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Emily Youcis


East Palestine: Realities
Emily and Warren break down the political scandal of the East Palestine disaster and how both major parties work against the needs of the people.

modernpolitics:0/ModPol-EastPalestine:8" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-EastPalestine:8

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Emily Youcis

A USMC recruit was discharged, harassed, and barred from military service by the FBI after he refused to become a confidential informant and infiltrate pro-White organizations. For his loyalty, he was kicked out of boot camp the day he was set to graduate.

The Justice Report's Jack McKraken exposes the latest attempt by the federal government to turn an innocent man against his own people, and speaks with the U.S. Marine who, when offered a whopping $250,000 by federal agents, bravely told them to "get f-ed."


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Emily Youcis

Patriotic Alternative is trending on Twitter again and Wesley Russell’s speech is now being shared by Labour MPs!


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Emily Youcis

For you Telegram Only friends

The Dreamweavers S2 E01 - Rust Belt Girls, Livin' In A Toxic World

The Ladies discuss the NJP's latest mass meeting in Florida, East Palestine, America's pathetic health and social welfare programs, and the recent surge of black violence against white children in schools.

Direct Download:https://traffic.libsyn.com/f49a3dae-0665-463c-a2be-fa90e38a722f/DWSeason2Ep1.mp3

RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/398489/rss

Telegram: /channel/dreamweaverspodcast

Odysee: ThePeoplesSquare:9/DWS2E01:a" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@ThePeoplesSquare:9/DWS2E01:a

TRS: https://therightstuff.biz/2023/02/19/the-dreamweavers-s2-e01-rust-belt-girls-livin-in-a-toxic-world/

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Emily Youcis

The Dreamweavers are BACK for Season Two! Stay tuned for a brand new episode dropping on Telegram, Odysee, and TRS - TONIGHT! 😎

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Emily Youcis

FTN 534: East Palestinian Liberation Organization

Jazz and Warren PLUS Jazz and Striker back-to-back in audio and video format to discuss the latest developments in East Palestine, Ohio, as the NJP has spurred federal and state officials into long-awaited action on behalf of the East Palestinians. Plus, Jazz unveils a deep-dive into Ohio Congressman Bill Johnson's congressional history and his singular loyalty to Israel and Jewish interests in America.

FTN:7/FTN534:a">Watch on Odysee

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Emily Youcis

*I'm going live NOW on the Republic Broadcasting Network*


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Emily Youcis


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Emily Youcis


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Emily Youcis

In a stunning about-face, Ohio Congressman Bill Johnson has made a public statement demanding FEMA assistance for his White constituents still suffering in the aftermath of the East Palestine train derailment.

The Justice Report covers the details behind Bill Johnson's change of heart and examines the end-results of the in-your-face, grassroots activism of the National Justice Party.


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Emily Youcis

Video of us confronting GOP Congressman Bill Johnson. Where is the federal response? Where is his fellow Republican Governor DeWine?

How can anyone trust this guy to represent the interest of East Palestine citizens when Johnson and his party take millions in donations from Norfolk Southern!

When I asked that last question he started pulling the "outside agitators" line, told me he wasn't there to "discuss politics," and whistled for his Highway Patrol attack dogs. You can see I was not threatening or even rude.

Then an older man in glasses and hat, who appears to be his chief of staff or aid of some type, got in my face and started snarling. We have videos of this try hard acting this way towards other people later on.

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Emily Youcis

Wednesday night, activists of the pro-White organization, the National Justice Party, attended a town hall meeting held to discuss the effects of the now infamous train derailment overseen by Norfolk Southern.

Founding members of the National Justice Party, independent journalist, Joseph Jordan, and U.S. Armed Forces Veteran, Michael McKevitt, even confronted US Congressman, (R) Bill Johnson over the lack of government resources for suffering White citizens.


