I was purged from twitter the same day, yesterday, as Kevin MacDonald and James Edwards – I suspect along with countless other “deplorables” in the USA who were shut down probably the same day. No explanation was given, no nothing. I must confess I did not write laudatory tweets about antifa multiracial diversity; nor did I comment favorably about Papal ecumenical interracial foot kissing homilies about non-European migrants, but never ever did I post hostile remarks about any particular individual, or any group of non-European people.
The Twitter decision doesn’t surprise me at all; I’ve been writing over the last 30 years - also in TOO - that the censorship in the USA is continuing where the Soviet Union left off. I know what I am talking about. Me, my family, we were all proscribed in communist ex-Yugoslavia for several decades, my old man, ex-lawyer, even serving prison time for “hostile anti-communist literature". Now we are witnessing the same intellectual purges, albeit adorned with fancy/demonic euphemisms such “hate speech” and “ethnic sensitivity training” in the condominium USA/EU - akin to the ex-Soviet People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs, i.e. NKVD. Historically, this is the case when the System is bound to implode. Check Marius vs Sulla in the I. BC, and later on “damnatio memoriae” in the III. CT, with half a dozen Roman emperors lasting no more than a few months each. Chaos on the Doorstep.
"In Numbers - Thusfar"
Now that we are halfway through fiscal year 2023, it’s time to look at the illegal and irregular immigration numbers once again.
Border Patrol, CBP and other assorted agencies have, thusfar, encountered roughly 1.55 million illegal immigrants in the fiscal year to date, but one must recall that this is FAR from the full picture.
The US government estimates that it encounters only 43% of all persons who illegally cross the border in a given year.
With this in mind and taking into account the numbers and data given above by DHS, we can reasonably assume that for fiscal year 2023 some 7-7.2 million racially foreign aliens will be permitted entry to the United States.
This number is comparable to the populations of Massachusetts or Tennessee.
By the end of 2023 Alejandro Mayorkas, the Jewish man in charge of DHS, will have permitted the entry of a population composed mostly Central American and Haitians, populations which are totally unrelated to the founding White stock.
Partisan politics plays little role in this. With the Trump administration having seen far more illegal immigration than the Obama administration. Infact, the start of the current rush at the border began under Trump and was only temporarily stemmed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is clear neither major party has the slightest bit of interest in dealing with this problem and a new party, a new government, is needed in the United States.
Read the full article, including a review of the 2022 numbers, here on our Substack!
Fox News has suffered three remarkable blows in the last several days:
The network has settled with Dominion for hundreds of millions of dollars
Tucker Carlson, whose show has been the most watched non-sports news program on television, is leaving the network.
And in a further blow it would seem Ron DeSantis is saying he may not enter the presidential race, likely due to his poor polling,
DeSantis has been the politician to which Fox News has dedicated most of their positive coverage in the past months.
All of these developments are overwhelmingly positive. The influence of Fox is a very large roadblock to nationalist political rhetoric and influence. The network gatekeeps millions upon millions of well intentioned Whites who want to make their society better.
But Fox, through disarmed conversations around race (see their use of the term CRT) and around social issues like homosexual degeneracy (see their application of the meaningless term WOKE), has caused these Whites to remain stuck in an ideological cul-de-sac.
The decline of Fox opens up opportunities for nationalists. We should take advantage.
Horrible and evil story about the anti-white Charlottesville cuckold Judge's wife
FTN 542: Renazification in ZOG-Occupied America
Jazz and Warren reflect on what Hitler would think about the preservation and even the carrying forward of his legacy in the face of what would have seemed like complete and total ideological annihilation at the time. From national socialism itself to the preservation of the inherent and enduring nature of the German Spirit. Jazz also pulls off the unthinkable feat of showing Warren pictures of Hitler he's never seen before.
00:00:00 - HBD Hitler
00:10:00 - History of Provokation
00:25:00 - The Indomitable German Spirit
00:45:00 - Porsche-Piech Rout of Jewish Greenmailing Efforts
01:10:00 - DeSantis Clout Casino
01:30:00 - Is ZOG Doing OK?
01:51:00 - BREAK
01:55:00 - Jazz Owns John Rich
02:20:00 - The Russia Standard
02:26:00 - HBD Hitler and Heads Will Roll
Odysee: FTN:7/FTN-542:a" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@FTN:7/FTN-542:a
Direct MP3 Download: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/fash-the-nation/FTN_042323.m
BREAKING: One of the three suspects involved in the beating death of White teenager, Ethan Liming, was re-arrested earlier this month for continuously violating the conditions of his house arrest.
