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Emily Youcis

12 year olds are now being criminally charged for making edgy jokes and drawings:


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Emily Youcis

*NEW Dreamweavers* - Now on Odysee!

ThePeoplesSquare:9/DWS2005:8" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@ThePeoplesSquare:9/DWS2005:8

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Emily Youcis

When I visited the US in march I noticed how Fox news and the broader Conservative movement had set up this new "woke" v "non-woke" dialectic where wokeness is contingent upon aesthetic NOT ideological factors.

Bruce Jenner, despite being a transexual, is not woke because he opposes men competing in womens sports.

Certain drag queens were also paraded on Fox for being non-woke because they didn't support performing drag in front of kids.

Now Priests and Homosexuals are teaming up to simultaneously open the Catholic church to (further) subversion, while proclaiming themselves to be non-Woke.

But, normal White people who want crippling debt to be forgiven are labelled as "woke".

Woke-ism and Wokeness are purely aesthetic to Conservatives. Transexuals and drag queens can abuse children, and eachother, so long as the flag on the front stoop is the Stars and Stripes rather than a rainbow. So say the Conservative talkingheads.

This is ridiculous. Woke is a meaningless term.

The term woke and all related terms is used to massively retard political conversation, like everything else conservatives say.

This stuff distracts Whites from having serious conversations.

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Emily Youcis

In Florida, a group of pro-White activists walked free after being pulled over for tossing promotional material onto lawns. When asked why the men weren't charged accordingly under Florida's draconian new hate speech law—HB 269—a local police chief bravely claimed the men were protected by their first amendment rights.

The Justice Report monitors the current political situation in the "free state" of Florida and observes how one man's principled defiance against tyranny has angered the one group set to gain the most from the DeSantis-signed, Israeli-born bill: Floridian Jews.

Read here: https://justicereport.news/articles/2023/06/19/jewish-groups-attack-florida-police-chief-for-refusing-to-enforce-draconian-new-hate-speech-laws/

Listen here: 8_Report:4/florida_cop_refuses_to_enforce_hate_speech_law:3" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@8_Report:4/florida_cop_refuses_to_enforce_hate_speech_law:3

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Emily Youcis

Michael Mckevitt: The White Mortality Crisis
June 10th 2023

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Emily Youcis


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Emily Youcis

The Chairman of NJP was highkey goated, and the theme of denial was the vibe. 💯🔥🔥🔥

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Emily Youcis

Uber cares so little about their workers, they will force them to pick up criminals on MLK Jr. Blvd. or fire them. Absolutely disgusting. Communists talk about peak capitalism, this is it, commies!


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Emily Youcis

On Saturday, June 10th, the NJP held their 11th official mass meeting in East Palestine, Ohio. It was a beautiful event where men, women and families of the highest quality were in attendance. As always there were so many new faces, but in particular we’re seeing a trend of more and more families at every event. It’s such a beautiful indication of the growth of a healthy movement!

Evergreen is so proud to have participated in a mass meeting in an official capacity for the first time. We are so excited for the future as we step into our role as cultivators of family, community, culture, and pride.

Due to this event’s proximity to Father’s Day on June 18th, we had the privilege to present a short ceremony in honor of all the fathers in attendance. We presented thoughtful sentiments that members had submitted about their fathers and husbands. Evergreen encouraged fathers to participate in a friendly competition to identify the fathers in attendance who have the most children, and four men tied for first place with six or more! They were gifted one-of-a-kind plaques memorializing the event, crafted by a member of the New York supporter group who also made pins for every father to claim. Members of Evergreen also held a bake sale full of homemade goodies, which raised money to support the group’s charitable outreach and cultural advocacy.

Strong, White fathers are a cornerstone of our movement and fight for our race’s survival. Evergreen wishes a preemptive happy Father’s Day to the men who are securing a future for White children.

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Emily Youcis

On Saturday, June 10th, the Justice Report had the distinct privilege of being able to attend the 11th mass meeting of the National Justice Party in East Palestine, Ohio.

During our stay, we were able to conduct multiple interviews with attendees and even Central Committee members, including words from the Chief of Staff, Tony Hovater, founding member, Warren Balogh, Chairman Mike Peinovich, plus many more.

The complete interviews can be viewed by Justice Report paid supporters 8_Report:4/Long_Version_Final:a">here on our Odysee channel, while a free version is out now and can be 8_Report:4/11th_NJP_Interviews_Free_Version:f">accessed here.

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Emily Youcis

*NEW* Clip from The American Nightmare - "Meet the DINKWADS"

Full Episode now on Odysee:
modernpolitics:0/ModPol-AmericanNightmare:f" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-AmericanNightmare:f

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Emily Youcis

The Jews know what's coming, and so their reaction is to use technology to tighten the grip on society to a degree totalitarian societies in the past could never have imagined.

In the end their inhuman robot police-survellience state will only increase popular revulsion against them.


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Emily Youcis

Child slavery is alive and well in Iowa, a state which has passed draconian laws which make it easier to pull children under the age of sixteen into corporate custody.

Paving the way for kids to join the workforce at younger and younger ages is just as despicable as arguing for lowering the age of consent. Join the NJP today and let's tackle this issue head on once and for all.