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Emily Youcis

The archive of last night's episode of Patriotic Weekly Review with White Papers can be found on Odysee and BitChute - please support my work on those platforms as they contain a full archive of all my previous videos:
Odysee: MarkCollett:6/PWR197:3" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR197:3
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z3Lv5jLjmRmT/

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Emily Youcis

The most outrageous aspect of the East Palestine situation is the fact that residents were told it was safe to return when serious questions remain about air and water quality in the area.

One thing no one is talking about is temporarily housing these people outside the affected area and compensating them for lost work and legally protecting them from layoffs etc.

Because no one wants to pay for it, not the state, not the federal govt and not Norfolk Southern. Because the residents are almost entirely White and working class they have no advocates.

The loudest voices of outrage are coming from environmental groups worried about fish and wildlife. While that is fine and is to be expected, unlike the fish, the actual people don't have any serious advocates with access to power.

Illegal immigrants are being housed in hotels in NYC, in one case the city is paying $93k per day to a Holiday Inn, and planning on paying for it with a $3 billion federal grant. Yet a few thousand White Americans living in the site of a toxic disaster are told to return home because no level of government or corporate America is willing to pay for a hotel room for them.

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Emily Youcis

Train hauling toxic chemicals derails in Ohio border town, creates ‘environmental disaster’ in majority-White region

The Justice Report's James Karlsson examines the East Palestine train derailment, it's adverse effects on the region, and how chemicals released into the air and fresh water tributaries could potentially reach millions more.

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Emily Youcis

New episode about to drop!


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Emily Youcis

I have to say, Patriotic Alternative is showing the way when it comes to leaving behind the weird and lunatic associations of "far right" groups and taking the fight straight to the political system. The UK government is trying to block their attempts to compete in elections, and we face a different set of hurdles in the US (winner-take-all system, no proportional representation, incredibly steep campaign finance and ballot access requirements etc), but they are still managing to have a real-world impact on politics and forcing the system to react to them.

Always remember, the "there are no political solutions" crowd want us to stay ghettoized and fighting amongst ourselves on tiny online platforms with no real world outreach or organizing, because staying in the anonymous online ghetto is where weirdly online toxic personalities thrive and where everything is easily subverted by bad actors, where peaceful democratic organizing can be stigmatized or even criminalized as "terrorism" or "extremism."

There is NOTHING extreme or terroristic about our pro-White message, it is democratic in the deepest sense. We need a mass movement, we need to take our message straight to the people, we need to engage in the politics of the real world and force them to always choose between shutting us down, and thereby destroying their legitimacy, or letting us speak as we win over ever new hearts and minds!

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Emily Youcis

Justice Report Exclusive

Two White parents from a town in rural Ohio are being harassed and maliciously targeted by journalists, leftist extremists, and mainstream media pundits, all for their alleged role in running a so-called “Nazi homeschool” online.

Despite dozens of attempts by the mainstream media to contact the enigmatic “Saxons” for comment, not a single outlet has been able to speak with them on the record. Until now.

The Justice Report traveled to Upper Sandusky, Ohio, to conduct an exclusive one-on-one interview with two Christian parents behind the now famous "Dissident-Homeschool," and examine the mounting top-down pressure campaign from forces much larger—and infinitely more wealthy—than working-class White people and their innocent kids.


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Emily Youcis

The Dreamweavers S2 E01 - Rust Belt Girls, Livin' In A Toxic World

The Ladies discuss the NJP's latest mass meeting in Florida, East Palestine, America's pathetic health and social welfare programs, and the recent surge of black violence against white children in schools.

Direct Download:https://traffic.libsyn.com/f49a3dae-0665-463c-a2be-fa90e38a722f/DWSeason2Ep1.mp3

RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/398489/rss

Telegram: /channel/dreamweaverspodcast

Odysee: ThePeoplesSquare:9/DWS2E01:a" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@ThePeoplesSquare:9/DWS2E01:a

TRS: https://therightstuff.biz/2023/02/19/the-dreamweavers-s2-e01-rust-belt-girls-livin-in-a-toxic-world/

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Emily Youcis

Well look at this.... 🤬

It is also apparently what the Biden administration wants — the Justice Department filed its own brief in favor of Norfolk Southern.