The Republican judge handling the case claims the suspect had amassed 55 hours of unaccounted time, some of it spent at places like Burger King, Acme, and an apartment miles away in Cleveland.
The Justice Report takes a look at the latest outrageous developments in the case of Ethan Liming, and examines a community's increasing demands for legal accountability.
“I believe he holds racist tendencies and beliefs” — grandson singing to Don Lemon, the NYT and entire liberal news media condemning his grandfather to die in prison. This is one of the most appalling displays I've ever seen.
Michael: A German Destiny in Diary Form by Dr. Joseph Goebbels
178 pages, 5.5″x8.5″
ebook out soon
Foreword by Joseph Jordan
Dr. Joseph Goebbels (1897–1945), best known for his role as the leader of the Berlin NSDAP and later as the chief publicist for the National Socialist government of Germany, was a man of humble beginnings. Unable to serve in World War I due to a deformed foot, the young Goebbels dedicated himself to academic studies, performing well and eventually earning a Doctorate of Philology from the prestigious University of Heidelberg. Like most Germans in the years following the war, Goebbels was underemployed and aimless for a time, during which he continued to pursue his love of literature. What emerged from this time was Michael, a novel that merged his own experiences with those of his close friends and the styles of the writers who had made a profound impression upon him in his formative years.
Michael follows the story of a soldier returning from the war, experiencing the highs and lows of the rapid changes emerging in the new Germany, as told through a series of diary entries. Ruminations on politics and philosophy, the war, romance, art, and culture, all combine to offer a piercing insight into the author’s soul and the world in which he lived. Goebbels was, beyond his role as a political figure, a man deeply immersed in an aesthetic view of life and the role of the German people.
Antelope Hill Publishing is proud to present a new English edition of Michael by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, translated by Olivia Van Dorn and with a foreword by Joseph Jordan. This exceptional work of literature, authored by the man who became the voice of the Third Reich, tells a story vital to understanding the origins of National Socialism and is necessary to preserve for generations to come.
Buy it here: https://antelopehillpublishing.com/product/michael-by-dr-joseph-goebbels/
The VA "cross burning" law under which some Cville marchers have been charged is highly controversial and was almost struck down by the Virginia Supreme Court in 2003.
The US Supreme Court said the law could remain, but prosecutors cannot argue, and judges must instruct juries, that burning itself, even burning a cross, cannot by itself be used to infer intent to intimidate.
This follows a pattern of little used and controversial statutes being brought to bear on attendees of the Cville protests as Jewish activist groups and their bought and paid for state attorneys scour the legal code in a backwards attempt to racially and politically target the protesters.
All of these cases are inherently illegitimate since they look at the individual, their race and political expression first, and then try to find a statute to attack them with. Often these highly politicized attorneys admit this openly, being so sure of their positions and the lack of scrutiny the Jewish media will apply to them.
A black man goes into a Dollar Tree and hacks a White woman to death . An 80 year old White man shoots a young black at his door that he most likely mistook for being up to no good. The boy survived. Which one is more egregious. Which one is the bigger news story??
Читать полностью…The People’s Square – News Roundup Returns
Borzoi presents news from the National Justice Party, Justice Report, and an excerpt from Ancestral Inheritance.
Join the Editor and project director Cyan Quinn in this inaugural White-Papers Postcast. They are reviewing the purpose and mission of the White-Papers Policy Institute, some of its earliest work, commentary on the state of the Conservative right in the Western world and finally for a review of the pieces published for the week!
The podcast will be a new weekly feature of our work, be sure to subscribe for email notifications of its release and our regularly published pieces.
Not How Fascism Works
Emily and Warren debunk the lies of a Yale University "expert" on fascism.
modernpolitics:0/ModPol-NotFascism:6" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-NotFascism:6
🇲🇽Mexico discovers 11,520 tequila bottles with liquid meth at port
Mexican inspectors have intercepted 11,520 tequila bottles due for export that actually contained nearly 10 tons of concentrated liquid meth.
The discovery was made at the Pacific coast seaport of Manzanillo. The bottles contained about 8,640 kg (19,000 pounds) of methamphetamine.
Photos of the seizure show a sniffer dog alerting inspectors to cardboard boxes of glass bottles full of a brownish liquid, consistent with the colour of “añejo”, or aged tequila.
