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FTN 527: Extortion, Subversion, and Grift
Jazz and Warren upgrade your anti-semitism with the latest on Russia, fracturing of Jewish money power, the Jewish plot behind ESG, and the greenwashing of America to own Putin and Xi.
Vision of Fire bombings of Hamburg
Translation of video texts
Help responders came to Hamburg from far and wide, even from Dresden.
The inner town was heavily targeted, especially the quarter around the Nikolai church.
Nearly 1 million Hamburgers fled.
Of the approximately 30000 Hamburgers killed, only half could be identified.
FTN 526: Immunosuppressive Anti-Semitism Disorder
Jazz and Warren bid farewell to the dog whistle phase of American anti-semitism and welcome the love Hitler and Nazism era with open hearts and upstretched arms.
Our first batch of families for Operation White Christmas has been taken care of. Here is the second batch.
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Total Jewish victory. 32 million followers evaporated. We now know a few things:
1. Elon will not allow free speech on twitter
2. Jews will show their hand explicitly when they have to. They’ve grown lazy, neurotic and impulsive. This has been and will always be their political downfall.
3. Elon is a coward.
Didn't you just try to lead an advertiser strike against Twitter? Now you're here asking Elon for favors.
Читать полностью…Ye (Kanye West): "There's a lot things that I, looooove about Hitler. A looooot of things."
Читать полностью…Kanye West: "(Ben) Shapiro can tell how much change is in your pocket, just by hearing it jingle."
Читать полностью…Alex Jones is a cuckservative wanker. Just a low IQ Ben Shapiro. Kanye West refuses to stick to the alt lite script, his political instincts are much better than Jones and Fuentes.
Читать полностью…It's very refreshing to see someone challenge the carefully constructed alt-conservative narrative on Jews and Hitler directly to their face. This is exactly why these people run from us and pretend we don't exist as hard as they can. They know their pro-Jewish talking points can't stand up to scrutiny. Apparently they thought they had Ye under wraps and could get him into the "not all jews" camp or the "Nazis are the worst thing and THE LEFT are Nazis" camp. They failed. Jones would never have taken the interview had he known. Good for Ye.
Читать полностью…In less than 24 hours all 10 Operation White Christmas lists were purchased. This is amazing!
But please continue to share the announcements and flier so we can help as many people as possible this year.
NORDIC FRONTIER #249: Alan and Warren Balogh on the Red Media
We invite the Baloghs from the National Justice Party to talk about social media and its consequences. And also the jews and their lies.
The 2022 midterms are finally over, and we now can sketch out the shape of Congress for the next two years.
Both parties remain in a state of deadlocked equilibrium, which allows Democrats to run on populist economics and Republicans to run on nationalist social issues—but when they get into office, neither party has the votes to deliver on their promises. Instead, they are only able to come together on “bipartisan” issues such as denying railroad workers paid sick leave, sending billions to prop up the Jewish junta in Ukraine, or codifying gay and interracial marriage into federal law.
What so far has attracted little attention about the future Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries is that, if anything, he's even more pro-Israel than Nancy Pelosi.
The only ones endangering Jews are Jews. Suppressing peaceful political speech criticizing Jewish power, business practices, cultural behavior etc while making themselves hated by endlessly abusing that power is what leads to pogroms, the spontaneous explosion of oppressed peoples against their Jewish tormentors.
The solution to end danger to Jews, in the long term, is for devils like Jonathan Greenblatt to find some decent, productive work like organic farming, and stop trying to control everyone through media and finance.
Long awaited, In His Own Words: The Essential Speeches of Adolf Hitler is now available as an audiobook!
Read by Warren Balogh
Length: 9:00:06 hours long
Purchase it here:
The kind of self-destructive mental health crisis that Jews are going through very often ends in typhus outbreaks. This is so incredibly sad for pretty much nobody but them.
Читать полностью…Striker and I will be live tonight at 8pm.
