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Emily Youcis

We did some 'back of the napkin' math on SNAP (food stamp) spending for 2022.

The SNAP (food stamp) program cost 119 billion dollars in 2022, the largest amount to date for the program.

62,2% of SNAP recipients were non-White. Including Jewish SNAP users, who we removed from the 'White' category.

Just 37,8% were White (a full 16% lower than the White share of the US population)

In total 74 billion dollars of the SNAP (food stamp) budget will have been paid to non-Whites in FY2022, and just 45 billion to Whites.

It's worth noting that this one program equates to nearly all state and local taxes paid by the Hispanic population in a single year (76 billion dollars).

The SNAP program is yet another wealth transfer from the White population to the non-White population.

These populations cannot sustain themselves in the US, and it should not be the job of White Americans to sustain racial foreigners indefinitely.

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Emily Youcis

NationalJusticeParty:8/ThePossibilityofWhiteNationalism:0" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@NationalJusticeParty:8/ThePossibilityofWhiteNationalism:0

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Emily Youcis

"What the Buy-in?" speech delivered by Tony Hovater to the 12th mass meeting of the National Justice Party on September 2nd 2023

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Emily Youcis

NationalJusticeParty:8/whatsthebuyin:1" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@NationalJusticeParty:8/whatsthebuyin:1

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Emily Youcis



TONIGHT, 21:00 (9pm) BST, 4pm EST

TheAyatollah:6/FND106:5" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@TheAyatollah:6/FND106:5



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Emily Youcis


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Emily Youcis

A few months ago, I discovered one of my old Twitter accounts had been restored. I made a couple of test posts just to see if I could do it, but otherwise kept the profile on lockdown, where nobody could see my posts other than myself. I've checked in on it a few times since then, and today I just discovered it was suspended again. Not one public post!

I'll say it again for the hundredth time this year, Twitter is worse under Elon Musk than it was under the previous ownership. I have no desire to see the ADL or anyone else banned, what I want is my freedom of speech back so I can tweet at the ADL and anyone else on the platform. As it stands now the platform is nothing but a pressure relief valve for the system and a way to cultivate controlled opposition, along with a method to channel right-wing narratives and movements into harmless outcomes.

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Emily Youcis

On Friday, a White 21-year-old star athlete of three different sports was shot and killed execution-style outside of a bar. After a short pursuit, Police arrested a mestizo criminal who confessed to the murder, adding he would have shot more if he hadn't "ran out of ammunition."

The Justice Report examines the tragic story of Wes Smith, a talented student, athlete, and sports coach, and how his death has impacted the lives of White communities in Texas and his native Tennessee.

Read Here: https://justicereport.news/articles/2023/09/05/police-arrest-mestizo-on-probation-after-execution-style-murder-of-star-white-athlete/

Listen Here: https://odysee.com/meztizo_arrest_texas_white_athlete:c5aa4c05f4b9a82a15a73832cb884b21047a98c6?src=embed

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Emily Youcis

International Day of Pro-White Action
Featuring the NRM & the NJP
I am joined by Laura Towler for a review of the activism for International Day of Pro-White Action and the results of the big vote – which regional PA activity will win this year?
- With SPECIAL GUESTS Warren Balogh & Andreas Johansson
- Activism round-up
- Future events
ODYSEE: MarkCollett:6/IDoPWA:3" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/IDoPWA:3
DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/LauraTowler
ENTROPY: https://entropystream.live/app/markcollett

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Emily Youcis

International Day of Pro-White Action
Featuring the NRM & the NJP
I am joined by Laura Towler for a review of the activism for International Day of Pro-White Action and the results of the big vote – which regional PA activity will win this year?
- With SPECIAL GUESTS Warren Balogh & Andreas Johansson
- Activism round-up
- Future events
ODYSEE: MarkCollett:6/IDoPWA:3" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/IDoPWA:3
DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/LauraTowler
ENTROPY: https://entropystream.live/app/markcollett

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Emily Youcis

I guess I should have expected this from a fellow Texan and an NJP Man, but DFW leader Ryan James gives a master class on why NJP does its demonstrations, what the strategy is and what the impact is as we grow.

