Warren interviews NJP activist Kang Rex about the protest in Salina, NY over the weekend.
The knife attack on four children in Annecy is heartbreaking and unacceptable.
Over 60% of the French believe the Great Replacement is happening, and it is.
over 70% of the French do not feel safe in their own country.
The murder of Lola sparked national outrage, and so too is this tragic event.
The French political class have a clear mandate from the population to begin ridding France of racial foreigners.
If the current political class won't take action (and they won't) then the situation will result in revolutionary political change.
Protecting our children, White children, is not an abstract. It's existential.
In the third installment of our four-part landmark series, White-Papers continues its examination of the question of repatriation.
Could the United States repatriate a significant portion of its non-White population in order to ensure a perpetual White majority?
The answer is unquestionably that it can, should, and must.
In The Great Repatriation: Part Three, we explore Black immigration and African American repatriation as a method of self determination.
Please Enjoy!
Someone made me aware of this fake Instagram account pretending to be me and posting retarded shit. This is not me - my ONLY social media accounts are this telegram channel and my verified Gab account. If you're on Instagram, do me a favor and report this.
Yesterday, supporters and volunteer activists of the National Justice Party rallied in Salina, NY to demand an end to foreign migrant resettlement, which now threatens countless American citizens across the Empire State.
The 78 people inside the Candlewood Suites hotel, specifically, now face eviction and financial ruin if the migrants are allowed to replace them, and no one, not even the Republican County Executive, Ryan McMahon, is doing anything meaningful to stop the abuse.
By making our collective voices heard, several residents and countless locals showed appreciation and support for our street action, and if you join today, you can help us fight back against demographic replacement and systemically anti-White policies which affect every single one of us. Don't hesitate.
In the second installment of By the Numbers James and Alex take a journey through the state of rural America. Visiting the crumbling barns and farms which once formed the foundation of America's rise to prosperity. Without falling victim to the Jeffersonian view of America, the pair lament the decline of a vital social group and well of family formation.
James Karlsson's work can be found on the White Papers Substack
Follow him for more on his Telegram
James (Director/Editor) and Laura Towler, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative, sit down to discuss all things Britain! The pair open the show with an appeal to support James Allchurch, AKA Sven Longshanks. Next is a bit of fun at the expensive of goofy feminists before moving onto topics as varied as immigration statistics, immigration fraud, electoral politics and the failures of the Tories.
Laura rounds out the show by describing the wonderful spirit of nationalist unity embodied at a recent meeting of UK nationalist groups and some general information about Patriotic Alterative’s ongoing efforts in defence of a Britain for Britons.
One older woman with stereotypical liberal glasses described her frustration with vagrants camped next to her business threatening her daily, as well as defecating on her property and masturbating in front of her children. She has attempted to call the police and various homeless services to try and move her tormenters a safe distance away, but has been told repeatedly that there is nothing they can do.
In another instance, Lisa McNally, a local public school teacher, asked the audience to raise their hands if they had been a victim of criminal violence. The large number of people whose hands went up elicited gasps and cries of “wow.” She defended the police but also criticized them for refusing to respond to a 911 call about a stray bullet that blew through her neighbor’s home. She then targeted Kalb and Killens, shouting “we’re fed up! This is because of you and your policies coddling criminals!”
McNally went on to demand police begin punishing criminals for low level offenses, such as tinted windows and license plate violations, a practice known as “broken windows policing” that was pioneered by New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and NYPD police chief Bill Bratton during their famous anti-crime crackdown in the 1990s. She consciously understood the racial politics at play, anticipating accusations of racism by saying, “and don’t tell me it’s profiling, because [when the windows are tinted] you can’t even see who’s inside the car!”
Читать полностью…Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE at 7pm UK time (2pm EST) with special guest Eric Striker.
- NATO ‘peacekeepers’ attack ethnic Serbs
- Lindsey Graham salivates over dead Russians
- Tories allow in record numbers of migrants
You can find tonight's episode of PWR LIVE on:
Odysee: MarkCollett:6/PWR212:c" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR212:c
DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/LauraTowler
Entropy: https://entropystream.live/app/markcollett
The poorly paid work of retail has also become more dangerous. At Home Depot, which positions staff members at exits to check customer receipts as a theft deterrent, employees are regularly assaulted and killed by shoplifters leaving with carts full of stolen merchandise. Customers at high traffic stores like Walmart are also routinely injured and murdered, especially when indignant shoppers make the mistake of intervening against thieves.
Several cashiers at Family Dollars, Dollar Tree and Dollar General, which attract higher rates of minority clientele and are usually severely understaffed as a cost-cutting strategy, have been butchered with machetes, stabbed, and shot in recent months. In 2023, operating a checkout counter at a dollar store has become a highly hazardous work environment.
