest was held in our school. About thirty schools took part in the contest. Our school won the contest. The chairman gave the trophy to the winners in the prize distribution ceremony. Such contests will bring about a good deal of environmental awareness among students.
std. 12 Report
17. You visited an old age house in your city last week. Prepare a short report on it.
Ans. Visit to an Old Age House
We visited an old age house in my city last week. Nobody, not even science can explain the love, bonding an affection between a mother and child. Every mother wants her children happy. But when she finds that she is a load in her children's life. She wants her children to have the best that she could afford. To obtain this she works hard for most of her life. Sometimes she goes hungry to feed her children. When her children have grown up she wants them to spend some of their free time with her. But when she is pushed into an old age home, she feels very sad. She tries her best to adjust to the surrounding, talk to the people who are strange and unknown to her. When I visited an old age home, I got to know being old is not easy. I could actually see the pain and loneliness in each person's eye. Our classes were divided groups of ten. Each group was accompanied by a warden. We were taken to each ward which was having of three to four beds. We were not taken to some wards because there were mentally retarded people. We had taken some daily used items like worn clothes, bed sheets, bedspreads, fruits, snacks, etc. They were very happy talking to us. There was a person who could draw very well. We asked her how she landed up there. She told us such a shocking story. I want to share my views. She was from a very well bred family. She had a son on whom she had a lot of hopes. But he took all her jewellery, money and property worth one crore. He deserted her so she came to the old age home. This was a very shocking story. She told that she had never expected this from her most beloved son. Really, we felt that the old age home is a taboo on the civilized society. We took oath that we will take care of our parents in future.
std. 12 Report
38. Blood Donation
patients who have lost much blood on account of accident, disease or surgical operation require blood. Sudden loss of blood in a large quantity can cause even death.
To supply blood of the right group immediately to the patients, blood banks have been established all over the world. These banks collect blood, test it, classify it into different groups and store it for future use.
Blood banks get blood from people who donate it voluntarily. Blood donation is therefore a great service which any suitable adult can provide to the suffering humanity.
There is a wrong idea among some people that blood donors become weak by giving blood. In fact our body makes and replaces the blood we have given within a few weeks. But it is advisable for the donor not to give blood more often than every six months.
Blood donation drives are usually organized by voluntary agencies through camps. People come and offer their blood. Nurses and doctors help in collecting blood. Blood group of the donor is first checked. The donor must be of the right age, above 18 years and weight, more than 50 kg. He must be healthy. Blood is drawn from a vein in the donor's arm. The blood is collected in a bottle or a plastic bag, kept in a cool place and sent to the blood bank. Blood is also donated directly in case of emergency. The donor is made to lie in a bed near the patient and blood is taken from the body of the donor and transmitted to the body of recipient immediately. This is called blood transfusion. There are some people in India who donate their blood for money. Sometimes, if a donor suffers from some infectious disease, the recipient is likely to catch it.
Blood donation shows that man, after all, is not so bad as he is sometimes depicted in stories, novels and films.
std. 12 Essays
33. Newspapers - Our True Friends
Many of us begin our day with a cup of tea or coffee in one hand, and a newspaper in the other. How do newspapers influence us?
Newspapers mould (ઘડવું) public opinion. They inform the people about politics, social and cultural developments and inventions and discoveries.
Newspapers enable the people to make their voices heard. Newspapers help to reveal the wrongs or injustice done in society. They expose criminals and frauds. Of course, they also highlight admirable activities in the area.
Newspapers act as social reformers. The newspapers expose social evils like dowry, child marriages, child labour and exploitation of women. They carry advertisements of products, services, jobs and even matrimony.
Sometimes, newspapers carry gossips and rumours, too. Such news creates false alarm. Thus newspapers have power both for good and evil. We, therefore, expect them to be responsible in reporting without fear or favour.
std. 12 Essays
31. Natural Calamities
Mother Nature is kind. But when she frowns (નારાજી દર્શાવવી), she causes calamities like floods, famines, cyclones, earthquakes, etc.
Heavy rains or melting snowy mountains cause floods in rivers. Flooding rivers or tides in oceans make people homeless and turn prosperous cities into heaps of dirt and filth (ગંદકી).