Warren and Ryan turned in one of their best episodes yet.


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Emily Youcis

No show this week, but we've un-paywalled our special edition exposé of the mysterious new third party, 'No Labels'!

modernpolitics:0/ModPol-NoLabels:d" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-NoLabels:d

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Emily Youcis

Giorgia Meloni continues to undermine the nation she swore to defend.

The above image is a screenshot from the website of the Council of Ministers. Meloni's cabinet website.

The Meloni government is going to allow 452,000 new legal immigrants into Italy over the next three years.

And they would like 833,000, but legislation does not (yet) exist to authorize that.

The website is sure to mention that Meloni herself signed the decree and wishes to "promote legal immigration" to Italy.

The web page also mentions that a further 40,000 seasonal workers will be admitted each year.

These 'seasonal' workers never leave and quickly become members of Italy's 700,000 illegal immigrants, known as the Clandestini.

Combine these numbers with the 106,000 illegal arrivals by sea this year, and a liberal family reunification policy, and it is evident that Meloni is prepared to allow millions of non-White people to settle in Italy under her watch.

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Emily Youcis

I have been targeted by the absolute clowns at the Michigan Attorney General's office who complained about family members of the victims of the Whitmer hoax talking in my livechat. Now they have filed via Sinclair Broadcasting false copyright strikes on my channel, resulting in all 4 of my historic broadcasts being removed. I was exposing the fuckers in real time and they bitched on day 2 to the judge. By day 4 my channel is hit and I'm unable to stream.

We don't let clowns in costumes with fake "budges" and "authority" restrict our god given freedom of the press and speech.

We are streaming on Odysee tomorrow. Get rekt fedbois.

RadixVerum:4/fednap5:9" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@RadixVerum:4/fednap5:9

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Emily Youcis

It's fascinating how quickly the right-left spectrum dissolves in the face of even the most modest nationalist gains.

Ostensibly oppositional parties like the CDU and SPD in Germany are once again talking about 'grand coalitions' in order to keep AfD out of government.

AfD is the second best polling party in Germany. It polls better than the current governing SPD.

Yet, German politicans are coming together to say they are going to exclude a party 25% of the German electorate are poised to vote for.

This method has also been used in the France in recent years. Where 'sworn enemy' parties pulled their candidates so their voters would support the other party and keep Marine Le Pen's people out of office.

Liberal democracies are smoke and mirrors.

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Emily Youcis

"The Possibility of White Nationalism" speech delivered by Mike Peinovich to the 12th mass meeting of the National Justice Party on September 2nd 2023

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Emily Youcis

"Our Worldview" speech delivered by Warren Balogh to the 12th mass meeting of the National Justice Party on September 2nd 2023

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Emily Youcis

NationalJusticeParty:8/OurWorldview:7" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@NationalJusticeParty:8/OurWorldview:7

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Emily Youcis


Crisis of Masculinity
Warren and Emily look at the crisis of masculinity in the West and discuss the different solutions being presented.

modernpolitics:0/ModPol-Masculinity:c" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-Masculinity:c

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Emily Youcis

This past weekend members of the North Carolina Supporter Group made their ways to the twelfth Mass Meeting of the National Justice Party. The weekend was a resounding success with the highest attendance and largest venue to date.

Equally important was the camaraderie between Party Supporters both new and old, as well as the conversations had. Activists exchanged advice, strategies and stories to further develop their skill set going forward.

Over the past year we've seen a new crop of activists and leaders rising up from the ranks of Supporters, they are forming the nucleus of a dedicated cadre that will carry the Party to new heights. Now more than ever, you should reach out and join the growing mass movement that the NJP is building.

What starts with real people leads to real networks, real networks to real communities and real communities to real power; White Power.