The most shocking aspect of this crime wave is that business owners have been siding with the criminals ripping their stores off against staff and paying customers for ideological reasons. One Walmart security guard, who was shot by a felon while trying to prevent a theft at his store, was written up by his manager as soon as he returned to work after being hospitalized for a procedural violation in the incident. Months later, he was fired and then denied unemployment by management for telling a Black Lives Matter protester harassing customers to “shut up.” Recently, two white female staff members at Lululemon followed a group of black thieves casually walking out of the store with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise to photograph their getaway car. They were terminated for supposedly violating company policy to not intervene against thieves.
VIDEO: Jewish Leaders want us BANNED!
The British Board of Deputies – Britain’s most powerful Jewish organisation – have called for Patriotic Alternative to be banned because of two statements that I made on social media. Find out exactly what I said and why these statements have led to calls for a new clampdown on freedom of speech.
ODYSEE: MarkCollett:6/20230526-Jewish-Leaders-Want-Us-Banned:b" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/20230526-Jewish-Leaders-Want-Us-Banned:b
BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0BudObDKxdPK/
The NJP Weekly Report: 5/25/23
Warren and Alan Balogh review the past week of news and developments from the National Justice Party. After the break, a discussion of the political and moral lessons from the Nazi response to the publication of Erich Maria Remarque’s 1929 novel, “All Quiet On the Western Front.”
— A Special Thank You! —
Today White-Papers surpassed 5,500 followers on our Telegram page! It's a huge milestone that I have been looking forward to for the past several weeks.
I must express my gratitude to all of the readers of the Telegram, the thousands of those who read the rapidly growing Substack page, and to all of those who interact with us through email and our social media accounts.
I wish to also pass on my thanks to the many friends of the project, ranging from Laura Towler and Warren Balogh, to many of those who regularly share our content but whom I do not interact with personally or professionally.
A significant portion of the credit for this recent growth goes to White-Paper's Chief Operating Officer, Cyan Quinn. Bringing her on has helped the project expand massively in just a few months time, and her contributions are beyond simple measure.
I truly could not have brought the project to where it is now without Cyan's wise counsel and management.
Most significantly I must thank those generous men and women who support White-Papers financially and make the growth of our content range possible. The gratitude of both myself and Cyan for your generosity is beyond expression.
The support offered by all of our readers, friends and staff has made this project ever more gratifying and fulfilling, and I thank you all.
Please, if you haven't, sign up to the Substack to enjoy our longer form articles, policy pieces and the weekly podcast.
There is so much more yet to come,
James Karlsson, Director/Editor
"There's Poop Everywhere": San Francisco's Office District Not Only A Ghost Town, It's Also Covered In Sh*t
Me when I learn I was nominated for Best Racist in the Most Racist Town In America
Читать полностью…This week's episode of Modern Politics needed an extra day to edit - It will be released tomorrow (Thursday)!
Читать полностью…Three teenage "refugees" from Southeast Asia went to a park in New York, killed a swan, then had it for lunch.
This was not a crime of hunger (they are well fed by your taxpayer dollars) or even sadism (they ate it after all). They just don't understand why you should waste money on chicken at the supermarket when there's perfectly good swan you can eat for free.
We are going to lose a lot of "privileges" we take for granted as America continues transitioning into a post European society. Even little things like going to the park and seeing the swans.
German prosecutors charge Bjoern Hoecke, an Alternative for Germany AdD regional leader, for allegedly using the SA motto of ‘Everything for Germany’ at 2021 event...
Right-populist AfD party’s hits record high of 19% as immigration crisis grips country...
The AfD is now tied for second place in the country, which has prompted a near meltdown of the country’s political and journalistic class...
Find news like this at the justicereport.news
"Whites are With Us"
Over 40% of Americans were willing to tell the Souther Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that the changing demographics of the United States “pose a threat to White Americans and their culture and values”.
In raw numbers that represents roughly 58.5 million adult Americans.
63% of young Republican men and 54% of young Democratic men, were willing to admit they viewed the demographic changes in the United States as a deliberate process to replace Whites.
A May 2022 Yougov poll demonstrated that nearly 48% of White Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe that discrimination against Whites is a serious problem.
Tens of millions of White Americans are fed up with a system which aduses them, abuses their children, abuses their nation and abuses their race.
We've won the minds of Whites, now we must win their support
Read our full article, including graphs, sources and much much more data, here on our Substack.