Should Norfolk Southern prevail, the company could use the ruling to challenge other lawsuits on the grounds that they’re filed in the wrong venue, said Scott Nelson, an attorney with the Public Citizen Litigation Group, which filed a brief backing the plaintiff in the Pennsylvania case.

Such a decision could affect lawsuits filed by residents exposed to hazardous chemicals as the result of accidents in other states — such as the East Palestine, Ohio, derailment disaster, which occurred five miles west of the Pennsylvania state line.

“[Norfolk Southern] might say, ‘You can only sue us in Ohio or Virginia [where Norfolk Southern is headquartered],’ even if you were injured at your home in Pennsylvania from an accident that took place five miles away in Ohio,” Nelson said.


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Emily Youcis

There’s no real justification for this timeline other than the NJP pressuring these weasels at the town hall meeting. And Trump remains a grifting Orange Faggot.

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Emily Youcis

Railroad safety regulations pertaining to toxic chemicals were rolled back under Trump. These efforts were spearheaded by his Jewish Deputy Secretary of Transportation, Jeffrey Rosen, who previously represented General Motors and an airline industry trade group and has a history of fighting to making it easier for corporations to challenge safety regulations in court. Rosen served under Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, wife of Mitch McConnell.

From the AP:

"In extensive written and public comments before joining the administration, he criticized regulations as an indirect tax on industry, but made little mention of their benefits. He has called for curbing federal agencies’ regulatory power by imposing greater analytical requirements and requiring congressional approval before more costly regulations become law. Rosen has also advocated making it easier for industry to challenge regulations in court."


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Emily Youcis

Bill Johnson asking us if we were from East Palestine is rich. I live one county over, and this cock sucker isn't even from the region at all.

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Emily Youcis

Good on Striker for dealing with that utter cunt GOP Congressman.

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Emily Youcis


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Emily Youcis

Joseph (Striker) was brilliant here in asking the Congressman, Bill Johnson (R-OH-6), where FEMA was, and on pressing the Republican party.

The Congressman offered a weak excuse about the governor not requesting FEMA assistance and said he doesn't want to "make it political"

Really what the Congressman means is he doesn't want to enable help for Whites.

When FEMA is called in all sorts of benefits for affected communities come into play.

These include but are not limited to:

Individual financial assistance, new housing construction, housing replacement, small business disaster loans, unemployment assistance, and special tax exemptions/considerations.

The State of Ohio and the Federal government have not mobilized FEMA because it would mean hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer assistance to a post-industrial 94% White town.

The political system in the US has no problem delcaring disasters in areas which overwhelmingly affect non-Whites.

A quick look at currently declared disaster zones in Alabama, California, Georgia, and a reservation all reveal that the areas affected are all significantly non-White.

Mestizo, Native and African American communities are currently enjoying the full support of the Federal government has relates to flooding and severe weather. And enjoying all the money this entitles them to.

But a nearly entirely White community experiencing what is likely the worst man-made ecological disaster in the last decade is receiving a pittance.

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Emily Youcis

More coverage of the East Palestine town hall meeting coming soon.

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Emily Youcis

White children were punched, thrown to the ground and ordered to say "Black Lives Matter" while teachers did nothing at Kenwood Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio.

The Justice Report's William Durand reports on the latest round of anti-White violence in American schools, including disturbing allegations by parents that students in Springfield City School District were made to kneel and bark like dogs in a previous incident.


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Emily Youcis

TPUSA has the same agenda as the ADL and FBI.

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Emily Youcis

A talented surgeon and pediatrician was savagely rammed by a car and stabbed to death in Orange County, California. The suspect—who is Black—even espoused anti-White hate speech before and after the attack.

The Justice Report's William Durand and Martin Heidegger take a look at the latest victim of anti-White violence, Michael John Mammone, and just some of the killer's bigoted social media posts.


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