Make a stand, make a difference and join today.


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Emily Youcis

This Labor Day weekend the Justice Report had the privilege of once again attending the 12th mass meeting of the National Justice Party in Columbus, Ohio.

We were able to conduct multiple interviews with attendees and the Central Committee.

The full interviews can be viewed now by our paid subscribers over on our Odysee channel. We will also release the video for free once the speeches are out.

8_Report:4/interviews_12_NJP_Meeting:0" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@8_Report:4/interviews_12_NJP_Meeting:0

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Emily Youcis

Modern Politics will return on Friday, September 8th. Stay tuned!

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Emily Youcis

Good morning everyone!

Sinclair Broadcasting (the parent company of numerous 'local affiliates' across the country) and the parent company of "upnorthlive" who have been the only "local" media given permission to livestream the proceedings, sent me a nasty "cease and desist" letter trying to shut down my coverage of the FBI's Gov. Whitmer "kidnapping plot," final trial, which they apparently believe they own the exclusive rights to.

They are attempting to assert copyright claims over an open government proceeding.

They also included a vague threat to sue me for "damages."

This is absurd and it's about censorship. The prosecutor/ assistant attorney general of Michigan complained about my livestream first thing in the morning on day 2 of trial because they can't handle their lies being refuted in real time.

That is what this is about.

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Emily Youcis

Starting late this month, Twitter will be adding small print to their user agreement where they have the right to collect information about where you work, as well as require you to provide a personal ID and facial recognition to verify your account.

The company Musk contracted to collect all of this data, Au10tix, is literally run by Mossad and Shin Bet agents.

I don't see how anything good could possibly come of this.


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Emily Youcis

ADL CEO Greenblatt reveals meeting with X CEO Yaccarino on expanding censorship...

Find news like this at the justicereport.news

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Emily Youcis


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Emily Youcis

Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE at 7pm UK time (2pm EST) with special guest Eric Striker.
- Notting Hill Carnival machete attack
- Can Trump cause America to break apart?
- ULEZ cameras destroyed
You can find tonight's episode of PWR LIVE on:
Odysee: MarkCollett:6/PWR225:8" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR225:8
DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/LauraTowler
Entropy: https://entropystream.live/app/markcollett

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Emily Youcis

"The Great American Crisis"

What happens to a nation when it demonizes the population which makes up 84% of firefighters, 85% of emergency medical staff, 76% of police officers and 77% of emergency dispatchers?

The United States is entering a profound public service crisis with no end in sight.

At every institutional level "diversity and inclusion" trainings and policies actively demonize White Americans. State health departments teach White workers that negative health outcomes for non-Whites are directly linked to White racism.

The military has been exposed by a sitting Senator has having a deep "anti-White male bias".

The Federal government forces employees to sit through White privilege training, and American cities are forcing 911-dispatchers to sit through systemic racism courses.

Now, every single one of these professions has a profound worker shortage.

911-dispatch centers are understaffed by as much as a 4th, some are even closing.

In Michigan 40% of nurses want to quit their job, and EMS workers in several states are quitting in massive numbers due to regular assault by non-White patients.

Find out how anti-White policies and the demographic replacement of Whites is bringing America to its knees, here on our substack.

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Emily Youcis

This weekend, the premiere White Nationalist organization in the United States, the National Justice Party, held a series of protests outside the personal homes of prominent mainstream politicians in Texas and Illinois.

The Justice Report covers both of the NJP's latest street actions, launched in the run-up to the organization's widely touted upcoming Labor Day event.

Read here: https://justicereport.news/articles/2023/08/28/national-justice-party-holds-demonstrations-across-the-country-in-run-up-to-major-labor-day-event/

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Emily Youcis


Germany Bans Democracy
Emily and Warren continue to examine the absolute state of democracy in Germany under the "liberal democratic basic order." (Part 2 of 2)

modernpolitics:0/ModPol-AFD2:1" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-AFD2:1

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