Too little rain causes famines. Fields and forests, lands and gardens look barren. Water sources are dried up and thirst and starvation (ભૂખમરો) stalk menacingly (ભયંકર રીતે પ્રવર્તવું). People and animals die in large numbers everywhere of migrate and the villages are destroyed.
Sudden and violent shaking of a part of the earth's upper crust (પડ) causes earthquakes. Tall buildings and huge bridges turn into heaps of wreckage in a few seconds. The loss of human and animal lives is mind-bogging (મનને હચમચાવી મૂકનારું). Mountains turn into oceans and rivers change their courses. Storms blow up everything that comes in their way and blast them in heaps miles away.
Man has built dams to check floods, tried to bring artificial rains to fight famines, invented the seismograph to record the earthquake but, alas ! all in vain. He has always proved helpless against the furies of nature. Nature has always had a last laugh. We can only extend our sympathy by sending help to our victimized brethren બાંધવો, for it is not in our hands to prevent natural calamities.
std. 12 Essays
29. Famines
Every year India faces the fear of famines. Famines are caused by too much or too little rainfall. In India, however, we face famines because of scanty (ઓછો) rainfall.
India is an agricultural country. A good harvest depends on good rains. If there is less rainfall, a danger of famine looms large (મોટી આપત્તિ તોળાતી હોવી). Less rainfall causes a scarcity of water. People do not get enough drinking water. Standing crops are destroyed. People die due to hunger and thirst. Many birds and animals die.
During famines, people have to walk long distances in search of water and food. Many people leave their homes and temporary migrate to other places. The government provides help to the famine-affected people. People are supplied food-grains and drinking water. Medicines are quickly and widely distributed free of charge to control the epidemics. Relief camps are also opened for villagers as well as cattle.
Besides these measures, famine relief works like building roads, depending public wells are undertaken to provide work to the famine-stricken people. But all said and done, man proves utterly helpless to bridle નાથવું the fury of Nature.
std. 12 Essays
1. Ants have Great Adeptness - Illustrate:
Ans. Now science has found out that the intelligence of ants is very close to human intelligence. Ants work unitedly with team spirit and with great adeptness. A scientist observed their following behaviour: A number of ants were down in a pit. They had killed some flies and other insects there. The bits of these insects were to be fetched to their anthill. The sides of the pit were steep and the loads were heavy. Immediately they organised the work. While some were carrying up the bits of insects, the others went in front clearing away the obstructions in the way. At some points, where it was difficult to get a foothold, these other ants positioned themselves in such a way that the load-bearing ants could easily climb over them. Near the top of the pit, there was a small part of the way which was completely smooth and steep. Only one ant could reach the top. She called many other ants from the anthill and made an ant-chain. The ants at the top began climbing down into the pit backward, each holding the tail end of another ant in front. When the ant-chain reached the ants waiting with their loads, the load-bearing ants easily climbed up the chain and came out at the top.
2. The Driver Ants:
Ans. The 'driver ants of Africa' are the most ferocious kind of ants. They are also called Army ants. They have no fixed home but are always on the move. They are completely blind, but they march in long lines, many millions along, and they devour any animal that happens to be in their path. Even large animals like tigers and elephants live in fear of them. They can even devour a python with its prey in its stomach. There are a number of stories about these ants of eating up babies with the African Villagers. When an army of the driver ants enters a house, the people flee into the forest and stay there until the ants have passed. When the people come back, they find that every insect and spider in their houses has been cleared away.
