Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE at 7pm UK time (2pm EST) with special guest Warren Balogh.
- America’s first transgender law maker is a paedophile
- Man pardoned by Trump reoffends
- Ukrainian counter offensive fizzles out
You can find tonight's episode of PWR LIVE on:
Odysee: MarkCollett:6/PWR220:c" rel="nofollow">
Some of the best photos from our action this weekend:
Читать полностью…Here’s Kang Rex bringing the heat at the Sunday NJP protest of the church drag show in TN.
Читать полностью…US military bases are a hotbed of black and Mexican criminal activity, both at home and abroad.
This is a long article examining the uninterrupted pattern since World War II of black soldiers stationed abroad raping and killing locals in Europe and Asia at an alarmingly disproportionate rate that even blows away domestic racial disparities in crime.
Who's Behind 'No Labels'?
In a special edition of Modern Politics, Warren and Emily expose the hidden agenda of the mysterious third party group 'No Labels.' It's worse than you thought.
modernpolitics:0/ModPol-NoLabels:d" rel="nofollow">
Our next episode---a special exposé on the mysterious third party group "No Labels"---will be out tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Читать полностью…A horrific mass shooting in Atlanta saw four White people dead over the weekend. After a 24 hour manhunt, Police finally shot and killed a Black suspect who engaged in a running gun battle before finally meeting justice.
The Justice Report covers the latest American mass shooting in Hampton, Georgia, and examines the media's tired attempts to shift the issue of unchecked Black violence onto "mental health."
Read Here:
Listen Here: 8_Report:4/georgia_black_mass_shooting:e" rel="nofollow">
On Sunday, Supporters and volunteer activists of the National Justice Party protested "anti-White" House Bill 1193, a new Texas law which prevents local housing authorities from refusing Black Section 8 renters amid skyrocketing violence.
The Justice Report documents the NJP's latest round of activism in Providence Village, Texas, and discovers how even amid a downpour of rain and Black aggression, the NJP's mission of White advocacy continues undeterred.
Read Here:
Listen Here:
In a stunning blow to public safety, Texas lawmakers have now made it illegal for housing authorities to bar Section 8 tenants from renting in their neighborhoods.
Welcome to Providence Village: a predominantly White town in North Texas rife with Black violence, and thanks to Republican politicians, now has no way of stopping a tide of Black Section 8 tenants from flooding their once sleepy community.
Read here:
Listen here:
Do Whites Have Rights?
Emily and Warren break down the current rhetoric about White nationalism in politics and the media.
modernpolitics:0/ModPol-WhiteRights:4" rel="nofollow">
Wales is a tiny country, smaller than the U.S. state of New Jersey, but the Welsh people have a long and ancient history and still speak a unique Celtic language that is all their own. My grandmother was Welsh and she raised my mother with a deep love for Welsh culture and history, which she passed on to me. The thought of such a small, unique, ancient country being overwhelmed by waves of migrants from Africa, Asia or the Middle East is one of the most horrible concepts to me, there is no way the small Welsh population can absorb even a fraction of these foreigners without it forever destroying the Welsh nation. This is no different than an endangered species being overwhelmed by a non-native invasive species introduced by man, but in the case of our genocidal multicultural ideologues, they aren't simply doing it out of greed or ignorance, they positively want to destroy all unique indigenous White peoples all over the world. Thank God for PA and the Welsh people who are fighting back against the evil policy of White replacement! No sacrifice is too great to stop this invasion which threatens to put an end to the natural development of millennia-old peoples and cultures. 🏴
Читать полностью…Look at the numbers here and it's all the way down to the pub too.
Читать полностью…Join us for Episode 100 of Tea Time with Sam and Laura:
Sam Melia Goes to Court
Today, Sam Melia went to court to give his plea following two years of harassment from Counter Terrorism. In this episode, we provide an update on what he is in court for and what he pleaded, as well as briefly looking back on two years of Tea Time episodes!
VIDEO: LauraTowler:3/TeaTime100:4" rel="nofollow">
Tea, Coffee, Honey and NEW MUG!:
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"Whites and the States"
White-Papers has put together a short list of policy actions which state lawmakers should be taking to curtail as much immigration as possible.
Did you know that American states can:
1. Close their borders, effectively entirely
2. Mandate E-verify
3. Pass their own laws to revoke the business licenses of people who hire illegal aliens
4. Ban LEGAL aliens and other foreigners from buying and even renting property within their borders
States have the power to protect their White citizens from the torrent of demographic change sweeping America, yet so few have done so.
Read about the full range of possibilities here on our Substack.
TDS 1065 - No Safe Space For Child Abuse
Mike talks about the NJP protest in Nashville against 'The Table', which is essentially a homosexual christian roadshow that appears to target children with its activities and messaging.
