@TheRabbitHole84 The true number of people working for the Federal Government is much higher, as contractors outnumber official employees
@tunguz @nvidia Do those who actually make the silicon work at home? No.
If we don’t fix the deficit, everything will suffer, including essential spending like DoD, Medicare & Social Security.
It’s not optional. https://t.co/oxfZXuBXNB
@MikeBenzCyber Maybe not the primary purpose, but certainly at least secondary
The wellspring of the mind virus is academia https://t.co/LYVt6tG6YZ
Some of the government software is over half a century old 🤯 https://t.co/E3dJG7a1SW
@DJSnM The government is actually massively overpaying for software that doesn’t work
RT @TheRabbitHole84: As of 2015: The United States Tax Code and Regulations are over 10 million words in length.
In 1955 there were under…
@GuntherEagleman Some of it is intentional. Most of it is just a natural consequence of a vast bureaucracy with no accountability for results.
If it were mostly intentional, it would be easy to reverse.
The Federal government computers & software are in such bad shape that they often cannot verify that payments are not fraud, waste or abuse!
That’s why the government can’t pass basic audits. They often LITERALLY don’t know where your tax dollars went. It’s insane.
My preferred… https://t.co/NEGCE9DS7L