3. Different kinds of Ants and their specialties
Ans. There are ants that do 'farming'. The umbrella ants of South America are so called as they are often seen carrying large pieces of leaf over their heads like umbrellas. They take pieces of leaf to their nests, chew them up nicely and make beds of these chewed up leaves. On these beds grows a kind of fungus, which is the food of ants. Then there are ants that domesticate 'cows' and 'milk' them. They take greenflies to their nests, nourish them and 'milk' them, pressing their sides gently and making them give out their honey. There are red ants that keep black ants as their slaves. The red ants attack the nests of black ants and abduct some of their eggs and take them to their nests. When the eggs are hatched, the black ants that come out are treated as slaves and compelled to do drudgery - they have even to carry about their masters on their backs. The most ferocious kind of ants are the 'driver' ants of Africa. They are completely blind, still they march on in long lines, and they devour any animal that comes in their way. Even large animals like tigers and elephants live in fear of them. If a python happens to come in their way, they devour both the python and the animal in its stomach. When an army of the driver ants enters a house, the people flee into the forest and stay there until the ants have passed.
std. 12 Short Notes
The Adjustment
1. Interaction Between Nana and Nani as Observed by the Writer
Ans. The Writer observed that even if Nana and Nani, each found something to grumble at the other, there was a strong emotional bond between them. Even at the age of eighty-five, Nana would keep quibbling with Nani, as if they had just married in the first flush of love and were still discovering each other. At times, a petty quarrel would push them into long silence. The writer says it was fun listening to Nana talk. Nani would soon react to him, something asking him to shut up.
When their son-in-law married second time and brought a new wife, Nani soon left their daughter's house with grand children; while Nana would stuck up there. At that time Nani uttered very harsh words to Nana. Thus, it was only Nani who got her way with Nana. Nana would say, that he was older than she and she would just wait and watch who died earlier. In reply, Nani said that she would definitely see and asked him just to watch. Thus, most of the time, they did not agree to each other over a number of points, but the bond between them never weakened.
2. The Title 'Adjustment'
Ans. In this story by Gulzar, an adjustment is shown between a typical old couple. Apparently the eighty-five years old Nana hardly agrees to his wife- Nani on any point, and the same is the case with Nani, still there is a hidden emotional bond between them. Many a time they quarrel and stop talking with each other for days together. Yet, Nana takes it as 'it happens'. This is adjustment. Nani dies earlier than Nana and Nana asks to take her away. He does not join in cremation. Yet, at home he keeps confined to Nani's room. He does not let Nani's bed carted away. When Nani's ashes were taken to him before going for the immersion, Nana just touched the urn and asked to take them away with apparent indifference. But by and by, he starts doing everything that Nani used to do - slept in her bed, spoke in her voice and so on. Continuing adjusting himself to Nani, Nana becomes victim of a sort of dissociative personality disorder. At the end of the story, Nana is found sleeping dead on Nani's bed in Nani's dhoti and blouse. Thus, the title 'The Adjustment' seems to be the most appropriate.
3. The Narrator's Relief after Meeting Dr K.D. Kamble
Ans. The narrator was greatly disturbed, when he saw Nana behaving strangely after Nani's death. He did everything as Nani had been used to do. Then he met his friend Dr K. D. Kamble, a psychiatrist. Dr Kamble visited Nana and talked to Nana at length - for hours. He observed Nana keenly and told the narrator that he did not perceive Nani as dead. He had begun to live a double life - more of her and less of him. He had begun to think himself as Nani. He even swallowed the pills on her behalf. He was suffering from a sort of dissociative personality disorder. He also told the narrator that at his age, the recovery of Nana was nearly impossible. Dr Kamble advised the narrator "Let him live his life any way he wanted to." After hearing this from Dr Kamble, the narrator felt greatly relieved.
Stress Control Exercises
1. Short Meditation - A Stress Control Exercises
Ans. For short meditation, there are two stages. In the first stage, one has to sit comfortably closing one's eyes. He has to choose a word for calmness from 'harmony', 'tranquillity' , 'serenity' , 'peace' or 'relax' and meditate on the chosen one. One has to visualise scenes that tie in with the word or build up mental images illustrating the word, and feel 'harmony' or 'tranquillity' within oneself. In the second stage, one has to choose an object like a fabric, a stone, etc. that appeals one, and start thinking about its texture with closed eyes. Spending two minutes over it would lead one to meditation.