Get Vetted:
National Justice Party on telegram:
Clip:0/TDS-1065-No-Safe-Space-For-Child-Abuse:d">Clip:0/TDS-1065-No-Safe-Space-For-Child-Abuse:d" rel="nofollow">
Full Show:
The National Justice Party protests a "Kid's Drag" event at First Lutheran Church in Nashville, Tennessee. The event is hosted by Dawn Bennet, an LGBT activist and Lutheran Pastor who hosts "The Table," Nashville's largest LGBT church, which regularly features drag queens and homosexual themes in its liturgy.
NationalJusticeParty:8/njp-protest-nashville-drag-kids:a" rel="nofollow">
No Labels or NOSE Labels?
Teaser from our exposé of mysterious third party group, 'No Labels.'
Full episode now on Odysee: modernpolitics:0/ModPol-NoLabels:d" rel="nofollow">
Pro-White Policies Remain Off the Table in 2024
When a nationalist reflects on 2016 they are able to take stock of a litany of positive policy proposals made by primary candidates, and later by mainline candidate Trump, during the election.
The 16+ million Whites with medical debt had hope in proposals ranging from universal healthcare (Sanders), to price transparency and drug price negotiation (Trump).
Immigration was a central plank of every platform on offer, except for that of Hillary Clinton.
Every candidate was making some form of promise to invest trillions in infrastructure and thereby industrial jobs.
Student loan forgiveness would have freed millions of working Whites from debt, and immigration controls would have risen their wages.
Now, as White America stares down the 2024 electoral cycle, none of these policy options are on offer.
There is no serious candidate on the immigration front, no candidate wants to tackle the ocean of debt everyday Americans find themselves in, and the White population faces continuing economic and social crisis.
Read our entire piece, including many more statistics on the dire situation of White Americans, here on our Substack.
Israeli president addresses the US Congress, getting wave after wave of standing ovations while Dennis McCarthy and Kamala Harris look on approvingly. Treason to America and service to a foreign power is the one thing both parties can agree on.
Читать полностью…
On July 16th, these 4 White Americans were brutally Murdered by a deranged Black man named Andre Longmore. He then injured 2 police officers before finally being gunned down by authorities in an extensive manhunt.
This is a story you would normally expect to see in South Africa. Anti-white crimes like this are becoming all too common in America.
Neither the Democrats, nor the GOP will do anything to stop Black crime. If you want to live your normal, day-to-day life without having to worry about you or your children being attacked by feral Blacks, the NJP is your only option.
The NJP Weekly Report: 7/13/23
Warren Balogh and Dallas-Ft Worth support group leader Ryan James review the past week of news and developments from the National Justice Party. Topics include local elections, the state-enforced section 8 housing crisis in Texas, and Striker's article on National Conservatism.
National Conservatism is a new brand of populism. And a US/Israeli influence operation to turn the parties of the European right into the GOP.
Its figures campaign loudly for sharp restrictions on immigration.
And yet? They are currently overseeing or planning to attract rates of mass migration from non-white countries that would make Angela Merkel blush.
Do people in Poland, Italy, Hungary and other subjects of Washington want this? The fact that they voted for leaders that campaigned on the exact opposite tells us they don't!
Searches for "National Justice Party" in the past day have reached all-time high levels according to Google Trends. In the past year, North Carolina has outpaced all States in search volume, with neighboring South Carolina and Virginia not far behind. This is, in no small part, thanks to the volunteers from these States distributing literature to curious passersby.
There has never been a better time to get vetted. NJP is exploding in popularity, and you will want to be on the ground floor of this burgeoning mass movement. Join us today:
The National Justice Party platform beamed right into your home by America's favourite talking head! Very cool.
Читать полностью…This is an ongoing protest against the importation of illegals into the Stradey Park hotel in Llanelli, Wales. This particular protest is gaining numbers every day it seems and yesterday there were around 800 concerned locals outside the hotel. During these protests there have been accusations of police brutality towards the residents, and the government has ordered dirty tactics like creating additional entrances to the hotel to try and sneak illegals in, which have been quickly detected by the locals and blocked.
Читать полностью…What kind of person volunteers to spy on their fellow citizens for their beliefs?
A new book by an FBI undercover agent who infiltrated the National Alliance, anti-immigration groups and even Donald Trump rallies gives us an idea.
A fascinating 2021 Pew poll found that 26% of American Whites view the decline in White demographics as a negative.
Applied to the total adult population of non-Hispanic Whites this represents some 41.6 million people.
Nationalists must be confident in our talking points, the pool of people open to our ideas is tens of millions strong.
Remember: Whites are with Us!
The NJP Weekly Report: 7/6/23
Warren Balogh and Eric Striker/Joseph Jordan review the past week of news and developments from the National Justice Party. Outside NJP news topics include the antifa discord leak and Striker's article on White teachers at the National Justice Party website.