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Emily Youcis

Don't Forget: We'll be back again THURSDAY, Feb. 29th at 6pm for a special LEAP YEAR episode

WarStrike:a/episode9:b83" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@WarStrike:a/episode9:b83

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v4fxe82-warstrike-episode-9.html

ENTROPY SUPERCHATS: https://entropystream.live/app/WarrenBalogh
SUPPORT THE SHOW WITH BITCOIN: bc1qfu9rf668mex7q42xy9jtty2e2y4njsnfxlep22

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Emily Youcis

Further proof that Jews do not operate based on any principle other than Jewish supremacy and will sell a different story to anyone based on what they think will work. For right wingers they paint Bushnell as a blinkered libtard, and for libtards they paint him as a creepy White Christian cultist.

Jews are obviously trying to exploit false consciousness over the media managed left/right divide for their own racial power strategy. The only way to answer is this it to not let it work. I don't care what you say Jew, Bushnell was a hero. Even if for no other reason than Jews so obviously want me to think anything but this. End of story.


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Emily Youcis

🔴🔴🔴⚡️📺 WE ARE LIVE!!!📺 ⚡️🔴🔴🔴

Odysee: WarStrike:a/episode9:b83" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@WarStrike:a/episode9:b83

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v4fxe82-warstrike-episode-9.html

ENTROPY SUPERCHATS: https://entropystream.live/app/WarrenBalogh
SUPPORT THE SHOW WITH BITCOIN: bc1qfu9rf668mex7q42xy9jtty2e2y4njsnfxlep22

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Emily Youcis

🚀💥💥IT'S HAPPENING.... we're going LIVE again on Odysee and Rumble at 6pm Eastern on Tuesday, Feb. 27th

WarStrike:a/episode9:b83" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@WarStrike:a/episode9:b83

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v4fxe82-warstrike-episode-9.html

ENTROPY SUPERCHATS: https://entropystream.live/app/WarrenBalogh
SUPPORT THE SHOW WITH BITCOIN: bc1qfu9rf668mex7q42xy9jtty2e2y4njsnfxlep22

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Emily Youcis

🇺🇸 US Airman Aaron Bushnell did not kill himself to protest some other country's war

The US Department of Defense has compelled the participation of Air Force members like Bushnell in Israel's Gaza genocide

Their orders to deploy to Israel read "mandatory"

🔗 Max Blumenthal

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Emily Youcis

Been thinking about the young man who set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC after saying he will no longer be complicit in genocide.

My first thought was, out of all the causes he could've picked, he chose to kill himself for a people other than his own. Of course what’s happening in the Middle East has ramifications for the West, but that's not why he did it. He allegedly had links to some anarchist groups. He burned himself for an outside group.

It’s easy to call him mental or mock him for the fact that he’ll never be a hero to these people because he’s White. But I just can’t help thinking about how sad it is. What a horrific way to die. Ultimately, he’s somebody’s son, brother perhaps, and friend.

The System is responsible for his death, not necessarily because of their actions in and disregard for what’s happening in the Middle East but because they have created an environment where young, White men are broken to the point where their normal, healthy, in-group preferences are shattered. If he’d have found nationalism, he could still have the same convictions but without the guilt.

It’s just such a waste of a life. His name has just over a million posts on Twitter, which is tiny. We’ve done banner drops that have got phrases trending with hundreds of thousands of posts. I had close to that when I tweeted Yorkshire Tea. And ultimately his actions will be memory holed because he protested against the side who control what we see in the legacy press and on social media.

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Emily Youcis

Recent developments like Rousseau arrested for a peaceful protest 7 years ago, Rundo re-arrested, Sam Melia facing years for stickers and Canadians facing LIFE IMPRISONMENT for typing words online - prove that any increased freedom of speech on X essentially means nothing. Draconian political oppression is worse than ever and shows no sign of slowing down. The largely controlled shift of the Overton window on X only lulls people into thinking we're so back, encouraging them to type online rather than make any moves to reverse these policies. At this rate however, the window for making political change is rapidly closing.

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Emily Youcis

Canada is to moving to punish 'hate speech' with sentences of up to life imprisonment.
This is pure tyranny.

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Emily Youcis

Wow that didn't take much

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Emily Youcis

RW commentators: Suicide is on the rise for young white men, especially veterans. How dare people poke fun at this tragedy??

Also RW commentators: This 25 year old white airforce veteran committed suicide to protest israel, lolol what a dumb lame RETARD lololol Gaza has nothing to do with you dumb retarded commie rot in hell loser

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Emily Youcis

Your based Twitter Sir..

Actual rw people are artificially suppressed or banned online for making reasonable, factual, morally sound arguments under the premise of "anti-hate" or "sensitivity", while Zionist ghouls wearing nationalist/conservative skinsuits are artificially boosted.

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Emily Youcis

IDF striking ‘deep inside Lebanon’...

After Hezbollah downs $2 million drone...

Lebanese resistance continues to strike Israeli sites in support of Gaza...

Top Hezbollah official says all strategic Israeli sites 'within range' of our missiles...

Yemen’s pro-Palestine operations strike heavy blow to UK retailers...

Yemen targets US oil ship despite western aggression...