2. Giving Brain Oxygen Hit and the Crown Pull
Ans. Usually we don't breathe enough to supply sufficient oxygen to brain. Stress makes us breathe only in a shallow way, therefore for making oxygen reach our brain, we need to do these exercise : we have to curb our hands together for a moment to create energy. We have to place our palms one on the other below our naval. Breathing into belly is important. With every breath we have to imagine that we are breathing oxygen into our brain. The crown pull influences the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in a positive way. It helps calm our nervous system and can take away a headache or stress-induced stomach and helps us thinking clearly. In this exercise we have to firmly press down our fingers like combs onto our scalp and keep it on from front to back repeatedly.
3. Mental Quick-fixes
Ans. It is very important to carry out mental quick fixes to bring our stress down. The following are the ways to do so : - Dance on music. It helps exercise the right brain and rebalance it. - Watch a fish swimming around in a fish tank to let the mind calm down.
- Write down worries on a piece of paper to take them out of head.
- Get into nature and walk.
- Concentrate on present rather than on coming events.
- Sing in the bath.
- Take mistakes for granted.
- Remove 'I can't' from our thinking, and think of possible solutions.
- Write a few lines with the other hand. It rebalances the two hemispheres of the brain.
- Expect to be lucky.
Manage Your Stress
1. Benefits of 'Screen exercise’, 'Self-hypnosis' and 'Anticipating success' techniques
Ans. When you are taken over with emotions clear thinking is dimmed. Process of decision taking is endangered. Screen exercise helps detach yourself emotionally from the current situation and settle in clear thinking. Here you have to imagine what another person would do in your situation. This will help you to evaluate the problem more clearly. If we close our eyes and think on the current situation causing stress. We project a picture on the screen of our mind as if it were a film. You have to imagine what really happened and not what might happen. After some time you will be relieved of stress.
Self-hypnosis helps to relieve mental stress. It helps to divert your thinking to self-imagination. It is done till you feel rested and refreshed. The concentration is fully imposed on the mind. We count numbers in a reverse order while relaxing in a chair. The counting should correspond with breathing. The gradually reduces mental stress.
When life becomes hectic and nothing seems easy, we develop pessimistic ideas. They dominate our mind. We can overcome this situation by Anticipating success. This is a result of optimistic thinking. To remedy the situation, close your eyes and mediate. This helps to clear the current crisis. You experience a great relief.
2. Mental Capacity of Man
Ans. Mind, emotions and body are all closely interlinked and always work together. Man's mental capacities are his abilities to concentrate, to take in new information, to remember old and new information and to be in a position to think logically. One needs one's mental capacity to study, to work, to impose a constructive and workable order on one's life and to make rational day-to-day decisions. Man's mind to the rational, logical part of him. It helps him to make unemotional choices, to store and retrieve information and to the emotions. The emotional disturbance causes stress. The better one deals with stress, the less one's mental capacity will be affected.
Can You Install LOVE ?
1. The Error Occurred while Installing LOVE to other HEARTS and its Rectification :
Ans. While installing 'Love', an error occurred which showed that 'ERROR421-PROGRAM' would not run on internal computers. Then the Customer Service Representative explained that LOVE programme was set up to run on external HEARTS but it should be brought to find 'SELF-ACCEPTANCE'. Then she would copy FORGIVESELF.DOC, SELFSTEEM.TXT, REALIZEWORTH.TXT, and GOODNESS.DOC. The system would overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching any faulty programming. She would also need to delete SELFCRITIC.EXE from all directories and empty the recycle bin. With great filling up with really neat files like SMILE.MPG, WARMTH.COM, PEACE.EXE and CONTENTMENT.COM. The customer made a point that LOVE was a freeware and she could share it with other people they would return some really neat modules back to her.
2. Customer Service Representative's Help to install 'Love' :
Ans. A customer approaches a Customer Service Representative and seeks his help to install love. The CSR suggests the lady to open Heart. Some interrupting programmes like PASTHURT.EXE, LOWESTEEM.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM are running at the time. The CSR says that LOVE will automatically erase PASTHURT.EXE and overwrite some more with other modules. Then the CSR suggests her to go to 'Start Menu', invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE and erase off GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM. Then LOVE will start installing itself automatically to HEART. If she wants upgradation, she needs to connect to other HEARTS.