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Emily Youcis

The Physical Decline of America is a Policy Choice

Americans live not only with an increasingly precarious personal financial and saftey situations, but in a country where physical infrastructure is failing on a massive and ever-worsening scale. As evidenced by the recent I-95 collapse in Pennsylvania.

Each year the American Society of Civil Engineers puts together a ‘report card’ on the nation’s infrastructure. The cumulative grade in the most recent report was a terrible C-, while roadways received an even lower grade of D.

According to the report, over 43% of the American roadway system is in poor or mediocre condition.

Yet, the American state gives tens of billions of dollars to Israel, Ukraine and Mexico, among others, for their domestic infrastructure projects.

States make policy based on their immediate priorities, and the American state’s last priority is for safe high quality infrastructure for its population, particularly it's White population which receives deliberate underinvestment.

Learn more about America's crumbling infrastructure and the anti-White bias written into spending legislation, here on our substack.

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Emily Youcis


Parasite Economy
In part one of two shows about the economy, Warren and Emily contrast rosy pronouncements about the economy with the lived reality of most Americans.

modernpolitics:0/ModPol-Economy1:0" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-Economy1:0

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Emily Youcis

Transoid who horrifically abused his 7 year old daughter is suing the new jersey women's prison where he's housed for placing limits on his witchcraft? Did I read that right?



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Emily Youcis

The world's richest man is a reply guy on twitter.

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Emily Youcis

The Dreamweavers S2 E05 – Moonmansion

The ladies discuss the NJP's 11th mass meeting in East Palestine, the karaoke-crazy afterparty at Moonman Mansion, country vs. city living, political activists vs. racist influencers, and the latest transurrection at Biden's White House.


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Emily Youcis

Alan Balogh: Race and the Environment
June 10th 2023

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Emily Youcis

Mike Peinovich: Anti-Woke is Anti-White
June 10th 2023

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Emily Youcis

Michael Mckevitt: The White Mortality Crisis
June 10th 2023

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Emily Youcis

At 3pm EST, the Chairman of the National Justice Party will be debating a Holocaust affirmer live on multiple topics. The debate can be viewed on The Right Stuff, or directly on the TRSDotBiz:a/holocaustdebate:b">TRS Odysee.

Check it out!


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Emily Youcis

✨ My latest song release is now on Odysee ✨

HiraethMusic:6/hiraeth-caught-on-the-line:0" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@HiraethMusic:6/hiraeth-caught-on-the-line:0

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Emily Youcis

NJP Weekly Report: 6/15/23
Warren interviews North Dakota SG leader Peter Tefft about the wildly successful mass meeting in East Palestine, Ohio over the weekend along with tips and advice for local political engagement and activism


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Emily Youcis

In the fourth and final installment of our four-part landmark series, White-Papers continues its examination of the question of repatriation.

Could the United States repatriate a significant portion of its non-White population in order to ensure a perpetual White majority?

The answer is unquestionably that it can, should, and must.

In The Great Repatriation: Part Four we explore attitudes, outlooks and identities of American born non-Whites.

Their views on America open the door for a political conversation regarding voluntary mass repatriation.

Please Enjoy!

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Emily Youcis


The American Nightmare
In part two of two shows about the economy, Emily and Warren examine the collapse of the American Dream in the 21st century.

modernpolitics:0/ModPol-AmericanNightmare:f" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-AmericanNightmare:f

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Emily Youcis

Compete America, a cheap labor lobby, sent a letter directly to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas✡️, urging him to remove the H1B cap and speed up the process. The capitalists are in a rush to replace Whites.


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Emily Youcis

There is a reason Greg Abbott and the Texas GOP did this,

White Texans are going to do whatever they can to prevent Blacks and other non-Whites from sharing space with them.

And why is that? Perhaps because non-Whites in Texas are insanely violent and mass migration is transforming Texas into a third-world state.

Hispanics and Blacks are responsible for:

71.4% of all rapes and 58% of all other sexual violence

76.5% of all murders and 72% of all Aggravated Assaults

Not to mention countless mass casuality events last month.

Instead of making policy to protect White Texans from crime and demographic disenfranchisement, the GOP is going to make sure Whites have not a single avenue left to defend themselves.

You can read more about the current state of Texas here on our substack.

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Emily Youcis

Four years ago, we were selling homegrown organic heirloom tomatoes and other gourmet veggies from our farm at the Bloomington, Indiana Farmers Market. Antiwhites were protesting our presence at the market and local newspapers were smearing us in the headlines on a weekly basis. Cameras were in our faces every Saturday at market and in one of their published photos, I was carrying our then one year old baby on my chest in a baby carrier. An Indiana University faculty member, in a public social media post, referred to our baby as a "bullet proof vest".

I was reminded of this as we set up our vending table this past weekend, four years later, while our family attended the National Justice Party mass meeting. Our newborn baby was safe and snuggled on my chest in a linen sling, just as I've carried all my others. It was a real treat to be surrounded by such a great group of people, seeing faces old and new, and to share in the joy of the birth of our newest little one, without the worry of antiwhite terrorism. Such a stark contrast from the past.

Thank you all for enjoying our coffee. We really love what we do, and we love our people.

Hail Victory!

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Emily Youcis

Video of white libtard women in New Orleans. Due to the trend of middle class whites fleeing diverse cities and even suburbs, most interracial confrontations and violence is now between liberal white women and black men.

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