For more #global news, subscribe to @justicereport

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Emily Youcis

@PatriotFrontUpdates » Thomas Rousseau, leader of Patriot Front, was arrested by Texas law enforcement on February 23 on a felony warrant out of Charlottesville, Virginia. The arrest comes after a nearly 7-year witch hunt by politically motivated prosecutors, stemming from the events that transpired at the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Rousseau faces a fabricated felony charge for "Burning Objects with Intent to Intimidate.”

This is the burden that American patriots must bear. Patriot Front will continue to organize and work in the nation's cause unimpeded.

"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die." - George Washington

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Emily Youcis

My first ever Alfred Alfer cartoon has 80k views on YouTube wtf lol


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Emily Youcis

A reminder I'll be going on NIGHT NATION REVIEW tonight at 10pm eastern... hope everyone is having a great Friday 🍕🌮🥃🍷🥂🍻🍸🍹🍾

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Emily Youcis

WarStrike Episode 9 Audio 🎙🎙🎙

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Emily Youcis

Transgender Mass Shooter Audrey Hale Spared Extremism Classification By ADL...

Latest arrest in ‘Cville’ tiki torch lawfare campaign is Patriot Front’s Thomas Rousseau...

White grandfather shot dead over a parking space at Walmart...

‘Political prisoner’ Robert Rundo freed from custody then rearrested in latest criminal injustice...

For more #exclusives, subscribe to @justicereport.

For more news like this visit justicereport.news

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Emily Youcis

Jews and their lackeys are smugly mocking Aaron Bushnell's death the exact same way they did to Rachel Corrie.

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Emily Youcis

RW commentators: Suicide is on the rise for young white men, especially veterans. How dare people poke fun at this tragedy??

Also RW commentators: This 25 year old white airforce veteran committed suicide to protest israel, lolol what a dumb lame RETARD lololol Gaza has nothing to do with you dumb retarded commie rot in hell loser

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Emily Youcis

One of the topics Warren and I will discuss today is the excellent 1940 German film Jud Süss (Jew Suss) and the important lessons in it.

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Emily Youcis

Anyone who claims we shouldn't care about Bushnell's death, or that we should be happy that a "commie" killed himself, has lost the plot completely. This was a 25 year old white man who held extremely common beliefs because he was brainwashed by an anti-white system. He was also correct on Israel and did an act of self-sacrifice to draw attention to the issue. Obviously i don't condone young men committing suicide at all, and he could have sacrificed in more constructive ways, but that doesn't mean he should be mocked. The kid had just entered his mid-20s, of course he didn't have everything figured out politically! He was already correct on the Jews so he very well could have connected the rest of the dots given a few years. But according to a lot of people, it's good he took his life before he had the chance to mature and figure things out. You can't claim to want to defeat this anti-white system while condemning anyone who falls victim to its gaslighting, especially when they're still young - and especially when they sacrifice so much to damage our mutual enemy.

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Emily Youcis

Trudeau ignores child porn while giving lifetime sentences to White Canadians who express discontent at being replaced in their homeland. This is what Democracy looks like.


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Emily Youcis

Morning all. Bit of an update about Sam as he’s still under direction not to talk about his trial on social media.

He is being sentenced on Friday. There is a chance he will get a custodial sentence, but there is also the possibility he won’t. We are preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. It’s a weird feeling right now because we don’t know whether this will be our last week together for a while, but despite this Sam is in a good place. When you can hold your head up high and honestly say your intentions were good, and when you have the truth on your side, you can take whatever is thrown at you.

Sam has recorded a video that will be uploaded after Friday, sharing his thoughts and a message for you all. If he gets a custodial sentence, that will be how he speaks. If he walks away a free man, he will be able to post again.

Pictures are from last week when we went away for a few nights as a family and it was really lovely to spend that time together. 😊

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Emily Youcis

More Jews and Jewish lackeys gloating and laughing over an act of idealistic self-sacrifice by a young white man. This is what months of kosher "RW" overton window shifting has manifested on X.

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Emily Youcis

Spoiler: they're all jews or parroting Jews

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Emily Youcis

RW commentators: Suicide is on the rise for young white men, especially veterans. How dare people poke fun at this tragedy??

Also RW commentators: This 25 year old white airforce veteran committed suicide to protest israel, lolol what a dumb lame RETARD lololol Gaza has nothing to do with you dumb retarded commie rot in hell loser

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Emily Youcis

Lord Jacob Rothschild dies aged 87...

The scion of the Rothschild banking dynasty was a passionate supporter of Israel and Jewish causes...

For more #jewish, subscribe to @justicereport.

For more news like this, visit justicereport.news.

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Emily Youcis

Jewish Pravda Headline: Dangerous Neo-Nazi extremist arrested to keep America safe.

Real Story: Failing and Unpopular American Regime Arrests Yet Another Dissident On Laughably Fake Charges


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Emily Youcis


📺(R Chat) MAIN ODYSEE: NightNationReview:5/879" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@NightNationReview:5/879
📺 (PG13 Chat): RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v4fc4hu-nnr-episode-879-guest-warren-balogh-cohost-of-warstrike-and-modern-politics.html
📺 (PG13 Chat): DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/NightNationReview

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Emily Youcis

The replay of my appearance on White Rabbit Radio is now available on Odysee!

whiterabbitradio:9/2024EExLiveF23:0" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@whiterabbitradio:9/2024EExLiveF23:0

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