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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#book #ielts

📚 Step Up to IELTS Student's Book

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

🚩X EMPIRE da tanga yig'ish 17-oktabr kuni O'zbekiston vaqti bilan 23:00 da tugaydi.

Listing esa 24-oktabr kuni.

X EMPIRE dan yaxshi foyda kutyabman, siz ham o'ynashingizni tavsiya qilaman.


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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#book #ielts

📚 Step Up to IELTS Teacher's Book

LINK 👉 Step Up to IELTS Teacher's Book

📚 @english_books_new 📚

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

🔥Notcoindan qolib ketganlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

✅ Notcoin asoschilari Notcoinning ikkinchi fazasini va "Lost Dogs" deb nomlangan yana bir yangi o'yinni yaratdilar.

Ushbu o'yinlarni hoziroq o'ynashni boshlang va yaxshigina daromad qiling!😉

Notcoin 2-faza | Lost Dogs

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#book #ielts

📚 Action Plan for IELTS

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

Bu o'yinlarni o'ynashni boshlamagan bo'lsangiz hoziroq boshlang! Keyin afsuslanib qolmang! 🔥

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

Notcoin olish narxlarimiz oshdi. Yaxshi narxga sotmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bizga murojaat qiling:


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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#article #islam

What is Islam?

- Is Islam a new Religion?
- What is the distinctive Feature of Islam?
- How does Islam relate to Mankind?

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#article #islam

Religious dues, Zakat calculator

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar


Stress can biologically age you, but the effect isn't permanent

We become biologically older when our bodies are under stress, but younger again when we recover, according to a study that analysed people's DNA when they had emergency hip surgery, had severe covid-19 or were pregnant.

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar


🧑‍🏫 Teaching without teachers

The global shortage of science teachers should worry everyone concerned about diversity and equity in the field, says Alom Shaha.

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar


🌐 What is the Importance of Technology?

Technology has witnessed impressive evolution in the past few decades, which has in turn transformed our lives and helped us evolve with it. Right from roadways, railways, and aircraft for seamless travel to making communication effortless from any part of the world, technology has contributed more than anything to help mankind live a life of luxury and convenience. It is also because of technology that we know our world and outer space better. Every field owes its advancement to technology, and this clearly indicates the importance of technology in every aspect of our lives.

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

📀 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Edition

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

📀 Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

📀 Basic Tactics for Listening Third Edition

📚@english_books_new 📚

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar


Online Multilevel (CEFR) va General English kursiga qabul ochildi.

Kurs narxi:
🖇️300 000 so'm - (Haftada 3 martta)
🖇️500 000 so'm - (Haftada 5 martta tezlashtirilgan dastur)
Kursga yozilmoqchi bo'lgan birinchi 5ta o'quvchiga -50 000 skidka

Kurs davomiyligi darajangizga qarab.


Murojaat uchun: @MissHopps

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

👑 Telegramda haftalik 5 ta TOP airdrop o'yinlar

1. Major ⬆️

2. Cats&Dogs 🤝

3. CATS 😺

4. BLUM 🤑

5. X Empire 🚩

Based on tgstat.com open data

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

Yangi daromadli o'yin! 🔥

Tuxumni sindirganga TON to'lab bermoqda!

Eng qizig'i bu o'yinda 30 sekund ichida pulingizni chiqarib olishingiz mumkin! 👇👇👇


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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

Kim qancha vaqtdan beri Telegramga kiradi? Qani ichimizda eng qariyasi kim ekan? 😄

Bilish uchun bot 👇


Kimniki ko'proq bo'lsa sovg'a bor.

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

Airdroplarning IYUL oyida chiqish ehtimoli👇

Hamster ~99%✅
Taxminiy narx = 1 mln pribl chas = 300$

Tapswap ~99%✅
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Memefi ~80%✅
Taxminiy narx = 100 mln share coin 800$

Dotcoin ~99%✅
Taxminiy narx = 10 mln share coin = 300$

Yescoin ~60%✅
Taxminiy narx = 100 mln sharecoin = 800$

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

Telegramda daromad qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan eng ishonchli o'yinlar va ular haqida eng so'ngi muhim yangiliklar:

1. Hamster Kombat - Telegram tarixidagi eng ko'p obunachiga ya'ni deyarli 45 millionga yaqinlashdi va iyul oyida listing bo'lishi kutilmoqda.

2. TapSwap - Hamsterdan keyingi Telegramdagi ikkinchi eng yirik kanal, ushbu loyiha 1-iyul kuni listing bo'lishi kutilmoqda, ushbu loyiha ancha ommalashgani haqida Telegram asoschisi Pavel Durov o'z kanalida aytib o'tdi.

3. Blum - Sobiq Binance xodimi Notcoin asoschisi bilan hamkorlikdagi proekti, telegram kanali obunachilari 14 millionga yaqinlashdi.

4. Yescoin - Telegramda deyarli 8 million obunachiga ega, Toncoin bilan hamkorlikni yo'lga qo'ydi.

5. MemeFi - Telegramda 7 milliondan ortiq obunachiga ega, yaqinda hamyon ulash imkoniyati ochilishini e'lon qildi.

6. Catizen - Telegramda 4 milliondan ortiq obunachiga ega va Toncoin bilan hamkorlikni yo'lga qo'ygan.

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#article #islam

What are the Pillars of Faith?

- Why Muslims use the word 'Allah' instead of 'God'?
- How does someone become a Muslim?

- What is Prophethood in Islam?

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#article #islam

A simple guide

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#article #islam

99 Names of Allah

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

#book #ielts #reading #practise_test

📚 Road to IELTS Reading Practise Test 3

LINK 👉 Reading Practise Test 3 | Answers

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar


Young vs Old: Who Are Better Learners?

Most of us have heard the saying, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Is there any merit to this saying, or is it merely an old wives’ tale? Research suggests that it holds some merit. A child’s cognitive ability and knowledge could make them more successful learners than older individuals because they are more likely to think abstractly and be less biased by previous knowledge.

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar


📌 The Importance of a Daily Routine

Many people reject routines because they would rather be adventurous, go with the flow, and keep their schedules open-ended. But there’s something to be said about keeping a routine: It can improve overall health, well-being, and productivity.

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

📘 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Edition

✅ Student's Book
✅ Teacher's Book
✅ Work Book

📚@english_books_new 📚

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

📘 Developing Tactics for Listening Third Edition

✅ Student's Book
✅ Teacher's Book
✅ Work Book

📚@english_books_new 📚

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English Books – Inglizcha Kitoblar

📘 Basic Tactics for Listening Third Edition

✅ Student's Book
✅ Teacher's Book
✅ Work Book

📚@english_books_new 📚

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