There is something truly glorious about Kanye West going on career shill Alex Jones’ show and just straight up praising Hitler....
Watching this fat dick pill salesman just sit there and take it was viscerally satisfying to me. The way he has his eyes downcast as his guest utterly blows what little chance he had of re-ingratiating himself into Schlomo’s good graces is simply perfection. Alex Jones’ entire schtick is telling you that things that are being done by Zionists are secretly being done by alien, Lizard People, or the Communist Chinese. Now the Super Male Vitality fag is going to need to make it even more obvious that he’s a worthless shill by denouncing his own guest after the show.
It’s amazing how the craziest thing to ever happen on Alex Jones’ show is someone telling the truth.
Nick Fuentes needs to get Ye in a room and plot how to get rid of Milo. Ye got dumped from the entire music industry because he was being managed and handled by a bunch of Jews.
He lost $1 billion in a day, was exiled to the extreme right, and what happens? He is immediately swarmed over by a different set of Jews to manage and handle him. Alex Jones takes Jew money, Milo is a Jew, and I have no doubt AF has taken it because why else would Nick endorse Loomer, a hideous Zionist funded by wealthy Jews?
Nick should take the opportunity presented by his association with Ye to get a new source of funding for AF and dump Milo, Loomer and the Jew money men behind the scenes for good. If he did that, AF would have potential to do some good. Until that happens, Nick is just going to be another element (wittingly or unwittingly) in one more Jewish attempt to manage and handle Ye.
Prussian Socialism Episode 22 The German Settlement of Transylvania [featuring Jazzhands McFeels]
You have heard of America’s Wild West… but what about Europe’s Wild East?
In the 1100s, several hundred Western Europeans came to Transylvania at the invitation of the Hungarian king, Geza II. Their mission: to secure the Carpathian Mountains against the attacks of the horse-archer peoples of the Eurasian Steppe.
Over the next four centuries, they built castles, churches and cities, holding the south-easternmost outpost of Western Christendom. Briefly vassals of the Turks, they returned to the Hapsburg fold after the 1683 siege of Vienna and played a crucial role in the politics of Austro-Hungary and later Romania.
The settlers—known as the Transylvanian Saxons—were reinforced by later inflows of colonists from northern Germany and the Low Countries. By the 1930s, they numbered 300,000.
The Transylvanian Saxons are just one piece of a larger, millennium-long tale of settlement, trade, and conquest—the Drang nach Osten, the “Push to the East”. Starting in the 1100s, Germanic peoples pushed eastward into the Baltic, the Balkans and even farther afield. They brought cities and agriculture to the sparsely populated and disorganized East. Their movements surged and ebbed throughout the centuries, but by the 1700s, Germanic settlements reached as far as the Volga.
Unlike the later sea-borne expansions of the Spanish, Portuguese and others, it is almost unknown in the English-speaking countries.
Join Greg Conte and Fash the Nation’s Jazzhands McFeels for a discussion of this little-known but highly consequential history. Jazzhands brings not only knowledge, but also relates his own experiences in Saxon Siebenbürgen—the land of the seven cities.
gregoryconte:2/Prussian-Socialism-Episode-22-The-German-Settlement-of-Transylvania:c" rel="nofollow">
Books mentioned:
Migrating Memories Romanian Germans in Modern Europe by James Koranyi.
Die deutsche Ostsiedlung im Mittelalter by Charles Higounet.
(No English version available. Originally published in French as Les Allemands en Europe centrale et orientale au Moyen Age)
End-song: Oostlandlied, text by Jaap van Kersbergen. This song—a favorite of the Dutch SS—was based off of the “Lied der Ostlandfahrer” a medieval folk-song about migrating eastward.
See der Spiegel "Nach Ostland wollen wir reiten":
And here:
Image: Kirchenburg Deutsch-Weisskirch
Читать полностью…New on the Main Street Tribune:
Transcribed versions of National Justice Party speeches given at the November 12th, 2022 conference.