3. Conditions for Making Love:
Ans. The first and foremost condition of making 'Love' is one must have an open heart. While making love, we should do away, with certain negative feelings like 'past hurt' , 'low esteem' , 'grudge' , 'resentment', etc. We should discard grudge and forgive the one who has hurt us in past. We must have a feeling of 'high esteem', for ourselves. We should learn 'self acceptance' for ourselves. We should always realize which negative feelings are there in our way. They should be discarded or put aside and accept or develop positive feelings. Goodness in heart and smile on lips can help us a lot to make love. Our heart should be full of warmth, peace and contentment. With these positive attributes in our heart, we can make love removing all negative feelings that come our way.
4. Describe the installation process of LOVE
Ans. First of all, one should locate and open HEART in computer. There may be several problems like PASTHURT.EXE, LOWESTEEM.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM. LOVE will automatically erase PASTHURT.EXE from the current operating system. It will remain in the permanent memory. It will no longer disrupt other programmes. Love will eventually overwrite LOWESTEEM.EXE with its own module called HIGHSTEEM.EXE. While installing LOVE, GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM need to be turned off. After installing the base programme of LOVE, it is needed to begin connecting to other HEARTS in order to get the upgrades. Still if any difficulty is found, one has to find the directory called ' SELF-ACCEPTANCE '. Then one should copy certain files to the ' MY HEART' directory. These files are FORGIVESELF.DOC, SELFESTEEM.TXT, REALIZEWORTH.TXT, and GOODNESS.DOC. The system will overwrite any conflicting file and begin patching any faulty programming. One also needs to delete SELFCRITIC.EXE from all directories.
std. 12 Short Notes
6.Strike Against War
1. The complaints and protest go unheard. How?
Ans. According to Helen Keller, the complaints and protests of workers are curbed under the voice of authority. They address the workers as friends and patriots and the workers are trapped in by the sweet words.
2. How are the workers frightened?
Ans. The workers are frightened in the name of their country being in danger. The authority people always keep them under pressure that the enemies are close by and when their country is in danger, their lives also will be in danger.
1. How many languages could Helen Keller read?
Ans. Helen Keller could read as many as four languages.
2. What did Helen Keller want to say about editors?
Ans. Helen Keller wanted to say about the editors that they were an overworked and misunderstood class.
1. Write names of the seas mentioned in this paragraph.
Ans. The seas mentioned in the paragraph are : the Pacific ocean and the Atlantic ocean.
2. What does the author advise people?
Ans. The author advises people to quit their grumbling, get busy and prepare to defend their firesides and their flag.
1. What do the workers face daily?
Ans. Daily the workers face the dangers of railroad, bridge, skyscraper, freight train, stokehold, stockyard and training at the docks, on the railroads and underground and on the seas.
2. What do the workers get as reward?
Ans. The workers get a scanty wage, poverty, rents, taxes, tributes and war compensations as their reward.
🎙 (5)
1. What are the workers aware of?
Ans. The workers know that their only enemies are their masters. They know that their citizenship papers are no warrant for the safety of their wives and children. They also know that in spite of their honest, persistent toil, they have got nothing worth fighting for.
2. Why does Helen Keller say that the workers have foolish hearts?
Ans. Helen Keller says that even though the workers know they have no reason to fight for their masters or for the country (which actually does not belong to them), they believe they are a country and are ready to make sacrifices.
🎙 (6)
1. How far are they not free, according to Helen Keller?
Ans. According to Helen Keller, they are not free till the men who frame and execute the laws represent the interests of the lives of the people and no other interest.
2. Why does Helen Keller say, "There has never existed a truly free and democratic nation in the world"?
Ans. Helen Keller says, "There has never existed a truly free and democratic nation in the world" because from a very long time, men have followed the strong men with power of money and of armies with blind loyalty.
🎙 (7)
1. What kind of preparedness is expected from the workers?
Ans. The kind of preparedness the workers want is reorganization and reconstruction of their whole life.
2. What did the Germans do to raise good soldiers?
Ans. The Germans made provisions of the essentials of civilization : decent lodging, clean streets, wholesome if scanty food, proper medical care and proper safeguards for the workers in their occupations. With these provisions only good soldiers could be raised.