So people say PC Culture killed comedy, but there actually is a thriving "redpilled" comedy scene going on in Austin TX, featuring "cancelled" comedians. Joe Rogan is the center figure of this scene, and his comedy club hosts standup shows like "Kill Tony," which contains racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic etc. humor. It's like a revival of casually racist mid-2000s humor but a bit more edgy.
These jokes are actually pretty funny and transgressive - gay guys are called faggots, white guys can racially berate blacks and all other races, trannys are routinely lampooned - everything short of saying the N Word is laughed at and applauded.
Of course, this is just a release valve for actual racial tension in this country - and ofcourse if any of us tried a standup routine on this show we'd be canceled by the canceled comedians. A white guy can call a fat black guy Martin Luther King Size or Malcolm XXL, but as soon as you support political policies attempting to curb black crime you've gone too far. Anyone with a sincere political ideology isn't tolerated in Rogan's circles - if any one of us showed up to his scene irl and spouted off some creme-de-la-creme racist jokes, we would be treated as leperous pariahs the same way he claims he's treated by the mainstream.
For now these shows are funny and a good sign that the culture is snapping back in the right direction, but Rogan is a hypocrite and until our guys are allowed on stage, this scene is just as PC as SNL.
"Battered Isle"
Ireland has been rapidly transformed by neoliberal forces in the last several years.
First came the legalization of same sex marriage and a much more open policy on abortion.
Facebook and Google openly interfered with the free flow of information in relation to both referendums.
Then came the massive and ceasless flow of migrants.
Dublin remains the worst city in the world to find housing, has doubled its homeless population, and young Irish are completely unable to get onto the housing ladder.
Now the Irish government (and Stormont) want to cull both the national beef and national sheep herds.
From a relatively socially intact and socially conservative nation able to feed and cloth itself, to a neoliberal wasteland in about 6 years flat.
Lessons should have been learned from the EU forcing Ireland to vote numerous times until it agreed to give away its sovereignty and from the financial crisis which crippled the nation.
The Irish must keep organizing to bring an end to the new plantation of Ireland.
Be sure to read our on Substack!
Matt Taibbi calling out the censorship of Elon Musk's Twitter over Matt Walsh's new documentary "What is a Woman?"
As soon as Musk agreed to ban NJP, PA & Kanye West for criticism of Jewish power, the same kind of "censorship creep" that occurred under Jack Dorsey became inevitable. Once Musk showed he is willing and able to censor, i.e. to bow to the will of the powerful, then he opened Twitter up to the same pressure forces that took Twitter from being the "free speech wing of the free speech party" to deplatforming the sitting president of the United States within three years.
While working on the Twitter Files, I saw the current system was designed so that even the most defiant CEO of a platform like Twitter would quickly be forced to choose between speech and survival. The reach of the “anti-disinformation” complex is such that the loss of a potential multi-million-dollar advertiser like The Daily Wire is a pittance compared to regulatory issues, corporate boycotts, and other nightmares that can be thrown at a platform that bucks on content. Nervous heterodox voices seem already to be wondering what it will mean if Musk Twitter really folds over relatively genteel thoughtcrime like What is a Woman? If this has to go, what stays?
No show this week guys, but we've released a great one from behind the paywall!
Diversity Kills Unions
Warren and Emily examine how diversity kills unions by destroying worker solidarity.
modernpolitics:0/ModPol-DiversityKillsUnions:3" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-DiversityKillsUnions:3
Lmao. When you literally run out of excuses for why it's not the Jews.
Читать полностью…Wow these Jews are really blowing their wad lol. How can they not understand that these absurd antics are just gonna make people talk even more about Jewish power?
Читать полностью…Under this new plan unveiled by the Biden administration, every aspect of our federal government, even the USDA and Department of Forest Services, will be geared towards one goal: crushing criticism of powerful Jews.
Whether Trump or DeSantis win the primary, chances are high Tim Scott will be the VP. The Republican Party is just as woke on race as the Democrats, except they are also more strongly pro Wall Street and hawkish warmongers.
A Trump/Scott or Trump/Haley ticket (not to mention DeSantis) would provide a compelling argument for Joe Biden being the lesser evil. The state of American politics today.
Please clap!
...the event got off to a rocky start when it crashed several times and the sound repeatedly dropped out.
While Musk claimed the servers were overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people tuning in to listen, Mr DeSantis faced ridicule for the underwhelming launch from online commentators and both sides of the political aisle.
His main Republican rival Donald Trump jumped at the chance to brand the launch a “disaster” while his son Don Jr coined the term “DeSaster” – a hashtag that soon began trending on Twitter.
President Joe Biden also joined in the ridicule, posting a link to his donation page with the quip: “This link works.”
Meanwhile, AOC joked that she had more viewers join when she famously played Among Us on Twitch.