🔎 Source
☠️ Blood Meridian
President Greenblatt (the master of the world) always wins. He beat Elon, the richest man on Earth. He beat Kanye, the most popular Black celebrity. Almost exactly two years ago, he demanded FOX fire Tucker (the most popular TV host in the world) over the Great Replacement.
The Dominion lawsuit was just the excuse they needed to finally carry out the decision. Why would FOX react to losing money in a lawsuit by firing their #1 cash cow? No one goes up against Greenblatt and wins, ever.
Join James (the Editor) and Cyan in discussing their varying critiques (and sympathy for) the Meloni government, the topic of agricultural workers and how it always blows back on White countries, a bit about the Reagan amnesty, an unexpected (and fun!) deviation into Earthday and the Nationalist history of environmentalism and so much more.
The pair also take on a subscriber question asked under one of the weeks articles, tackling some difficult moral questions and discussing where White-Papers posts our various types of content.
The ex-wife of Joel Hoppe, the magistrate judge in the sham Cville civil trial as well as several other trials involving the protest, has been arrested on charges of child sex abuse and distributing CSAM. The article details are hard to stomach, but in it is mentioned that Eleanor Hoppe was in possession of and distributing images of adult men raping young girls. She was traveling to participate in the rape of an 8 year old girl when she was arrested.
An investigation needs to be opened into Joel Hoppe immediately to see to what extent he participated in this abuse and if the images in his ex-wifes possession are of him raping his daughters.
Clip from our latest show "No Right to Self-Defense?" where we compare Andrew Lester to the case of Joyce Moore, a White grandmother who was shot and killed two months ago by a Black male after opening her front door in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Full episode now on Odysee: modernpolitics:0/ModPol-SelfDefense:4" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-SelfDefense:4
I made a comparison of headlines for the Kansas City shooting vs. North Carolina: media mentions race every chance they get in case of Andrew Lester, but race NEVER MENTIONED in any headlines about Robert Singletary.
Читать полностью…I'll be doing a special Hitler birthday stream with Borzoi tonight at 7pm eastern on the Warren Report at therightstuff.biz ✋
Читать полностью…***NEW MODERN POLITICS***
No Right to Self-Defense?
Warren and Emily explain how the media and justice system are using the Andrew Lester case to criminalize White people defending themselves against Blacks.
modernpolitics:0/ModPol-SelfDefense:4" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-SelfDefense:4
The Supreme Court is currently authoring an opinion on whether to end free speech on the internet as we know it.
Jewish groups, including an Israeli NGO, are providing a vicious united front challenging Section 230, while SCOTUS Justices admit they don't even know what they are doing.
The identity of a Sheriff’s Deputy whose reckless driving allegedly led to the death of a White father of four has been positively identified.
After obtaining an official incident report which had been improperly redacted by the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), the Justice Report was able to confirm the identity of the negligent officer, and highlight the systemic, ongoing coverup of the tragic death of Andrew Schwam.
Jews and their golems are constantly lecturing us about context. It's important, they say, to not look at the video of a White woman being savagely beaten by a large gang of Blacks in Chicago without proper context. That is if they even address it. Jewish media at large completely ignored the incident.
Whites are never given the benefit of this contextualuzation. What is the context in which Andrew Lester shot Ralf Yarl, even assuming the media narrative, taken verbatim from Ralf Yarl's aunt's go fund me page, is true?
Yarl was shot in the context of out of control black shootings all over America, most committed by young males of exactly Ralf's age. Kansas City has a large black population and as a result is particularly bad, though all of America is insanely dangerous right now.
Lester is 85 years old. It was ten PM at night. A strange black teenager knocked on his door. Initial media reports stating that Yarl entered the home have been scrubbed. I don't blame Lester one bit. The fact that Yarl could not get several other homes in the neighborhood to answer the door to help him shows that the neighbors basically share Lester's perspective.
White people simply cannot afford to open their doors to strange black men and are completely justified in taking defensive action in such a situation. But the way the law works in America, if Lester confessed that he was suspicious of Yarl on racial grounds, an entirely rational and fact based fear, he would condemn himself.
Clip from our latest episode of Modern Politics - "Not How Fascism Works."
Full episode now on Odysee:
modernpolitics:0/ModPol-NotFascism:6" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-NotFascism:6
Читать полностью…https://twitter.com/egrevore/status/1645818901152792577?s=20
EGREVORE is my other project with my great friend Atticus. We spent the last 2 and a half years creating an incredible set of real collectible trading cards, featuring over 120 unique pieces of art from myself and artists I know. Ples follow @egrevore on twitter and buy some packs, you will love them 😎😎😎