🎙 (8)
1. To whom is Helen Keller addressing?
Ans. Helen Keller is addressing the editors.
2. What do some people and editors think?
Ans. Some people and editors think that Helen Keller is in the hands of unprincipled persons who would make her a mouthpiece of propaganda.
std. 12 Short Questions
4. The Adjustment
🌹 (1)
1. What are Nana and Nani compared with for their quibbling?
Ans. Nana and Nani are compared with two freshly married lovers who are trying to discover each other.
2. What did petty quarrels between Nana and Nani result into?
Ans. The petty quarrels between Nana and Nani often resulted into their long silence. They would stop talking with each other for days together.
🌹 (2)
1. What does the term 'impressionable' in the passage suggest?
Ans. In this passage the term 'impressionable' is used as the adjective of 'age'. It means 'receptive' or 'vulnerable'.
2. What was Nani's firm decision when their son-in-law got remarried?
Ans. When their son-in-law got remarried and came into the house with his new wife, Nani firmly decide that she would no more stay in that house and leave it with her two grand-children for ever even if Nana stayed on in the house.
🌹 (3)
1. What was Nana's reaction when the urn of ashes was taken to him?
Ans. When the urn of Nani's ashes was taken to Nana before taking it for immersion, Nana just touched the urn and said, "Take him away.... all my life he just kept fighting with me."
2. What 'shift' was gradual?
Ans. Nana was changing into Nani. He had started assuming himself as Nani and started behaving in the way as Nani behaved. But the change was not so apparent. It was gradual.
🌹 (4)
1. How was Nana living a double life?
Ans. Nana did not perceive Nani as dead. He started living more of her life and less of him. He began to think himself as Nani. Thus he was living a double life.
2. Which activities did Nana started doing as Nani had been doing?
Ans. Assuming himself as Nani, whatever happened, it happened to her. She needed to be fed. She was the one who felt thirsty. She also felt pain, and took medicines. He swallowed the pills on her behalf.
🌹 (5)
1. How did the writer feel after coming back home?
Ans. After coming back home, the writer felt quite unburdened and a lot less worried.
2. Where was Nana sleeping?
Ans. Nana was sleeping in Nani's bed wearing Nani's dhoti and blouse.
std. 12 Short Questions
2. Unforgettable Walt Disney
🍁 (1)
1. What do the writer and publishers think about Walt?
Ans. The writer and publishers think that Walt is a genius with an extraordinary ability to add an extra stroke of imagination to any story or idea.
2. The bankers think that Walt ....... .
Ans. The bankers think that Walt is a wild man, hell-bent for bankruptcy.
🍁 (2)
1. How much money did Walt earn from his sketch?
Ans. From his sketch, Walt earned a nickle, i.e. , US 5-cent coin.
2. Where did Walt start his animated-cartoon company?
Ans. Walt started his animated-cartoon company in Kansas city.
🍁 (3)
1. Where did Walt sketch his first animals?
Ans. Walt sketched his first animals in the apple orchard and weeping willows at their old farm.
2. For whom would Uncle Mike blow his whistle?
Ans. Uncle Mike would blow his whistle - one long and two shorts - for Walt and his brother, Roy.
🍁 (4)
1. When did Walt's mouse, Mickey celebrate his 40th birthday?
Ans. Walt's mouse, Mickey celebrated his 40th birthday in 1968.
2. How many people watched a Disney TV show?
Ans. 100 million people watched a Disney TV show.
🍁 (5)
1. How did Walt convert his misfortune in an advantage?
Ans. Walt became solvent in his business. He took it as a chance to develop other ideas. He developed Mineral Kind, a California Institute of Art and Disney World and City of Tomorrow in Florida.
2. What is Walt's contribution toward the development of California Institute of Art?
Ans. For his California Institute of Art, he donated the land and several million dollars.
🍁 (6)
1. Where did Walt start a little animated-cartoon company?
Ans. Walt started a little animated- cartoon company in Kansas city.
2. Why did Walt borrow some money from an uncle?
Ans. Walt borrowed some money from his uncle to start a cartoon series called Alice in Cartoonland.
std. 12 Short Questions